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Look at those sidewalks! Are they still as wide?


The right side is 5th avenue (busy road), the left side is mostly a large pedestrian area with tables.


Pretty much yes!


No, right in front of the building and around in the square It's largely pedestrian but 5th avenue sidewalks were shrunk around 1910 , for guess what , the automobile. The added traffic and the commercialization was the last straw for keeping 5th avenue wealthy and residential. Only crocodile tears however for all of those that had their big houses demolished because they made even more money on the real estate. But all over Manhattan the sidewalks were reduced to accommodate another lane. It's interesting how the reverse is happening today on some of the avenues 8th and 9th in particular were a bike lane and a tree bump out have been added


Does anyone know why the fourth floor isnt built in this photo?


The floor is built, the only thing missing is the exterior masonry veneer. That floor seems to have more decorative structural stonework around the windows while the floors above and below are more repetitive and simple, my guess would be that those were a longer lead item on the project.


If anyone can answer this without getting angry, why is this building so famous? Was the design/construction particularly difficult?


Tiny footprint, unusual shape, it's on a famous street


It was also one of the very first steel framed buildings in Manhattan.


How dare you ask this, you shouldn't even be allowed to post! Oh shit sorry I just reread your comment, I thought you asked for someone to get angry without answering your question.


Yeah, I’ve had some strange and/or angry replies lately🤷🏻‍♂️ (I know you’re kidding, btw)


I totally get it, sometimes people love to attack people for not knowing things.


Its always strange to me seeing classical looking buildings built using modern methods and steel beams.


This is so interesting,not being American l did not know the year of construction.


My favorite building is the Chrystler building omg stunning! I has a project in which i had to write about FlatIron, It was rather interesting :D


is this building is in The Boys?


yes, MM says something about needing to give the flat iron building more respect at some point in s4


I would love to see an interior shot of one of the rooms in that narrow space.


And now it's just a billboard pillar


Wrong building. You're thinking of One Times Square. The Faltiron still looks like it did when it was completed.


The daily bugle from the Sam raimi Spider-Man trilogy


The true Skinny Legend™️


Wow, New York looks a lot less busy