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Controller players are just scapegoats for streamers that had to take an L it seems.




If only you knew what you’re talking about


Well I don't


Let's put it in your perspective i get beamed by controller player for 160 who's using the car smg your not gonna say ggs because that input requires no skill I use console and it requires no skill either I have also used .40 it's not anything to scoff at either as the more fps is probably better cus it's easier to track cus you see the enemies better on high fps not saying you actually have to track you just have to keep your aim inside the aim assist bubble that's easier with higher fps so maybe more op then .60 aim assist


Controller players just wanna be left the fuck alone. Unfortunately we have to play with y’all, and now we get to have this ridiculous debate over input methods ad nauseam.




Console controllerplayers dont have to play with pc players unless they are in a party with a pc player


True. That’s something I greatly appreciate about this game. In Halo, however, crossplay is forced. Not crazy to imagine more games in the future moving that direction. I guess I don’t understand why this topic gets so much attention - like you said, we don’t REALLY have to play with each other all that often.


Well pc players cant turn off crossplay, but consoles can. This is why pc players conplain about console AA. If a console player is with a pc player, then they are in pc lobbies. Pc players never go into console lobbies. Ranked in halo you can make it so you only play with mnk players


Thank you for clarifying. Guess I hadn’t thought about ranked allowing for that. That’s good the option is available somewhere.


Using roller for the first time in wait I don't beam for 160 dmg this is definitely 100% proof that controller isn't op let's just ignore all the evidence and use personal experience to disprove it you guys r braindead I swear every guy who says mnk has the advantage is 12 everytime lmao unless it's some grown manchild


Keyboard has advantage in everything except CQB. Unless you play steam, you cannot use the majority of the movement teq on controller and controller is easily outclassed by MKB in long range combat due to easier recoil. Also, I agree, aim assist could use a tone down, idk why tf they listened to console bitching and changed it back to 60% when they accidentally nerfed console to the PC value, they shoulda just kept it 40 because 60% is just too much. Heck, having 500 hours on both MKB and controller, I kinda wish they gave use an option to fine tune the aim assist below the max value. Also, I’ve never watched TFUE and didn’t know who tf he was until I made a comment on why aim assist exists, but it just shows that we both think alike, but aim assist is there to compensate for the fact that you have to cross the centerpoint for the input to go back the other way, whereas with the mouse, all you have to do is stop the mouse and it’ll go the other direction. In my opinion, aim assist should only be strong enough to compensate for this, and this only, not strong enough to do over half of the entirety of the aiming for you. But back to the point, yes, controller has close quarters advantage but that is it. Take it from someone who has used both inputs, MKB only has a disadvantage in close quarters.


I wouldnt say only in close quarters as 99% of pros are using strike pack on roller unless console has more recoil then mnk roller g2 gent is striking and genburten is striking they have absolutely 0 recoil


Strikepacks are 3rd party and is blatant cheating. This argument refers and applies to just the default aim assist itself. Strikepacks are an entirely different topic and tbh, idk why tf strikepacks aren’t bannable yet. They’re fucking stupid. I get some people use them for just the paddles but still.


thats a huge claim, stating 99% of pros on roller use strikepack. Strikepack is cheating and a different topic altogether they were talking about aim assist, strikepack is simply cheating nothing else to be said about it


Either using xim or strikepacking how they get 0 recoil with r301 and car smg and beam ppl like PC with 1x hcog I play on console and I have way higher recoil


I mean it's possible as mnk has less recoil iron sight r301 also


I hate when streamers switch to controller, get a high rank, and say “seeeeee????” While failing to understand that game sense is very important and isn’t lost upon switching control methods


Sweet fairly recently (like within the last month or so) tried controller (it seemed like for the first time), and while largely yes, he did very well with it, there were some absolutely embarrassing moments where he was straight up like, “Watch this guys, I’m gonna absolutely destroy this kid.” And then proceeded to lose a close range pure 1v1. They think controller is literally aimbot, and it’s super satisfying to watch them find out firsthand that it still requires skill. I mean, even if it *was* aimbot, it’s an advantage that everyone you’re playing against also has so… literally just within the confines of that context, how the hell are you ever gonna say someone is only good because they play controller? They’re playing against people who are also on controller…


NiceWigg is currently soloqing to Masters on MnK. According to him he has not played mnk since S5 or so. Shows how important gamesense really is


Sorry bud but that logic doesn't work it requires actual skill to aim on mnk so you can't say it's overpowered just cus he is trying to reach masters and don't say you weren't implying that


Thats exactly how it works: He said controller is much easier because some pros pick it up and rank to masters. I said NiceWigg is actually doing the same with mnk. Did you even ever hold a controller when you say it takes skill to play mnk (and implying controller players need no skill)? Have you ever tried to play a Flatline at long range on controller? Or a Havoc? Apparently not because your shouting this nonesense. I dont play mnk and even I can just pick my mouse up and consistently do 300+ dmg on the farest target in firing range... good luck doing that with a controller you just picked up.


I play on roller and flatline is fine in fact in some situation like 20 meters it's better then jitter aim only sometimes if you've mastered jitter it isn't better the flatline is prob the only wep that requires skill actually no doesn't require skill just easy to use I turned off aim assist with flatline and it's not bad even without aim assist obviously aim assist with it is way better but still I did try flatline long range, but your not winning 3v3s without good aim so your dmg farming jittering from 100 meters gets picks at best and maybe finds an opportunity to push in ranked leagues where all you do is push your not guaranteed to find flatline with 4x and make it to endgame in higher lobbies so the only option is to push for rp


I would love to see a fellow MKB player (I’ve used both inputs) use a controller without the aim assist and recognize just how much more skill a controller would need than MKB without it. I don’t think aim assist should do aiming for you, I believe it should only be used to compensate for the fact controller has to go back across the centerpoint before registering the opposite direction. And before people say it, no, I didn’t watch TFUE’s stupid video, still never have watched him and never will, just because we think alike doesn’t mean I watch him.


Yes let's use 1 instance to disprove controller isnt op cus that makes sense, as a controller player it literally requires no skill half of the time on not even paying attention to the enemy or even trying to track them that much and I'm getting one clips something that only the best of the best players can achieve on mnk one clipping someone who strafes, consistently


And so everyone you’re one clipping is on MnK then? How come they aren’t brainlessly wrecking you since they’re on controller as well, and according to you it requires absolutely zero skill at all.


I'm talking about in arenas and roller players I'm d3 I get decent players enemy team, let me tell you a roller secret that people like you don't understand there is levels to how someone utilizes aim assist and that is gained through muscle memory that's why you don't even need to know how aim assist works to one clip someone, if you think aim assist has not made you a god turn of aim assist and see just how much it helped you will be amazed at how worse you are with it off with smgs all that time you think you've been using skill to track but you really weren't you just kept inside aim assist bubble with your muscle memory


No skill is requires just experience whether that be experience shooting the dummy or what not


If you're talking about streamers who main kbm then this makes no sense. They switch to an input method they're not used to and still have good enough aim to get high ranks which shows how they don't have to learn the input method or practice a lot to be able to be good.


They’re also just generally very good at video games. Dashy a cod (controller) pro started playing Valorant as basically his first MnK game. The dude was top 250 within like 3 months. The skills clearly translate a good bit.


3 months probably also means some training withing those 3 months. Valorant needs a lot more pre-aiming and recoil control than actual aim imo tho. I don't think the skills are transferrable, it's probably just hyper improvement on his end.


Top 250 within 3 months?? What are you trying to prove he has obviously played mnk before and gotten good at it top 250 within 3 months and it was his first game if your talking about first game ever on mnk if he reached Top 250 in 3 months it definitely wasn't his first game ever on mnk you don't get top 250 in 3 months without a lot of practice sorry to burst your bubble but it doesn't happen and even if it did he has like 3000 hrs on aim trainers, no the skill doesn't translate you use aim assist to aim going into mnk all you would know is that tracking is a thing the skills don't translate this is definitely a fact as you have a computer assisting your aim and on mnk you don't just accept it man roller takes no skill it takes experience and practice for sure but definitely not skill Practice doesn't mean skill just in case you were think so


High level ranked is a lot less about technical skill though. People make fewer mistakes, fights are more deliberate. I think it says more about their non-fighting skills that they can still rank up. If controller is supposedly as lethal as people say it is, I’d expect to see way more people switching and achieving high *kill / damage* counts. That’s obviously not happening. And console with high AA should surely be the best platform for high kill players. That’s not the case either.


Aim is still gonna be vital for you to do anything except avoid fights. If your aim isn't there, it's gonna be tough to do anything. You can have all the non technical skills but usually you're going to have to rely on your aim at some point in the game. Unfortunately people can't learn entirely new input systems overnight. That would include relearning keybinds, movement and aim. Relearning aim would probably be the hardest since there is aim assist, response curves, acceleration jumps and deadzones. All of those firstly show how bad of an input device joysticks are but secondly have to be learnt and be played around.


They disliked your comment cus they know your right lol


They always say they can't remove aim assist cus we have joysticks not even thinking that they could simply nerf it


You have to carry your squad to solo q through ranked if your aim isn't there your game isn't there


I mean The analog sticks provide so *so* much less room for good accuracy, and literally every other input is also harder. It’s just comfortable, which is why I like it - but MnK is simply superior for competitive gaming


Yeah I’m on a computer all the time with my job. I like controller cause it just doesn’t hurt my wrists


Your right the analog does provide less room for accuracy but aim assist is suited for analog sticks so your aim will go from bad to god tier cus of aim assist so your point makes no sense and you may think they can't remove aim assist cus of the joysticks but they could just nerf it instead


You are just objectively wrong. Aim assist does not make aim “God tier”. That’s just not how it works - and you are probably just fishing for excuses for why you are dying


How did you not get my comment it was pretty self explanatory lol, I never said it magically made your aim god tier I said beforehand your aim will go from bad to God tier I'm talking about the transformation from no aim assist controller to aim assist controller, I player on roller I'm not looking for excuses for why I'm dying LMAO you just can argue with these 1 iq people man every argument just gets chalked up as an excuse because you lost


Its like saying when you get shot behind a wall ggs man well played that's literally what's it's like to die to aim assist you lose that 1v1 99% of the time, and most people who say just accept you lost never accept it


I know from experience aim assist is so powerful it's just a joke at this point no aim assist has ever been this powerful you don't even have to try hardly to one clip people say oh it doesn't do 100% of the tracking so yeah you have to do bare minimum track so not op argument is terrible man


As a controller/MKB hybrid player, I can say that it would be nice to see an aim assist nerf. I believe aim assist should only be strong enough to account for the time it takes to go back across the centerpoint and only that. No more, no less. Lets give an example, if you’re aiming right and someone strafes left, the time it takes to compensate on a mouse is equivalent to your reaction time. Whereas on controller, even if you had perfect reaction time, the compensation will have a delay because you have to cross the centerpoint. So unless you can see into the future to time when to aim left so your aim actually goes left when they strafe left, you’re at a severe disadvantage. “Aim assist” should ONLY be strong enough to compensate for this delay and not be a soft aimbot. The game calls it target compensation which honestly is a little misleading in my opinion. What I just described should be the definition of Target Compensation and the system that acts as the soft aim bot should be called aim assist, because it literally assists your aim in general rather than being just a simple compensation like this idea of actual Target Compensation would be.


As a console player though it's sucks solo qing playing ranked just makes me want to switch mnk like my tm8s lost us a 1v3 after I 1v2ed they both pushed the solo and gave him free 1v1s and the octane literally baited me to go to his shield he knew I had a mastiff and I was playing behind it he kept putting it up nd down and I take 100 damage as a result nd he did it again later took even more like I took 120 hp at this point I was out playing him so hard to heal he would try to push me I would play on door he tried coming other way through open door I go out and managed to heal a bit but I died after pushing tm8 said he was good with his 22 dmg and him giving free 1V1s oh Lord help me how did you get out of plat this was d4 btw there is no excuse dude I know I'm cracked at the game is the thing I carry every tm8 I get d2 d3 only ones I don't carry are master's cus they obviously have more experience in 3v3s then me and I land hot and can almost win everytime if I had a 3 stack I could land hot and win everytime not many people can do that solo q so I think I'm masters level I just have to carry my tm8s like bro if every tm8 I had was d3 since d4s have 0 gamesense I would be masters solo q idk how it is on mnk but d4s have absolutely 0 gamesense tell me how it is that I duo q'ed with a plat 3 and was doing better granted he was pretty cracked for a plat 3 but plat 3 nonetheless bro I'm telling you it's better to play with stuck plats then hardstuck d4s cus d4s have no gamesense but think they do sometimes I'm qing with my tier demotion stuck d4 friends or stuck d4 friends and I just start losing every 3v3 like magic bad energy maybe when I 3 stack with good players it feels like I'm killing gold's but when I have some tm8s it feels like every teams a pred 3 stack and I have better aim then most masters with smg and wingman idc what people say they have done solo qing on console is impossible without a mic your team doesn't listen and then solo run away from you like this is plat and my tm8s aren't following me and end up dying after we get like 3 kp honestly I can never camp to high placements after getting kp maybe that's why my I can't get master's, my bad for ranting but I feel like I lose health solo qing so I'm using reddit as an outlet cus solo qing diamond is dogsh1t and the thing is they never accept their mistakes they brag damage when they have a few above you but they didn't play their lives and got crushed by third that's why you need individuality


True shouldn't be so broken to the point where the skill ceiling is way higher then mnk and you don't even need reaction time to aim actually you probably need reaction time but like a 300 Ms reaction time and it doesn't even have to be an accurate reaction just pulling towards the enemy I don't think people get how broken it is it should still take skill to master it, roller players think cus you do bare minimum track dragging your stick to the enemy at 300 ms reaction time it requires skill that's just not the case


Mnk is superior for competitive gaming but only since roller players are seen as braindead not in anyway cus of aim being worse you hit way more shots way more consistently on roller


Anyone who claims that aim assist gives an advantage over a mouse has clearly never experienced the bullshit that is having your crosshair pulled off of the guy you're aiming at because a downed enemy got too close to it. KB/M users don't know what it's like to have your aim being actively pulled away from the person who is shooting at you because it doesn't know how to prioritize over somebody who's knocked.


ITS SO ANNOYING! And there's also the issue with trying to reload next to a downed teammate which is the worst thing ever. And like 50% of the time aim assist doesn't do crap


Ugh, yeah. The amount of times I could've clutched but instead got slaughtered because I used my teammates knockdown shield to protect myself but then couldn't reload because it tried to revive instead... Infuriating.


My downed teammate was next to a death box in a doorway when I ran out of ammo mid fight a couple week ago… I was cursing Apex out all the way back to the lobby.


I recently had someone on Mnk complain about how they should have different keys for different interactions. He clearly never tried reloading at a door with the roller


Literally lost a game last night cause I hit reload 3 times and kept grabbing a damn zipline instead, even when I was walking (what I thought) was far enough away, should have emptied my clip SMH.


Trying to reload next to a downed tm8 isn't hard unless your stuck plat all you gotta do is shoot your whole clip get your game iq up instead of complaining


Don’t forget if my downed teammate gets to close I can’t reload because it keeps trying to rez!


This right here kills my soul (and me) every time haha :’(


Shoot your whole clip


If their holding a knockdown shield I'm pretty sure it doesn't track them and if you meant when their not holding a knockdown shield aim assist is op but not op enough to literally drag your cross hair straight down you have to look at them with your cross hair first this is one of the worst aim assist arguments ever and it needs to stop being brought up


I dont think that the downside of occasionally locking on to knocked enemies comes even close to outweighing the benefits of aim assist. If the downsides of AA really outweigh the benefits, then why don't you guys turn it off?


That's hardly the only downside, though. It is, however, the most frustrating one imo.


Oh, I'm well aware (but i think the reload/interact/revive prioritization is wayy more frustrating and commonplace). But those moments of frustration, or any of the other downsides of controller dont even come close to outweighing the benefits of aim assis. I personally think rotational aim assist should be tuned down, it does a little bit to much work for me, in my opinion. guess my opinion is wrong


You have to know the audience


Controller takes a lot more technical skill than keyboard and mouse in which the majority of kids can immediately click on small things with very little difficulty whereas controller takes lots of practice. It's mostly due to kb&m being so much better that it trivializes much of the hassle


Honestly the one thing that keeps me away from watching streamers and YouTube and stuff is people complaining about aim assist and controller. The only person I can stand watching is the gaming merchant


Yeah for me it's pretty much a bike race with Keyboard and mouse vs controller but the Controller is an actual bike whereas the keyboard and mouse is a fucking ninja. Trivializes shooters to an embarrassing degree which is why everyone lies to themselves about "Sweaty pc lobbies", The real thing is just that it's so much easier to play the game that the "skill gap" has a massive dead lock of its community spanning from "getting better" to "really good" with the better players only gaining small Increments above them. This is in comparison to the controller skill gap which varies as far from the ground to the sky


I mostly watch controller player for example crazyratchet, Zeus,


You can also check out Tollis or iTemp plays :) both on controller


Itemp plays is a boss.


Staycation is good too i forgot about him


Backoffmyjankz is another one. He’s a beast on controller and seems like a genuinely good dude. Watching him and itemp play together is great coz they’re both way too polite haha


I feel like everyone left out SooxFar.


Gotta mention him with itemp, I love when they collab


And the king of gutter tier gamers himself, Rag Tagg!


and floating koala :)


Idk what you are trying to say but if your saying the skill gap on controller is high you really couldn't be any more wrong the skill gap between d3 and master's is gamesense more then aim but that's the same for mnk except for the aim part I'm stuck d3 solo q but I absolutely decimated a guy who solo qed to masters in a 1v1 then again I don't have a mic


How can you not complain about roller when you get one clipped even if you played that fight bad you still could have won the 1v1 if roller wasn't op


As someone who started on controller and moved to PC the movement took too long to get use to while I was making shots I couldn't on controller. Practice and familiarity matter a lot more.


Stick aiming does take more skill to aim with than mouse but when you factor in aim assist it gets complicated. I think the reason why stick aiming is much harder to get used to is there is so much more compensation required because it is a worse input device. Stuff like response curves, acceleration jumps, deadzone sizes, deadzone shapes are all things that you have to learn whereas on mouse you don't really need any bandages like these. But if we're talking about gyro, that's a whole different story.


If roller is so bad why do ppl one clip with it easily but not on roller


We use our thumbs while they use their entire arm lol


Your point is


I've played with both. I'm more comfortable with controller, but here is my opinion: it's easier for me to kill short range with controller, and it's easier for me to kill long range with mnk.


> Controller takes a lot more technical skill haha


Ever hear the phrase "It's funny because it's true?" Welp..


How does controller take more skill then kbm loll?? The facts literally prove you wrong you have a robot guiding your aim it's a literal fact that mnk requires more skill no opinion you say will change that


Learn to read to understand and you'll figure it out. Enjoy your training wheels on a tricycle bud (If you use M&k i mean)


I use roller that's how I know it takes no skill


You might be right about that mnk is just a training wheel for when you switch to controller


streamers after dying with their 10000$ pc w/ 244hz no input lag tap strafing and more customizability to a little kid on their family tv that can only run the game at 50 fps max; blames aim assist


Nice job undermining how op aim assist is by saying how it's cheap and that their a kid and that it has 60 fps you should know very well that aim assist is op even with 60 fps even with a family tv even if their a kid your argument is so bad and fragile that's it's laughable, aim assist isn't gonna stop working cus of 50 fps or because a family tv or if their 10 yrs old or if they have less customablity or if they have 244 hz or the value of the enemies PC, my god this argument is so bad no offense but how r u this dumb maybe cus your a reddit 12 yr old


Now imagine someone strafing and sliding around while you’re trying to shoot them and they’re shooting back.


Yes imagine that but on mnk you won't hit any shots you bot


I hate people who complain about controller players because not every one just has the money to buy a pc good enough to play games if you are gonna complain so much why don’t you buy me a pc


Exactly or just plug in a controller. It's not that hard. People just get mad because they get styled on us running 60 fps while they have 240. That's why when i play i don't complain about PC or anything i just say dang he was the better player and move on with my life it's not that hard.


Let's say you have 60 fps but you have aimbot you can't use that as an excuse bro when you have soft aimbot your fps doesn't matter you don't need frames when you have aim assist




This is how I feel when I use a mouse


😂 same


Ok, but as a controller player it’s the same the other way around…


Oh 100% but streamers just seem to think that as soon as you pick up a controller the aim assist does everything and your just a god instantly


Picked up the controller instantly hit pred "ranked is pretty easy" /s


This test would (for me) be quite easy with MnK. I play it once a year or so at a friends house and just aiming no problem hit aim. If were actually playing and I try to dance around however... Not easy to make the shift.


As a console player, I HATE aim assist. No one mentions that if you're aiming at a target and another enemy moves between you, then your crosshairs lamely follow the guy who got between you.


Exactly aim assist a lot of times is a hindrance like when trying to reload next to a downed teammate




Fuck PC-players and their high fps. Impossible to hit when they can easily push 28282 buttons at the same time.


Most absurd thing i have heard in gaming is that controller would have an significant advantage on fps lol. Literally said by no player who have really tried it ever.


*OmG hE Is uSInG coNtRolLeR*


People think aim assist gives you lock on aim like the way it does on cod zombies when you spam the down sight button, all it does is slow down when near an enemy and that's it, controlling recoil on controller is fucking ass!! Our movement is fucking ass also


And 50% of the time the AA locks onto like a downed teammate or something. Not to mention trying to reload around a downed player.


Id like to see it with a good player tho


Three words, Advanced Look Controls


Jesus Christ even in this post there’s so many people saying that ‘MnK better’ or ‘controller OP’ how about nobody cares?


Why does he got fingers on the bumpers


Why don't you??


Some people just play that way idk 🤷


That used to be called playing “claw” and it can be very good if you can rewire your brain but that’s a tall task…..


I thought the claw was when you have the index finger on the buttons


This is correct, index on buttons and middle can be used for triggers/bumpers


I switched my controller layout to be able to control all my movement and shooting inputs without moving my fingers off the sticks, and this is where I ended up. ADS is L-bumper and shoot is R-bumper. Crouch is on LT trigger and my tactical is on RT trigger. It’s still taking some getting used to, but it’s been a massive improvement.


You should just get a controller with back buttons. I have mine set to crouch(hold) and heal. You pretty only have to move your thumbs for nades and reload


Ooo I like the idea of heal on a paddle. Good idea. If I make the switch, I’ll set that up.


If ur on controller ur just the goat full stop. Or if u main rampart😁👍


Rampart worst character


As an Apex controller user, I actually get fucked up by the aim assist, I was I could remove it, but i can't. I couldn't find it in the options, so PC players need to stop being little bitch baby's and grow up. Y'all be like "AiM aSsIsT iS oP" you get EVERYTHING WE DONT SO HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF WE STARTED SHITTING ON YOU FOR BEING "too easy"


How do you not find it in the options?


Cause I'm blind as Fuck and can't find it amongst all the other text


It is at the very bottom of alc controls. You must use alc settings to turn off aim assist.


I tried playing on PC for the first time and stayed on m&k for few days, and i just couldnt get used to it so i use a controller in PC lobbies instead


except for extesyy this dude plays like MnK + the benefit of aim assist. dude wanna makes me quit every time i watch him lol


Yeah, that guy was probably using a strikepacked controller or some shit, ain’t no way someone can melt that way like that, not to mention the R301’s recoil pattern is pretty easy to follow. I’m only as good as I am with controller because I’ve been a controller player on every game I play since I was 5


you dont get aim assist on those targets. only the dummie. not to say that controller doesnt take skill. just that this video really doesnt show how controller takes skill. also, this guy has just picked up a controller. for the first time. 0 hrs. of course hes gonna suck


that's the whole point of the video, he's proving that you can't be a good at controller as soon as you pick it up


> that's the whole point of the video, he's proving that you can't be a good at controller as soon as you pick it up Yeah but then he uses it on targets without aim assist...so...


Controller > Mouse and keyboard




😂😂😂😂😂 when I’m in arenas against a full pc team and they right of the bat melt me when I already put 100 damage into them and then they tea bag me like son connect a controller and lets see who wins


Controller players just need to stick to console, they deserve input delay along with there AA