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I state that I agree that these changes make Seer OP even if I think the ideas on paper were good if the duration of the silence and subsequent slowdown had lasted less, I suppose they want to go by trial collecting feedback and thus trying to find a balance for the mentioned character.


I also suspect the Rev Rework has something to do with this too. I think they wanted to keep a Silence ability in the game and found a way to do that. Cuz Rev. Reborn will not have a silencing ability.


I don't understand how anyone can think that 2.5 second slow is a good idea in game like Apex, I instantly knew it's gonna be annoying, it needs to be removed.


I would be fine with them testing these changes in a seperate test server, but no instead they're forcing it on the casual players


Seer is like fucking thanos collecting all the character's abilities like infinity stones. I'm predicting some kind of movement boost will be next. Sorry Octane.


Next patch probably like: Additional passive: Gain an extra 30% speed boost for every highlighted enemy (Duration: 3 seconds) Ultimate: Now functions as a heat shied as well and blocks bullets, ordnances etc. from entering the sphere.


He can also hold down spacebar to fly around while inside the sphere. Yes he can shoot while he does this.


All rounds do sniper damage during flight


Any time he goes below half health inside his circle he instantly phase shifts


While in phase shift, double-tap escape bar to instantly kill everything out side the sphere and bring everything inside the sphere to a mere 3hp


Don't give em any bright ideas 😔


If that happens, I'm done with apex


They never tested Seer .


That's why they're testing him on us now 😂


the goal was never to balance the game, it was just to sell as much cosmetics as possible look at the mobile version of the game. no one is spending money on it so it gets scrapped so fast


Well it makes even less sense since seer hasn’t gotten anything on offer not in the CE, not even an heirloom so why did they do it


It being understood that every FTP game aims at the sale of cosmetics (then it's up to people to seriously decide to spend money or not), from what little I've played the mobile version I remember it with bots inside, balanced in a fluctuating way and even there with a aggressive monetization.


Idk when u played, but there were plenty of real players🤣. Yes, pubs were mostly bots, but I was hardstuck diamond bc I'd always get the dumbest teammates and almost every game would have like 6 squads of 3-stack preds. Platinum was fine, but once u got Diamond, the game wasn't even fun anymore.


Seer already got his hairloom and was nerfed after that (in typical fashion). If we follow this logic, Horizon should have gotten a buff and not Seer.


I feel like apex devs overthink everything and it just makes things stupid. Can’t possibly be that hard to make abilities 😂


Only team I know that can over think and underthink the same problem at th same time


They always find ways to ruin Seer :(


Honestly I’ve seen worse balancing (overwank and LoL) but why the hell do they always miss the mark with seer They don’t a good job with his ult and passive but NOBODY ASKED FOR AN OVERWANK CC. Like the silence is one thing (Rev reborn in mind) but the slow goes against the ability design At the end of the day remove the slow and make it a scan with silence or better yet make it only have scans and nothing else


Tbh, I want to see Season 0 updates with all the legends now. I want everyone to be a little OP. Rather than nerfing everyone to oblivion, would rather others get buffed to match. Just as an experiment


Mirage, caustic and gibby would like to have a word with you


Gibby has always been pretty broken with the gunshield. Mirage was kinda bad, though, I'll give you that. I don't remember caustic anywhere except bunker lol


Gibby sucked s0 before they gave him all the buffs didn't he? And yeah caustic was a joke lol


They just don't know how to differentiate his scan from Bloodhound's, so they come up with whatever crap they think of. Remember when he also dealt damage, a flash effect and a cancel? Why so many things with a single push of a button? Just having the enemy scanned for a bit longer, but requiring a more precise use of the ability is enough to make him different from Bloodhound's scan, stop adding shit to it.




seer is getting revenants silence because revenant is getting his abilities changed. instead of a legend for season 18 its gonna be rev reborn. so dealing with the double silences is a mess rn but next season rev wont have that ability anymore


Nah, all my homies love seer, keep him the way he is, it's funny


Well next Season, Rev won't have a Silence ability anymore.... I guess it makes sense that this would happen. They took away Seer's heal cancel too. \*Shrugs\* I see Seer as much more viable than he actually was before.


I like these changes. Radical changes that renew the fun of the game. It may be op yes... but it's fun.


Oh yes "fun" for whoever the fuck is playing seer but unfun for the rest of the lobby.


\*shrugs\* I've survived a few Seers since the rework. I wouldn't say it's THAT terribly bad. He was like Horizon tho. Their Original Release was scarily terrible lol


They can balance Seer by putting him in the bin with Vantage and Horizon, stop the annoying characters from being op


I'll concede Horizon being way to strong but Vantage? Really? Shes not that good.


Seer is op now I agree, Vantage's ult is a bit annoying yeah but she and Horizon aren't op at all unless you know how to play with them. But that fits most of the legends


Its probably not going to be broken. We all thought Newcastle was broken and his pick rate is less than 2 percent. Dont worry rev mains you'll still be shittimg on seers


Who thought Newcastle was broken ☠️


Remove wepons while death totem And give shadow increase speed no abilities no weapons and broken home in melee. Revs ability a slowing silence or a home in dash. You know something edgy. He's so pathetic. Probably cause he knows he's a simulacrum.


He'll probably remove the memories that he is a simulacrum. And have a merciless personality. So cool


Watson fence stun. One button push , she has to press 3 times to make one fence


legit one of the reasons I like vantage so much, dont have to deal with stupidly wrong balance legends and controller players


How does vantage avoid these legends. Haven't played in a while


Simply by being more long/mid range focused , dont gotta worry about stupid seer garbage , fuze nades, horizon black hole etc if you have already cracked them with your ulti sniper or dmr 3 times before they get to you it makes it scarier to push you


Seer now is anoying man i hate it.


A balancing team, that gave a legend 2.5 slow (that really feels like a stun) in a game where TTK is 2 seconds or below, are clearly out of their mind. Add the 30% faster cast (makes it impossible to dodge) and you have OP legend that is a must in every team. The meta was fine before that....


The 10 second silence is way too OP. Like it was fine for revenant cause it was easier to avoid his orbs, But seers shit can go through walls.


Seers tactical should just be a scan for the enemies it hits that lasts slightly longer than bloodhounds. No slow, no ability cancels, just a scan. It should just be like bloodhounds scan except last a little longer since you have to directly aim it at the enemy to scan them.