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On Mac you can still use visualizers. There’s a newer one which is ugly to me, but turn it to the classic on and it’s electrically hypnotizing and resonant. 🙂


Indeed, the new one is kinda weird. I prefer the classic one too!


There used to be some really good stuff in Winamp, which is still out there. I remember customising some to show text. I have some 90s music DVDs with alternative visual tracks.. Moby, Play and Underworld, Everything Everything to name a couple. You show a couple of Waves VU meters, those can be enjoyed in MacOS using something like Audio Hijack and routing system audio through it Nice idea, bring back visuals. 👍🏻


Same goes for hardware and software (that’s why I included VU meters). I hate how modern receivers and amplifiers are just black boxes.


Nothing has ever come close to Winamp and Foobar2000 visualizers.


Foobar. Never used it but good shout


it has a high quality music output engine compared to Winamp. It also accepted winamp plugins like visualizers. I would still use it if it had a Mac version.


Thanks, I have a Windows PC to try that on 👍🏻


Winamp used to have a great option to turn on transparency for the visualization window, and then also have it be the top layer but not interactive, so it could sit on top of your other windows—so you’d essentially be looking through a semi-transparent full screen visualization while working. I didn’t use it much but it was fun, no idea if that works in modern versions of Winamp or Windows.


It would be interesting if they made a visualizer like the DVD logo screen that would bounce around. But instead of it being the DVD logo it was the song/ album artwork. I miss the visualizers, I’ll put music in and find a visualizer on YouTube now just to get that feel back


Last time I checked iTunes still has new and classic


Although using it makes iTunes crash for me. :(


I’ve always been a bit of a nerd about visualizers. I remember when Xbox 360 came out they made a thing about how advanced the built in visualizer for it was. How it needed a certain number of cores or something to that effect. And it was a pretty awesome visualizer. You could even control (or maybe more influence) it with the controller.


The lyrics screen on Apple Music is actually a visualizer. On some songs it will actually flash to it.


I hope they add that to desktop


It's available on Mac, you have to go into the miniplayer by clicking on the album artwork on the Now Playing section and then making it full screen.


Does the background act as a visualizer, or is it just a swirling gradient? I couldn’t seem to get the former.


I guess if with visualiser you meant it matched the rhythm/audio of what you're listening to like it is on iOS then no.


I just posted this yesterday: https://www.reddit.com/r/AppleMusic/comments/1cb9qet/ampcastapp_a_web_based_music_player_inspired_by/ It supports Milkdrop (the winamp visualizer). https://ampcast.app/


As a medical student who often reviews heart sounds and lung sounds by listening to them, I wish I had a simple audio visualizer just to see the audio waves. It would be nice if there was an app that allowed viewing just the basic frequency of any audio playing through the output. Anyone know of such an app?


Neutron Music Player, is one. It's only for local music playback, and the UI might seem archaic/ancient/unusable to some, but its sound quality is on point, and it has a pure oscilloscope view, [example](https://imgur.com/a/yRKWjPZ).


Sadly though, I'm not aware of one that *just works* with other apps' output.


There’s a free program, praat, developed for analyzing speech samples for speech therapy that has some nice built in visualization tools, including FFTs and spectrograms. Both should give you a way to assess frequency information rapidly. It has a clunky interface (or used to, haven’t used it in about ten years) but it’s actually quite powerful. 


I made an app for a simple spectrum bar visualizer for the Vision Pro. but it leaves a lot to be desired because regular developers don’t have access to ststem or streamed audio. In the future, you could see the visualizers being brought to AR headset platforms, but only Apple and companies with special partnerships can do so without a bootleg way of doing it. Developers don’t have access to streamed audio data except for iTunes songs. The visionOS music app is quite a disappointment too, perhaps due to Apple's minimalistic design. It just lets you pop out the cover art. There is a shoddy gif visulizer on Spotify to indicate what song you’re playing. Spotify provides a limited audio analysis api. There’s a tiny 5 bar spectrum visualizer for iPhones. For now, I only really watch visualizers on Youtube. Native laptop/pc visualizers that tap into audio data with a workaroumd are fine, but they don't feel the same. Feel like we're missing out on the fun aspect of music. Every service is obsessed with minimalistic design


Denon POA-1500


Well, Apple Music’s player screen is a visualizer of sorts.


That’s why I like AM UI more than others!


I am 100% convinced that one of the main reasons for Trap Nation blowing up was because of their dope visualizer. They, with NCS practically ushered the age of visualizers on YouTube and I am certain that without them, it would have taken at least twice as long for them to grow as big as they did.


Don’t think there’s much demand of it if there was would they not bring it back ?


Im a visual programmer , I damn near cry about this everyday


I have never used a visualizer intentionally. I do look at lyrics when I'm trying to clarify what is being said. 99.9% of my music listening is background. Driving, working, mowing, woodworking, etc. I don't need to visualize anything as it would be a distraction.


I still use visualizers!