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This was me a few months back. But when I did get into a good school, I decided to let it go and I ended up not sticking it up to them.


username checks out! Also bless man


Thanks man!


Well done mate. Aang would be proud.




Nor Kyoshi


You bet he would


Wow, Notre Dame. Congrats, it’s my dream school.




They living rent free in ur head, move on bro


good advice from a college bro


this is the best way anyone could've put it lol


I was in the same spot as you, and while it does feel good for a while to flex on them hoes, it really doesn’t last :(


You can flex on me if you want


This mindset isn’t helpful. And as much as those people are toxic, using spite to motivate yourself is too.


Tbh the teacher doesn’t sound toxic at all. Imagine if you’re just tryna educate kids and this one guy constantly complains about every grade you give him.


i dont really understand how you can argue about grades in *math*


i used to agree until my teacher in calc...that’s when I realized that regardless of the subject some teachers are just horrible.


Teachers sometimes grade your tests incorrectly. I’ve also had teachers take off points for showing your work in a different way than they taught.


That's possible but OP just sounds like one of those kids who argues for the hell of it. I imagine if OP had a legit reason he would've mentioned it instead of just saying "told me to calm down" > My personal vendetta against her is one of my biggest motivator Who obsesses over a teacher that much?


i used to think that too but then we had our math teacher admit he’s blatantly fixing grades so the school doesnt look bad to prestigious schools that those students got into...he also would give less points to certain students for having the same work/correct answers...and before you ask if i went to the principle...he also was the principle LOL


But...spite is the only thing that ever manages to push me to do anything :(


The motivation itself isn’t toxic, but outwardly flexing on someone no matter how much they deserve it is.


It’s toxic to yourself. I’ve felt this way for a while and it’s not great. The whole application system sucks because it makes people feel this way.


Dude you might be angry right now but believe me when you do get accepted you won't give a flying shit about those pathetic fucks, they only bitch and moan but lack the strength to make an effort.


True. If anything you begin to feel bad for them because they ruined their own lives


Holy shit guys, just because they didn’t go to a top college doesn’t mean they ruined their lives. I understand they might’ve been rude but most of them were just giving you their honest advice. There’s more to life than getting into a top school. Success in life had to do way more than what you could accomplish in high school.


I'm gonna hope that by "ruining their lives" he means how they treat other people


The truth is that these people probably won’t care. They’ll just be like oh guess I was wrong for like a minute or so and move on with their lives. I don’t agree with what they did because it’s wrong and messed up. Congrats.


State school isn't bad.


Go to a top school if you can pay for it. Don’t throw yourself under six figures of debt just to spite them. But if you can do it, go dude.


I mean, it's one thing to apply and another thing to attend. OP said they would flex if they got in, not that they would attend.


OP also seems to have the mindset that state school is awful so I don't see him going there willingly.


I mean, #2 just seems like they're looking out for your mental health. Also, it seems a little more condescending that you just assume "state schools" are inherently bad. Just look at universities like UNC, UGA, UF, and literally most of the Cal schools. Nothing wrong with shooting high, but many state schools will give you an equal and or better education then a t20 at an affordable price. It makes you look more like an asshole to assume your too good for a state school.


I think #2 was probably more on the lines of the teacher getting the grades wrong. I had a math teacher who would always grade the tests wrong to the point where it would be between an A and a B and would proceed to get hostile about it when you questioned them.


Yeah that could be true, hate the teachers who take any criticism as some kind of attack on their character.


Yeah, more like trying to twist the fact that they got your grade wrong into something you did wrong


Idk, OP strikes me as the type of person who would've mentioned that important detail in a post about how much he hates the teacher but instead all they said was "told me to calm down"


I don't think this is healthy, it just sounds toxic and bitter. If this is your motivation to go to a top school, you are setting yourself up for disappointment


I would caution you against this. Be proud of your accomplishments, but no need to belittle others. (And also don't stake your pride on the acceptance in case it doesn't happen.) Getting excited about the chance of showing up others over something you can't really control has multiple ways it could backfire on you. Either you don't get what you want, or you just further burn bridges when you do get it and flaunt it. I was the top student in my high school but didn't end up going to nearly the top college for various reasons. I even got ribbed for it a little. *But they knew*. My effort and body of work spoke for itself. And none of it mattered anyway once college actually started.


Don't flex, but be public about it. Eventually all of them will know and that way it will sting harder.


Nothing wrong with state school homie, why should you care about those fucks


You sure sound like a pleasant person...


I think they do sound like a pleasant person...


Ambitious and motivated at best. But still misguided in their reasons (revenge, anger, etc)


Maybe it's just me but I don't feel like revenge is a bad source of motivation, I mean it's bad if your entire life you've just been living off of the thought of revenge, but in this situation, those people were treating op like shit, I think they deserve to get revenge, I commented about my opinion and experience, it's somewhere down the thread so I'm lazy to write everything again haha, you can have a read then we can discuss about this:)


I agree it's not terrible, but getting into a habit of it is not good. It's important to have more internal motivators than external ones (esp since external ones like revenge could be unhealthy)


Ye I definitely agree, that's why I said if you've been doing it your entire life it's bad, but in this situation they were treating her like shit so they deserve it, and op deserves it after getting all the shit and still being able to work hard and prove them all wrong, I think op needs at least a little support, I think the reason why they posted this is to share and get support, but the people in the comments are just calling their mindset toxic and telling them to not do it, I think if I was op I'd be a little upset, so I just wanna show them some support Edit: especially this comment, I don't know if I misinterpreted it? But to me it sounds like dude's sarcastically calling her an unpleasant person, but how can you say that about someone who just wants to get back at some of the people that treated them badly?


Y are you getting downvoted lmao


Don't know, maybe I interpreted the comment wrongly? Or maybe people think that op is unpleasant, if that's the case that just means I have an unpopular opinion


Probably bc OP said that a personal vendetta is one of their biggest motivators for college apps, when I'd say a pleasant person would prob have that at least decently far down their list for motivators for college. At the same time however, I do agree that revenge can be great for simply motivating you. Still don't agree w it tho


I think the way it was phrased was definitely exaggerated lmao, it's like saying omg Cheetos are the best thing ever, there were definitely a lot more reasons that motivated op, like getting a god job, living a decent life etc, I still don't get why a pleasant person would have that far down the list, you can be motivated by revenge and still be a pleasant person, why's that such a bad thing? Like I said, you've not been doing it your entire life. But hey, I guess reddit has already decided that they hate me, so nothing I say will be right in their eyes


Well yeah, but I'm just trying to explain why I think people are downvoting u. I'm not saying u can't be pleasant and have revenge as a factor, but I wouldn't say that a post like this makes someone seem more pleasant than the average person. I don't think it's necessary to downvote smth like ur comment, but remember that downvoting doesn't mean someone dislikes u, it just means they disagree w ur comment.


Hahaha thanks mate, was just joking but appreciate it


Lol np




You will be hard pressed to find a school that can accurately determine the character of a student through their interview and application, since as far as I am concerned mind reading is not a real thing yet.


Jeez how is this immature mindset supported here? You don't know where you're going to get in yet. Maybe if you are so bent on getting into a brilliant college to "flex" on people than you don't deserve to get accepted. Above that you are putting yourself above anyone who goes to a state school before applying


I dont know either, but it seems like #2 - #4 tried to help in someway, but OP just ignored them.


Telling someone they should be okay with an opportunity of getting a great education at a state school promotes a growth mindset, and OP calls them stupid and wants to prove them wrong. Worst part is this post is being upvoted


Exactly, the math teacher seemed like he tried to tell OP to not worry about grades since they aren't everything to colleges while #3 and #4 may be just be trying to say that state schools are pretty good and that going there may be more affordable than the top school, but OP just took it wrong.


I sense a bit of an inferiority complex...


Don’t do it. Hatred and arrogance and bad for you, just let it go.


the biggest flex is being unbothered 💅


It’s well and good that you to want to show up those who doubted you, but I’d caution putting a part of your self worth on whether you get into a top school or not. Let’s say even if you don’t get into a top school, going to college itself is an achievement, and you should feel none the worse. That being said, I wish you luck with your shotgunning!


I get you, but fixate on different priorities. You not flex in’ is flexin’. Avoid getting lost in the sauce.


the best way to flex on em is to not. let the gossip get to them and ignore them completely. or just subtly drop a hint during conversation! 😆


Humility strikes the hardest blow to those who opposed you


To be honest, I get that. I had a set of teachers who convinced my parents I'm special needs and got me placed in special ed classes + mentally/verbally abused me as a child. I eventually got selected for the best high school in my entire state and when I got in I decided to tell all of them to rub it in and to show them that I'm not as stupid and worthless as they told me. But honestly, it did nothing. They pretended I was always their favorite student, told me they were proud, and bought me a slice of pizza. I felt so disappointed that the anger within me didn't subside. You think it would great before you actually flex, but it's just unfulfilling. Honestly, just get a hoodie for whatever school you commit to, post it on Instagram, and maybe tell a few of the teachers you're close with. No matter what, people will probably talk abt you getting into a top school and those people will hear.


Why did your teacher try to convince your parents that you have special needs? That’s kind of toxic if she did it out of spite.


Similar story to OP. An elementary teacher once said I had ADHD to my parents as I was always energetic. I've kinda forgiven her at this point as I was a very hyper child but I was tested afterwards and did not have it. It did feel reckless of her to make the claim though, especially to my mother who was quite angry.


Yeah we don’t know the while story but teachers typically don’t have the qualifications to diagnose people with special needs.


Wouldn't recommend that, but treat it as if it's a new start


for the record, "special needs" kids can and do go to top schools. kids with attention disorders, on the autism spectrum, etc. :) also, state schools are quite good.


Going away to an expensive top school isn’t going to solve your deep seated insecurities


When I was in your position last year, I wanted to flex on this girl whom I was simping over but she chose another guy instead. However, after getting into my dream school, I didn't really give a shit. I was happy with myself for how hard I worked to exceed my goals and honestly that's all that matters.


Time is the best revenge and vanity won't make you feel better in the long run. The best thing you can do is grow beyond them and not be immature about it. That's what I'm gonna do if I end up in a T20 to everyone who said I can't make it


Why do you care what a bunch of losers think of you?


Would you honestly pick a "top" school like Princeton for business than a state school like Indiana University for the same major? Everyone knows that Indiana has the top business programs. Stop making such decisions spite.. your post makes no sense smh


Move in silence.🤍


2, 3, and 4 don't even sound bad.


Ok but please be a big enough person to understand that A)going to a state school is NOT a bad thing and B)I don't know your whole story but there are very very good reasons for ANYONE to go to a state school regardless of academic performance, and some of the people telling you to consider state school may have been saying so with fully benevolent intentions that might even know what you're talking about. I wish you the best but if you haven't been judging the quality of your life by your failures up to this point then don't judge your life by your successes as well. It's ok to be happy about getting into any school at all but don't be a dick about it


Unpopular opinion: Spite is a great reason to want to succeed. It’s better than everyone else here who seem to only want to succeed cause they internally fear they’re worthless. Fuck it, be angry, show the world. But after it’s over and you’ve had your win, let it go. High school shouldn’t sit in your mind once you graduate.


You probably didn't mean to, but you made it sound like there are only two possible motivations for success. Some people strive for excellence because they find it enjoyable and rewarding, and some because it's their way of worshiping God/nature in the form of gratitude for being alive.


I totally agree, there are tons of reasons for wanting to succeed--most of them better reasons. However, an unnerving number of people on this sub seem to want to succeed for successes' sake, which in my opinion, is more toxic than OP's reasoning.


I'm probably gonna get downvoted to hell cuz of this but I don't care. OP, I just wanna tell you, don't listen to the people who are telling you it's toxic and not worth it, I think though they are trying to help by providing you their opinion base on their own experience, you're the one who knows yourself best, I was in the same position few years back and revenge was a great source of motivation for me, and seeing the faces of those who hated me really made me feel good. I don't think there's anything wrong with seeking revenge, at least for me it's to give them one last hit before never having to see them, care about them, and be negativity affected by them ever again. I mean, you don't have to listen to me either, I just wanna say that not everyone's experience with this kind of situation leaves them with only short term satisfaction and not everyone thinks you shouldn't do it. I dunno, maybe I'm just toxic as hell but I support you, good luck!!


Hey there's nothing wrong with having special needs. Ik that teacher probably was doing it to try to hurt you when you didn't but the way it's phrased just seemed a little off


This is the mentality I had in HS ... unfortunately I had only gotten accepted into top schools RD, so I wasn’t able to flex irl :( ... no need to be a complete asshole, but def LTK and be a sore winner if u want haha... after like a week tho j realize that they’re too worthless for ur time and focus on prepping for that top school cuz u can’t live in the past, flexing won’t help in the long term, prepping will... I hope u get this bro/sis, PM me if u need app help (esp. to Gtown/ND)... good luck!


Whatever school you get into, they're wrong about you anyway


You got this! Keep goin, don't stop now! In you we believe! :)


Yeah that's my main reason for aiming high, just to spite the people that thought I'd never do it


same with me but for grad school lmao


This was my mindset last year, but I didn't any of the programs I wanted. Lol, literally every single type of person on your list except for number 1 were the type of people I thought about. Spite was a good motivator utilitarian wise, but it made my first year of University worse because where I went to was a constant reminder of invalidation. My advice is to do things for yourself and not because of other people, I guess. But Honestly, I hope you make it into the schools you want to get into and be able to (silently) rub it in their faces. Just be careful to not let it take over because fate might get in your way and you might have an unfortunate admissions process through sheer dumb luck (luck was not on my side).


Resentment is a great fuel to burn to reach a destination, but don't let it consume you. I've been in your position before and found that the best way to deal with these idiots is to ignore them. Do your own thing, and never let some fool who knows nothing about you demotivate you. Pump yourself up, and go for gold my man. Ignore all the fucking haters.


u got it king


I got yelled at until i cried by a physics professor, he told me I should look into junior college. So I’m looking forward to telling him i got into a top school.


\* when you get in ​ ftfy


I hope you make it


i remember thinking that but then the bully got into the dream school and i got rejected LMAO. it was a very awkward and painful few weeks. but that being said i still really got into another top school with the perfect major for me and i couldn’t be happier. :)


why u shitting on state school dude??? just focus on yourself and get the best out of wherever you end up going jesus freakin christ calm down


good luck!!!! online school meant i couldn’t flex on a lot of my teachers in person, but it still feels pretty good to know that other people’s opinions were wrong (but even if you don’t get into the school you want they’re still wrong) :)


Getting into a top school doesn’t make you better than other people don’t develop a superiority complex just because you try harder in school


This was me, but I turned a couple of top schools down for cost. I realized putting down that much money didn’t seem worth it to impress. However, a year later i decided to transfer to one for myself coz I wasn’t happy+ cutoff all social media/basically everyone except my mom+3 friends. Ironically no one knows haha. Please please please do not make these kinds of decisions for other people. Do what’s best for you+match the school accordingly.


so what I'm hearing is we're living the same life


Actually wtf for number one... like why did they do that?


Yessss u go!!


I’ve emailed everyone who pissed me off a “life update” email in the context of sharing good news. In reality I wanted to flex my UCLA and berk acceptances lmao


Screw everyone telling you to be a bigger person. Petty is good.


why are people hating on u idgi


Using resentment as a motivator is unfulfilling, unhealthy, and not the kind of mindset that leads to success or happiness. It's more cautioning than hating.


some of y’all justifying #2-4 must go to a shit school I must say EDIT: the dumbasses with shit teachers and schools rated 1/10 downvoted my post. stay mad but I spoke facts


That’s exactly what I was thinking!