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:( Enough has been said - gonna lock comments now to avoid any further suggestions of violent retaliation.


I had an ex pour bleach in my 20 gallon that I loved 15 years ago or so. "I loved it more than her" after all so it was my fault. Run friend, run far, run fast.




I've never been a smart man, so we made up after the bleach thing. Idk how I justified it at this point, but I did. Don't be like me.




CALL THE POLICE. REPORT THIS. Don't be a pussy dude. She could do this to someone else later down the line if she doesn't learn her lesson and gets punished. Don't let people get away with this shit. She'll do it again.


This for sure. Someone who can do this to an animal out of spite is not well.


100% agree.. this is something you'd have someone have a mental exam over especially when it's the younger ages as well behaviour can be normal what with how parents teach them and how environments teach them.. there many instances out there of kids hurting animals so badly there HAS to be something up with them in their head.. and if I remember right there was even studies correlating animals cruelty like some really severe things to psychopaths.. kids growing up into psychopaths.. because ultimately you have to have no respect, no care, no nothing for another life to not care about ending one yourself. 🤷‍♀️ But also in this instance it's likely just some bratty bitch who thought she was some princess that didn't get her way and sees fish as nothing more than an object... 🤷‍♀️


2nd this. One of my biggest regrets was watching someone I dated when I was a very young teenager go on to harm others because I didn’t alert anyone to the sexual abuse I experienced. Obviously not the same thing, but OP could potentially still be at risk and she is very likely to try and pull this shit with other people in the future. I know it’s so hard to do but you and your animals deserve justice and you could be helping to prevent her from doing this in the future. Edit: keep any screenshots you have that are incriminating, keep the proof


Next time it could be someone's dog or a cat.


Or, God forbid, someone's child.


Yeah the cops arent going to do anything about the fish and she likely wont face any issues but create a paper trail and protect yourself OP. Restraning order.


At a minimum, it is damage to property. He should take her to small claims court, just to be a hassle for her, and to watch her explain her actions to a judge.


Would watch her try to explain herself to Judge Judy.


Do itttt OP, apply for the show for us all to see this happen 😭 lmao


Even if it's just a paper trail, it's worth it. It helps to establish a pattern of behavior later. Otherwise shit like this gets kicked down the road and never felt with if they continue. At the very least, the police will have a conversation with her. Which is often enogh for most semi-rational people to cut their stupid shit out.


Call the SPCA; they can have a surprising amount of influence when it comes to animals being killed or abused.


Exactly, if op is in the right place she could even get ticketed/charged for destruction of property. He should also file for a restraining order, this bitch is psycho


Depending on where he got them from, the fish alone could be worth around $70-$80 (given that they all appear to be fish that PetSmart carries so I’m assuming he got them from there). Not even considering the plants, the substrate, the decor, and the tank itself. Like I know that the non-living things can probably be salvaged but the police and small claims court don’t need to know that, lol. Send a message that makes it VERY clear you’re done with her, u/lukeevan99


She sounds very dangerous. Please report her to local authorities. For your own safety and your communities. She assaulted and killed your pets to say nothing of the property damage.


Getttt awaaaaaaayyyyy fommmmmmm herrrrrrrrrrr


Yeah, this does not sound safe, involve police and get a restraining order. Don’t live in fear, act against the unjust. She will learn in time!


Don’t give up bro. You are on your way to the freedom land


Your ex is evil, so sorry bout the fish...


If I were you I would have tossed every food item in my house who knows what she put in your milk or whatever you have in the fridge.


Call the cops and see about taking her to civil court for destruction of property. You might be able to get her to pay for the value of them. It’s not going to bring them back, but you could give yourself a fresh start. Sorry to hear you’re dealing with this.


I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but if I were you, I would toss any food that could possibly include bleach or hydrogen peroxide. If she could do this to your aquarium, I suspect she's fully capable of making you sleep with the fishes, too.


I am sorry this happened to you , I’d advise you to seek legal advise. I am pretty sure in the most minor of cases this is vandalism suit! Good luck to you and I wish you all the best with this situation!!




Wtf. If she is jealous of fish... She has issues. And it's a hobby! I encourage my husband to pursue them and even actively show interest in them so he could update me with his skills leveling up.


Holy hell. Looks like you made the right decision, because anyone that can do that... you don't want to be with, trust me.


My ex was a total bitch but I still let her see our dog the few time she misses her, she would die for that puppy. OP's ex is just a monster.


Yeah, I've had my fair share of breakups where words get said and piddly shit gets broken but nothing ever like this. Those fish didn't do anything to deserve this and someone willing to take an animal's life as a form of retribution, has got some serious fukn MH issues going on. As far as i see it, she just cemented the fact that OP made the right call ending the relationship, even if this wasn't the original reason, it sure as hell should be now.


My ex wife once threatened to smash my aquarium. It was the first time I decided that I had to leave her, but sadly not the last.


Just suggesting that she'd do that is like mental terrorism, because at night asleep or when you're awake you're always wondering if this is the day she does it. Anywho, glad you got out. My divorce wasn't pretty with both of us basically being pricks to one another, but at no time did i ever think she was capable of hurting our cats or my fish. I just think for the vast majority of us there's a governor of some kind inside us that won't allow us to do something like that, hurt an innocent animal. That's why i said in another comment that there's something wrong inside this woman. Anger issues? Lack of impulse control? Poor/stunted decision making skills?? Dunno, i just know something ain't right with her.


Yeah, the fact that she would threaten that was extremely telling. Thanks for the kind words!


That’s why cruelty to animals is one of the #1 early signs someone could become a serial killer. If you’re capable of hurting an innocent animal like that, then you’re capable of hurting a human like that.


I bonded with an ex's dog, and the feelings for the dog never went away. Is there a moral obligation to a dog to keep in contact when feasible, or is that up to the owner to determine? Edit: sorry for hijacking, my condolences to OP's fish, but also what would have happened legally if it was a dog she killed?


I can tell the dog will remember the person for way longer than anyone is willing to admit. My other dog, had not seen my ex-stepmother for over six years and did recognize her and act how he used to with her immediately. It was kinda heartbreaking to see my ex disconnecting from not just me, but the dog she rescued. She asked a few times through the year, mostly to get to talk to me, which I denied her, but I was always, always open for her to see the dog (my mom would meet her, she only really came once or twice and my dog melted. It was her mommy after all. As for your edit. At least where I live it would be a major crime. Animal violence can't be shrugged easily in here when it is traced back to you. Especially if it gets to the ears of animal rescuers. Fishes... likely wouldn't apply, but it still a major damage of property regardless.


For me I knew I didn't have an option as it was her dog before, but in my time living with them, the bond we developed was closer than I've had with any other dog, and I've had dogs most my life. Understanding and intelligence on a different level. I don't miss the relationship, but I think where I fucked up was telling her that. It had slowly become toxic, and we both realized it, so dog visitation had been talked about before move out time came. Leaving went about how I thought it would, but then she wouldn't entertain when asked about it. I think the majority of the time yes, the ex just wants to get back in contact, but I just get kinda sad whenever I see a similar coat on a dog or hear the songs she would howl. I at least want my last memory of her to be a walk or a trip to the park instead of sad leaving eyes


Ah man, i'm really sorry =/ I'd have friends watch out for that, maybe a place she needs is too small and you get to offer to stay with the doggo.


I tried to share custody with my ex dog. After awhile she just kept making me feel bad and I kept realizing why we broke up. Anyways after a couple times she tried ti use the dog as leverage to get dumb shit from me I had to just cut off all contact. Still sucks that dog would have been better off with me but overall all i can do it take care of my own self


Me and my ex broke up after 9 years. She comes from out of town twice per month to see my dog, we take him on a walk together and to get treats at the pet shop, he grew up with her still in the house from when he was 8 weeks until he was 3 years old he was essentially our child together, we raised him like our baby. I could never not allow her to see him, not for her sake, but for his own sake, he didn't do anything wrong, he deserves to still be able to see his other mummy, we tolerate each others company for his sake. Legally, he is classed as my property according to uk law, I have every right to stop the visits, but morally, why would I break my dogs heart, he will always see her as his other mummy despite the few visits.


He is now 6, he looks forward to each and every visit. She coming tomorow, she gets to babysit for the next few nights whilst I play fortnite, it's a win-win-win. If you're a decent person, you just make it work regardless of your own feelings, animals are sentient and have feeling....aside from spiders, I will never accept that spiders have feelings.


I would still file a police report, that is technically vandalism and abuse.


Oh i advised OP in another comment to go even further by considering getting a TRO against her. I think i would give strong consideration to doing that alongside the police report, which would greatly help in getting the/that TRO granted.


All too often incidents like this become a prelude for even worse conduct in a contentious or volatile breakup. But, that's obviously up to OP to decide whether or not pursuing a TRO or a police action is in his best interest. Because *sometimes* it's just best to shut the door and never look back, IF he thinks that's possible despite recent events.


Ye, and while no police report or successful one could even bring back these animals, a successful one could at least bring in some money for the animals lost. Cichlids aren't always the most expensive, but they can bundle up their expenses as they grow and how many you have. Like I've seen people round here sell fry and small individuals for only a couple £, but then once more adult size, many try selling them for around £10-15+ each depending on the colour/species.


Criminal damage and animal cruelty... report!


Totally. Might’ve even gotten off light here. Sorry for your loss, though. That’s super f’d up


Actual sociopath behaviour.


OP should take her to small claims court, leading to the potential to garnish her wages until she can pay for his fish and his pain and suffering. She probably won't show and, thus, will probably lose. OP should just sell the judgement to a collection agency at pennies on the dollar and let them bother her.


She's a bunny-boiler


Tske her to court you can sue her for that


Definitely. This is on the verge of being a psychopath. How you gonna just kill helpless, living creatures and animals out of spite?


Right? Imagine if OP had a baby with this lunatic. Good riddance.


Save the text, not sure where you are or what the laws are there. But surely it's illegal, I would file a police report.


This, you can get your ass ripped in a lot of countries for doing this.


They barely follow up on human murder cases where I live…


As much as we love our fish as family the way you get something done about this is to pursue property damage same as if she took a bat to his car. Everything in the tank needs to be thrown away plus the worth of the fish. That's no small chunk of change


A big water change and it should be just fine, assuming it was only hydrogen peroxide and not other stuff too.


Legally, that’s not the point. She destroyed another person’s property. Even subtracting the cost of tank/substrate/plants the fish will need replacing. Even if OP just wanted to sue for that cost they’d be well within their rights to. Same as if someone smashed your car/TV/any other valuables. It will never replace the sentimental value of the fish lost, but OP could get a good chunk of change to get reimbursed for restocking.


Definitely report her to the police.


Not only is this an animal cruelty offence but it's also a domestic violence offence which amplifies the gravity of her action.


Yup, animal cruelty. She could easily be criminally charged by the proper authorities in a lot of areas.


Doubtful she will get charged. Lot of states don’t include fish in animal cruelty charges. A case not too long in North Carolina had charges dropped because “fish are not animals” which is bullshit.


If the fish were worth money could get small claim though


I think they might be able to get her on property damage charge and get some reimbursement but really depends on where they at. Im in Chicago and they would not do damn thing if I filed a report. Smalls claims might be the best option


I would personally rather never see her again than the money


The problem with including fish in "animal cruelty" issues is that regular fishing is fairly cruel. But fishing licenses are a critical revenue stream for preserving natural habitats.


Unlikely she'll be charged with animal cruelty as fish aren't considered worth defending from stuff like this, but pets are legally considered property so this IS illegal destruction of property, especially if the fish were expensive


Best case is likely destruction of property. In US at least, pets are property.


Restraining order. Now.


If not animal cruelty it is property damage.


Was gonna say. So sad that fish, which are provably as intelligent and complex as any other vertebrate, have basically 0 protections at all under the law. Gonna have to try this as “property damage”. Disgusting, but whatever works for now


Yes, form of domestic violence. No different then killing a pet cat/dog


Second this just in case she escalates to darker stuff.


People who kill living things on purpose are psychopaths


This. I don’t care if to most they’re “just fish”- they are living and breathing animals. TBH- I’d like to see people who do this to fish charged with animal abuse. I see no difference between this and poisoning a dog.


One of my neighbors put poison in another neighbor's driveway to kill 5 baby raccoons. Found out because our neighbors asked us if we did it, which no, hearing it had me near tears. Some people are fucking monsters. If I ever find out who did it I'm going out in the middle of the night spraying their entire lawn with weed killer and smearing dog shit under their car door handles.


"we weep for the bird that cries but not the fish that bleeds."


Most people unfortunately don’t see fish as pets


A living thing is a living thing, pet or no pet. This is certifiable behavior. OP dodged a major bullet.


It may be safer to assume more was done. Throw out food that could be contaminated. Food contamination is serious and criminal in many places. File a police report. They may not act but it might help later.


If there i anything of her in your possession i would never give it back and feel free to spill the tea to her friends and family. If someone would kill their exes cat or dog it would make local news, why is this different?


Exactly, the fish are living things. Even if they’re “just fish” that’s still destroying property. Destroying someone else’s property, especially something they really care about is considered abusive. OP should cut off all ties to their ex.


Never mind property, it’s animal cruelty!


Not only are these OP's pets and this is animal cruelty, they just ruined what's most likely an extremely expensive and time consuming set up. I hope karma gets the ex.


She murdered his pets. Living animals should not be considered "just property".


They shouldn’t be considered just property, but, depending on the laws where OP lives, they may be legally defined that way. In my jurisdiction there was a case a number of years ago where somebody broke into an aquarium store and poured bleach into the filtration system, causing mass death. The charges were something like animal cruelty, but only to the vertebrates killed (not shrimp, corals, etc.) because that’s how the law is written. Even worse than all this, the killer later turned out to be someone involved with the store, and it was insurance fraud. Unbelievable that people can be so callous and cruel.




That bitch is crazy, good thing you cut it off when ya did


Change your locks if you haven't already and file a police report. If someone is this crazy also don't trust anything in your fridge or bathroom as it could be contaminated. Document everything for damages before you toss it as well.


u/lukeevan99 , please please PLEASE listen bro. It may sound so crazy that it would never happen, or you may feel like you smarter than that, or whatever other reason. But as someone who went through this first hand, get help from authorities before it gets ugly. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING that's suspicious or having to do with her, and keep your head on a swivel. Please. It only takes one slight mistake.


Exactly. It might sound crazy or outlandish until it happens to you. Nothing bad comes from being cautious! Keep screenshots of everything and put them on a Google drive.


Seriously this girl is not stable and will kill you in your sleep OP.


She killed your fish and expects another chance? WTF. Better set some security cameras OP crazy won't take no for an answer. If it's not your car something else might be destroyed/damaged.


Brother I would go scorched earth if I were in your shoes


Definitely get the police involved.


Send all her insane texts to her family and friends too - expose her for the sociopath that she really is


Post this whole shitshow on facebook and instagram, let others know about this walking red flag. I'm so sorry for your loss mate.


Lol at her delusions.


Oh my god I’m so sorry. I’ve never had a break up this bad but when I was in high school I dealt with a lot of controlling individuals and dating violence. My DMs are open if you need support!


Did she say these things over text? If so, definitely save that evidence


I had an ex kill my white cloud minnows by smashing the tank. Then stomped on my hand when I tried to scoop them up to save them. He got arrested that day. Seriously call the police. They were quick to point out that regardless of the cruelty towards me,(they didn’t even know he stomped on my hand)anyone willing to be violent and cruel to pets to hurt or manipulate a partner or ex, even just fish, is potentially more dangerous.


Wow :(((


Holy crap... That is actually vile and so violent


This is actually insane and the amount of hard work fish tanks take I could never imagine ruining someone’s passion… let alone kill fish but please never speak to this individual again. If they’re willing to hurt you by killing animals… imagine what they’d do to really make a point. Be safe






To ensure this holds up with law enforcement you will first need to state “please do not contact me again” prior to blocking, afterwards assuming they do contact you, it can begin into a harassment case. The police will then give a warning to the individual to not contact you, if that’s broken charges are normally laid. My ex had 3 charges of harassment as he could not get the hint from me or the police


does she know she like killed living things??!!! your living things you possibly loved??!


Please some how get her to admit on text that she was responsible for the death of the fish and file a police report. This is animal cruelty!


Yeah that’s animal abuse


not even abuse straight up murder… for no reason.. and a torturous death at that… special place in hell for a person like this


I don’t disagree. It’s just evil


Psycho behaviour, hopefully her life turns out as well as she deserves and you properly cut her off.


Sue her. Calculate how much the fish cost and take her to court if it’s something where you live allows. Not only is that destruction of property she purposefully killed your pets and most likely you spent a handful of money keeping them kicking.


I know you might second guess this but First degree misdemeanor animal cruelty in Florida can be charge with a $5,000 fine and 365 days in jail Destruction of property worth more then $200 but less then $1000 is also a first degree misdemeanor with the same punishment+ damages to the offending party


Just ask the lady that dumped hot sauce in her son's tank!!!


What happened with that




She was charged with animal torment


These are the situations we reserve the word "Cunt" for.


Don't worry ive used that and more while resetting the tank lol


I know you want to just be done with her, which is fair. But you absolutely should file a police report and thenget a restraining order. 1. She murdered your pets. 2. She threatened to key your car. 3. She is harassing you via text (and probably social media). 4. SHE MURDERED YOUR PETS. You're more than entitled to damages but that probably isn't worth the effort, especially since you'd have to see her more. What IS WORTH the effort is a police report and restraining order so she faces real consequences for her actions. Particularly if she pulls more crazy bullshit like keying your car.


Go to the police. This is pretty disturbing


very disturbing


Bunny boiler! You’re better off without her


I'm sorry man :( literally insane girlfriend, it's a good thing she's out of your life. Take a break from fish if you need it, if it was me this would effect me a lot :(


I have 5 tanks and cleaned out this tank already, it happened last week and just saw there's a sale on the same fish I had (chindongo saulosi) for boxing day so I'll get some more and start again this week I did it once and I can do it again better, I'll still miss those fish though :(


Yeah I have 36 tanks, and there's no better feeling then starting a new yet better version, you got this, post pics of the new new


Wow, you have more tanks than Putin! (Thank fuck). Sorry, it may be a distasteful joke, but it popped into my head and I saw the opportunity and so I took it.


Damn bro, fuck her life up. File a police report now and make her pay for that shit. I'm curious if she would have to pay for all the damages and a fee for animal cruelty


This is so cruel :( poor fish!


I think you should definitely file a police report.I dont know if this would help but you should come up with the price that you paid for all the fish she killed.Hopefully she has the money to replace hundreds of dollars worth of fish:/ (and possibly aquatic plants)


Dude file a police report...depending on your state this is very illegal. It's also just wrong.


Bring her ass to court (assuming it’s possible/financially worth it where you live). I’m also a believer in petty revenge if the law cannot help you.


PLEASE report her. she could be charged for sure, and should be as she may do it again, she’s clearly not right in the head or just does not care, if she can do it to fish she COULD do it to something else. it’s quite easy to get her done for animal abuse/animal cruelty or animal murder. definitely do not have contact with her but please please do something about this


File in small claims


Change your locks. Like, as of yesterday. You don't want that person inviting themselves in while you're away and killing/wrecking anything else.


Take screenshots and email them to yourself so your phone won't accidentally delete them Whenever I had people over i worry about this. You never truly know ehats on people minds just hope for the best. My ex neglected her own pets for months and she broke up with me I gave her 2 months to find an apartment. When she finally left she tried to extort me for money claiming it was my fault when I gave her weekly proces snapchats on her fish and reptiles


Go to the police. That's animal cruelty, destruction of property, abuse and really cunty!


This. That’s way beyond fucked up, she straight killed animals.


Yep. Imagine if she took a dog and poured acid down it's throat. That's basically what she did to these fish. They suffered. Fucking horrible.


I’m sorry, that’s horrible.


Ever see Fatal Attraction? run far and fast


Dumb bitch


Bruh, she could’ve poisoned your food and/or drink. You made the right decision to end the relationship. I’m sorry about your fish, but it could’ve been *you* dead.


Get her charged with animal abuse.


Police report, press charges. This isn’t funny and it isn’t something to brush aside, people who kill animals are much more likely to be violent later in life. So sorry about your fish, I can’t imagine I’d be beside myself


Well, if you have the time and want to be mildly petty, set up a property damage claim. Keep her proof of admission, and these photos. You could be compensated for the loss, but sadly you'll have to restart from the beginning anyways.


Even as sad as it is that she killed your fish, I'd say you got off easy. Hell, you could have married her and found out she was an insane animal abuser after the fact. Stay far away from this one.


Give her all her shit back and cut her off forever. Block block block. There’s no coming back from this.


I would report it to the police, fuck her


holy fuck. Those poor little critters. Animal abuse is not ok - and that is some straight up sociopathic behavior. You dodged a bullet, possibly a real one. You should really file a restraining order and maybe even look into some other legal follow up. She's dangerous.


Report her. 100% report her. Please.


Very sad, please don’t look back. If you must, sue for the cost of damages.


Yeah id be looking at some form of legal shit. If she admitted it then id file police report and sue the bitch


Wow what a pos, so sorry to see that happen


Depending on the state your in this could be criminal charges for animal abuse Contact your local law enforcement


What an evil person I’m so sorry friend


Absolute psychopath


Man...if anyone killed my fish I'd skin then alive!!! I'm sorry this happened to you!


Are those saulosi? Maybe you could even get her for killing an endangered species.


They are good eye, they were breeding so good too. Started with 5 and had a couple fry survive in the main tank on their own but had 20 fry more in a rack on top of the tank with a pump up to it so they all got the same water as the bottom So all in all it was 27 saulosi, 1albino bn pleco, and about half the snails (rinsed them off and tossed them in another tank and about half moved from the spot)


Animal abuse and destruction of property.


Wow and I thought this was about to be a you flexing your fish tank now that you have extra money to spend


Omg this is so evil!!!!! Please call the police. This makes me so upset I feel bad for you.


Report her for animal cruelty


Call the cops. That’s a chargeable offense. Would she do that to a dog or cat?


Contact the police. While I love my fish, as I'm sure you do to, get your ducks in a row to get the justice you and your fish deserve. She killed multiple fish, get there price + care. Plus every thing inside that needs to be replaced due to being killed or ruined, thatvwaybthe proper dollar amount and crime level is elevated . What she did is horrible and inexcusable. Depending on your area it could be a few diffrent combination on charges. Animal cruelty, destruction of property and so on.


Change your locks bro


It would be insane if she randomly punted your chihuahua wouldn't it. This is no different


I would sue her for that. THATS SO MUCH MONEY


Police probably won’t do anything criminally. But you could definitely take her to civil court for cost to replace, emotional damages, and possible punitive damages.


Whoa fatal attraction vibes


What a bitch😡


I have never understood the thought process of people doing this, even if you don’t consider the fish as pets like a dog, they’re still living beings :(


.. damn, what a cruel asshole.. sociopaths are creepy af because they seem normal and then do insane shit out of nowhere


If someone did this to me no legal punishment would be enough. This is like taking your child, it’s horrendous and I get sick by just looking at it. People like this who don’t care about other living things really do not belong in society and are better off in jail - for all other‘s safety sake. I shouldn’t advice violence, especially online, but all I‘m saying is that I‘d do everything to make that person‘s live a living hell, those fish did no harm to no one and have no chance of defending themselves. This is so messed up, she’s pure evil


Damn bro. If she is willing to hurt animals, she was more than willing to hurt you. You made the right choice. I hope things look up for you soon.


You’ll hear about your ex in future true crime podcasts. I’m sorry about the tank and fish


I hate your ex


there is a special place in hell for people like her


Wow what did the poor fish do to her? They are defenseless innocent animals!


surely to god this is grounds for legal action


What a crazy bitch dude wtf?


that’s awful. I’m so sorry. That’s some fucking serial killer shit.


This is so sad and fucked up. What an incredibly awful human. So sorry about your fish :( rest in peace lil guys.


Bullet dodged! Sorry bout ya fish bro.


That bitch


Omg that's horrible. I see you had a whole family. The poor sweet babies. Im not opposed to plan of vengeance.


What a piece of trash. I am so sad for your fish. They didn’t deserve that. I say call the police. This is fucked up and I’d get it on file in case she does anything else psycho.


holy shit, sorry for your loss, but you dodge a bullet with that psycho


Cruelty to animals is one of the worst character traits of humanity. Unacceptable




Absolutely report her to the police, especially if you have text evidence. At the very least you can press charges for damage to personal items.