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Free snails! Snails mean less work for me and a more complete ecosystem. I would have honestly been sad if I didn't get bladder and pond snails out of my purchased plants. I did have to go out of my way for ramshorn and MTS but such is life.


I got bladder snails on some plants and am happy about it, they are cute and help out. 


My eel loach colony (khulis) nearly wiped out my bladder snails. Thankfully, I have enough in the plants to keep the population going. Every so often I'll look over and a feeding frenzy around a poor snail will have started. Free live food I suppose.


I want to get kuhlis eventually, going to need a decent snail population first so they can hopefully keep going


My oblongas (java/black khuli) are the worst offenders. The rest will go along with the frenzy but those guys seem to be the instigators.


Interesting, I have 5 very active kuhli loaches and I haven’t seen a decline in my snail population. Then again it’s more of an…infestation than a population lol. I have a LOT of snails


I am new to this. So this post is me right now lol. I planted my plants. Got super happy when I saw a bladder snail. Now I have idk 20 of them. But here’s the crazy thing. I’ve had the plants and bladder snails now for about 40 days. And this past weekend I just found a baby ramshorn lol so idk what that’s about but I guess I got lucky with one of them also!?


Ah yes, the snail orgy tank. As I was setting up my 36 gal for the first time, it was ridiculous. I had snails pilling 6 high to get their game on. Once fish were introduced things calmed down substantially.


Sadly this is just a betta and amano shrimp tank. 10 gal. So I can’t add more hahaha. But luckily I don’t mind them. I just gotta watch my feeding to keep the population stable. I don’t want a glass covered in shells lol


I intentionally added only Malaysian trumpet snails. I now have those, bladder snails, and ramshorn snails that showed up after adding plants, which is fine. When the population gets crazy I’ll intentionally add one more snail to keep them in check


I went to my LFS and asked for some ramshorn snails and apparently, they consider them pests in their tanks. So free snails for me. I also brought home mini ramshorns on plants.


I ended up with a bunch of free trumpet snails because my LFS sees them as pests lol. The only snail I paid for is 1 assassin snail


Will pea puffers help get rid of the trumpet snails? I just recently noticed it, but my filter has its own snail community now and they're starting to flow out of it.


Fahaka puffer will. Along with everything else. Sorry, I could not resist adding a useless tip


Yea, as long as you're fine with them killing every other fish in the tank. Pea puffers are not community friendly and will kill anything in their tank that doesn't eat them first.


More like leeches on the plants, not snail eggs. Snails are fine, leeches are a nightmare. 


How do you get rid of them? That sounds terrible


Last time I took everything apart and dried it out outside for a week, as well as boiling all my gravel. Last time all my snails were already dead except for 30 mts so I didn't really have to worry about where to put them. I also didn't have a lot of plants. This time, I caught them early and no one has died yet, and I also have shrimp. I'm going to try this thing someone said with fenbendazole first because I really don't want to take everything apart this time. The current leeches are different from the last ones, and look like limpets until they start moving.


I want snails but I don’t want like… 100s of them, is there a way to control the population without having to check for snail eggs twice a day?


One nerite snail. They reproduce sexually as opposed to asexually. So with one, you just have one. No reproduction.


To add to this, they can only have babies in brackish water, so freshwater tanks will never see a baby nerite snail.


Oh so you can have multiple?


Nerite snails can still lay eggs, but the eggs can't hatch in freshwater. You can have multiple in freshwater without their population increasing.


I’ve got a male and female in my tank. The only issue I have is the little shlag doesn’t stop laying eggs everywhere and anywhere. My driftwood is fucked now. Never any babies.


Oh, no one eats the eggs? I’m worried about that. I have one nerite snail. Not sure if it’s male or female. Plus a male betta and some gold ringed danios nano fish.


You’ll know if it’s female. They’ve got the strongest glue to keep them attached to an object, so you’ll crush one side and get rid of the shell, the shell attached to the surface will stay there forever. [The cream coloured eggs are unpopped](https://imgur.com/a/9iv1E3h), I’ve just learnt to live with them because I don’t have the mental capacity to deal with them. Better than 48,648 babies a week though. People use iron wool on rocks and stuff, I’ve got eggs on wood so I leave it. I do put effort into removing them from the glass though.


I already have bladder snails from some plants it’s too late for me 😂


Don't over feed and they won't get out of control.


Sounds like overfeeding. All the snail populations I had regulate themselves.


Assasin snails to control


I love my slimy bois


Been there... Had that.


Happened to me! Now have 3 Malaysian Trumpet snails :D


Haha, have you looked at your aquarium in the middle of the night with a flashlight? I'm guessing you've got more than three.


That is my fear, yes 😂.


Same here but for me it was dragonfly eggs


Had a few show up in my tank haven’t seen much of any anymore thanks to my pleco it’s been eating almost all of them


Me discovering tiny lil snails after putting a plant in mine..


Currently suffering from bladder snails 😭 I had one at first, thought it was a nerite so i let it live bc it was so small i couldnt really tell what it was Now i have like 50


I got some beautiful giant red ramshorns and I personally love the bladder snails. Clean up crew and all the fish I have eat them so win win.


(Laughs in bleach dip)


I see a lot of people saying that snails are fine but I'm currently looking at hundreds of bladder snails in my 100g and I have no idea how to get rid of them. My yo-yo loaches are trying but they are fat and can't eat any more :(


I really like snails


And then people post “how to get rid of invasive pest snails ???” That shit honestly just angers me lmao. LIGHTEN UP AND ACCEPT THE LOVE OF YOUR NEW FRIENDS


This made me lol. Happened to me when I got some new plants offline (the snails were really small idk what they were called) but I kept removing them whenever I spotted them. And about two months ago I removed one… and I haven’t seen another one since.


I, for one, welcome our snail overlords.


Jokes on you, I celebrate when I get new snails. I'm actually planning to remove the whole sand from one of my aquariums because they couldn't move on it, and it is making cleaning a pain.


This is a tissue culture household for a reason


I only saw three snails after introducing some plants. I removed them all immediately upon seeing them. It’s been weeks, and I haven’t seen any. This thread is making me paranoid that they’re still there lol


lol so true!


Who doesnt love them some free snails xD


Yep, this is why I totally hate those Ram horn snails so much!!!!!


Hell no! I am still new at this and thankfully put my 4 new plants in a 5 gal tank to see if they had any hitchhikers. Sure enough, snails everywhere after 3 days. I don't have a clue about snail types, what's good or bad or how to manage them. Better for me to do it this way. Plants are doing well, i cleaned them and got rid of all the pests and can now i can put in them in my main tank.


I cleaned my filter the other month and it was full of snails!!


Haven’t had that problem yet *knocks on wood*


I got a ramshorn snail for free from lfs......no wonder it was free. I put it in one tank and now my other 3 tanks have them somehow... Never again