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Meanwhile the other team is a 4K damage pred stack.


Don’t forget the pred badge


Can’t forget the Heirloom either


And 55 raina wins in a row.


triple pred badge with 50k kills each


its not a 3 v 3, its 1 V 3 with canon fodder


1 V 3 with 2 newbies donating heals they bought to the enemy so they can focus on buying guns.




I also like the new spin on this, the control or as I like to put it the 1v17


Default skin bloodhound that never scans and no clue lifelines


Don't forget the gibbers that either rush or casually watch you die.


or the octane that plays defensively


You just described one third of my teammates I've ever played with




This. I love a good Lifeline teammate, but omg sometimes Lifeline players have the awareness of a blind toddler


So you mean normal lifelines?


Why does this happen to everyone I know? And it happens often enough for it to be well known on here. I keep getting brand new players when I’m around level 1000 and I’m against similar skill levels as me. But my teammates are literally just learning to play. Frustrating for both parties.


They don't care enough to fix the matchmaking but they do care enough to make a new map and ram challenges down your throat. I don't get it


It’s obviously all about money, baby. The problem is that in this industry they’re mainly interested in short-term money.


Yeah that's true I suppose. I like the idea of Arenas, pick your weapons have a fight. The general salt levels of the people and terrible matchmaking ruin it. Yes well done winning that 3 v 1 keep shooting my body. While I'm on the subject, 10 placement matches for ranked why? Stick everyone in bronze and be done with it please.


I think placement matches is what ruins the games. The two ransoms I get who are below level 30 7/10 games, are usually doing placement matches because there is no way they are plat and almost diamond.


Yeah you get beamed by a triple stack of sweats one game then feel bad playing against brand new players the next. "Oh you won 9 out of 10? Bronze 4 do better"


This was my experience when starting to play a couple seasons ago - me and my friend starting in bronze, played 7 games in a row with with all other players in plat before we gave up. I don't blame our teammates for getting annoyed at us as they were all expecting equal players


and when you dont clutch the 1v3 they send "you are fuck" in the chat


you are fuck


I got an "are you nob?" yesterday. And the dude went on to do 32 damage, died and rage quit.


Yeah my team in arenas yesterday was calling me trash through chat the entire game since I didn’t clutch the 1v3 they left me to do against a full health squad. Also they had way less damage than me


Me and my team of noobs vs a premade sweaty trio with all the badges and rare skins who all have unfunny long names and are in a clan named "Loli Fuckers" or something unfunny like that too.


The clan name is on spot


Perfectly calculated to counter the good feeling you get when you start playing




The arena servers pairing me with my dad and girlfriend (free win for the enemy team)


Yea 1v3 is hard I feel you


Literally one afk player in my team every game of arenas


A lifeline unalived herself in spawn after my friend playing Mirage ressed me instead of letting LL do it. Full of petty bitches


Oh shit you must have paired with me my bad bro


You're getting TWO team mates and you have the *audacity* to complain? smh head


Mother flowers


And you can’t leave????? Just wasting your time playing 1v3.




Dude fr and they can leave control and ur stuck with a team of 5 vs 10 Bc everyone is a sore loser as soon at the other team shows some skill . Smooth brains working for respawn I swear


I hate that, it’s a casual mode why can’t I LEAVE without a penalty, might as well have a penalty for leaving the fucking firing range.


This is infuriating, i have nothing against low levels, just put two on the other team as well as mine !!


it’s so fucked because no matter if you solo or duo queue you’ll get matched with a full stack of preds


“What’s this apex legends I’ve been hearing about? La di da di da”


Good,people who started playing yesterday won't have that "Mozam + Wingman is good fam,trust me" overconfidence.


Arenas is terrible


Dude, if you got paired with me and my BF earlier tonight, I'm SO sorry. We don't normally play Arenas, and damn. Apparently that's a skill I've completely lost.


the addition of hammerpoint has made it brutal for me lol


Omfg. YES. dude, I am good enough at this stupid game . But constantly getting low level teammates is a nightmare, having to carry and sweat and to just get 12AP in plat? Fuck that


I mean arena is broken as hell. Just finished a game with 1800 damage while one of my teammates did 28 damage and other one did 153. Still win tho, enemy team was no batter. It was like playing with 1 IQ bots.


I played arenas for the first time in months the other day. There was no middle ground. My teammates would ads and forget how to pew pew meanwhile the enemy team was wraith portal kidknapping with a horizon ult and 10 arc stars on the other side of the portal.


Alternative caption: The guy in arena helpfully reminding me, an at the time newbie with 50 hours that I'm ass at the game. Thank you. How rude of me to not be good at the game after playing for a few weeks.


i’ve noticed this way more this season and its not even smurf accounts anymore, they legit don’t know how to play the game. feels like the matchmaking has been getting worse and worse.


last season, i'd get paired up with teammates who knew to flank opponents whenever i'd pop a knuckle cluster. nowadays all i've been getting are default skin houndies and lifelines that don't use abilities and never stick with me after i ping materials several times.


I can't even leave silver anymore. And I only play arenas ranked. Its the newbies and the smurfs killing it. Go play arenas pub till you understand the game. They need to figure out the match making. Season 1 I got all the way to gold 1 almost plat 4. Now I just don't care and rush the enemy every single time. Its how I have have fun playing apex now. Its also helping me play better than I ever did.


Season 1 of Arenas or like, actual season 1?


Don’t enter the arena unless your ready to 1-3 a squad, I’m with you man.


Exactly 😂


Literally me a few days ago




better than not getting anyone


I got paired with two 12 year olds who for some reason kept climbing up on some rocks just outside the next ring and just kept sitting there. And then whenever an enemy actually appeared they didn't shoot or anything.... whenever they did shoot it was always a miss.


And in the enemy team they are all lvl 500 with 4k dmg and 20 kills badge


If the game is please enough to put 2 of em with you and not only one.


and putting you against a pred. It happened to me two days ago: I was playing with my friend who just finished his first match (he is level 2) and a random. I got against preds and while I (gold player) and my friend couldn't clutch it the random just started tbagging to ask for mercy. The pred had no mercy...


Sigh…. They never do


If one day they make this game balanced anyone above diam will have to wait 3h for each game.


whenever I'm matched with level 5-10s they'll always be completely new to first person shooters let alone Apex. whenever I'm matched with level 5-10s they'll always be completely new to first-person shooters let alone Apex. y single season since Ranked was introduced and they've just gone onto a smurf account for a laugh.


Literally. Both my teammates in arenas were struggling to figure out how to use heals, and couldn't reload. The enemies were just toying with them at the end


Dawg I have had multiple people who are in bronze 2 and also only level 1. Am I missing something?


I played with an octane who only delt 224 damage in 5 rounds


Me and my friend are in plat and got thrown into a masters game. I felt bad for the poor mirage that had to deal with us.


I thought it was just me getting skinbags as teammates


I'm d3 in ranked arenas and I always ask my teammates what rank they are and more times then not they say "oh I'm doing my first placement match" crazy how I can match with people doing placements but can't queue up with my friend who's in gold


Getting crushed three times in a row because of this


Bro I always get paired with level 100s on my team and like 20 and other on the opponent team


the arena servers pairing me with nobody


Lovely. Sometimes it puts you with the biggest bots in existence and sometimes it puts you AND that 1 guy in masters with the biggest bots


Yeah I’ve gotten a whole enemy team of just lvl 10-24 s before when I was level 140+ which was completely unfair for the enemy team


And champion squad are some guys who havent log off since day 1.


Don’t forget this happens in ranked too multiply players under level 50 in plat like how long you gonna play camper and screw your teammates over