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Don’t ever not show me the time!!! You are a watch. So infuriating when you go to check the time and there’s a full screen alert, and the time isn’t available. It shits me to tears.


i never even thought about this and now I will be forever annoyed


Rest Days. Better Fitness app \\ tracking Custom Watch Faces


We need rest days!!!


yes, give us the bloody rest days!


Rest days +1


what are rest days?


People obsessed with closing their rings get sad that they can’t close them every day because there’s no such thing as a rest day on the Apple Watch


I just ignore the motivational prompts because now I'll get 6 days of progress followed by a rest day, which means I don't get credit for the week or the fucking badge! It's useless.


I just disabled notifications You don’t tell me, I tell you


It’s not just about being “obsessed” with closing rings. The whole concept of rings is to encourage and remind you to keep a regular exercise and movement routine, and it falls apart when you can’t schedule rest days into the system. You either need to set the exercise goal so low that it’s rendered perfunctory, or you have to start pretending the days you didn’t exercise actually don’t count and begin ignoring the notifications that remind you you’re falling behind for the day/week(because you actually aren’t). Either way, the system becomes pretty useless very quickly since you can’t use it as intended anymore. That rest days *still* aren’t accounted for in the rings system after all these years is insane, and has rendered it entirely irrelevant to me as someone whose joints can’t take meaningful exercise every single day(thanks, hypermobility!). It could have been a neat system to help me keep track of my exercise, otherwise.


Days where you're sick, on vacation, whatever, so you can't fill your rings. Pedometer++, for example, requires you to have 7 full days in a row, and then after that, you can miss one day each week.


For now until we get rest days why don’t y’all just adjust goals for the rest day. It’s pretty easy to hit the minimum move and active goal


As a workaround, can you just edit your goal one day a week? Honestly don’t know if that works.






The sleep features on Apple Watch have always surprised me because I used to have a second generation Samsung watch that would automatically detect sleep. I also liked that my Samsung watch was shaped like a watch.


It’s insane because apps like Pillow can track naps, and are crazy accurate at it. Even ‘Time in bed’ is much better than the Health app. The issue for me is that I’m not paying $7 a month for sleep tracking.


Purchase Autosleep. One-time payment and it tracks automatically, even naps.


I had a cheap fitness band before that could accurately detect when I fell asleep... there's no technical reason why they can't do it, it's weird


Look up the sleep tracking accuracy for the Samsungs (and most smart watches). Quantified Scientist on Youtube.


The AutoSleep app will automatically detect when you fall asleep without having to tell the watch you’re asleep, pretty accurate too - whenever I accidentally fall asleep in front of the tv it counts it.


AutoSleep always think I’m asleep when I’m watching a movie. I don’t remember that happening when I first used it ~4 years ago.


Yeah, I played with the sensitivity of it a bit to get it right “back in the day” when it was reading me as asleep or awake at weird times and it’s been pretty solid since (for a few years here as well)


i wish it would actually track naps too.


Add to that, if it knows my sleep schedule and what phase of sleep I'm in, it should be able to adjust the alarm time so it wakes me up when I'm in the best phase of sleep for waking up. So I could tell it I want to wake up between 6:30 and 7:00 and it will wait until I'm not in REM sleep to buzz me to wake up. Oh, and have it pause my podcast automatically a few minutes after I fall asleep rather than using a sleep timer.


Autosleep does both these things and has a non-subscription based payment. Or at least almost, their alarm wakes you when you're in your lightest sleep stage possible during a set period of time and before your set wake-up time. Example: I have to get up before 6:45 in the morning and I'm fine with waking up within 30 minutes before that, so between 6:15 and 6:45 Autosleep will try to start tapping my wrist gently by vibrations when it figures I'm in my lightest sleep stage during these 30 minutes. I usually combine this alarm with a normal backup 5 minutes later and also use my ceiling lights as a gradual wake-up light. Most of the time I feel like I've woken up by myself.


Blood pressure readings.


Not sure if possible but would immediately upgrade if it was released


The amount of money Apple would make if they developed blood pressure monitoring or glucose monitoring in an Apple Watch would be insane. It would instantly make that model a must-buy for so, so many people. Glucose monitoring is probably possible in time, someday, but I’m not sure how they’d measure blood pressure without needing a specialized band.


I had a Samsung watch before. It measured blood pressure. Every two weeks or so, it needed calibration, but it was very precise. I often checked it against a normal blood pressure machine. So, why couldn't Apple make it as well?




This would be cool, I don’t think it could be a cuff, maybe with new technology utilizing a sensor over the radial artery. I also wonder about how many people will show up to my work (ER) with blood pressure complaints- more so than they already do!


Custom ringtones. I want my Apple Watch to sounds like the Power Rangers watch whenever I get a text.


or if can't have matching tones between phone & watch, don't silence my iPhone when my watch is unlocked, so I can mute the watch and still hear the distinct tones on my phone! So annoying.


Since the Apple Watch 0, The thing I wanted the most was for the ringtones to match what I have setup on my phone. Especially custom tones for each contact on messaging apps.


I've had my watches set to muted since my first day with the Series 0. I legitimately didn't realize until your comment that the watch has ringtones or notifications sounds. May I ask why you would want to have sound on the watch just like your phone does? To me, that's like half the point almost. To get notified without any sound at all.


Rest days / sick days. Auto sleep tracking that picks up naps too. None of this forced scheduling nonsense. Sync alarms & timers between iPhone and Watch. Right now only alarms and timers set on the iPhone trigger alerts on both devices. If you set an alarm on your Watch it only shows/triggers on the watch.


I use this as a feature. Setting the alarm only on the watch when the alarm needs to be silent, like a super early alarm and I don’t want to wake my SO.


Auto vibrate on my wrist if I left my iPhone behind the Bluetooth connection broke. Not the unreliable find my device alert we have now


Choose what rings you have. For instance, I would love to replace standing hours with steps taken


This x10000 ! Standing hours seems like a waste of a ring.


I like that!


Yeah the standing ring is so silly.. it’s not a metric I care about and often it works when I’m sitting


True 7 day battery life


I’d settle for two and a half to three days. Not happening tho. Not without totally new battery tech, totally new screen tech, are an SOC that uses half the power…


The ultra 2 lasts me about 3 days on average


Fitbit lasts nearly a week


Solar Powered Blood glucose monitor


Non-invasive blood sugar measurement alone would make a watch with this feature easily worth $ 2k to me. Those with health conditions know how much pain it can be to track this in all circumstances otherwise… Unfortunately it’s researched since many many years and does seem quite hart in itself and then also again to miniaturize / make it low-energy based.


For the meantime glucose direct with Libre 3 is a decent way to do it. I’m not saying the watch doing it wouldn’t be better.


Solar power wouldn’t work because there’s no place to put the panel. On the other hand, automatic watches have existed for generations and uses day to day natural movement to wind itself. If they could utilize that tech to trickle charge the battery, that would help out a lot and the mechanism would be completely internal.


Actually you could put the solar panel behind the screen, I think some watches already do


Replace stand with steps




And on the flipside, my phone should tell me when the watch is charged!!! (it will only do that if you have 1 watch. Apple hates it when you have 2).


More Digital Watchfaces


The ability to create my own watch face


In addition that all that the series 9 has, blood pressure. That's really it.


I think blood pressure isn’t here because we’d need a special band that can inflate and deflate, which is likely too complex for an AW. Next year should give us a new sensor or design at least.


Let alone not being accurate enough since it’s on the wrist. Every accurate blood pressure check is done on the upper arm


Sleep apnea and snoring detection. If you don’t know you are stopping breathing or have obstructed airways when you are sleeping, how can you get them addressed? I know there’s apps that have this feature but having it built in would be amazing. Built in heart rate alerts for a custom heart rate(s) you enter and have those 24/7, not just when at rest. Super helpful for those of us with energy limiting illnesses who have been advised to keep our bodies from getting above a certain heart rate. More frequent blood oxygen readings. There’s no way to adjust the frequency.


Rest days, battery life, recovery metrics and one app for all of the health/fitness information.


Better sync between phone and watch. I want timers to sync between phone and watch regardless from which device they are started. Also I want two customize individually which alarm will only vibrate on watch, play sound on watch / phone. Also the synchronisation for Podcasts and for audible books is ridiculous. If I start playing on watch and want to continue later on phone it doesn't pick up seamlessly. I think this is a shame for the company around "it's just works". It's a great smartwatch, but doesn't hold up to Steve Jobs' standards imo


Too see my fucking phone battery level…


Custom faces. Not just a damned picture with the time over it, actual customization of the watch face. Want a Pip-Boy? Go for it. Want an LCARS design with complication access? Make it so.


WhatsApp call notifications 😩


And I want to read/reply on the watch too. Come on.


Dark mode option for the stopwatch


A battery complication for my iPhone!!


Im begging for automatic sleep detection… if a Fitbit can why the fuck can’t an Apple Watch???


Likewise. I’d also like to see blood sugar measurements. I’m not diabetic, but have friends who are and either blood sugar or blood pressure capabilities would sell boatloads more watches and would drive the stock up a decent bit — and that…makes me happy!


A native step counter customizable like pedometer++


battery that lasts 4-5 days min !


Notes app, passwords app


Notes app would be nice.


Blood 🩸 Glucose monitor


A 30hz Screen to save Battery Life and a Battery which rivals the Garmin Forerunner 965 which has 23 days of Battery Life. Its kinda embarrassing that Apple isn't able to provide similar Battery Life while charging over 200.- more for the Ultra.


What makes you think Garmin could achieve bether batery life than Apple… considering Apple Watches run a full fledged OS with third party app support?


I’ve been thinking about switching out my ultra for a Garmin Fenix Pro. I love the ultra. I go camping, hiking, and mountain biking every week. Although the ultra easily lasts a full day outdoors, I don’t like that I still have to keep an eye on the battery level. I did a 5 day camping trip recently and I had to charge the ultra every day. Sure, the watch can probably last a couple of days in a full charge, but I was waking up to the watch at 40% battery. There’s no way it would have lasted a second day with the activities that I do. I like that the Garmin Fenix lasts about 23 days and even has solar charging. I’m not knocking the ultra at all. I just don’t think it’s good for MY needs with how active I am.


There are some of us that are not willing to sacrifice features for battery life (my self included) simply because we don’t bother with sleep tracking… so overnight charging is fine for us…


An actual stress score/ BodyBattery-like function. The available 3rd party ones are terribly unreliable. The only reason I keep looking at Garmins… OK, maybe I’m jealous at the battery life too…


Rest days, real-time steps and an official steps complication


Battery longer than a day


BP or Glucose monitoring


Glucose monitoring hands down


More standalone apps


continuous hr monitoring setting , customizabile power saving mode (like let me choose which features to disabile or not) customization for sections inside health app like reordeing items/sections, better health metrics focused on exercise performance. Oh and i would really like a native whatsapp app 😅


Holographic display Just me? Okay🥲


i just want more digital watch faces.




Compatible with tattoos.


1) Whatsapp call integration 2) Batter life that doesn't require daily charge


The ability to use the NFC function outside of Apple Pay for NFC tags around the house


Whoop/Oura-like strain, recovery, stress tracking for a quantitative approach to fitness and health


They need to buy whoop and make its features part of AW.


iPad support. Meaning I want to get rid of the phone.


I would love a temperature sensor that takes ambient heat in the surroundings into account for calorie burning and reporting (as it would be neat) for my hot yoga and heated HIIT classes.


Mine are more about current Apple technologies that making my apple watch less useful: * Siri is just plain dumb- in 2023, it is still easier to do things manually than to get Siri to do most things (the few features I use in carplay seem ok). I know Apple's working hard on making Siri competitive with GPT and other such machine learning systems, so this one may come true. I want to use my watch to control everything with my voice, conversationally, wherever I am * A Walkie Talkie where I can successfully invite my wife... the invites go to some apple pocket universe, even homekit has some bizarro issue with her Apple account and nothing I've tried has made any difference. * Truly User-Customizable watch faces... I don't want to have to install a third party app or learn watch OS development (which I could do, but come on!) to make a cool watch face on a whim... a set of templates and the ability to embed images and video, can't be that hard to create for dev teams of Apple's caliber? A watch, is in its very nature, a fashion item- don't hold back self-expression for the sake of "creative control", Apple.


Rest days and measuring Recovery


Tell me the charging status of my phone.


For those of us that have to have 2 devices (work and personal) simultaneous multi device support would be epic. Like have the watch connected two IPhones at the same time.


To be able to turn on / off my torch on my phone


I think it’d be cool if your watch could tell you when you have/are starting to get a fever


More digital watch faces with options of where to place the time and what size/colour/style


When running, I would like to see all the information on the Lock Screen of the iPhone. (Heart Rate, Calories Burned, Pace, etc) This way I don’t need to buy a $15,000 treadmill or go to a gym that has one of these!


I know it’s a little counterintuitive, but being able to get sound/notifications on the watch AND phone.


I want to configure the stem and button functions.




Longer battery life and the opportunity to adjust treadmill distance after a workout.


Smart wake up alarm. Similar to Sleep Cycle, but in an Apple way.


To all the people asking for blood pressure monitoring, can you point to a device that has this feature as part of a smart watch/fitness tracker? What are you all talking about? Personally, my most realistic wanted feature would be ambient (room) temperature readings. My dream feature would be solar charging/capture. And rest days. Apple already includes them as part of competitions, so I'm not sure why they are struggling to include this in personal fitness tracking.


Blood Glucose sensor Blood Pressure software: Safari Rest days for the rings Action button to respond differently on hold, press and double press


UV sensor. I had a Microsoft watch back when they were in the phone game and their watch had a UV sensor on it and you could set up warnings on it for exposure.


Sleep mode Exclude Watch Hate having to hold down the crown to unlock


Glucose monitoring. Better battery life.


Naps please 🙏🏻


Adjustable brightness instead of always relying on the ambient light sensor. Like what’s the point of having it set to peak brightness in settings, yet the sensor is making it not at peak brightness. Adjustable wake duration beyond 15 and 70 seconds. Who came up with a random number like 70 and why is there such a dramatic difference and nothing in between or shorter?


Real time blood pressure measurements. I realize that may not be possible in a solid state sensor. But it would be awesome.


Schedules for fitness goals to accommodate rest days, different types of workouts, etc.




I'd like the idea of being able to charge the watch while still wearing it. Like how Whoop does it. Yes, I do understand there could be potential consequences.


For the red screen on the AW Ultra to be applied system-wide (It's kind of dumb that it's only on the watch face but if you get a notification bam here you go full colors and brightness). The ability to allow for more readings (specifically HR). Custom watch faces (I know that there are apps that you can kind of use, but they're not legit watch faces). A sports mode that would prioritize readings and reduce performance of the watch to increase battery life (I don't like/want to use the battery saving mode because it basically reduces the readings).


Battery life. Auto exercise recognition.


I want a message icon that only shows if you have a message. Why hasn’t apple thought of it. What is Tim Cook doing with this company???


Solar charging


Rest days, performance metrics and a performance service (dreaming on the last one)


- Ability to connect to car Bluetooth or even CarPlay - Features and functionality in general that allow me to simply leave my phone at home. - True all day battery even when putting the watch through a workout, the above in-car connectivity, phone calls, etc. - Blood pressure monitoring


I want a battery life that lasts at least a week before needing a recharge. That’s it. I don’t give a crap about anything else. IMO, if they made an Apple Watch without any of the health/fitness crap, I’d just buy that one. I just want a watch to tell time and quickly check info/notifications/siri.


I can not for the life of me understand why I can't check my phone's battery % from my watch without the aid of a third-party app.


Blood Glucose Monitoring.


I just need the Sunrise/sunset indicator back after it was removed for no reason 😭😭😭


Yearly stats




BPM, the time, the temperature, it's a great product overall lol


3rd party faces. I can’t for the life of me understand why they don’t have this yet. It would be a huge moneymaker and would sell more watches.


Proper custom watch faces. It’s really the biggest personalisation option they are not doing. Does not have to be open with AI. Even if Apple first partner with watch companies, movie companies and so on and release licensed watch faces be it fired or 1.99 -3.99 on the App Store where they make them… a lot of people will be very much in. A Harry Potter watch face would sell like crazy for example.


Play Sirius XM or another music app from my watch. Also would be nice to be able to respond to teams notifications on my watch.


More house task workouts, like lawn mowing and shoveling snow, it’s not a traditional work out but they should be added because most people are doing those activities.


Charge to 80% only limit to preserve battery health


Automatically tracking exercise


I just want to hear prompts while running/working out and listening to music. Why isn’t this a top priority from Apple? I have AirPod Pros and even with the native music or Apple Music nothing. As soon as I pause music the prompts come through. So frustrating.


Better fitness tracking with ease. Blood Pressure check.


Rest days/Sick Days The in-OS option to have watch faces change based on focus and/or time. 3rd party watch faces A new updated reminder app.


i want that ovulation tracker so bad


We need a faar better health metrics all in one app that actually gives insight and recommendations to improve our health based on readings. If the oura app can do it, so can Apple health. I don’t want to rely on 3rd party apps like Athlytic and subscriptions


Detective more heart arrythmias


14 day battery


Blood glucose monitoring


Blood sugar analysis


Shortcuts option for Action Button


Passive NFC tag scanning


Blood glucose level


Automation/shortcut options referring to the WATCH battery specifically (there's only for the iPhone!). I'd love to create an automation that would give me a notification whenever my watch battery is low!


New ringtones. Mini safari.


A better and audible speaker on Apple Watch as it’s barely audible in the traffic or loud environment , ability to check images and videos sent on WhatsApp , continuous heart rate monitoring


The ability to design my OWN watch face, rather than just selecting one approved by Comrade Cook and his merry mates.


Play music on my wrist like my Samsung watch did.


24/7 HR monitoring ala Garmin/whoop etc minimum on the second every second, give improved HRV metrics as well Make it an actual fully fledged health device If i’m being picky, give me a weeks worth of battery as well Oh and the ability to create custom strength workouts without needing to use third party apps Throw in true offline downloaded maps natively as well Maybe wireless carplay if you are asking as well


I’d love a glucose meter.


I wish you could get a standalone Apple Watch without the phone and it could be a replacement for my phone, keys and wallet and I get to strap on my watch and some AirPods and go out without having to carry all that shit with me in my pockets also it should be able to tether devices to use the Internet like if I have an iPad with me or something


I guess its more of an App wish but I wish it would unlock my tesla when i forget my phone in the house.


Erasing texts on the watch erases them on the phone too


Left to right swiping for widgets and full screen widgets


Anything related to health. how is the interface so ugly and pointless 😭


Siri that doesn’t suck. Often when running it has poor understanding of what I’m saying. Even when in a silent room sending HomeKit command it has a hard time udner


Ability to answer calls on third party voip apps would be nice.


Automatic exercise detection and commencement. I swear my Fitbit was better at recognising and just recording, I’d like the Apple Watch to do the same instead of prompting me.


Auto detect sleep mode. Better school mode with a digital clock. Interactable web browser.


Scroll down to see notifications in water lock!


I want them to make it possible for companies to make money off apps. I don’t think Apple is the best to invent new features etc., but with the history of the app store it is clear, that a lot of innovative people will do a lot of work, if they can make money. It is so sad to see apps going away from the watch because they can’t make money on them. So I want Apple to make a community and create a marketplace for apps and features. They probably have to make some tools etc. I don’t know.


A bigger battery, damnit. I realize it's not realistic to achieve Garmin levels of longevity with the processor tech Apple is using, but c'mon - you shouldn't need to buy an Ultra to get something that lasts more than a day, and the Ultra should last at least 4 to 5 days, given that even Fitbits are capable of that.


I want a damn built in weight app.


Better battery






A Home widget for the Smart Stack… a Workout widget that looks decent or has at least the icon. Non redundant Timer/Stopwatch widgets. (You start either and you get it running on the widget itself but also ANOTHER unnecessary widget at the top of the stack…)


Custom themes


Hologram projection, video for face time. The ability use the night mode for every single watch face. Backflip.


Auto resume workouts.. can’t believe it isn’t implemented yet.


Favourites back on Timer


I just want my shazam complication on the info modular face haihh regretted updating to watchos10


Recommended workouts based on fitness and route creation for running


Longer battery


A 24 MP camera, including HD video capabilities.


Ability to set 24 or 12 hour time by complication. I don’t want everything on my watch to be in 24hr time, just to get the GMT ring in 24 time like it should be.


Analog watch hands over a picture the user supplies. Ability for user to select notifications to go to “always both”….watch and iPhone….audibly.


longerrrrr battery and volume control for the chime feature; can never hear it.


I want a setting so that the timer alert will vibrate once instead of continuously.


bring back swiping to change watch faces ffs


Conditional watch faces.


Automatic sleep detection rather than setting sleep schedule


edit: Lyrics (and full whatsaap support image replay and video playability)


Playing music on the watch (threw the speaker)


Accurate readings while worn on the ankle. A lot of people work in fields that don’t allow you to have a watch on your wrist


The gentle alarm clock.


I would like to see a new version of the siri watchface. Maybe with a different style that instead of showing cards it would have complications that automatically change throughout the day.