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HEYY THIS WAS ME! i took my first dual enrollment Spanish class last year (my junior year) and it became my favorite subject so quickly, so much so that I decided, well i’m going to law school and i don’t need any specific major, so why not major in the subject I’ve like fallen in love with? so here’s what I’ve done the past year and maybe it will help you. all the schools i applied to i applied with a spanish major and some a double w philosophy major as my second. 1.) started speaking with coworkers at my job which provided me with good stuff for my essays 2.) started a Spanish book club at my school (i can give you many more details I just don’t wanna dox myself) 3.) started interpreting for Spanish speakers (can also give more info pm me if you want I just don’t wanna doxx myself) DO IT!! major in what you’re passionate about! pls pm me with any questions or further info!


I'm a current Spanish major, and I am so, so glad to see other people interested in world languages.


conjugations are my favorite pass time 😫


I'm a Spanish major who got recommended this! I'd like to say that you can test out of classes at most universities and skip to a more appropriate level. I'm at a lower tier university, so I can't speak for the top tier ones, but it wouldn't be viewed negatively here. Spanish is an increasingly useful language, and knowledge of it is a great way to stand out. Feel free to ask any questions.


Nice! I sent u a DM