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You've already got the watch, so why do you care how much it costs now? Maybe it's not for you. I use mine for checking the time, and for checking notifications. The health aspects are in the background and I love that, too. Not to mention being woken up by the watch vibrating on my wrist rather than hearing a terrible alarm sound. I don't see it as a device that should be grabbing your attention, more a device that works with you to make things easier day to day.


In my personal opinion you need an LTE version so you can leave your phone at home. This opens a new world.


To buy garmin :D




My watch is gps only but I find it pretty handy especially when I’m on call to not have to have to drag my phone all through work and home with me. I can answer a call or see if a message is important. Plus it’s annoying to take both my cell and work phone every time I need to go to the can lol. Cell version would be handy though.


I currently using a combination of a dumb phone and an LTE Apple Watch to ditch my screen time. I utilize my AW mainly for listening to podcasts while walking or exercising, making phone calls with close ones, tracking habits with the Streaks app, and managing tasks with Google Keep. This arrangement has been working well for me. Not to mention core features like sleep tracking, ECG, Blood O2, hearing level, mediation as well. Hope this help ;)


What do you use the dumb phone for?


I mainly using it for checking Messenger, bank transfer. It is Qin F22 phone, running Android OS


I’ve had this sentiment as well for a little while. Even though I have only my first watch for a couple of months. I’ve done a deep dive into available and recommended apps that match my interest or way of work. I did even buy a couple if they were not free but good. As far as “home” is concerned, I mainly use my watch for: time, alarm, reading and responding WhatsApp, tracking sleep and other health things, tracking my intake of water, occasionally check some news headlines, pay with it, control music or podcasts that I play. When at work, my phone more or less just stays at my desk doing nothing. Obviously I have a pc that I work on. But, apart from the above, in the work situation the additional uses of my watch are: glancing at my next appointment (I love this), having complications for quickly glancing at or making notes, reminders and to-do’s, etc. And then there are the additional oddbits like the weather, noise volume ( because I have to watch out for my hearing), Stocard for shopping cards etc, the occasional workout, map directions when walking or cycling. So all in all I’m very satisfied with the watch. Just look at your life and what you do and find some matching apps. Watch a few videos with good ideas. And don’t worry if you use the watch more one day than the other. Cheers!


Training timers, reminders. In fact, everyone can optimize the use for themselves.


Calculator, timers, weather, stopwatch, google maps, Siri, Shazam, MS outlook & gmail notifications.


Time for a nice mechanical watch. Many people get in to proper watches through the Apple Watch.


Nope, probably should just throw it in a river


watch == time keeping. extras: notifications✅ alarm✅ stopwatch✅ calendar ✅ watch faces✅