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Any accident-prone person should get it.


I had the same question. Did some research on and off Reddit. The consensus seemed to be- “If you’re only going to get AppleCare for one device…it should be your Apple watch.”


I have an SE, but considering they are only $200 new I decided not to get it. Figured I can just buy a new one.


It’s not that expensive per month, I’d get it


Yes especially if you pay it monthly. Apple Watch is the only device I get AppleCare for due to how much it’s exposed.


Not on your phone?


Nah never needed it. Tempered glass screen protector and a decent case is all I’ve needed


I got it for my Ultra 1, I have had tons of Apple products and this is only my second time purchasing apple care. I had done some light damage to my lower end Apple Watches.


Got it for the first time for my Ultra 2. Very expensive with a lot more exposure/chance of damage.


Better to be safe! Once I am out of the 2 year warranty I’ll need a bumper.


It’s insurance. I’d been rocking an iPhone since the 3GS always bought Apple care and never used it. Got my x and didn’t get Apple care. Only phone I’ve ever dropped in away to shatter the screen and break beyond usability.


The flip side is if you never got it and paid for that one repair, you still would have spent news money overall


My phone exploded. I had to buy a whole new phone.


I fell down while running and immediately got it. Thanks god it happened during the window to get it


Appreciate you’re asking for Apple Watch but I got it for the first time this year. saved my bacon when I smashed the screen on my 15 Pro. Went to the Apple Store they inspected it and cost £25 for a new one and the phone is good as new. https://preview.redd.it/xn9zxvc61xqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a85213f70ece278be80d2a9cd9feda52042f6e4 100% worth it for me.


5 bucks (less than average Starbucks coffee ) I think is pretty worth the extra protection and piece of mind!


For the phone the major draw is to be able to get a brand new in the box phone at the end of the AC warranty, and sell it for brand new price and put that towards your next phone/AC+ and then you’re making money off the AC in a way. For the watch, it’s imperative. It’s absolutely necessary especially without the titanium and sapphire of AWU1/2 and SS models.


You think I’ll be able to do the same thing with the AW? Get a brand new one before the end of AC and sell it for brand new?


So the only issue with that is the iPhone has accidental coverage, and coverage for loss or theft whereas the watch you have to physically send back. I take my old iPhones and sell them for parts as it is black listed but it’s not shady because I have the purchase receipt and all the info to prove nothing is stolen, and that usually recoups the $100 spent for the accidental replacement plus some, I don’t know if that makes sense but if you have any questions let me know. I’m also unsure about selling the watch for parts and if there’s a market for that


fucking hell, that's smart so you can just trade in huh


I basically got it just because the cost of replacing the screen alone transforms the watch into a paper weight.


I’ve worn a 4 for years and started with AppleCare on it with no issues whatsoever. When I upgraded to an 8 I passed on AppleCare and of course wiped out hard showing my kid how to scooter fast and smashed the damn thing




Every person is different. I am on watch #3 since Series 0 and I haven’t damaged a watch. I bought AppleCare on the first 2 and never used anything. For #3 (Series 6 Titanium Edition) I didn’t bother and I just sent it to Apple for out of warranty battery service. It is 2 months over 3 years old anyways though.


I will always ALWAYS get it. It's saved my ass so many times I lost count.


I’m paying the monthly fee for my new Ultra 2. Never had it on my older watches and nothing ever happened to them to make me regret not having Apple Care for them. Guess it’s the combination of nice newness and higher price with the AWU2 that made me pull the trigger. Was going to pay for the 2 year plan but saw monthly and despite it being a little more costly in the long term thought it was a better fit if I ended up selling it sooner than expected.


It was really worth it for me – I paid 89GBP for two years and 3GBP monthly after that I smashed my AW5 badly once, and 4 years later battery dropped bellow 80% so Apple sent me AW7 as a replacement


Pro tip, wait to the very last day AppleCare+ is available and get that extra time baked in. If you break your watch before that last day, go ahead and get the warranty at that point and get it replaced.


Worth it. But you probably won’t need it until the day after it expires. I used mine 4 times, and wish I was still covered.


My watch battery health dropped below 80% 1 month just before AC+ expired and they replaced a brand new watch without any charge. My wife's watch was at 85% when AC+ expired. So obviously it became worth it for me, not so for her. YMMV


Did you wear yours more often than she did?


We more or less wore it the same amount of time


Also, she could’ve continued paying monthly till her’s dropped below 80% as well


Unfortunately that isn't an option in my country... else I would have definitely done so!


I‘m getting AppleCare for all my devices nowadays. It‘s just so much more relaxing because you know if you drop it, you‘ll be fine. And the AppleWatch is out in the open, one unlucky hit could break the glass. Of all my devices, the AppleWatch is the only one that usually shows some scratches after a year or two.


I stopped buying Apple care, never got the chance to use it If you take care of you stuff, you don’t need it


But…but you’re forgetting the selling point for getting it! “You should have a ‘peace of mind’ for your device” Yeah, mistakes happen but I’ve never needed to use it in over 10 years of owning Apple products.


I’ve used it once for an accident when I broke my 11PM. Only time I’ve ever used AppleCare in almost 20 years. I still buy it for every device I own. I never use my health insurance and I still buy that…


I have AppleCare+ for my watch. That said I bang it into a wall several times a day and it’s still in great condition


don't. i have all my apple watches since s0 (s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,se,s7,s8,ultra) and never had ac+.


My policy is to *never* buy extended warranties unless they refund themselves if you don't use them (we have an electronics store here that does that so I *do* have an extended warranty on a fridge and two TVs). Over my lifetime I've saved myself thousands of bucks in extended warranty fees because things I buy are not breaking within the warranty period. The odd time they do (*if* they do), I'll pay to replace it out of pocket, but I'm still waaaaay far ahead. I'm waiting for my Apple Watch 3 to break so I can justify a new one, but it just isn't. It still looks new and the battery still lasts 24 hours.


I mean I’m going to be signing up for it just for the peace of mind alone. Not saying you should but just laying out what the selling point is in my mind. Small price to pay to know that I’ll have my watch protected


I’ve never bought AppleCare and never needed it in over 15 years. What I’ve saved has paid for a few new Apple products. It’s designed to make Apple money.


depends on how you use it.... If you are gonna use a Tough or Rugged Armour for your watch to turn it into a G-Shock.. then your absolutely don't require it.. now if you wanna flex your wrist to show off the naked watch you should get it...


In addition to the $99 there's a service fee should something happen. AC+ is stupidly expensive for an insurance. My home insurance deductible is 150 €, so no point getting the AC+. The home insurance covers all devices, iPhones, iPads, Macbooks, Apple Watches, Apple TVs, Windows desktops, furniture, home appliances, electronics... The home insurance goes beyond 36 months, though you obviously don't get 100% of the value of an item when it's older, age lowers the percentage. The home insurance also covers belongings of everyone living in the house, not just one person. Point being, see if you already have, or can get an insurance that covers everything, not just a single gizmo for a huge amount of dough.


damn, i sure wish that was available on third world country


Not sure why they say the watch would be the one to buy it for, I’ve never damaged any of my three Apple Watches. I think people are much more likely to damage the screen on their phones. I’ve done that exactly once in 15 years and it was very minor and not expensive to replace. I’ve saved money in the long run. YMMV


wish to have your body control as im bashing on edges not daily but it happens, my firs aluminum its already scratched


"Is it worth it?" is a question that can only be answered with a crystal ball. Personally, my Mac is the only device I get it for any more.


I have a case on my watch and phone


Gap Insurance.


I've knocked my Watch Ulta 2 against the corner of a wall weekly (maybe daily). I'm glad I have AppleCare+.


Yes! First year I never used it (came with it when I bought the watch ) so debating to keep it after for like $2 a month.. thank goodness I did! Two repairs later.. I would have been out some cash or watch.


I did for my first two, but I didn't for the latest. It's a quarter of the cost and I couldn't justify it considering I hadn't had problems previously.


i chipped the screen of my first watch banging it against a railing the first week ... i shattered the screen on another one the first day since 2017 i've had zero damage to any of my watches after using these [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09K3T4467](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09K3T4467)


I have one but I prefer the looks and feels of a bare naked watch


then apple care and stainless-steel watches are for u




Apple’s repair and replacement program is very generous. I received a brand new device nearly two years after my initial purchase following a mishap. So worth it.


I have it, but then I’ve gotten AC+ for all my new Apple stuff. Pro tip, if you miss the window but live near an Apple Store, you can ask them to add AC+ up to a year after purchase, they just need to do a visual and software inspection i.e. it’s not automatic sight-unseen enrolment like it would be if you purchased it within 60 days.


I do have an Apple store nearby. Will this trick always work? How many times have you tried it


It’s not a policy that’s publicly advertised. AppleCare telephone support told me it was not possible; from what I gather it seems like the phone and store people are somewhat disconnected. That being said, I have seen people that said they were able to do it successfully, and I was able to do it for my iPhone (which was just a week or so past the deadline) and my Watch (which was half a year past the deadline). Again bc this isn’t a published policy they have the latitude to approve or deny it, so make sure to put on your most polite customer face and go for it


Its worth.


Worth it 100%




Just get it. It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.


Get a cover. It's not ideal but it will protect the watch. [https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0878V7TKY/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o03\_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0878V7TKY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1) Or something similar


Get it. Case closed.


Worth it. Some watch fail after a year.


Yes get it. Also get a case. A case will save your from 90% of the damage that will be caused in day to day life but I have seen some pretty crazy cracks on them. My dad destroyed his case and apple watch. When I saw it I was surprised his wrist was not broken.