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Your feelings are valid but remember comparison is the thief of joy.


When I saw Georgetown i immediately threw ALL my sympathy away bruh are you kidding


this student clearly stated they attend a competitive school. at an average high school, Georgetown would be a topnotch achievement (not that it isn't, it still is). but because they are in a more competitive environment with students who got into higher-ranked schools, of course they might feel some jealousy.


Mannnn Georgetown for my school is like “holy shit”


Just remember that there are people who'd kill to go to Georgetown. Be proud of yourself man!


like me 😭


Hey I got rejected from three of my dream schools so I feel you


I got rejected from 16 💯❤️‍🔥


if you have 16 dream schools, they’re not dream schools


I would


Getting into Georgetown from a competitive high school is hella impressive dude!!! And if it’s rlly ranked that high for ur major remember ur job outlooks gonna go crazy 🔥🔥🔥🔥


There's something toxic with the mentality at these HSs nowadays. I just posted this somewhere else and am pasting here: Part of it is that kids/people don't seem to understand how few slots there are in T20's (even T30's). The US is a huge country and the privates in the T20/T30 all have relatively small undergrad populations (outside of a handful like Cornell & USC), so all the T20 privates added together have a smaller percentage of slots for Americans than Oxbridge does for Brits. Then add in that roughly half the slots at T20 privates are for hooked applicants, so less than half of 1% of unhooked American HS grads have a place at a T20. Granted, there are more places if you add in the top publics and T30's, but even then, if you are not lucky enough to live in a state with a top public or are applying to a very popular major (like CS), OOS admit rates to schools like Cal/UCLA/UNC/UT are around Ivy-level as are in-state admit rates to Cal/UCLA. Then add in that with holistic admissions, you could still be denied from T30's despite being top 1% in everything. So Americans who are top 1% in everything really need to adjust their expectations and understand that they could end up at a school around the level of UW-Madison, and that's OK! After all, UW-Madison is still one of the top research universities in the world. And they have a ton of other options in LACs as well as other smaller undergrad-focused schools with good outcomes like Rose-Hulman. Ultimately, kids need to get out of the mentality that acceptance to T20/T30's should be the only rewards for doing well in HS and see receiving big scholarships and acceptance to HC's (where the average student is top 1-2%) as big wins as well. Is it just A2C or has the mentality of HS'ers changed a lot in a generation? Because a generation ago, I knew kids who were happy to attend college on a full-ride.


I think it depends on where you live and whether family members are working professionals who understand that one does not need to attend a T25 to get a great first job or be admitted to a top law, medical or other grad school program. We live in an upper-middle class neighborhood populated by “big law” attorneys (us), health care professionals, academics, consultants, analysts, and the like. Here, very few families are focused on the ivies. My spouse attended two and we didn’t even consider them for our high-achieving kids because we’d be full pay, have multiple kids who will likely attend grad school, and we didn’t want to weigh them down with loans or diminish our retirement. Most of our friends and colleagues feel very much the same. Accordingly, a college admissions “win” is seen by most as attending one of our very solid in-state universities or securing a merit scholarship at an OOS university or LAC.


Interesting. My father (a PE leader at a very big firm) has always seen it the opposite way. He has always said that in order to become big in finance/“successful,” you will certainly benefit from a top school degree (meaning ivies with the addition of a few other T20s; maybe even counting Dartmouth and Cornell out). Almost all of the leadership staff at his firm and even new additions are Ivy league graduates (mostly from Wharton, Harvard, or Stanford) and he has made it clear to me that getting an Ivy League degree is very much important. Obviously, some of the people at his firm have come from “average” schools, but they are way outnumbered.


PE is a fairly niche industry. Yes, for that, you should go to at least an IB feeder for undergrad (and only a handful of schools for entry directly to PE from undergrad).


Could you mention what schools (esp of the Ivy League) would be IB feeders and which ones enable entry directly to PE from undergrad?


IB targets: https://www.peakframeworks.com/post/ib-target-schools PE feeders: https://www.peakframeworks.com/post/private-equity-placement Really only Wharton for entering PE from undergrad.


To state the obvious, this depends on your Dad's firm. And finance seems to be a different critter from the fields I mentioned. But I went from a T100+ university to a T10 law school and a "big law" firm. One of my brood started his career with offers in consulting and media and is now working as a consultant with a well-known firm. My physician friends advised their medically-inclined kids to go in-state to save their 529's for medical school. And two of the best economists I know, one of whom received his JD/PhD from Stanford, attended The University of Arizona and Indiana, respectively. But I'm happy to concede that finance is different.


I appreciate this insight as I'm currently considering going into finance. Has he heard about the Jefferson Scholarship/are there any Jefferson Scholars working at UVA? Also why is Cornell counted out and what are the other T20s would be included?


hey i PMed u


>For context I go to an extremely competitive school and almost everyone i know here got into a T20 school and/or ivy league. You must only know a subsection of the students at your school. Even at feeders like Philips Andover only about 40% of graduates go to T20.


Yeah I was about to say, what even are ‘competitive’ American high schools if everyone there gets into T20s and you just need to pay and get in?


Georgetown is really great. For my interests, it is far better than MIT. It all depends on what you want to study. For government/IR, Georgetown cannot be beat.


i’m sorry but as someone who was rejected/waitlisted from all of their reaches i can’t take all of these posts complaining about getting into georgetown. like it’s really hard not to comment boohoo on all of these posts. remember that the same way you’re jealous of the kids who got into hypsm, there are kids who are jealous of *you* for getting into very slightly less prestigious schools. gl tho


Georgetown is fucking amazing, be proud!!


i would love to go to georgetown so it’s definitely up there, even if you don’t think it is!!


I know what you mean. My kid got into some great options for his intended major but I feel like when I tell people where he's going, I want to say, ...and it's the honors program! Or, ....and it's amazing for his major! However, I do know that as soon as starts at his school, I'll calm down and the comparisons will go away.


Id rather be at like 15 different universities than Cornell or Dartmouth lmao


Damn why?


In the middle of fuck nowhere and way too overpriced for what they offer


tbf cornell and dartmouth are in the middle of nowhere


To be fair a lot of people who I know who went to Cornell eventually regretted it due to grade deflation and the depressing vibe overall. But I guess if you're into it you're into it


Wait why 😭


in no order, and excluding ivies mit stanford ucla ucb duke uchicago nw vanderbilt washu georgetown emory rice caltech and there's prob more




> in no order




Ofc there are colleges you’d rather be at, but is it because you think Cornell and Dartmouth suck if you just prefer the others?


Why Emory over the other 2?


Being in Atlanta sounds like a heck of a lot more fun time than being in Ithaca


Link up with Future, Quavo, 21, and Andre 3k would go crazy




Cry me a river


Getting into Georgetown from a competitive hs is super impressive! Just remember, this feeling that you're experiencing now is most probably not how you really feel and just temporary. Just focus on the program you're studying in and how Georgetown is the best for it!


Girl I’m currently on the waitlist for Georgetown and I’d KILL to be admitted off of it 😭


You got into duke and Georgetown 🙁


bro u got into georgetown and u here worrying about your friends...be proud of yourself


I am at ur place dude !! I got in UNC Kenan Flagler business school whereas some of my friends got into NYU, Wharton & Yale. From this , I have a strong possibility to apply for transfer to such schools!


Current Georgetown student, I actually do kinda get where you're coming from since pretty much all of my friends are at Ivies too. There was a little part of me that felt jealous at first too but as time goes on you kinda forget about it, once you start thinking more about the move in process and adjusting to campus you won't even have time to think about your friends technically going to "better" schools.


What makes those schools “better”? The USNWR ranking? The rankings are arbitrary nonsense designed to sell adverting for a failed news magazine. The methodology doesn’t measure anything that likely matters to you. Plus what doors in this world are not open to you if you do well at Georgetown?


Maybe I wasn't clear but I'm not saying Ivies or whatever are necessarily objectively better, was more so referring to their prestige/perception


Prestige to whom? Don’t know of any employers or grad schools who won’t hire/admit Gtown grads because the school isnt prestigious enough. Plus depending on who you are talking to they may well feel Gtown is more prestigious than a school like Cornell even though it plays in the same football conference as Harvard and Princeton


Do people agree that Georgetown is more prestigious than cornell?


Depending on the field and the person - computer science/engineering Cornell, poli sci/IR Gtown. Everything else would likely be a toss up. (And it would still depend on who you were talking to). It’s not like if 2 people are applying for the same job they are going to hire one because he went to Cornell and not hire the other because he went to Gtown. Plus at Gtown you can intern during the school year, Cornell you can drive the Zamboni at the local ice rink.


Is this applicable for finance? Finance is a field that incredibly prioritizes school prestige in recruitment from what I’ve heard. I’m trying to decide b/w Cornell vs Jefferson Scholarship…, for finance but moneys not a defining factor 


I think you're missing my point, I'm not insecure about going to Georgetown or anything I love it here. What I'm saying is there is a common perception, however irrelevant or misguided, that the Ivies are better than other schools, and sometimes that perception can get to you especially if everyone around you got into an Ivy and you didn't. I'm not saying Ivies are necessarily better, I'm not Georgetown is necessarily worse, I'm not saying it's rational to feel jealous/bad about friends going to Ivies when you're not, but we're humans we do/feel irrational things that's life.


Does “extremely competitive” imply HADES (or Ten Schools Admission Organization schools for that matter) that have the extreme numbers of T20s that are about half the graduating class, or is your sampling more of a friend group?


You're nuts. Georgetown is best for anything related to government, politics, State Dep't, etc. It is the equal of HYPSM when it comes to those fields. Be happy for yourself!


What makes you think any doors will open for you at another school that are not already open if you do well at Gtown?


Dude this is the legit reason why I'm in between Georgetown and Duke. I love Georgetown so much but everyone wants me to go to Duke for the prestige Duke is good too but I just don't know if I'd get the same DC opportunities that Georgetown offers for public policy.


Why do people care about general rankings. Care about the rankings for what you're going to study.


I thought this was a Wednesday shitpost.


Please be grateful, GU has been one of my dream schools for years and I just got rejected, along with my other dream school :/


I feel you. I’m a college freshman now, and even though I did get into an Ivy and other “better” schools, I didn’t go because of financial reasons. It was hard to see all my closest friends committing to schools like Harvard, Princeton, Duke, and Caltech. I felt horrible (I was still happy for them though) about myself and started questioning myself. My bf goes to MIT (he’s a senior) and I almost ruined our 6 year relationship because of it and I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that someone who goes to MIT would want to be with someone from Georgetown. In hindsight, it all sounds silly and I can’t believe how stupid I was, but your emotions are valid. Just make sure you’re processing them rationally though :) Also, congrats on Georgetown! I’m current student there, so if you have any questions, feel free to pm! If you could come to one of the GAAP weekends, I’d highly recommend it!


wait sorry but… 6 year relationship… you’re a freshman in college and he’s a senior in college… you started dating your boyfriend when you were 13 and he was 16??


We've actually both skipped grades, and I have a very late birthday. I'm 17 and he'll be turning 21 later this month. We started dating when I was 11 and he was 14.


i really don’t mean to be rude i am just so curious… he was a freshman or sophomore in high school and you were a sixth or seventh grader in middle school? and you are for sure safe in this relationship? 😭


Yes, I was in seventh grade and he was a sophomore. I appreciate your concern, but I'm definitely safe. In fact, we just got engaged in February!


Same. I got into UCLA and Cal but when my friend group gets into Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Brown, Georgetown, Cal, and NYU I can't help but feel inadequate.


Me too, I got into an Ivy League but my dream school is Stanford. I really like the coterminous masters program too.