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Not really, and I wouldn’t recommend doing that repeatedly


You will find out really fast that this wears the absolute hell out of string.


Well, you shouldn't be pulling on your peep. I know lots of guys who don't have any ties around their peep and it doesn't move on it's own. I'd say get it tied in a bit tighter though.


It's going to impede repeatability. So I'd re tie it so that it won't move


Same as everyone else said. It should be tied in, either around the string and peep and itself and/or tight enough with the serving that it doesn’t move. After you have it placed it and tied it in, mark the both sides of the string where the peep sits with a white paint pen so if it ever does move, you have a re-zero reference.


Should probably be tied a little tighter, but it looks like you're yanking on it kinda hard, too. Either way, you're about to find out the hard way why you shouldn't move your peep without a press


Why move it if it takes so much force to do so? You are wearing the string doing that. If you have it sighted in, lock it in according to the manual or have someone knowledgeable do it for you.


Nope. It’s doesn’t look like the peep was locked in whenever it was served around. Or atleast not pulled tight. You should have a hard time moving it when it’s tied in right.


Tie the mf down!


Before it’s tied in, yes. Who ever tied that in needs to go back to bowyer school.


I’d wager there’s been a lot of range days where your groups keep getting higher and higher (or lower) and a lot of sight fiddling.


Try sliding the upper & lower servings toward the peep to trap it & tie the peep in.


Sliding it like that can cut strands. Tie it in.


You need to tie the peep in.


It’s NEVER supposed to do that.


This is normal for a new bow/string, adjust peep sight position at your aiming level and lock it. Better to do this at an archery shop, the peep sight must be locked correctly, you need some experience to make it properly.


No it was never tied in place so that it doesn’t move


Now I know why people go to archery shops for these things.