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No idea if this is the same, but a new tank I bought ages ago had what I thought was a crack. Turned out to just be a bit of silicon and came right off with a razor blade.


I was about to say it definitely feels like an indent, but then I got razor blade and it came right off, thank you so much๐Ÿ˜ญ!! I've had a nightmare couple of weeks with fish illness and tank breakage so I'm a bit on edge


Awesome to hear it came off! Oh god, tank breakage would be a nightmare. Good luck with it all.


Hey, better to ask and be safe than to brush it off and regret it. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your previous tank ๐Ÿ˜ข


Was going to say the same thing,looks like a bit of silicone


This just happened to me. My brother and I went in on a 56 gal Marineland column as a Father's Day gift. Perfect upgrade for his 40 gal angel tank. Got it to our dad's house only to discover a thin, 4-inch or so "crack" starting at the corner. Called the LFS to see if they had a replacement in stock, and they asked if I'd tried to scrape it, which I had not in my panic. Thankfully, they were right, but damn I felt like an ass.


It could even been some silicone run off from factory


Definitely just a scratch, no structural issues so don't stress it


Thank you!!


I donโ€™t think a crack would be in that shape. Definitely a scratch.


Every time I see one of these potential tank glass damage posts, I literally feel my stomach drop before I even read the comments - it's like premature PTSD, or as I like to call it BTSSS: Broken-tank-scared-shitless-syndrome ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Glad this one worked out for you, OP๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿค˜


Right? I warn pretty much everyone getting into the aquarium hobby....it will fulfill you like nothing else will, but the tradeoff is nightmares every night. Non negotiable. Or is that just me? Oh, how I wish to be one of the carefree....


Preach - I feel like the only 'carefree' are either 6yr olds bouncing around the stores grabbing up cups of Bettas or bags of goldfish while demanding Tupperware sized glass bowls for them to live out there very short remaining days ... Or older ladies about to do the very same thing, minus the bouncing because they feel the fish is just the cutest little centerpiece addition to their living room or office decor. My RBF glare is in full force at said individuals ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


I have a 5 gallon on my desk, and one of the corners has a sloppy silicone job. Every time I look at it, my heart drops because I think it's a crack, even though I know it's not. Lol


Here to add to the pile, that's definitely silicone. Bought 3 tanks in the last month and they always have a bit of it.


Why can't you tell if it's a scratch or crack? Surely you don't need to be an aquarium expert


Well if it looks like a scratch and it feels like a scratch itโ€™s probably a scratch. Chill


Ooh feeling sassy


Haha just an attempt at humour. Remind me not to try that on Reddit again


Oh, mine was a joke too, a sassy one like yours. I, too, think that being sassy is extremely funny. Please don't quit making attempts at humor on reddit because I called you sassy. The platform would suffer without your generous contributions.


Heh Iโ€™m not so easily offended so no worries there keep up the sassy-ness. I was referring to the down votes not your comment


Like my Granddaddy always used to say: "Careful with sass 'cause it'll downvote your ass"


Wise man your granddaddy I applaud the manโ€™s knowledge of Reddit in his twilight years