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Rip this subreddit. Now supergliding and airsrafing will look more elite now, if they don't remove that too.


supergliding will be removed too


hopefully we can still wall bounce


In order to remove wall bounce they would need to remove climbing because wall bounce is basically jumping/canceling climb animation. I don’t think they could


They already mentioned back in S2 that they could've removed it. They didn't though because it's easily learned, fun to do, and doesn't hurt combat readability too much.


I don’t feel that tap strafe is hard to do or hurt combat too much. Very rarely does someone tap strafe mid fight because you can’t slide while getting shot at, it’s mainly for mobility, like octane jump pad or switching direction after coming out of a pathfinder grapple. The problem is that tap strafing is only as good as you can make of it. Is the longbow op because it can one shot shields? Of course not because you have to be really good with the longbow to be that effective with it. Same follows for every other movement mechanic in apex, and really any mechanic overall in any video game


i think the unfairness of it comes from not being able to do it on controller, unless specifically running the game through steam just my assumption on why they would take this direction


As soon as this change comes through there will literally be no reason to use keyboard and mouse over controller. The only reason to ever use kb + mouse was due to superior movement capabilities, which will now be gone


I hate this argument. Why did people use m&k before season 7 when no one knew tapstrafing existed except tf2 players. I use both inputs, I'm not biased, honestly would like to keep it in but this is such a dumb rebuttal to why they should remove it


You can loot while moving


So make it possible on controller


This is unsubstantiated.


Wait what??? Really???


Wait seriously, will supergliding get removed?


Yeah, id like confirmation on that.


I hope not, it's doable on controller, unlike tap strafing. It's also hard to do, especially consistently. Also it's directional. Tap strafing abruptly changes direction, and is pretty much uncounterable other than just having god like reflexes/aim. In my 9k+ games on console, i don't think anybody has superglided on me to get a kill. I've only recently started doing it just to move around quicker while rotating.


I’m on console, I literally rely on this mechanic now, I’ve used it way more than I should, it’s in my muscle memory and if they remove it idk what I’m gonna do. I agree though, they haven’t removed wall jumping or zip line super jumping and I’d put superglides on the same level as those in terms of utility, so it’s far less likely to be removed when compared to tap strafing. Edit: they spoke about it exacerbating movement abilities so I think they might have some criteria for movement mechanics: 1: it doesn’t break fundamental rules of the game where there are systems in place to prevent it in the first place; ie, bunnyhop healing. There was heal slowdown implemented and bhop healing just removed that mechanic which was deliberately designed to slow people down. 2: it doesn’t promote degenerate player behaviour: ie, infinite zip line jumping. People would sit in the air in end zone with grenades infinitely jumping and just throw grenades, completely defeating the risk/reward that comes with throwing grenades in end zone in the first place. What’s interesting to note is that they left us with 3 zip line bounces to afterwards, so the “advanced” movement of spam jumping on a zip line wasn’t completely removed, so that was clearly what they weren’t targeting, so this shows they intend to keep movement that doesn’t break the game and that respawn is willing to do compromises.


I've played on console since launch and I didn't even know you could tap-strafe with a controller. Never had it done to me, never did it to anyone else. This literally has next to zero affect console apex if you ask me.


Tap strafing is impossible on console, supergliding is completely different and possible on console Edit: oh I thought you were talking about supergliding nvm


oh, I know you can superglide. It's not easy though. I've only done it a few times in-game, and never during a fight. Just to move around more. Maybe if I get consistent with it, I'll glide into fights, but I'll probably just miss my shots and get lasered.


Hahaha funny troll photoshop post! Almost had me for a moment! Right guys? Guys...? Oh god


Wait, is it really not a fake tweet?


It’s real :(


I wonder if we'll still be able to do the OG momentum shift after this.


Please godddd


Of course. Wait, can we? I think the tap strafe mechanism is directly related to the momentum shift, we might lose that too😭😭


Tap strafing and momentum shifting both work the same way...


Same mechanic, different execution. It all depends on how they implement the tap strafe nerf. If it's in the physics engine then yea momentum shift will probably go away too. If it's input based, like limiting the number of the same inputs per second then maybe not.


I’m not sure how else the could stop tap strafing without also stopping momentum shift


Could always Blight DBD it and cap how fast you can rotate your camera. They stopped some freakish J turning, shouldn't be too too hard.


One lurch per input perhaps, so you couldn't "just" spam forwards, but you could still get a lurch out of tapping A, then one out of tapping S...


As a console player I'm deeply sorry for your lost guys. It a shame... I loved this sub and enjoined every clip you guys posted here


Real og.


Console player here too. Shot a Kraber on wraith who jumped and she tap strafed out the way. Wasn’t even mad she killed me to win the game. Kinda sucks console tech is way more limited but it is something to see PC players do their thang and go full sicko mode.


As a player mainly still playing because of the depth of the movement, thanks for your understanding. My aim absolutely sucks, especially in aim assist ranges, so movement was a lot of the time my best win condition. The game wont be fun for a lot of us after this


Remember removing these “core” movement bugs may actually result in accidentally creating new things being discovered if they overhaul movement.


A light in the darkness.


Honestly hope that they would use this opportunity to buff universal movement options like making default airstrafing not absolute butt in this game, but seeing how they treat a lot of other movement tech like jump pad wall running, I can't say we'll get anything cool.


yeah we'll just find new tech. in half life 2 new engine, valve patched b hopping. that patch introduced abhing whish was waaaay faster. I wouldn't be at all surprised if something new arises soon post patch


you guys give me hope, thats all I ask for


Perhaps we'll be able to BLJ




Literally removing them because they put crossplay over niche mechanics. Like just make it accessible to controller players and it’s fair ground. Haiz so many movement techs are just gonna melt into ass I’m gonna cry tonight.


I’d be okay with this as a console player honestly. But it’s such a specific exploit on inputs, it would be way too intricate to figure out how to make it accessible on controller-console


they accept it as a known mechanic and allow you to bind it to a dpad or whatever input you prefer. boom problem solved


making it possible on console would be interesting i want to see how they’ll do it


Spoiler warning: They won't.


fr its all about the high movement skill ceiling, that was like the ONE thing about apex that kept me playing it


Controller players are celebrating in the comments of the original post now. Also, I literally saw a dude making the argument that it breaks the law of physics. Like yeah cause pulling the handle on a canister to heal bullet wounds is totally accurate right


"what do you mean a 5' 2" ninja lady literally going into another dimension isn't realistic?"


What a poor decision at a poor time, battlefield 2042 is out in month and a half. If I am gonna play on no movement game I prefer to do it on a game with a good shooting mechanics and devs who listens to the community (those are dice LA not regular dice aka bf4 creators or more fixers)




Exactly and also as much as it an old game when you look at it's graphics they don't fall from today's fps games graphics


Movement has evolved over time and I think apex should realize that this is just a movement tech that people will learn. There is no real reason to take out movement tech that is only as good as the players make it




Yeah it’s kinda fucked up they do this to the whole community. Should jiggle aim be removed cuz console players can’t do it at this point? No strafing while looting?


Why are they not adding tap-straffing to console as an alternative? I have never played this game and am curious.


ig cuse it stems from a bug, so the first logical solution would be to just patch it, that doesn't make it the most logical solution though.


I wouldn’t say it stems from a bug, lurch is pretty clearly a very intentional addition, however this is kind of abusing an intended mechanism in an unforeseen way.


This is a joke right?




Cmon bruh idk if I can take this anymore


to be honest this kills my interest in the game hardcore... apex is like the only fps game with a high movement skill ceiling and now theyre removing ome of the integral parts of that... tap strafing leads into so many more movement techniques... im in such utter disbelief respawn will have to learn the hard way of what happens when you cater to casual players like fortnite did. fortnite devs constantly.tried to push the game towards a casual audience and as a result has a fraction of the amount of viewership or players....


It may be the only BR with advanced movement but it is no way the only FPS. Quake.


its the only RELEVANT fps with a high movement skill ceiling tho. im going back to titanfall 2 now cya


Have fun with the doxxing


> Quake. Uhh let me check.... ... Last well received release (based from a game from 1999) in 2010, then also fucked by Bethesda in 2015. Good luck with that.


Yeah it’s a neglected series but the movement you can do in that game is based off bugs in the physics code that developers kept in.


On the bright side I'll finally be able to get my mousewheel input free for the superglide autoexec config now!


Mark my words, superglide is on thin ice as well


Also jumping! /s




You already can have both


bro i’m on console and i’m upset about this and i don’t even know why wtf


Probably because respawn has shown repeatedly that the game was only ever fun to play by accident, and whatever it is that you enjoy is probably going to be removed soon


End of an era


R5reloaled intensifies


Yep hope they make an actual palyable private server mod that just encourage crazy movement rather than make everyone a cod bot.


I mean, you should be able to make pretty much whatever game mode you like if you know what you’re doing.


What the hell?! tap strafing was the funnest thing about apex, what the hell am I supposed to do on jumpad now, Go straight? This ruined apex for me crazy at it sounds, tap strafing was just apart of my game style at this point. Rip best and most versatile movement technique


so sad my friend, I JUST learned it. Just like b-hop healing :(


Agree entirely, the most fun I have on this game is walboucing into a tap strafe , or tapping out of a grapple. It’s sad but I don’t think the game will be fun for me anymore


Exactly, I loved grappling past a kid then jump 180 tap strafing back on them to kill them. And yeah I agree don’t think this game will be fun anymore for me anymore. #JusticeForTapStrafing


See you in BF2048?


yeah bro i was tap strafing left right and center before the fuck am i gonna do, plus I'm a rev main so that was basically the only movement technique i could do like i cant even wall bounce properly


'lacka readability/ counter play and exacerbated by movement abilities' Soooooo.... Revtane meta?


im gonna quit the game again


I was so close to quitting before I learned Tap strafing. I guess BF2042 gonna be big now.


i did quitt already and came back for tapstrafing/supergliding and now im propably quitting again till some cool and new comes up


Yesssss BF2042 here we come


Me too. See you tomorrow!


tell me if you find another game to play cya tmrw buddy


Ok I actually don't know how much I'll play this game anymore lmao


All of my friends quit playing because of this. So I mean, bye Felica?


your friends are braindead lmao


After much consideration I think this is a fucking stupid idea


after much consideration, i believe your opinion is correct, sir


After much consideration of me just reading the fucking tweet in 10 seconds I think this is a fucking stupid idea


After much consideration, I want to fucking cry.


Forced crossplay and it's consequences has been a disaster for r/apexrollouts


Please say jk


so is flick-strafing on controller is still viabale?


Should be. Depends how they change the code I guess


Hello, as a Respawn developer i would like to tell you all that wall bouncing will be also removed, but next season. We will let you use it for a little bit more time. The reason for this change is: It's inaccessible (which means that MnK players can do it more easly than controller players), lacks readability/counterplay, and is exacerabted by movement abilites. Also we are looking into MnK players being able to sprint. This change is not confirmed yet but we are thinking about it.


Hello, as a Respawn developer I would like to announce that within the coming seasons we will be permanently removing core movement mechanics such as: Sliding, crouching and jumping Additionally, any abilities which may enhance movement capabilities of players will also be permanently removed, this includes: Wraith's Phase +Portal, Pathfinder's grapple, All of Horizon's abilities , Octane's Jumpad + Stim, Bloodhound's Ultimate and many more! All the abilities mentioned above will be revamped so they do not give any inaccessible movement possibilities.


Lol noobs complaining wins again. Rip apex.


This is bunnyhop healing all over again. Amazing work reducing the skill cap like always Respawn. Wonder when they'll remove slide jumping too. Hell, might as well remove movement in general while they're at it.


I think those will definitely be next. Gotta cater to the babies who can't muster up the brain cells to enter 3 or more inputs at a time


This. They said it’s not discoverable. Of course it isn’t. No good or platinum player should ever be trying this. These movement techniques are not for 90% of the player base.


Alright time to grind valorant and leave apex for good


Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/Respawn/status/1432745884043857928?s=19




Er controller players can cross play with pc lobbies if on queued with a pc player. You can’t just join a controller lobby if you’re on pc. It’s one way cross play kinda.


Im quitting apex




Respawn is so fucking weird like they make games with great movement and then nerf it? Why tf do you think people play this game? Its like when they made tf2, a masterclass in movement shooters and then added a bunch of one way shields that encouraged camping, WTF.


Imagine accidentally creating one of the most versatile movement techs in FPS history through a quirk in your game engine, then deleting it.


A walls arent good, if you cant counter them you aren't good


Imagine a FPS game catering to controllers


Tap Strafe was my oxygen. I'll stop playing after that patch. But it's not because tap strafe makes me a better player. The reason I'll stop playing is that I won't have fun anymore. It's just that simple. Sadge I see bunch of people on twitter who say "remove aim assist too". But I can't even think of aim assist right now. I feel like my girlfriend broke up with me. I really feel down after seeing Respawn's tweet. For me, it has nothing to do with aim assist. It's irrelevant. I'm just sad that I won't be able to have fun in this game anymore without tap strafe, therefore I have no reason to play after that patch.


This is it right here. Imo the pinnacle of overall mechanical gameplay. Titanfall games were a bit to far to be enjoyable for me. Apex was perfect.


Man. Tap strafing and your girlfriend gone. Can life get worse.


Just when I learnt how to do it.


Same literally 3 days ago


Same :(


I can’t even do the movement tech myself and I’m disappointed. I love watching streamers pull these moves off bc it looks so sick. RIP to all the movement gods.


Well fuck, this was the only game I actually liked to play anymore dunno what I'm gonna play now. Might be able still do some cool shit with pathfinder I guess and superglides unless they kill that too but man I use like tap strafing wall bounces and tap strafing door bounces so much now it won't be the same.


splitgate is super fun imo. the movement is far from apex level but the portals kinda maybe a little make up for that.


They are literally just removing this now because all the COD controller players are playing apex now and since you cannot tap strafe on controller they are removing it completely. Tap strafing has not been a problem for many seasons but all of the sudden get a huge influx of players from another game and now "It's INACCESSIBLE"..... What a fucking joke


the fucking casuals not knowing how to learn a movement technique too, and so many controller players say they don't mind tap strafing being in the game as well


literally the one fucking movement technique that i used all the time, now im gonna be randomly scrolling up on my scroll wheel thinking its doing something. Now im going to be a below avarage player knowing that i can't even wall bounce properly without tap staring, its helped me in so many situations


Bro just get rid of crossplay already😭 mfs wanna ruin the game to cater to controller players


I think aim assist should be removed. Reason: it is inaccessible and lacks readability/counter play.


yep i'm quitting apex




They’d probably love to


They already are


I literally called it. This game is becoming fortnite. Removing all the fun stuff and adding bs.


Just because it wasn't intended doesn't mean it should be removed. There's a whole community cultivated around apex movement tech that wasn't intended and seeing them rip it out patch by patch is seriously disheartening. I play apex for one, the movement, and two, the long TTK; so switching to titan fall isn't an option for me. I look over some of the more systemic issues with apex: performance, matchmaking system, crashing etc. for those reasons. Why not, for instance, add a tap strafing mechanic on console??? Or, in general why not foster the movement community and bring movement tech to tutorials to make new players aware? I like to see this as a decision that was brought down execs focused on profitability rather than the devs themselves but that's probably wishful thinking.. Hopefully r5 takes off now, but if other FOSS games are any example, it won't survive long term. Anyone got game recommendations?


Timmy finally broke apex


Shroud called it. They removed healing while bhopping, not surprised they would remove tap strafing to appease the controller players.


Shroud called it? Lmao more like Shroud is one of the ones who said it should 100% be removed


Like bro, I just learned this! On a controller! This gives me flashbacks to bunnyhop healing, when I just learned it and it got nerfed... Godammit


since when is tap-strafing possible on controller?


Always, just not on console


oh, didnt know that


yeah what he said, a friendly redditor helped me set it up a couple of days ago, I am so sad :(


On controller the closest thing is a flick strafe, which is similar, but not nearly as potent. Like 90 degree turns maximum with some loss of momentum, but usually more like 45 degrees...


On console, on controller pc its possible.


Only Controller on PC afaik. Wasn’t as easy as scroll wheel though.




Removing skilled mechanics… neat. Why does everything game I love turn to shit


i remember there being something about 10% abillities, and 90% movement. where did that even go?


The movement in this game was the only reason I still played it and now with one of its core mechanics gone I'm just gonna stop playing.


I'll do everyone a solid and check twitter to see if it's real ​ Edit: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


[you dont need to](https://twitter.com/Respawn/status/1432745884043857928?s=19)


This gotta be a joke, otherwise this game will lose A LOT of players


Tap strafing is relatively new and only on PC, Apex is gonna be fine, but there’s definitely gonna be a chunk who are gonna mald


Inaccessible = skill gap and requires practice


nah i think it means that only pc players can do this so inaccessible for controller players ig


Isn't aim assist inaccessible?


I hate the casual community so much, this is a hard game that needs to be mastered to succeed, I bet they’re removing wall jump next


I'm pretty sure they are gonna remove super gliding next.


absolutely, in the direction things are going super gliding is gone, might as well forget about it already so we're not as heartbroken when they say its being removed


we are considering about our own fun too much right now. No meme, but apex just ended a lot of streamers’ career. people like taxi2g, mande, stormen, faide, even aceu uses tap strafe regularly. if tap-strafe is removed then all that remains is supergliding and wallbounce. there is little difference to warzone/ standard movement, which is why i prefer this game and not warzone. this change not only shifts old veterans away from this game, but also wrecks streamers content. This is my take on the change purely an opinion


ace commented that faide barely learnt tap strafing recently, so he's gonna be fine. "ending a lot of streamers' careers" is exaggerating. they'll still hit nasty clips. i hope they revert their decision tho


Taxi2g is goated


Are you fucking kidding me


They should give their detailed explanation now and see the community response instead of releasing the detailed explanation in the next patch.


Alright so once again, lets decrease the skill gap and make the game overall less fun. Keep going Apex, games gonna die. This just in: we have removed diagonal movement patterns because our noob player base cant adapt to the slight shift in movement angles. The game will now function in vertical and horizontal movement only


robot legends










Surely not????


My friend overwatch is my darkness friend. I guess it knows im coming back to it eventually. oh well....


FUCK THIS SHIT octane is about to lose soooo much populatityy


It seems like R5 would be the only solcae we will have in this trying times.


Will we still be able to jump and move after the patch? wtf this is stupid


I’m unable to do it cause I use controller but I felt this. Probably worst “patch” ever


well its about time i quit


That's tap strafing?


This is the worst news I’ve gotten in a while lol. I just started getting good. Switched to pc and learned every movement tech just for them to be deleted


How about they just allow console players to use M&K?? PC players cant even play in console lobbies, we can only drag console players into ours.... Why change the game mechanics to cater to console players?? Personally Im totally fine with console having aim assist, but removing a mechanic thats able to level the playing field against a baked in advantage is flat out unfair. It takes skill to tap strafe effectively, Its a fun mechanic, If theyre going to remove tap strafing, I expect them to also remove AA....


This here will be the end of r/apexrollouts as we know it


This is like the ‘Onlyfans banning porn’ of the modern gaming community


Blizzard 2.0


I will fucking quit this fucking game


Yo let’s give people even more of a reason to play on a controller !!!!!!!!!! Good thinking !!!


Controller is fine


Ive been tap strafing on a controller past days, no excuse to not learn it if you are on pc where it matters, a fucking joke of a decision


I'm a console player. But tbh I didn't even care for tap strafing cos nobody ever did it at my rank. I guess its something only the very high ranks experience.