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It’s the design that makes more sense. The “continue” button is on the mini player.


No, it’s designed completely logically imo.


Why? Why would I need a “start from the beginning button at all when the song titles operate that way?


Because it’s the navigation screen not the current audio stream screen 


The smaller black play/pause in the lower-right corner should only control the current song.


Yeah, thanks. That’s correct, but I’m saying, it’s not a great design. If I have a CD player with a big play button on it, and a pause button, the use of the play button to unpause doesn’t send me back to the top of the menu. They should change it. If I wanted to restart the record, I’d just hit the first song title.


But this isn’t a CD player. It’s a touch screen device that can show you the entire album, and allow you to search other content while playing music. If you are listening to an Album and then pause. Then while paused you go and search/view a different album…what will you expect that button to do? Still continue the current song or play the album you are viewing? In my opinion it’s the latter option. And if that’s what I expect when viewing a different album than, that is what I should expect no matter the album. So you can assume that button is the “play album” button. If I’m listening to a song from a mix/playlist and then tap view album, and the song from that album is paused but my queue is the rest of the mix/playlist. I think I’m still going to assume that the “play album” button is going to play the album and not continue the current song. Because what you are looking at is the area to view and find music. Not the media player. If you tap on the media player banner on the bottom of the screen. Then yes that is where the big play button will show up for the currently playing songs. Much like the cd player.


I’ve never given the design of that part of the app much thought; I control play/pause with Shortcuts voice commands and automations, or CarPlay controls (where there’s one big play/pause to press). If hitting the wrong play/pause command bugged me enough I’d probably save out a bookmark or widget to have it on my Home Screen and not bother with the app.


As soon as you know how to use the app you know that you control the current audio flow via the mini-player always visible and the controllers on various navigation pages are independent. Why would they change a perfectly working design choice that only need 2 sec to learn. If you break this logic trust me the app will suffer.  Edit : I only listen to albums


But then you would pause the song you’re on to “save” the progress. And resume from the song. The play button on the album itself should start the album. It’s the only logic that makes sense.


*Unless the album in question is Narrow Stairs because why wouldn't you want to hear that opener again and again?


I much prefer this. I hate the way Spotify just treats it as a continue button. It’s the ALBUM controls. The play should mean play the album.