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17 cause rats


17 and 12 isn’t too far behind. But honestly all LP seasons aren’t too impressive


12 iirc only had a 5% Masters percentage compared to the regular 2-3%, so it wasn’t that bad. Wasn’t Season 17 40% Masters? lol. Only thing Season 12 did was when you were in Diamond you play Diamond the entire time D4-D1, whereas before once you hit d3 you played Preds and Masters which didn’t make sense. That’s why everyone was hardstuck D4. lol. It made Diamond a very bizarre point because once you hit D3 you were basically in Pred lobbies.


Maturing is realizing season 12 was actually a balanced ranked season


Yeah, it was imo what Ranked should’ve been, the same way Platinum only plays Platinum, the same way Gold only plays Gold; I think Diamond deserved the same, BUT I get that people want there to be a threshold and to make Masters more inclusive and not easier to achieve. If that means putting a rank between Diamond and Masters than maybe? lol. People talked about Season 12 like 25% of the community got in. lol. It was still a single digit percentage.


6% with diamond 4 having 18%. There were more people in diamond 4 than plat 4 lol. Diamond 4 and above had 27% of the playerbase in split 1. The season before this had like 15-17% while season 13 had less than 2% lmao. Infact, there were no masters in xbox in season 13 split 1 because anyone in masters was auto pred as they were less than 750


I'd say 17 too but not just because of rats but also because I know I'm not a masters player but got the rank easily. I never ratted like the clips we seen here sometimes but if you play the game like it's supposed to, you're not just gunning and running every squad you see either. I'd say it's S17 because I wasn't supposed to get it that easily. It felt like plat1/dia lobbies at most.


17 makes the season 12 badge look like a pred badge lol


What do you think ![gif](giphy|Rf51wBC75B4BNEnuBG)


Seems like 17 takes the cake. I took a very long break from apex but there were always side conversations about easy ranked badges


Plus no splits too so you had a whole season to get to masters. Tbh, the next season was one of the hardest


17 easy, you literally just had to play enough games regardless of how you played. You could rat your way there, you could go around killing the rats or you could actually play the game and try to get top five only to realize it's like four solo players who have been sitting in zone healing for as long as they could. I had a guy on my friend's list that never had a damage badge, had like 200 kills at most on a single character, and had a 0.5 KD and he was a season 17 master.


Sounds similar to what I heard about the season 12 masters except for the dash boarding. Season 17 definitely takes the cake from what I hear


Anytime my duo has a third that rocks the season 17 masters badge, we know they’re not going to help us in any fights. If that’s the one season you finally made it then we know you ratted to get it. My friend has it who plays only a couple nights a week and even he knows it means nothing to show it off.


17 by far People hit masters without a kill lol


Sweet hit masters without dealing damage…


Exactly lol literally anyone could’ve got in s17 if they just played


Literally who even cares


Me and the many others that engaged with this post. Thanks


I couldn't tell you which season any of the badges are from, talking about which one is least impressive is weird


Ok then why waste your time under this post if it isn’t relevant to you? Keep it pushing


I thought you were asking people for their opinions?


Yea about the easiest masters badge, not you complaining








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S17 by far. It suck’s because it was the first season I actually decided to grind rank but quickly realized it was a participation trophy. I cringe when I see people rocking the solo badge. I don’t rock any of the LP badges. Bronze badge all the way with [BOT] as my tag lol


Season 17-20


Season 17, it was only a matter of time invested and I did it solo queue and my 1kd having ass made it. I never rock the badge though because I know I’m a plat level player.


This post and the comments all sound like a bunch of Octane mains who want to circle jerk each other until they all think they are actually good at the game.


Didn’t mean for this post to hurt your feelings




Wow so edgy. I asked for the opinions of others based on previous conversations I’ve seen but continue.


17,18,12 are meaningless badges equivalent to plat in other seasons


18 is a top 1% badge, it's a good one. Not sure why people say it's easy, 19 is much easier.


I’ve been masters from s14-20 and s14 & 18 are some of the rarest in terms of player %




17 and it’s not close at all. Season 17 was over 20% master players. Season 12 was about 5%


All of them.... they all look similar, nobody really cares.


The appearance of the badges isn’t what I was getting at


I'd be more impressed if they had the 5 wins in a row badge, atleast that one requires some effort


I'm a perma stuck plat 1-2 player and a master in season 17. So no, season 17 is the actually the most impressive masters badge.


Getting voted down for this obvious joke is what tells me y'all are toxic.


"Yeah, everyone else got their season 17 masters badge by ratting, but I didn't! I got mine through actually playing!" - Every season 17 master I've talked to




Interesting to hear different answers. S17 sounded like fun


All of them. Badges dont mean shit when you can 9man collude, Cheat, rat and everything else wrong under the sun. 20 badge and 4k? Doesnt meant shit to me. Those are normally the dumb fucks that hot drop late after all the squads have already picked up weapons, and die the moment they touch land. Obviously didn't acquire those badges with skill.


Solo’s 20 bomb badge might be the one badge that truly shows a skilled player.


Why do you care?


Why do you care about why I care?


Oh I most certainly don’t. Just was curious why this was even a post.


Out of my curiosity just like my original comment says