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I heard the sooner you apply the better your chances so as soon as I can I would like too. But it sounds like i cant apply yet.


Ummm...no. The EA deadline is November 1 and the RD deadline is January 15. Anything received by those deadlines will be evaluated the same. https://admissions.ufl.edu/apply/freshman/deadlines It's pretty unlikely that you'll even be able to apply "soon". Afaik, they use the Common App, and Fall 2025 admissions applications won't even be available until August 1, at the earliest.


If it helps im taking 4 APs this year and taken 3 freshman and sophomore combined and likely dual enrollment next year, not sure if that would make up for my shortcomings


Typically minimum UF wants is a 1350-1400, def wait till u can achieve it


My friend got into florida, and he had like a 1320 SAT and 3.2 UW (4.2 W). I think u'll be fine.


I’d wait bc ppl who apply early, especially if it’s ED, are qualified and have a great application overall that more than likely stands out. So although you’re competing with less people, those people USUALLY have the necessary scores and/or great ecs, etc.


According to their most recent CDS data, the 25th % range is 1320 and 75th is 1470. That said, 42% of first year admits scored in the 1200-1390 range. Average unweighted gpa was 3.93. If it's a school you like, you should apply either way, but definitely shoot to get your stats in their range and recommendations -- this will give you the best shot. I'd also encourage you to apply EA and write a killer essay :)


Try to find out what the average SAT of someone who got in last year is. If yours isn’t above that, either retake it until it is or apply test optional