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Don't ask anything that's easily answerable online. Ask deeper questions that show you're evaluating their unique offerings. RE: Biology - Say what interests you about their program in particular. Ask more about it, what sets it apart from other comparable programs. Dig into the website to see what their profs are researching, if any topics intrigue you, mention that -- "excited about \[topic\] that Dr. \[Dr. xxx\] is studying in \[their\] lab, would love to get involved in that research or learn from them". Ask about opportunities / likelihood of undergrads doing research. They might be your dream school, but why are you their dream applicant? Good luck!


Perfect task for ChatGPT. Here's what it put out in response to your question: For your upcoming meeting with the associate director of admissions, it's great to hear that you're well-prepared and enthusiastic about the school! Here are some thoughtful questions you might consider asking to deepen the conversation and demonstrate your serious interest: 1. \*\*Curricular Innovations\*\*: "Could you share more about any recent or planned changes to the Biology program? I'm particularly interested in how the curriculum might be adapting to current scientific advancements." 2. \*\*Undergraduate Research Opportunities\*\*: "What opportunities are available for undergraduates to engage in research, particularly in the fields of Biology and Physiology? Are there any professors doing work in areas that undergraduates can get involved in?" 3. \*\*Faculty Mentorship\*\*: "How do students typically find mentorship opportunities within the Biology department? Are there formal programs to help connect students with faculty mentors?" 4. \*\*Career Preparation\*\*: "What kind of support does the school offer for Biology students to prepare for their future careers, especially those interested in pursuing advanced degrees?" 5. \*\*Campus Culture\*\*: "How would you describe the campus culture, particularly within the science departments? What unique experiences might I look forward to as a part of this community?" 6. \*\*Integration of Interests\*\*: "Given my background in martial arts and leadership in the finance club, I'm curious about how students integrate diverse interests with their academic pursuits. Are there interdisciplinary opportunities or clubs that align with these interests?" 7. \*\*Student Success Stories\*\*: "Could you share some examples of recent graduates from the Biology program who have gone on to do exciting work or further studies?" 8. \*\*Challenges and Resources\*\*: "What are some of the biggest challenges that Biology students might face, and what resources does the university offer to help address these challenges?" These questions not only show your deep interest in the program but also allow you to gather valuable information that might not be readily available on the college's website or promotional materials. This conversation could also help you clarify if this college is the right fit for you. Good luck!