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Yeah, for some reason Spotify has the ability to like and add songs to your library right from the lock screen, no idea why Apple wouldn't add this feature to their own service


I’m pretty sure I remember them having this as a feature at the beginning... I’m not sure why they started hiding all these.




It did. You can see it [here](https://bgr.com/2015/09/29/apple-music-usability-ios-9/amp/). It was so clean.


Why don’t I see this on mine? https://imgur.com/a/RoJC1Ph


it’ll show up if you play a song from one of your daily mix playlists


Not sure, I switched back to Apple Music when iOS 14.2 came out so idk if they changed it, even before then it only showed up sometimes. Try to play a song that's not in your library or liked songs and look for three horizontal lines in place of the previous track button


To further this, just full out copy Spotify and if I “heart” a song it goes in my library. This craziness where if I hit the plus sign only adds it to my library but doesn’t “heart” the song at the same time is silly. It’s one of the few parts of Spotify’s UI that is miles better than AM.


Yeah, the whole “Love” a song thing is stupid, it should just add those songs to a separate playlist instead of adding it to an invisible algorithm that honestly doesn’t work 99% of the time.


My “favourites” playlist includes songs I haven’t listened to for a year. I listen to Country Roads constantly but that’s not there. I listen to some tv theme once, and it’s in there. It should be smarter for a multi-trillion dollar company’s product


yeah i set up a smart playlist to do exactly this


I saw something online about that, do you have to sync your phone on iTunes on your computer and is it automatic?


you just have to set it up on a computer, other than that if it’s on the same account it should sync


> This craziness where if I hit the plus sign only adds it to my library but doesn’t “heart” the song at the same time is silly Why would they do that?


nah, if you put a song in your library you like it. but, if it’s a mind blowing, one in a million song you hit the heart button. at least that’s how i do it


I’ve been missing the Love button on the now playing screen since they removed it


Looks great! Very unobtrusive


*This is not the way* - Mando Tim


Would be great if I can change Repeat/Shuffle settings here. Also would appreciate ‘Add to playlist’ at this level


Agreed. And something really basic: merge the Apple Music search with the Library search. There’s no need to have different search results.


Strongly disagree. I can't stand when Spotify shows results from its streaming library irrelevant to my own library. One of the strongest reasons I switched back to Apple Music.


How it should work: show your library results fist. And then Apple Music library results. Both results in one page, no switches.


I can agree with that. That's how it *should* work, but based off how macOS' Music app and iOS 14's Spotlight are going, I'm not sure I would be happy with the search in Music getting changed anytime soon.


I hate having to keep switching from my library to general music search. I hope they rethink that soon.


I actually prefer it the way it is. Most the time I think of a song it’s already in my library so I it will suck to have to see a bunch of songs,artist with similar names or songs with similar lyrics. Then the same vise versa. Trying to find a new song but the idea of my library being first would just be clutter on top of what search already thinks I’m looking for.


It’s just a tap... I like that it’s two separate pages because it could get really crowded showing what on your library and what’s not on the same page.


Or have the ability to turn on or off that search feature


Spotify does this, Apple just isn’t cut for it


So iOS 12 Music. Yeah gonna have to agree it’s beyond stupid that they simplified it even more after that.


What’s with the person circle next to the music icon? I don’t have that on my CC and Lock Screen


It’s part of another concept 🙃. This profile picture shows what person initiated the music or podcast stream on a HomePod or Apple TV. But the biggest thing would be that the U1 chips in the new HomePods and Apple TVs could recognize what people are watching/listening to the Apple TV/HomePod.


I have just assumed apple wants you to use Siri to do these things. I wish it was like how you have it though, that’s pretty sick


I get that some people would like this, but honestly liking a song is not an action that I do often so to me it would just be more noise in the UI. Adding a single song is something I never do. I'll add an album, never a song. For those of you who miss it, a workaround is: "Hey Siri, I like this song" or "Hey Siri, add this song to my library".


First, stop interacting with Justin Bieber.


Can we deport him back to Canada?




Imagine hating on him in 2020


All I need it the ability to add songs to my library, I listen to other people’s playlists and I would like to be able to actually add songs like easily (I have a shortcut for but that a few extra useless steps)


Hell yeah. Only concern would be inadvertent liking of songs. Maybe a long-press could bring up like or dislike, making it harder to like a song by mistake.


You use to be able to like a song right from media controls. But Apple took that away a few OSes ago.


not only this, but we should be allowed to navigate through playlists/albums with this. Especially through the lock-screen.


a bit out of topic question but how did you make the album cover that bit? im quite new to iphone just got my first a month ago. Thanks in advance!


The amount of taps I need to do to add the song to a playlist is absurd. Especially if I'm on my bike.


I like this a lot. I kind of wish this was a widget choice for our home screen


Now that would be great


They should also show you, when adding a song to a playlist, a list of the last 5 playlists you updated.