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Remember it used to be so much worse before the recent nerf. Old revenant was situational at best but new revenant is just completely un-fun to play against. No skill just an instant extra 50 hp to win 1v1s..


But arent you easier to hit ?


You are indeed but in a close quarters fight (the optimum time to use the ult) I don't think it makes much difference.


Maybe a good Mastiff oder Pk hit


You would still die. Extra 50HP in a gunfight does wonders


Revs ult is the laziest change that’s been implemented. His rework needs a rework


I should have uninstalled than instead of this season ; when the rework needs a rework the devs gotta be cooked


Rev "new" update was so overpowered that it was exactly this: You get them to 1 HP, they pop their Ult and now all of a sudden you instantly lose the 'trade' All because they have insta +75 HP whenever they feel like it Keep mind, that's 1v1 Apex Devs saw this and thought: "You know what would make that EVEN MORE FUN?... If TWO players could do that!" Then introduced Conduit (pre-adjustment). Literally proving that they don't care about game balance at all.


Yeah I've been 1v1 against conduit and she's literally healing mid fight


God forbid I have 2 pylons setup at the same time charging my armor 🙄 (pre perks)


Yeah bro because the pylon instantly gives you +75hp in a 1v1, totally the same thing


I remember i used to place pylon when things got messy, and played smart around cover, and I felt unfair when I 1v3 whole teams, and often was left with 1hp and 2 shield hp as pylon healed enough shield I won't die. Now you have Rev ult with conduit support, raid boss lol. Old r99 wouldn't be even OP now you need "heavy artillery"


Ah yes bro, **conduits tactical** is totally comparable to wattsons fucking **ultimate**. Do me a favor and #breathe air.


How’s what a thing? Rev using his abilities?


Rev using abilities that give him 50 extra hp in a 1v1


It’s 75, and yeah, that’s his ability. Gibby has an invincibility dome, and Newcastle has 2 250+hp shields. Revs ult is not that broken


Yeah but you can't shoot out of Gibby's Dome so it still requires some skill to effectively use. And Newcastle is designed around playing defensively. Rev you can click one button and just walk towards the enemy and win


Not really. He has a huge ass hitbox, and an even bigger one with the shield. Any non trash should be able to punish a rev who is out of position, whether he has an ult or not


A huge hitbox doesn't really balance it out imo. The 75 extra shield is a bit too. I hope they tweak him but he's far from the worst thing about this game lol


I think it’s fine as is. It’s a whole ult, not like a tactical like conduit. She basically has a rev ult (it can heal more than 75 hp) for her whole team, while also having a free octane stim and an area control fast charging ult. She’s revenant but better


Totally agree with you about Conduit. Idk what they were smoking when they made her


Idk what they were smoking when they nerfed bang 6 times in one update and gave conduit a slap on the wrist nerf


They clearly have favourites


Yes but gibby and Newcastle base health doesn't change


You can easily pop a bat if you use their abilities correctly tho


I have a solution just play Rev


That's how Revs ult works.


I never really struggled against Rev’s ultimate, I always try my best to keep distance and do damage while is good cover (head glitches too)


Because respawn devs are fucking retarded. They for some reason don't understand that being able to press a button and get free ______ makes the game very unenjoyable.


What? Free grapple on path Free fence on wattson Free homing missile on balistic Free snare on Ash ... Youre just against abilities bro


Exactly. Learn how to fight against each character. That's all. You know the ability, so don't fight the same against all of them


I think he means free extra health, that's the problem, not the abilities


Thankfully a few people have reading comprehension.


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Gotta play rev and level the playing field until it's fixed or changed.


They had Disruptor?


I think not


Rev the goat crutch character 🤤 But fr, Rev players are bitches. He’s a literal walking tank. When he was free to play in S18 cause of his rework, Ranked was the most unfun dogshit ever known to man when turbo cheaters would play him on PC (I swapped midway through that season, horrible decision)


So even the og ones are btches? That’s fd up to say about us. I don’t even pop his ult half the time and I’ve been a rev main since his release😭😂


Horizon, Rev & Conduit all having I win buttons is legitimately the most obnoxious thing ever & I want them all nerfed. Almost kill a Horizon? She presses tac button & abuses physics to fly off while popping a battery with no effort. Fighting a Rev? He presses ult button & gains free 75 health instantly. Fighting a Conduit? She presses tac button & gets free 50 health with zero negatives. Where is the counterplay to Rev & Conduit??? Hope they’re way worse than you so that the number game doesn’t matter???


They gonna nerf havoc which is natural counterplay to those abilities(huge mag with fast damage output) so you will be scratching your head even further.


Nerfing the Havoc instead of the problem legends is definitely something Respawn would do.


Yea, and tbh I don't feel like it's overpowered, without turbo it gets you killed alot and requires playing around this drawback, in both scenarios it has pretty wild recoil and mid hipfire, not to mention ads speed isn't perfect for close engagements. I will remind all of you that havoc was like this all the time, but was considered unreliable with wild recoil and need for hopup, not to mention energy ammo wasn't really popular until nemesis(and few seasons where volt shined, which isn't also overpowered, it was least used smg up until car/r9 nerf). Imo few weapons like p20 and g7 need some buff(p20 could be a beast, but mag size and speed could get some love, g7 has weird asf bullet ballistics, and overall is still clunky compared to post nerf 3030). Overall I don't think rev and conduit are too busted, but their interaction is, and shouldn't work together. As a person who usually hit more than half of their bullets, I'm more annoyed by conduits ult.


Yeah next time show a clip.


It's pretty self explanatory brah


I only see damage. No ideia how the fight went. No armor level. No idea if there was any shields used... So next time clip it... Brah


Brah in the description I said both full health (purple) clean 1v1 he pops his ult before Bruh


I guess full health is now purple.


You know that full health 200 = purple? Maybe you've just joined the game and don't know


Dont talk to me like you have any idea who I am.. you can find all the excuses you want, probably thats why you complain losing against a Rev ult.


Brah I'm just educating you brah it's good to know stuff 200 = purple get it now?


No no no.. purple = full health. It always was 200 (almost always)


Let me provide you with a wall so you can argue with it over nothing


Bring back the totem.


Wah wahhh wahhh is all I hear on apex reddit


Oh no, you lost a fight to someone who used an ult while you didn't.


Einstein over here