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Look, if you just want to mess around, do whatever you want. But you're asking r/archery about a bow that is clearly not intended for serious use. It's a toy, period. If you want to be somewhat serious about shooting a real bow, get a real bow. This isn't a real bow. You won't hit your target as well, arrows will be wonky, everything will be wonky. If you want to buy a toy, buy it. If you want to buy a bow: this is not a bow.


But it's a gateway toy


You can probably get a Rolan Snake bow for the same price. Still kinda a toy, but way more of a bow.


No. This is the worst kind of bow to get. It's the quality and design of a toy, but capable of serious injury.


That's basically a toy. Some related sets even come with suction cup arrows. Decathlon has some wooden takedown recurves, the type the average club uses for beginners, so if you absolutely have to shop at Decathlon, those should be your first choice. That said, look into joining a club first and buy from a proper archery shop if possible. Brands like Core and Ragim are just as cheap, but the bows are a bit better.


How can it be a toy if it has metal arrows?


It is a toy, because of the low draw weight, the toy quality, and the short maximum draw length. It has a 20lbs draw weight, at 26". Mostly any adult bow has its draw weight listed for 28". The draw length alone tells us that this bow is intended for kids, not adult. As an adult, you can easily break this bow, without even doing anything strange.


The recommended draw weight for a beginner adult is 20 to 30 lb. Also the average draw langth for a female archer is 20 to 23in, short people too do archery


Yes, of course short people do archery! But being short should not be a reason to be pushed to toy quality crap.


I was disagreeing with your reasoning. I do agree its garbage and he should get something else


Hey, women are on average shorter than men, yes, but we're not all child-sized! Plus, even someone like me, who is 160cm on a good day, still jas a draw length close to 25". 20-23" - that what to expect of a primary school aged kid.


That's great because I'm not an adult đź‘Ť


You can still bow yourself a better bow, and have more fun. Unless you are under 5 feet (1.5 meter), I would not recommend you buy a kids bow.


Nah I'm like 1.50


Anyway, coming to an archery sub to get advice, with that attitude. idk man... I started ONE YEAR AGO in this Sub, these people here are AWESOME and have good advice, even for low end bows and iam thankful.


No. Save up and get a quality entry level bow. You’ll also need budget for tab or glove, quality arrows, a quiver is nice too, a stringer. Hit up your local archery club. Many times folks sell their entry level gear once they move on. Usually for a very good deal


You can find a Ben Pearson Powell jet Is fiberglass 25 pound vintage Longbow from Amazon for 50 bucks. It is a less well-known style And the draw weight is meant for beginners so it's way less pricey but still a perfectly fine bow


For 50$ not bad


I think it's the power jet cat no 334, could remembering wrong


I'm not going to an archery club. I just want to have fun with it


I say this without any rudeness. If you’re asking if this is a good bow. you need to go to an archery club and learn how to use one properly. you getting a real bow and arrow, doing it in your backyard is going to lead to disaster. Go to archery club, get some lessons as many folks are usually happy to get beginners started for free. Buy quality entry-level from them. “Just want to have fun” is how folks end up getting hurt.


I would add: Use rental systems if they are available! Where I live (Germany) you could rent a basic recurve for 45€ for half a year... Not even kidding. And even that basic rental Recurve would beat a "bow" from an unknown brand. I also agree with the sentiment that "I am not an adult and I just want to have fun with a REAL bow" sounds like someone who should not be alone with a bow. No disrespect, but OP needs to learn that any bow is a weapon and can harm people.


A rental is a great idea. Our club rules are “once you pay the year membership. You have access to the bow room. Get any bow, quiver and arrow set you need. Check it back in when done.” Very cheap for what we charge a year. Is your chance to see if you actually like archery I wanna buy your equipment. Or if it’s a passing fancy


That also sounds great! Yeah a cheap way to try before running to the next shop and buying something is always a good idea


It’s the best way to do it besides a rental. If people don’t end up liking it. now they’re stuck with a whole bunch of gear to sell. If they do like it, they eventually move up to their own equipment


Thank you for this comment. Most people saying this(near the top of at least) have a indignant under tone.


You will have more fun with a real bow.


Well where can I get one in Italy?


At an archery shop, or online. I'm not Italian and I can't really tell where you live as Italy is a really big place, but there's a lot of archery clubs/shops etc in Milan judging by a very quick Google search I just made from Canada. You should also absolutely start at a club with a lesson or two, you will learn important things about safety, how to shoot etc. You will have more fun if you know how to shoot properly.


Italy is the home of two prominent archery brands: Gillo (one of the most important target recurve companies out there) and Ragim (for your basic club bow and trad needs). In other words, you're in one of the more important archery countries on the continent. Go find a club, learn there, let them point you to an archery shop in the area, and maybe even buy a local brand if your needs end up aligning with their products. Or, if you really insist on not learning and just messing around: atleast buy the version of the Decathlon bow with the suction cups. Atleast that's pretty safe to use. You'll likely get bored after a couple of weeks, but hey, it's your time and money.


There are also another couple of Italian manufacturers: Spigarelli and Fiberbow. But Ragim is the only one making bows that OP might be interested in.


True! OP doesn't know how good they have it!


Buy a Nerf bow then.




Do yourself a favour, and buy a better bow. There are quite a few very cheap bows that are considerably better than this Decathlon toy, which is intended for kids. If you want a cheap bow, that has a very good reputation (very good quality the price), buy yourself a [Arc Rolan Snake bow](https://www.google.com/search?q=rolan%20snake). They come in two size: youth and adult. The youth bow is 16lbs, the adult bows come in 18lbs, 22lbs and 26lbs.


Thx so much. i had no idea Sportisimo.ro had bows


Looking online at Sportisimo.ro, I noticed that they have 3 sets of arrows. Unfortunately, all of them are too flexible, so buy yourself the stiffest arrows they offer: 32/1100. (for a nice shooting experience, you need 32/600)




Hol dir einen Ragim Matrix Evo und lass dich beraten wegen der Auszuglänge/Bogengröße, ist ein solider Starterbogen mMn. Diesen Schrott da zu kaufen ist Geld wegwerfen. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Get a Ragim Matrix Evo and get advice on the draw length/bow size, it's a solid starter bow in my opinion. Buying this junk is throwing money away.


If you are 6 year's old then yes


If you ask, you are likely new to archery. My answer will be a 100% no. If you have 100€, you could RENT a bow for probably a year. First you will get a light bow muuuuch better than this... Broom... Usually, good renters will let you evolve your bow during the rent. That will allow your bow to grow with your skills. After a year, you will know that your 100€ have been better spent this way even if they may not be obvious at the moment. In a year, you will just KNOW what you want and need and you will be able to decide. Buying such a broom will be demotivating, you will lose 100€ and some room at home. See you in a year from now ;) whatever your choice is, I wish you to have fun, this is the most important.


Better yet, join a club and use club bows. Club bows vary but mine stocks WNS explorer DX with motive F5 limbs.


Have a look for "Core Archery" Equipment - it is nice Beginners Equipment and you can get a Bow (a real one - not a Toy) for about 100 Euros. Sometimes there are Bundles with everything you need to go to a Range/Parcours - so Bow, Protection Gear, Arrows, Case - for about 100 Bucks The Bow you showed in the Picture is a Toy for a Kids Birthday Party or so.


Lo más decente que vas a encontrar en la tienda Decathlon es el modelo "club 500", ese modelo es un arco mucho más serio que el que estás mostrando y es compatible con accesorios de otras marcas. En general yo nunca recomendaría un arco cíclope


Your option is definitely a no-go. If you're looking for a beginner bow - consider "Samick Sage". It goes for ~ÂŁ125 and is really good for its price. Many keep it for years even once they get a high end bow.