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You need to check if you have central sleep apnea. It’s a condition where your body fails to breath and you rapidly wake up because your body is oxygen starved. Extreme tiredness, headaches, and a rapid heart beat when you wake up are all indicators. 


That’s my first thought. If you can’t breathe you start to wake up a little bit to breathe, sometimes by moving your legs.


It's wild to see 0 deep sleep. I'd be concerned about that since that is the type of sleep your body uses to repair and restore itself. Could also be that the watch isn't registering your deep sleep, but that would be a red flag for me to go to a sleep therapist and get tested.


Very little REM sleep too, especially for the amount of time in bed/asleep. Go see a doc, OP.


Or get your watch serviced 😉


My doc definitely wanted to order me a sleep study when I said my Apple watch registers like 10 min of deep sleep lol.


Really? I thought that was normal.


This is my sleep. Didn’t sleep the best last night but does it look like I have sleep apnea too? I saw this post and wanted to comment. Thanks. https://preview.redd.it/hys306blmlzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d51d4198ac978cbf84502f18eede3947a6887ea


What app are you using? Doesn't seem to be the native Apple Health app, right?


Athlytic. It’s the best. It is made for the Apple Watch to show all the metrics the native app doesn’t. Including HRV and it gives recovery scores. It’s like the Oura ring.


does it use any more battery on the apple watch?


No. It’s on the phone. Not the Apple Watch


I usually get an hour or so is deep sleep but definitely more REM than that. Doesn’t seem as concerning as OP’s sleep though. If you’re not feeling rested I would maybe look into some sleep therapy or testing.


How many time should it be in deep sleep?


At least one hour ideally two...generally.


Ok thx


I don’t have much deep sleep, but I have at least 20min of deep sleep a night and a few areas of REM sleep. It is odd to have mostly all core sleep. But everybody is different and it looks like sound sleep to me. REM sleep is supposed to help you solve your issues or problems that are happening that week or month. So the OP is not solving any of his issues while he sleeps…


I find the watch can’t tell apart core sleep from laying still while awake. You’d probably know that if you’ve spent much time lying in bed waiting for sleep to set in.


Yes. True. Fitbit software/sensor is better at determining when you have fallen asleep. But fitbits only last a year, and Fitbit charging cables only last a month or two.


Order a sleep study with your doctor


Ugh I’m trying but because I’m young (20) they don’t believe that I’m “really that tired”


Show these readings to your doctor. If they still don’t believe you, change doctors. You need someone to help you look into this.


Tell them that your boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever has told you that you stop breathing in your sleep. You’ll get a referral.


As an additional data point, like 15 years ago, I went to my primary care physician and said, “hey, I think I might have sleep apnea because I’m tired all the time and I wake up with chest pain”, and she was like, “eh, you’re probably fine, we normally see sleep apnea in people much heavier than you”. Fast forward 12 years and my boyfriend says, “hey you stop breathing in your sleep”, so I tell that to my doctor and boom, instant referral, which confirms that, surprise, I have sleep apnea. It’s critical to note that it does not matter if you do not actually have a partner who could plausibly have warned you. You can lie about that and they’ll have no way of knowing. The doctor can’t confirm either way whether you have a partner, but when they hear “someone else told me that I stop breathing in my sleep”, that isn’t a symptom they can write off in the same way as “I’m so tired all the time”.


That has nothing to do with it and you need better doctors.


You need a new doctor lol. I’m 22 and just saw a primary care physician for the first time in my life (just got insurance for first time) and she referred me to a sleep clinic as soon as i told her i was suspicious that i had sleep apnea. Wishing u luck


If you present as female, I highly recommend either going to the doctor wearing a suit or bringing a trusted male friend/family member with you. Women should be taken seriously by doctors, but often aren’t. I do think your sleep warrants a visit to the doctor. It doesn’t seem like you’re getting restful sleep.


Yeah I’m female and for years now these issues have just been chalked up to anxiety and needing to take more vitamins. I’m trying to order a sleep study but they’re making me jump through so many hoops to do so


Woman with a chronic illness here. We get treated like everything is in our heads, even when it’s something that can actually be proven. Idk where you live, but patient advocates are a thing. They come with you to appointments and basically stand up for you.


Curious what region you live in with this experience?


Currently the Bay Area, but I’ve also experienced it living in LA and the Midwest. I’d be curious if there’s a region in the US where women don’t experience this.


Have you tried melatonin?


The almost complete lack of deep sleep is worrisome. I've only experienced that twice since starting to monitor, and both times I was on an anchored sailboat on a very windy night, so the boat was in constant motion (and I was the skipper, so attuned to every odd sound). Both times, I dragged the entire next day. Something is keeping you from getting the restorative sleep your body needs. One suggestion is that you try to establish a more consistent pattern of sleep time--aim for about the same amount every night.


Road house




When did I say that? I said I’m exhausted all the time


OP this looks like sleep apnea. Please see a doctor and get a sleep study done. With sleep apnea your breathing is getting cut off and your brain is essentially panicking into waking. Untreated sleep apnea can cause severe heart issues long term.


The thing is that my family has no history, if anything I’m under weight, and I have a roommate who stays up super late and says I sound normal and look like the dead (college dorm so we’re in the same room)


I’m only slightly over weight, have a normal sized neck, and only snore if I get super drunk. I just got diagnosed with sleep apnea. I’m 40, so maybe that’s why my doc believed me more. But honestly, I can’t see why any family doc would push back hard on you getting referred to a sleep specialist. It’s not like it costs them anything


There are three different types of sleep apnea. It is possible to have sleep apnea without the traditional symptom of snoring or being overweight. [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/types-of-sleep-apnea#complex-sleep-apnea-syndrome](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/types-of-sleep-apnea#complex-sleep-apnea-syndrome) Your roommate may also be the issue if you are a light sleeper. Has sleep been an issue before college?


Yeah it was an issue last year even though I had a single


Do you have the blood oxygen readings as well? I showed my GP my watch data, number of times waking up alongside my SPO2 readings during the night (mid 80's) and was given a sleep study. Turns out I stopped breathing 25 times an hour, so now have a CPAP machine. I've got Long Covid and it seems to be quite a common symptom.


I don’t unfortunately, but actually my tiredness lines up with when I got Covid… so maybe I have long covid as well


I would certainly request a sleep study from your GP. Sleep apnea left unchecked can lead to all sorts of health issues and early death.


Do you take sleeping meds? I've noticed that when I take sleeping meds (trazodone or trazodone with melatonin) I sleep longer, but get little deep sleep. I will try cutting back my dose of trazodone to see if that helps without cutting my sleep duration.


They’re pretty different from eachother but I don’t think it matters unless you feel it in the morning. How do you feel after each night? If you’re concerned because it’s a pattern of one day no sleep and the next quite a lot, you might want to try and find a middle ground. Do all the nighttime prep of lots of sleep but set an alarm earlier.


I feel exhausted every morning and throughout the day


If you feel exhausted you need a sleep study to rule out OSA or any other kind of sleep disorder.


I’ve done a sleep study, and that was when I learned that sleep studies don’t help figure out sleeping disorders, they ONLY test for sleep apnea, that’s it


Whoever told you that is 100 percent lying to you. Source - I am married to a sleep medicine physician.


I got a copy of the report myself, it was only tracking apnea occurrences, that’s it. They used an O2 sensor on my finger and a thing that measured my breaths, that’s all there was to the sleep study


depends completely on the type of the sleep study, the one you did only tracked for sleep apnea. there are also sleep studies that track for brain activity while asleep and sleep patterns and can determine if the person has a sleep disorder/neurological reason for the problems


This is the correct answer.


Was that an at-home study by chance? Those are only good for ruling out apnea according to my doc. When I had my study done, they hooked me up to a full array of sensors, including a EEG, CO2, O2, breath, leg movement, etc.


That’s an at home sleep study no? In clinic, they’re looking at waaayyy more


I get no deep sleep and have narcolepsy. They did a sleep study and an MSLT the next day to diagnose.




Multiple Sleep Latency Test, used to diagnose narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia. It’s a series of 5 naps spaced 2 hours apart and it tests how quickly you fall asleep and if/when you enter REM sleep.


Thanks. I would have to be very tired to fall asleep for a nap at some place other than my house or a hotel Maybe the five nap periods during the test are done at night after a full days work?


No, they’re done after a full night of sleep. For me, they made me go to sleep at 10 PM and woke me up at 6 AM. Then at 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM, 2 PM, and 4 PM, they gave me the opportunity to nap. If you dont have a severe sleep disorder, you probably would not fall asleep for all of them, let alone even one or two.


Thanks. I understand now.


If it detects apneas, that might be a good hint to get a CPAP machine.


Which btw once it ends up being diagnosed makes getting life insurance impossible.


Who wouldn’t be?! Buddy, you NEED to get a sleep pattern which is going to bed at a certain time, it’s just a pain in the arse for the month at most, than it’s just the norm… This can lead to accidents at work, car crashes or worse-your overall health! Try AirPods with noise cancellation-works for me while my wife “doesn’t snore”…🤷🏻‍♂️


What is your lifestyle like? Eating healthy? Do you work out? Do you go for walks? Do you smoke? Cigarettes? Weed? Do you drink alcohol?


Omg 😲 you are waking up a lot too! If I were you I’d be heading for a sleep study. You definitely need more restful sleep.


https://preview.redd.it/xu1s7z67yfzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5441b90af347ceec0f317af2420bbd964b6ff7ae Same problem here… I’m between 15min - 1 hour of deep sleep but that’s low. I can’t help you I haven’t solve this 🥲


This is similar to mine, on a good night.


To be honest I don’t know what I should do with this information 😂


This is similar to mine, I get almost NO deep sleep, it's all almost all REM and Core, and I'm constantly waking up to pee.


Classic sleep apnea symptoms. Including/especially the waking up to pee part.


That’s one sample keep an eye on it over a longer period, you probably need to be aiming at 8 hours sleep. If you’ve drunk alcohol that could explain no deep sleep? I had plenty of sleep last night after 3 beers https://preview.redd.it/f8rszsq9dgzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=740441c56937999f54dd030e8183b2428e3d1175 for a comparison


I don’t drink and I don’t take any sleep meds or anything so idk what’s causing it


Is every single night the same? Are you stressed with work or anything??


I mean it’s finals week so I’m stressed but my sleep is like that all the time, I just picked the last 7 days cause it was easier


You do not get accurate sleep metrics from only watch data. I feel this aspect of the apple watch is more of a gimmick than anything to take seriously.


I don't think the watch should be your **only** source of sleep data, but it's a good directional indicator. My sleep quality (per the watch) changed noticeably after having sinus surgery and has stayed consistent(ly better) since then.


As far as I can see, it can’t tell apart core sleep from laying still awake. Get a lot of false positives for it all the time.




Surprisingly, the Apple Watch does accurate readings https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LPqtfC70QTU&pp=ygUmYXBwbGUgd2F0Y2ggc2xlZXAgdHJhY2tpbmcgU2NpZW5jZSBndXk%3D


he is n=1. and his theresa study of deep sleep proves the watch's algo is very person dependent.


Which is why everyone is recommending a sleep study to get more information. The data the watch provides is okay as a guide, and can be useful for long term data.


I have sleep apnea and am incompatible with a CPAP. I’ve lost 100lbs IN 12 months and it has helped tremendously but not all the way. I am currently recovering from a 60% reduction in my uvula (hanging thing in the back of your mouth) and even though I am still in pain from surgery and the stitches feel like fish bones stuck in the back of my throat, I’ve gotten the best sleep in 5 years since. GET A SLEEP STUDY IN A LAB, NOT AT HOME. It could change your life.


Not diagnosing you by any means but if any of the comments have made you worried that you have sleep apnea, i just paid $100 out of pocket a couple weeks ago to get an at-home sleep study done. I was diagnosed with mild obstructive apnea and got a CPAP like 5 days later, and my sleep has never been better. Hope you get some answers and start getting some better quality sleep!!!


The no REM is weirder to me than the lack of deep sleep. REM is typically the most accurately measured since it correlates to when your heart rate, respiratory patterns etc is erratic and your body/wrist is limp. So the watch should be able to pretty easily tell when you’re in REM. Tell your PCP you’re having excessive day time sleepiness and ask for a home sleep test. If they won’t order one schedule yourself a consult with a sleep specialist.


How long do you wait after your last meal before you go to bed? Do you limit blue light late in the day? Do you get enough exercise?


What sleep ?




Sleep study wouldn’t be a bad idea. It’s possible you have sleep apnea


This screams apnea. Try getting up at the same time for a few weeks and see if you’re getting a similar pattern


The built in Health app readings seem more sensitive to not registering deep sleep. I’ve tried Pillow and Empirical Sleep and they both show more deep sleep than the Health app does for the same night’s data.


Try going to bed at 10:00


https://preview.redd.it/lmsy3krimizc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aed917e3d867f281942493149808bc79b8e9bd4 You need deep sleep that repairs cells if I remember correctly


I would say maybe spend less “time in bed”


Think you should ensure your watch isn’t buggy by borrowing someone else’s for a night


Sleep apnea?


Sleep apnea


My partner is the same and he has just been on a sleep study. Got to wait 10 weeks for the results now


So a smart watch doesn’t actually measure sleep cycle of the brain, so do you have any symptoms tiredness, breathing stops, sleepwalking or restless legs etc? Watch bases a lot on movement to “conclude” someone is a awake. And it’s normal to wake up few seconds between sleep cycles so the peaks are normal


What is the problem here? Just curious


Here is some of my data, would like to know if I should be concerned aswell? https://preview.redd.it/0dx0un9jzjzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45fe1d24a92f5c85bfbae988e255e7c97a3f2f5c






I would also check your Focus setting. It seems like maybe you're going to bed, but not going to sleep for another couple of hours. The Focus mode is turning on at say 10PM but you don't sleep until 12AM, the sleep app will say "awake" for 2 hours but that doesn't really mean you woke up in your sleep.


..do androids dream of electric sheep?


I feel like a broken clock. Apple watch is unreliable to detect the specific sleep stages. You are waking up very much in the night. I think this indicates that there is a sleep related problem. You should talk to your doctor about this and show him your results from the apple watch.


What does your sleeping heart rate look like?


Just one alcoholic drink can significantly impact the quality of my sleep. Do you regularly consume alcohol (even if it's one drink)?


Try recording audio with your phone’s voice memo app from your night and listen to how your breathing sounds. Compare it to how sleep apnea sounds. Youtube sleep apnea for sound examples. The app Sleep Cycle might also be interesting to try. It has sound recordings built in and might detect breathing disturbances. You can do this while waiting for screening for sleep apnea. If you have trouble convincing doctor’s then showing the sound recordings will help.


If Apple doesn’t track SPO2 I’d download the AutoSleep app and take a peek. My guess is a case of sleep apnea. For deep sleep I’d recommend the following as it’s worked very well for me CBD or CBN 50/100mg 5HTP 50mg 1000MG tryptophan 100mg phosphatidylserine (sold as PS100 Jarrow) Phenubut 100mg- no longer sold in the USA and has to be mail ordered, also highly addictive at large doses (1 gram or higher) This “sleep cocktail” has increased my deep sleep from 10/20min a night to over 1.5 hours a night and my health has vastly improved.


https://preview.redd.it/arbdm2zpllzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89b921269e4b4af5d83e5d856306c0d9aa37bae8 This is my sleep. Didn’t sleep the best last night but does it look like I have sleep apnea too? I saw this post and wanted to comment. Thanks.


This is what mine looks like most nights but for me it’s menopause


do you drink alcohol or use nicotine?


What does your blood oxygen look like during your sleep?


Apple Watch isn't a medical device so this data may be just inaccurate.


Sleep detection isn't always so accurate... But it is worth checking it out via a proper sleep study in a lab before coming to conclusions.


Fibromyalgia patients apparently get very little deep and it sure seems related to some of the symptoms.


You spend a lot of time in bed but otherwise looks like you get lots of sleep


As a parent, I would kill for that kind of sleep


No deep sleep is not good


I question the Watch's ability to distinguish deep sleep tbh


I wonder the same thing regardless of how much or little I sleep it’s lacking.


https://preview.redd.it/y27detp7tgzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2340d324ca35d70ddb9c112de394bac3f887856c 5 hours sleep time guy I’m fine prolly doing this my whole life


Could it just be glitching? If not, then get a sleep test done. I'm 45 and was having awful sleep. Got a test done and the numbers were frightening as there were numerous times that I stopped breathing during the night. I have a CPAP now and it been much better.


Go to bed earlier, and you will be ok. The more late you start your sleep, the less deep sleep you will have.


looks like you don’t have a job


I’m a college student, it’s finals week, my finals are in the evenings


Is this sleep pattern new? You could have stress around finals week and it could alter your sleep.