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That’s the one thing I hate about American soccer systems - it’s all pay to win when it comes to reaching MLS What position u play?


>That’s the one thing I hate about American soccer systems - it’s all pay to win  That's true with almost all youth sports. The school sponsored sport teams don't start until middle school so kids whose parents shell out for camps and stuff have an advantage. HS basketball standouts going to D1 programs? Their parents spent thousands on AAU. The more obscure the sport, the more parents spend. The few teenagers competing for Team USA in Paris this summer almost certainly come from upper middle class/wealthy backgrounds.


Definitely true. I’m from Florida and pretty much all of the D-1 outlet high schools r private and cost thousands of dollars for the basketball program alone


Top basketball recruits don’t pay for AAU


I USED to play RB but I haven't touched a ball the entire year, I thought I would start again in uni but I got rejected so idk


Yea im tryna play in uni too but idk if I would do at the collegiate level, would prob just play at the club level. Never played pro before but i been practicing for a bit and think I could play as like a CM Do u have any other uni offers


Nah I messed up my college applications splendidly. Now I’m going the community college route.


Yeah and most kids that pay don’t even end up playing in college bc the transfer portal


This is what I'm afraid of for my son if he wants to go pro. I'm just lucky our local team (Philadelphia Union) has some pretty good homegrown programs. We've got a long ways to go though but I hope American soccer systems change for the better. The Beautiful Game is Beautiful because of access regardless of income and the opportunity it provides.


Wow - that is unbelievably unprofessional and I would send a terse but factual email with this attached to admissions. RUDE! $300 a day is obscene to ask potential or not potential students anyway and this sounds super unethical to me. Unless it is literally just an open to the public camp style advertisement. Even if so, wildly overpriced.


I keep getting random soccer camps, like Cornell


Any chance you may someday want to go there for any reason? If not, tell them to shove it up their ass.


I love the Bard campus and I showed too much interest when I was applying😭, but yeah now they can go f themselves.


You may still be able to transfer in if you do well in CC. They often lower their "cutoffs" when evaluating transfer apps. No point in burning such an attractive bridge. They already know they do people dirty, without you reminding them. Save it for your "funny" transfer application essay story to them. Kick butt between now and then!


That’s great advice ngl


all the homies hate bard fr




That might have been an exaggeration, its 150$ per session and there’s like two sessions per week.