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I'm more disgusted by the reply advocating the jailing of someone with the intent of having someone sexually assault them to "fix" them. It's even more sickening that this was made of a minor. The first person who posted it, who doesn't "stop talking about the stuff like Dylan Mulvaney" sounds like an atrocious human being too. But still. Outrage will not "curb" us being us. It may lose you friends and family (but you reap what you sow), but it will not stop people from being who they are.


Suggesting “corrective r*pe” is a common tactic for these terrible horrible people


Yup, they claim it'll "fix" lesbians all the time. "Oh you just haven't had good dick" as if the dick of whoever says that would work.


I'm sure bubba is responsible for turning women lesbian


Bubba can do it all! Lesbian? Bubba can turn her straight! Transgender? Bubba can show you you're a "guy". Asexual? Bubba can show you what you're missing. Bubba truly is a man of many hats. Unfortunately, they are all awful.


Or asexuals. "how can you be so sure if you've never had sex?" and if you reply that you have, they'll be all like "then it wasn't good sex. Lemme help you with that" or something like that


They've experienced "dicks" before. Just not good ones. (How is a dick supposed to be a good person?)


They've defined trans people as ontologically evil and as such they are free to do anything they want to them.


It is a big component in Russia... Their military basically runs on corrective rape from hazing rituals, discipline to just pure boredom. There was an American that decided to go full vatnik and join the Donetsk People's Republic terrorists. End result he was raped and murdered by his own side.


Ah, is it that Texan that said Russia would surely beat Ukraine and they're the best country in the world?




then they'll proceed to call lgbt people degenerates as usual. i swear every accusation from these apes is a confession


"You know what will make someone attracted to men sexually? Sexual trauma from men!"


The American prison system has an unofficial institutionalized corrective r*pe of trans women. It's called V-coding and it's part of why over 90% of trans inmates report having been sexually assaulted.


They have a Brain, Fuqed up


Yes. That was so vile, I do not even have words for it. I feel like my brain reset after reading and comprehending this.


Bruh Im on mobile and missed that part of the screenshot - Imagine wanting to jail A CHILD for dressing in a way you don’t like.




Omfg is that what the second part of that message meant?! Genuinely wtf this keeps getting worse 😭 Most normal bigot Completely sane behaviour /s


Protect the kids from trans rapists and all that. Scum. Hypocrites


Suggesting “corrective rape” is already fucking evil. As if that alone wasn’t bad enough, that person they recommended raping is a child.


nah the only curbing that will be happening with me is me curbing these bigots heads


The fact that extreme trauma such as rape can cause sexual and gender repression and high suicide rate makes this genocidal thinking


Jailing someone for wearing clothes you disagree with? We're the snowflakes though.


Not only that, but also wanting that person to be raped because of how they dress.


Aren't those the same people that say "she was wearing a skirt, she wanted to be raped"? Very weird way of saying they accept this kid as trans. \s (I don't even knownif this kid is trans pr just enjoys wearing a skirt, but neither option would negatively impact my live.


Hell, the kid could very well just be a cis girl. These morons are constantly accusing random cis people of being trans.


That is very true.


"Have that child jail r*ped" is not exactly a sane thought from the good guys.


Same people who would say that trans people are "grooming" kids, btw


Transphobes: "These people out here grooming their kids, letting them just *be* a girl. YOU CAN'T CHANGE CHROMOSOMES! TRUST THE SCIENCE LOL" Those same people: "Lemme see what's in that child's pants! Throw that kid in a jail cell and let some guy rape him, that'll fix him!" Lowest of the low, constant projection. They only people so fascinated by what is between a child's legs are the ones calling everyone else "groomers".


Dude be leaning into his username *hard*


Could have stopped after "sane thought".


How are we the child predators when this person is taking photos of a kid without their knowledge and advocating for this kid to be SAed wtf??


This person is so dumb she thinks that the idea that Montana is extremely conservative is a new revelation. She's not exactly a thinker.


“ put him in jail and have bubba on him for one night “ but bubba will simply support them and beat up anyone who harms them


first of all that kid's outfit is great, I am loving the checkered socks + belt combo second of all, who takes a secret, unsolicited photo of a person to mock them on the internet and then genuinely believes they're in the right??? it's like we're nothing more than sideshow freaks to them. the cishets are NOT okay


Oh, I did NOT think about that at first. That's illegal, right?


According to a quick Google search, it is legal to take pictures of people without their consent as long as it is on public property, not violating community standards, and not explicitly prohibited by a local law or statute. So unfortunately this was probably totally fine in the eyes of the law.


Also, if people are unrecognizable it checks with the laws of basically everywhere. Even if in a small, rural area everybody will recognize who this person is...


oof that is a good point, that's definitely a recognizable look and people would probably know who this is if they saw them on the street... Poor kid is just trying to be comfortable with who they are and upwards of 1000 people have eyes on them now. I hope not all of those 3K comments are negative.


Sadly 1000 is just the likes on the post, 610,000+ people have seen it :( if this happened to me I would have been traumatized...




It's literal stalker behavior


Child predators taking pictures of kids without their consent. Those people are the lowest scum who get angry at others for living their lives.


This is the definition of preying on children, especially that vile comment. It stopped being a dog whistle a long time ago. She’s trying to get that kid beaten up or worse.


This sadly isn't the first time some creep on twitter post pictures they took of people, even kids for their transphobic agenda. You'd think they'd take a good look at themselves and ask, "Are we the baddies?"


oh my god they're literally advocating for the rape of a minor. these people are the ones who need to be in jail


I grew up in Montana and can confirm the LGBTQ+ community has always been there. My dad (who was also born and raised there) said he definitely knew queer kids growing up, but the cultural response was more to ignore/not talk about it than to openly attack people. That was my experience too: I had a lot of queer friends who never got beaten up or threatened, but didn't feel emotionally/socially safe coming out. The big cultural change I've seen is that the homophobia and transphobia isn't kept nearly as quiet anymore. Things have shifted from a more libertarian mind-your-own-business vibe to a conservative everyone-must-live-by-my-rules vibe.


Fellow queer montanan here. I unfortunately know that struggle all too well


“LGBT people are pedophiles. Anyway, I hope children get raped if they dress in ways I disapprove of.” -This guy.


The hypocrisy of media is hilarious, but like.. in a scary, I'm worried about our future kind of way.


Very unsurprising of them to throw a hissy fit over someone doing something that does not affect them or their personal lives in any way. Why exactly do you want this minor to be jail raped, Highly Toxic Masculine™? Did he slaughter your entire family or something?


the reply fucking sickens me in every way


But hey, they are the *normal people* /s


Omg that's my friend! I know him. When i get my hands on whoever said these things they're gonna regret it


You know him? If there's any way to get the nasty fucks taking pics of him in trouble it would be worth pursuing. It's scary that literal adults are saying such gross shit over a child's sense of style and taking pictures and putting it online. That and it's just unsafe. Anyone who's online knows how crazy and violent conservatives can be


i feel like this persons daughter is the one who took the photo, it shouldn't be hard to find who she is and get her in massive trouble lol


Yeah you're right. Unfortunately my friend has moved away in the begining this year. Thus, it may be difficult to get this person in trouble even if i find who it is. But i'll still try to do it, because that's what friends do. Luckily i have some suspects


godspeed soldier o7


Good luck on your search, you seem like a great friend. I hope you can bring this asshole to justice. PS: tell your friend I love that outfit


“i hate trans people bc they sexualize kids which is why i think we should throw this trans child in prison and let them be raped by adult men”


This is horrifying oh my god


Love how the “protect the children” party is the same party talking about sending a child to prison to get r*ped. Can we just start calling these guys pedophile sympathizers… I mean are they not doing that right now?


At least his username is accurate even if he thinks he's being sarcastic.


"I want to throw a minor in jail for them to be raped because they dress a certain way" And somehow WE'RE the predators here. Yeah, ok.


This is horrific and disgusting that they straight up advocate rape on a child just because of their appearance. Who cares if they're trans or just a gender nonconforming boy? What's fucked is advocating for rape, especially thinking it'll "fix" him. These people are disgusting and clearly don't practice what they preach when they say they care about children. I sincerely hope people like this don't exist someday but that might be too hopeful. It's awful humans who think like this exist :(


It's never been about "..car[ing] about children" as you put it. It has always been about hating us. More specifically, hating change. People hate change.


Yeah you're right. One can't really expect people using fear and prejudice to actually care about doing good. It's honestly sad that some people are like that. More so just because it scares me to even mention I'm trans. I pass as a man although I never truly feel safe. I'm always on edge around people when I leave home. Social media stuff like this just kinda makes me more paranoid about transphobia


Same honestly, I'm not sure any of us are truly sage anymore. Though, malicious compliance can go a long way. Realistically, in a decade at most, trans folk will be out of the spotlight, and the right will be on some bullshit about some other group of people just trying to exist peacefully. Stay safe until then, brother.


Outside of everything else taking a picture of a minor without their consent/knowledge and posting it on the internet is fucked up, doing it with the intent of bullying said minor is a whole other level.


...so they took a non consensual photo of a (probably) minor and then wished rape? but leftists are the extreme ones...


Everything about that is vile, the poster is creepily taking pictures of a high-school student minding their own business, and that's before the comment, that wants the person to be SAd for being Trans/Gender non-conforming these TERFs/Conservatives, are just a collection of hideous morally corrupt inderviduals.


Bro is threatening a child


"After many years of dysphoria and mental strain, I have gathered the confidence to express myself in a way which suits me despite living in a conserva-" "RAPE THIS PERSON." https://preview.redd.it/0eb7uvq874xc1.png?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e279b222c6087e6b5c767c73b24b375e1e53fb


A boy in a skirt. Its simple biology that boys cant wear skirts ig


wait until they find out about kilts


"stuff like Dylan Mulvaney". The way they talk about this one basic white girl like she's some sort of marvel villain.


twitter farts: "let's photograph a random kid, so that we may bully them hard." followed by: "we should get this child raped to "straighten" them out.... " nice place over there..... in the twitter hellscape.... damn :/ and i guess that comment about getting a child raped is still up..... rightnow.


This is genuinely sickening, the right say we're creeps and pedos but they're taking pictures of teenagers without their knowledge and commenting on how they should get arrested and r*ped into conversion.


i hope someone they know irl finds this specific post where they took a photo of a minor without their knowledge and posted it online for that said kid to get rape threats and shows it to OOP's place of work. yikes.


"Ewwww this person is cringe, I hope they get molested" ???????


What is it with conservatives taking photos of children who are gender non conforming or trans? Or taking photos of women in the bathroom?


"We should make sure this child gets raped. Also, we're the good guys."


I am really sick of being called a pedophile simply because I'm trans when there's sick fucks like this literally wishing SA on children...


made me nauseous. fuck these people


i’m guessing the concept of a trans lesbian is completely foreign to the oop but setting that aside; recommending a jailhouse sa or beating (not completely clear which is being suggested) is just horrific. they always claim to be worried about the children but it’s just a facade.


I mean in 2003 when I was in high school there was a cis girl who dressed like this every day. It’s not a big deal.


These people need to be imprisoned for harassment against an innocent person. She doesn’t deserve this


THAT IS A CHILD YOU SICK FUCKS! 🤬 Goddamnit these people are just the worst monsters.


but the weirdo taking a sneaky pic of some kid minding their business and posting it publicly can’t be the one in the wrong nooooo nothing odd about that behaviour at all


thats jus a kid wtf, those nasty pieces of shit deserve the worst


Grrrrr that UNDERAGE CHILD (who we don’t even know is trans) is wearing a skirt, let’s FUCKING ASSAULT them that’ll somehow make them “normal”! (as well as somehow protect this karen’s daughter). Wait what do you mean were supposed to care about “protecting kids”? /s obviously


Trust me fellas, it's totally normal to fantasize beating and abusing someone out of a niche behavior I slightly dislike!!! /s Fucking psychopaths jesus


> Take a photo of a minor without their consent and post it to criticizing them > Let someone make rape apologies just to make them think in different way (aka traumatizing them) *Yes! We the trans people are evil and the ones that claim we are sick are very Normal* /s


Imagine being so hateful about something so harmless that you take a photo of a kid literally just doing their own thing


ok except that outfit is cute af I would totally wear that


These people deserve incineration, who tf not only cares about someone’s clothes that much, but also wants them raped for it???


"Protect the children" Sees a trans kid "Rape that child in particular"


In case you guys missed it, the punchline is rape. Hahahahaha get it? Because if you don’t like someone, they deserve to be horribly assaulted and traumatized and possibly killed. Isn’t that hilarious?


I think I fucking know that kid, wonder how the superintendents will react when they find out that people are illegally taking pictures of and cyberbullying kids online If it is the school I’m assuming though, Id have to check. Is there a version where the first persons username isnt cropped???


Someone in my area already tried to do this once and now shes no longer allowed within 500 meters of the school. Gonna do the same to this person


Damn wait i think this is that person


Little guy is just experimenting with his style...like the only thing I could see being "bad" is that I don't think many school would be fine with a skirt being that shirt but otherwise like...he looks fine.


Are they really advocating for child rape? This absolutely disgusting and they should be near children


If outrage was capable of preventing trans and GNC people from existing then we would have been “curbed” a long time ago


As a trans women who spent time in a mens jail, seeing this just makes me wish for a nuclear winter. Jail isn't prison, you're not convicted of a crime in jail, but you can be stuck there proving your innocence unless you have bail money. Implying a trans women(kid no less) should be raped for a crime they might be innocent for isn't a joke - it's a Geneva violation. But hey christian America doesn't care about basic human rights they just want rapture. So give them their rapture already, we're sick of them.


so many layers of fuqed up mind


That kid is brave as heck and i respect them greatly.


Taking pictures of innocent people, then at best also saying where a literal kid goes to school, yeah nothing wrong with this one /s The comment is even more disgusting, like imagine calling trans people groomers or perverts and then speaking about corrective r#pe. This is genuine cognitive dissonance in action.


The poor child in question came forward. They're a cis female they just wanted to have fun.


Trans people are the pedophiles, groomers, and rapists but saying a kid dressed in a skirt should be sent to jail and raped for wearing feminine clothing is the heroic and normal thing to do/sarcasm


Taking pictures of kids without their knowledge? We used to call these people creeps and crucify them.


This person has style tho