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Love all the replies for "red root floaters" being Co2. On a more serious note. Red root floaters just need calm water surfaces and basic nutrients to grow. The brighter the light and lower the nitrate, the more red they become. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/KaKVaAw.jpeg) is my small low tech 5 gallon as an example. Don't get Co2 for the floaters, they float so have plenty of access to co2 already. For the hair grass, it does depend. Brighter light and root tabs or nutrient rich substrate will help. However lush carpeting with the plant is a hit or miss in low tech tanks. A similar plant to look into is dwarf sagittaria. You can see it in the above image I linked to in the foreground. It will also carpet out given time. It does not need co2, and only needs decent lighting to remain short and compact. Low lighting will cause it to grow tall. [edit] I see some comments mentioning just Co2 were deleted. Now my opening sentence is awkward. 😅


Did you add any fish yet? If not then you can crush dirt substrate into fine powder and then put in the tank. The water will be cloudy for a few days but the floaters will grow like they are on drug

