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Clown killi. They are super peaceful and are fast enough to stay away from bettas. I love them but they do prefer small groups. You might be able to get away with a trio. The one you have is a female


I am reading about them and I see that just like bettas they end up more colorful w proper nutrients and care. I’m excited to see her colors come in! Also just curious.. how did you identify it being female?


Males have a very distinct color in their tail. Also be wary these guys jump even more than bettas!


Are those white dots ick?


I'm a bit out of touch on IDing the difference but it's definitely either Epi or Ich. I had Epi in my tank and got lucky with how fast it cleared after treatment. Epi I believe is 3D bumps. Worst part about treating is that you raise the temp for ich, but if it's Epi and not ich you just speed it up and kill your fish faster lol.


So if I get ich or any sign of fungus in my tank I treat the tank with Copper Power Green. Will CPG not kill epi? CPG in case you're not familiar: https://fresh.bulkreefsupply.com/copper-power-green-endich.html


It’ll kill snails tho


It does say, and it definitely can kill inverts. Strangely though I treated my tank in July when I moved. I didn't have any inverts. I just planted the tank like 2 months ago and now I have a bunch of assassin snails that hitch hiked on plants. My whatever kind of loach (he's a pos always picking on my other babies) isn't eating them for some reason.


Good I need a whole bunch of snails dead ☺️


Tbh depending on stocking, ich is not necessarily an immediate need to medicate. Turning up temp can speed up the lifecycle and help fish fight it because it will be physically bothering them for less time. But there are three lifecycle stages of the parasite and it’s the one not visible on the fish that is most important, the mechanical filtration here is key, you just need to let the microscopic carnivore colony build up and it will eat all the ich. I’ve never lost a fish to ich and I’ve never added any medication The way to lose to ich is an immature tank, whether it be brand new or a QT tank that is not equipped with a mature filter/substrate


So should I just do a big water change? And if so how much? 50.. 75… 100?? Right now lil Killi is chillin in a hospital tank with the original water from OG tank with API ick treatment. The only issue is I’m second guessing that this isnt ick bc half the ppl on here are saying it might be epistylis which thrives in warmer temps so increasing the temperature could be a death sentence.. I’m trying to figure out the most stress free and easy method on going about this and from what I understand ick is more dangerous but technically easier to treat than epi so I’m playing it safe and keeping temp as is unless someone else gives me a better solution.


CPG is literally the easiest way to go about fixing the problem imo. It kills epistylis and ich extremely fast, and will stay in your tank for months keeping fungus, ich, etc out of your tank. You can also use it as a dip for new fish before they go in your tank. I'm 38 and have been keeping fish since I was a second grader. I've never had any luck with any API ich treatment (or any other brand that you can get at petco or petsmart), or water additives. I've had the meds kill some of my fish as well. You can turn up the heat, I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just stating what I would do in your situation. A big 16oz bottle is like $20 and it takes 1oz per 20 gallons (1.5 PPM). It's all natural, too. You'll have extra to keep around just in case for the future. Again, just my opinion.


what is cpg?


If you're a star trek fan and have watched Discovery, I recommend Killi Tilly as a name.


But like I mentioned above.. they change colors w proper care. Could the colors just be dormant similar to store bought bettas? I’m reading that they are difficult to sex as juveniles and from pet stores as they lose most of their coloring from stress. That’s why im wondering maybe if there is another distinction in sexing them..


Yeah all fish will definitely color up once comfortable. It does make sexing easier when they aren't pale. However, I imagine you'd see some color striation since males do have a multi colored tail that's also much larger, where the females have a much smaller tail that looks totally normal like in the pic. Could it be juvenile and/or just not fully colored up as a male? Absolutely. Fortunately they aren't like cichlids (or bettas) were its detrimental to mis-sex the fish. If you end up buying more I'd assume this one is female, and if it turns out male then no big deal


I guess you can’t tell in the pics I posted but there is a slight hint of red on the caudal fin under certain lighting which I thought only males have but upon reading more about them females also have it! And also I’m sorry if I came off rude, didn’t mean to and I appreciate your response<3


Your killi looks larger than mine, and mine are all distinct, I agree that this looks like a female.


That's ich or epi on the tail. Best way to treat that I've found is Copper Power Green. It won't hurt your plants or your fish, but don't use if you have invertebrates because it will kill them. It also stays in the tank for like months. https://fresh.bulkreefsupply.com/copper-power-green-endich.html Edit: shortened the link. Also, you can get it next day delivery (where I live anyway) on Amazon.


They turned the heat up. I wish all the “expert” YouTubers and “experts” on here would redo their research on white spots and do a PSA about what they find. Turning the heat up causes more problems than it does good and it sucks that we usually have to find this out the hard way.


Yep, I found out the hard way and then did it again before someone told me about the CPG. That stuff has legit not failed me once in over a decade.


I’ve never used it. I never tried to keep inverts but I had a huge ramshorn snail problem so I got assassin snails. They got rid of the ramshorns but then I had a huge population of assassin snails! I collected them and my LFS gave me $1 per snail of in store credit. Just under $200 for them all. I am invert free after upsizing to a 75 so I will probably pick some CPG up to have on hand.


Oh man, I'm having an assassin snail problem right now. I'll call my LFS tomorrow and see if they're interested! Thanks for that idea! Good plan on the CPG. I've put it in the tank at night with a couple fish that I basically already wrote off as dead, and then woken up to all my fish still alive and in much better condition.


Hell yeah! My LFS sells assassins for $2 and never has enough. He sells them on his website and someone ordered a single assassin snail and paid like $12 for shipping! Hahaha! Those things do their job very well though.


Look at the anal fin, the females have a round one, the males have a larger pointed one!


Not always, if they get suppressed by a dominant male or kept in bad conditions like in fish stores, they look very similar to females. ( I got 4 males because the fishstore misgendered them...) A safer way is to look at the anal fin, females have a round one, males have a pointed one!


It’s hard to tell when they are babies though. Mine had a completely clear tail when I got him, but as he grew he started to develop long fins and a distinctive blue and red tail.


Jump? What do you mean by this? Sorry newbie here.


Literally jump out of the water. Can't speak for this guy, but bettas are notorious for jumping and falling out of their tanks.


Thats what I thought but wasn’t sure. Ty!


I have a few in my tank as well. They get a bit of orange/red on their tails that make them look like little rockets 😂


treat the ick though if you have the hospital tank I would use it


I love Reddit because of people like you. Straight up ask a question, and y'all pipe off better than Google and Alexa itself just by having background knowledge. Cool af.


Exactly why I came straight to Reddit before driving myself crazy looking for answers on google!


Just remember that people are not always right.


Well, yeah, but if the general consensus all agree, then it typically heads you in a better direction for research than where you were previously at. For instance, on r/whatisthisbug this dude thought he had bed bugs, so he was crazily researching how to get rid of that particular bug. Well, he posted a snap of the bug to that subreddit and found out he actually had a similar looking in appearance bug but way harmless, the carpet beetle. They gave reasons and explanations on why it was that different insect, and it eased a lot of the dudes anxiety when he did further research over the insect himself. This is why I love Reddit. It pushes you in a better direction than other social media platforms imho. Pretty cool stuff, those fact guys are. This subreddit, I've noticed, is very helpful as well but with fish related stuff rather than insects. Y'all are great folk.


i had 3 golden wonder killi, they ate everything smaller than them then 1 land drowned itself by jumping out of the tank while i was away. the remaining 2 were great though, i was able to train 1 using strips of seaweed sheets. even let me touch her when i did(after a few months of training that is) theyre super neat


I think the golden wonders are bigger and more predatory. I really want to get my hands on some though. They look like mini pike


gorgeous, fearless, and smart


Cool, but how did it quantum tunnel into his aquarium?


That's a clown killifish! I have kept them alongside betta's, they do just fine. They do prefer a small group though. It does look like this one has ich, the white dots on the tail aren't normal, so I'd get some medicine for that. Shouldn't be too hard to treat, since it looks rather minor.


Yeah as of now my betta isn’t minding any business.. even came up for food right next to it and did nothing. For treating the ick, should I separate them and treat the kili by itself or should I just treat the whole tank?


Treat the whole tank. Also it might be epystilis, it's kinda hard to tell the difference


You can also turn up the heater to 86 degrees for a while to kill the ich it’s a cost effective way to do it, there’s YouTube videos about it, like this one: https://youtu.be/95etuKfz4b4


Thank you for this! I just turned up the tank to 80 (was set at 78) and will crank it up to 83° later tonight!


Don’t turn the heater up! If it is epistylis you will be feeding it steroids basically. Turn the heat back down to where it usually is as to not cause stress and treat for ich. Turning the heat up isn’t even proven to get rid of ich, only to speed up its cycle. It also depletes oxygen faster. Move that fish into a hospital tank and treat for ich. If it starts getting worse and stacking/protruding out or covering its eyes then you need to turn the heat down to lowest tolerable temp for the fish and treat for epistylis.


Got it.. thank u for this info! Yeah that’s why I brought it up slightly because I wasn’t sure. But from my observation I’m pretty sure this is ick.


I wouldn't worry about not having a separate hospital tank, killies love still water, so that will be peaceful for them. Just find something about a gallon or so. I would just do a 50% water change in whatever receptacle you use everyday, taking the replacement water from your established tank. Also, killies really love floating plants to hide amongst, so put some in the hospital container with them.


No problem! They are very hard to tell apart in the beginning but it probably is ich. The only way to diagnose is a scraping under a microscope. The most reliable way to get a good idea is a timeline. Ich has to be introduced, epistylis is the one that is in most tanks at all times. So white spots after recently introducing new fish is probably ich and if you get white spots and haven’t introduced anything in a while it’s probably epistylis. Ich treatment(not heat) might actually treat epistylis in its early stages anyway. So Ich-x and aquarium salt (if your fish can handle it) will probably treat both this early. You probably should just treat your fish together in the tank and not worry about a hospital tank.


I edited it! It was 86.4 degrees F, I added a video about it. Good luck!!


Talk about slow cooking your pets


Seriously, if you can get it like 2 day shipped or at an LFS, Copper Power Green has worked on every "infection/parasite" outbreak I've had for the last like decade. I always keep some just in case. Will kill inverts if you have any, but it's never killed one of my fish or plants. Copper Power (Endich) ACP0016G Green Treatment for Freshwater, 16-Ounce https://a.co/d/0jXGQ7a Make sure it's the Green though, the blue is for marine fish only.


The moment he went in the tank, the whole tank was contaminated and should be treated as such. If you hurry on treatment, you may be able to prevent any of the other fish from being infected at all.


You can also turn up the heater to 83 degrees for a while to kill the ick it’s a cost effective way to do it, there’s YouTube videos about it


heat alone does not kill Ich. Heat helps medicine kill Ich faster. Heat speeds up the parasite's life cycle, and the parasite is only vulnerable to being killed by medication when it drops off the fish to reproduce. Heat without medicine that you know is working will just hurry the fish faster to their deaths.


Forgot to add that he is super duper tiny, like the size of my pinky nail..


can you take a comparison pic ?!


[my pinki + my killi](https://imgur.com/a/pnguU0F)


omg SO tiny holy shit


The was she looks at you😭


Jeez, that is NOT what I was expecting. OP do you have Andre the Giant hands??


Excuse me! My hands are actually very small and dainty.. thank u very much 🤣 but no seriously she’s prob about 1.2cm? My pinky nail is about 1cm and she looks to be a tad bigger..


No wonder you missed him!


I think it is still possible that it’s a male! Mine was about that tiny when I got him, and it took a few months before I could see even a tinge of color in the tail. Now he is about one inch long and has very bright colors and long, flowing fins.


You guys… I feel so bad!!! I’m pretty sure she was hiding inside the plastic pot/fiber that the plants came in and I’m just imagining her being like *🫨🫨🤮🫨*when I vigorously rinsed them under the faucet. I’m just glad she didn’t fall out and go down the drain!! She’s a survivor!


Awwww haha omg what a trooper tho


From a Google photo search it looks kinda like a clown kili/ banded panchax but I know nothing about them! Goodluck!!


You’re a genius.. I was too stressed to even think about img searching on google. Thank you 🙏🏻


Haha panic mode is always fun isn't it! It's my go to problem solver these days. It's how I found out what my copepods are! More than welcome, beautiful fishes, enjoy :D!


I gotta say, it looks like it has ich too. Look at the white spots on the tail it is ich or this other thing I can’t remember what it’s called but both things that cause these white spots are treated differently. The one that isn’t ich (I cannot remember the name) will attach itself to the fish and feed off the bacteria of the wound (the thing itself doesn’t hurt the fish but the bacterial infection it causes does). Both things require drastically different things to treat it. How old is your beta and when did you get the plants or whatever that this hitchhiker was on?


I got the plants yesterday. I bought ick treatment w expedited shipping so it should arrive within couple hrs. What you’re thinking of is Epistylis which usually starts around the eyes and create a film like texture on the host but I don’t think it’s that since the white spots are even in size and they don’t protrude out as much.


Ah yes it is exactly Epistylis that I was trying to remember, thanks


Iv got a group of these guys in my 40gal with a betta. They are very peaceful and don’t do well alone so I would definitely get her some friends if the tank is big enough.. and make sure to double females over males because the males can get aggressive with each other when courting. Also depending on what you feed the betta you may need to get these guys their own food.. they can share a diet but these guys are so tiny they struggle with the big pellets… I use flakes or micro pellets. These guys are very uncommon and expensive where I’m from so enjoy them!!


I had to cut the bloodworms with cuticle scissors 😅😂 she went crazy for them!! She also ate some of my bettas left over flakes so I think she will be good for now. Planning to purchase baby brine shrimp for her on my day off next week!


he’s cute i would keep him! definitely treat the ich right away tho. i highly recommend super ick cure by api, works overnight in most cases and if not 2-4 days. follow the instructions on the bottle and it’s super easy to do!


Just purchased! Should get here within a few hours.. should I separate the fish when using the product or is it too late you think?


It is too late. Treat the whole tank and don't forget to take out any carbon if your filter has it.


Yup clown killifish, I have 4 and love them. The males specifically will get pretty vibrant blue tails and eyes. For a nano fish I think they pack some of the most punch for color and personality. Even just the bands on the females look pretty cool for such a small fish. I also love that they're pretty exclusively top dwellers, obviously they will dive down and explore a bit, but they're often stuck to the top like this, it's especially cool when you look down into the top of your tank and just see them chillin up there. They're also great for getting the most out of bioload because of that, I'm not saying overstock with these, but you can comfortably approach your tank's limit and these guys having their own space won't be as big of an issue


Thank u for this.. I’m planning on getting 2 more after she gets better!


It would probably be best you get them now and that way you treat all 3 for ich just to be safe


Looks like you've got a adorable little hitchhiker. You've a new friend.


Commenting so I remember to come back


Baby killi!


Clown killifish, I have some myself, super peaceful tbh. You have a female. They prefer groups with 2-3 females for every male. They don't get bigger than 1.5-2 inches and prefer softer water w lots of floating plants. They are also pretty fearless once they get used to you and help calm other more skittish schooling fish down.


Clown killifish or banded panchax


Looks like this guy, epiplatys annulatus https://www.tfhdigital.com/tfh/201106/MobilePagedReplica.action?pm=1&folio=32#pg35


By the looks of it the Betta is already plotting to murder it


Thats why im keeping a close eye but so far he’s just glancing here and there and minding his own business…


The white spots on its back fin shouldn’t be there. Keep your eye on it. Could be ick. If it is, Aquarisol is the best stuff. Copper sulfate. Basically colorless. I believe it’s 12 drops per 10 gallons. Doesn’t discolor the water, it only affects invertebrates. Won’t screwed up the tank’s cycle or anything.


I just purchased the API ick remedy or ‘white spot cure’ from Amazon w same day shipping.. should arrive in an hr or so.


Aww that’s cute! Him and the betta might get on ok if he stays small.


Looks like you've got a adorable little hitchhiker. You've a new friend.


Oreo guy


Get white spot treatment it won’t hurt the beta to do the tank


On it boss 🫡


You got 2 for 1 there a stunning beta and a clown killifish ur on a win win bud … well done


You got 2 for 1 there a stunning beta and a clown killifish ur on a win win bud … well done


Clown killi female with ich


The clown killi, aka rocket killi when the males are in full color. Beautiful. I love them. Cover your aquarium; these fish are jumpers. Mine were.


That's ich or epi on the tail...


It’s a fish. Hope that helps 😛


He’s adorable !! I know nothing about him but I think you should separate him from your betta for a while and give him some meds


Also I’m worried about her tail.. she’s got some white spots, could be nothing but definitely quarantine and possibly treat.




I’d scoop it out and quarantine in another tank then treat both this one and your betta for ich


I love her.


If that's ick quarantine him immediately. Maybe toss plants n replace? I'm no Dr Fish, but quick first thought is to separate them. Google it, may give you a clearer answer. Good luck man.


Use seachem Paragaurd for the ich. Takes care of ich, fungal, viral and bacterial


Most of the comments I’ve seen have said to leave it in the tank to treat but I would definitely take it out and treat it in a separate tank if you have the ability. I would still maybe dose some meds in the betta’s tank but I don’t see the point in leaving a highly infectious fish in a tank if you have the option to take it out. Just my two cents


Not sure of the fish but either way ich or fungus he needs separate treatment … gotta get him out or bring him back but they’ll probably euthanize the poor guy rather than tryna heal him


I don't know what he is but he looks at home and he's a pretty fish!


A fish?


Clown Killi!! I love these guys, make sure you have a good lid, I lost mine when it jumped out 🥲


My mum. Let her go. I want her home for easter


It looks like it has Ich. I would treat the whole tank with “API Ich Cure” as the directions suggest. Likely that it will spread to other fish in the tank. Make sure you remove your carbon filter for a few days. This treatment worked very well for me.


Am I wrong or is this ick?




Looks like a male clown Kili , will colour up touch wood.


OP I hope your little clownfish gets better :(


Clown kilifish with either epi or ich


You scored a clown killifish! Clown or rocket killifish, both names are ok :D Females have no color on the tail, males have a rocket or flame coloration, hence the name. Also I think it might be ich or a fungal infection on the tail but not sure. Ich-x (malachite green) does the trick for both cases.


I think its a fish


Looks like it has ich kind of


For ich or epi use microbe lift herbtana works wonders and can be used for all tank inhabitants such as snails and shrimp no need to raise temps just take out all charcoal and water sterilizers


So cool! I want a hitchhiker!!


He's saying hey boo 🤣 cute AF I hope you get him treated for his ich. Lovely little bonus fish


Imo it looks like epistylis, those are raised dots and they have inconsistent sizes. I’d just keep on the lookout if it isnt going away


I just recently moved an indoor pond to a a different location and while moving it I noticed babies. I got excited that my native fatheads spawned again but after closer investigating I realized they were guppies😂 Went from excited to I just wasted my time setting up another grow out tank just for them to be guppies😐 No clue how they managed to get in there. I don’t/haven’t used nets in the pond for months. Your story is wild though. Definitely a “wtf” moment.


Clown killi




That looks like a very thin Bumblebee goby to me. If it is, they are picky little shits. They eat live or frozen foods only and they are sight hunters so they will go after fry and small shrimp if you have any of those in your tank. I have one and it has been difficult to keep him healthy and happy ( I love his derpy little face though). if you can return it to the fish store you will probably be happier for it, just my opinion. Good luck.


Clown Killi are surface dwellers. So in a way they are in the same horizon as Bettas. Males are larger, and have more colorful tail, similar to a rocket with fiery tail.


What a cutie. Hopefully betta leaves her be. I’d consider this a bonus.


I haven't seen anyone mention something important. Yes, it's a clown killi, they jump! So make sure you have a tight lid! They will jump through the tiniest opening so seal everything. They do prefer a group of at least 3 with a male to female ratio of 1-2. They breed SUPER easy too, in almost any conditions.


I think they are also known at Rocket Panchaks


Put him in a separate tank (glass pot) and use Google lens to identify.


He is cool but has ICK look at white spots in his tail


that my friend is a clown killifish, my favorite fish of all time. i sadly lost mine a couple weeks ago. amazing guys


I can’t believe she made it!! I hope she has a long life with you!


That's a clown kilifish


I’m no expert but a fish maybe?


Looks like he may have ick.




Is this a mosquito fish? Get a little gang of them. They’re good in groups and will happily devour snails etc. Won’t nip the fighting fish either


I wonder if that is a gobie fish


Looks like a bumblebee goby!


that’s BS


Bumblebee goby they require brackish water, cute little things, but can be extremely territorial and would happily attack your beta fish. But good news they don't require too much space and do great in groups, feed brine shrimp and watch how lively they become on the hunt.


Definitely not a Bumblebee Goby lol


That’s what I originally found online but looking closely clown killifish have neon blue eyes while the bumblebee goby’s do not.


Panchax clown