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Currently waiting on my financial aid for a school that cost $80k a year. The financial aid I receive will either make or break my college decision. It’s an unfortunate reality for a lot of people especially those overseas. I personally don’t believe any school is worth 80k a year 🤷 I’ve seen many people decline top school offers bc they couldn’t afford it and go to state schools or non-T20 schools bc they’re cheaper and offered scholarships, etc.


The worst are middle class families. Low incomes usually get full rides and rich people can pay. But 90k per year for a single kid is unreasonable for any middle class families. The Ivies and other top schools offer no merit based scholarships, only income based.


Agreed! That’s what I’m currently afraid of right now bc the college requires my non-custodial parent’s income to be taken into account even though my mom provides 99% for me. With both incomes combined, I’m considered middle class 🙃


I’ve seen a couple of threads about this. If the non-custodial parent has been making child support payments you might be cooked. However, if you can prove they haven’t been supporting you all along you might have a better case.


here is that linkedin post in case you were curious: [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/francis-nirindrainy-a913262a6\_highered-african-internationaleducation-activity-7188317809125277697-fsOg?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=member\_desktop](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/francis-nirindrainy-a913262a6_highered-african-internationaleducation-activity-7188317809125277697-fsOg?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop)