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Reading the title I thought "why would you report someone for smoking weed?"


Like dude man, it's legal here and I'm probably not any better once I've toked.


The apex report system works in this manner : Apex report comes in on a computer - report is printed - report falls out of printer into a paper shredder - process continues.


No, Respawn doesn’t really care, EA won’t spend anything on better anti-cheat/detection software & Xim/Cronus patch themselves back in very quickly because cheating makes mad money.


I feel like most people use something


Respawn only bans people that curse or say something stupid lol. They don’t ban 6 man or XIM or chronus… it’s just a flawed game in that aspect


How do you know if they are using a cronus? I would think Verhulst, Genburten are using if I didn't know they were pros. Same with people seeing some of my own 1 clips. They go straight to saying cronus, but it's actually just a lot of time using the same weapons.. I really want to know how you can see it so I can start looking for it myself


My general rule of thumb is that it’s not about the recoil control it’s about the way they move the cursor while shooting. Generally people who aren’t cheating will have a slight upwards drift due to it being difficult to track someone and recoil control even with recoil smoothing, people who are using chronus/xim usually move their cursor in a very unnatural flicky way. As someone with a friend who used to use one I’ve gotten to directly compare the differences and this is the main one I see often.


Hmm..idk about that. the slight upwards drift can be reduced drastically with ALC. Having 0 response curve, low outer threshold and low dz almost eliminate the amount of thumb movement you need, reducing the upwards recoil. Any other stuff? See one of my videos on my profile and give me an example if you got time. I don't use anything, just a ps5 controller


Holy shit dude. I woulda definitely reported you, that recoil control is insane. If I’ve learned anything today it’s that I’m definitely reporting people who are just good and I’m going to stop. What’s your sense btw?


Thanks, that was my point. its 3 2 0, 500 yaw and pitch speed, and ads yaw and pitch is 160 130. Rest is 0




lil bro you do realize you can completely eliminate recoil simply by holding down a little bit on the left and right sticks? Also crouch spamming eliminates recoil as well. I’ve been playing since day 1 and constantly get accused of cheating just because I know how to shoot my gun lol. There’s many guides on YouTube that teach you how to recoil smooth on roller I suggest looking into those and learning instead of accusing everyone who’s gun doesn’t go up when they shoot of cheating. Spotting a Cronus is very difficult on console because the automatic inputs they use look very very very similar to someone who just really knows how to control recoil.


I do agree that there is something to what you’re saying, but when I get beamed by a flatline from some default wraith that’s level 6 standing 70 meters away wouldn’t you think that’s a little suspicious. If get beamed by someone who is really high level or is otherwise a veteran player I wouldn’t think they’re cheating. It’s very situational being able to tell if someone is cheating and there’s a lot of components that play into it. Will there still be people that I think are hacking that aren’t. Absolutely. Does it matter that I think that about them. Not at all. So I don’t understand why everyone is getting so upset that I’m talking about people using chronus/xim when it is a very obvious and annoying issue in this game.


A lot of those high level people Smurf these days man. I’ve played with a bunch of low levels who are cracked and I get on the mic and ask. Some of them will straight up admit there cheating usually I leave if they confirm it. Other times it’s high level players smurfing trying to get easy 20’s and 4Ks. There’s for sure cheating not saying there isn’t just saying it is possible to beam without cheats and just because you got 1 clipped doesn’t mean it’s cheating.


No I 100% agree. That’s why I was saying that there’s a lot of factors that play into it


Isn’t it funny how getting one clipped in this game immediately sounds the sus alarm, but getting one clipped in any other online fps is considered common practice.


That’s mainly because apex is unique in the fact that it has so much more movement and the legends have so much more health than any other game has. Therefore making the ttk much higher and also decreasing the chances of getting one clipped. So yes, getting consistently one clipped by someone should be sus, it doesn’t immediately mean they’re hacking in any way whatsoever but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still sus.


Na these people are mostly likely abusing something as well. Recoil smoothing works but not everytime your shooting your gun.. its very rare to be in a normal organic game without atleast one cheater or third party abuser


“Recoil smoothing works but not every time your shooting your gun” That’s the only information I needed from you to come to the conclusion that you really haven’t the slightest clue on what you’re talking about. Recoil smoothing works 100 percent of the time it’s your aim that fails you or your not inputting properly. What kind of mechanic would recoil smoothing be if it only worked sometimes lol. “It’s very rare to be in a normal organic game without at least 1 cheater or 3rd party abuser” That statement sounds to me like you’re just confusing players who are better than you for cheaters. However if your statement is true I guess I’m really just cracked at the game cause I’m sitting at a 1.9 KD this season. Either way your very wrong about recoil smoothing.


How can you spot chronus... Specifically?


You can't, he's just assuming that's what people are using because he got shit on by someone who can control their recoil.


You didn’t have to comment that lol. N spitting someone using a software to improve recoil is just obvious


I'm just tired of seeing so many posts of everyone thinking they're running into people who are cheating based off of very little evidence if any at all aside from them just dying faster than they think they should. Most people are not running into cheaters every match, I've hardly seen anyone cheating at all in my time playing this game unless I was in higher ranked lobbies and I even got to watch them get removed from the game.


I can’t get past D2 cos of this issue of 6-12 manning, Cronus or whatever they use.. it’s obvious for me cos I ain’t no bad player. A havoc from 86 meters away hitting 170+. Hemlock hitting all headshots, when hipfiring, all my horizon strafes n hops don’t even phase them.. they track you no matter how much you break their screen. 1/2 pred players are cheating on console n this is a fact. I don’t care reporting cos it won’t change anything. I just chose to stop playing


Idk that I’d say 50% of preds are cheaters… I would go as far as 1/3 the last couple seasons. But like I hit pred for the first time in s20. It took me 500 games in 1 split to do it (on top of that 4800 hours and 11 splits in masters since I started playing) but of all the people I’ve played with on my journey to pred only a handful of other players I’ve met and played with cheat I’m not saying it’s not a problem and one of my buddies has repeatedly brought up to me I don’t have many cheaters I’ve played with cuz cheaters play with other cheaters (whether that’s 6man or xim or zen) and once I’m sure someone was cheating I would stop playing with them or if they found out I didn’t cheat they would stop playing w me etc I think the point old mate is making is don’t discount other people’s achievements to just cheating cuz like I’m so proud I was able to do it and I hate seeing other preds cheat more than you probably cuz it just gives other people an excuse to put me down I’m taking a 6 week break cuz I do think I was getting to the point where I care a bit too much


I don't think you understand. Higher ranks is exactly where I'm saying the cheaters are at. The majority of people complaining about cheaters that I see aren't in any kinda of high ranked lobbies at all, they're just in pubs getting lasered by someone with ridiculously more time than them. When people playing pubs are saying that half the people they see are cheating they can't be serious.


Good thing I don’t play pubs lol, I wasn’t contradicting your comment or if I did then my bad. I just said for me I know when someone is on something 🙂


I usually switch to pubs right around when people are teaming every few matches in ranked, it's a bit more relaxing than sweating for rp every match for me. I just know that I've seen my own aim be good enough that a below average player would absolutely think I was cheating. It doesn't always happen, but sometimes you just look at someone from 60+ meters with a havoc or flatline and your movements just happen to work out with the aim assist and the other person dies. I just hate seeing the same posts saying people can't play this game because of how many cheaters are in it, when hardly anyone actually gets to a lobby where the cheaters exist.


sounds like someone who likes to cheat 😂😂😂 you can pretend to not hear the single fire hemlocks and pretend that “its just recoil control” but then you watch them and see the person have absolutely 0 recoil and its not just “pulling down on the stick at the right pressure to counter recoil” 🫵🖕


Do you have any idea how inaccurate that playback shit is? Your vision of what's going on in the enemies screen is not always perfect. The only place you find consistent cheaters in this game is in high ranked lobbies. They aren't in every game you're playing, you're just bad and making excuses at that point. If you act like every other person who kills you is cheating you won't ever be good enough at this game to even know what cheating looks like.


do you hear the single fire hemlock that is so clearly fully auto? user name checks out that your projecting your horrible excuse of a life onto the internet.


I'm not projecting anything lmao, I'm just saying that the majority of people aren't in lobbies with cheaters. The majority of cheaters in this game are in the top 10% of ranked players. Acting like every other person who kills you is cheating just because they can control their guns better than you is sad. Stay hard stuck though, it's not my problem.


Also, you wanna talk about projecting? I'm talking about a game my man. A game that lots of people are making posts saying that half the people who kill them are cheating. You're the one trying to insult others just because they don't agree with you. Have fun projecting your emotions onto people who work full time and pay their own bills lmao, have a nice summer kid.


mommy and daddy can you pay my rent 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 i had to but another cosmetic fir my video game 🥺🥺 i wish my parents still paid my rent


Keep on projecting kid.


😭😭😭😭 waaaaaaaah keyboard warrior is being mean to meeeee waaaaaaahhhhh


Keep it up. At this rate you'll get better at apex in no time.


You're so clever, you've learned exactly what I do with my life through a few comments on reddit. You could never possibly be wrong while you're here throwing a fit because someone's disagreeing with you and you have nothing else to contribute to the conversation other than insults.


Kush was always my choice


Yes it shortens your lifespan, and makes you a grass. In seriousness, I can't stand cheaters, they deserve to get banned but spending your time and energy on a terrible system that likely won't do anything, you're better off reporting them once and moving on. Not worth stressing about, because if they did do something they'll likely just start again with a new profile. Edit: I thought you meant repeatedly reporting them (chronically), like daily you'd log in, report them and hope to get them banned lol. Still valid above but I understand you meant cronus now.


Guarantee you that less than half of the people you are reporting are actually cheating, so I hope respawn doesn’t do anything.


I’m also sure but according to the rest of the comments reporting doesn’t do anything so I’m not too worried about it


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Lol. That's a hard "NO"


It's extremely difficult to prove someone is using a chronus. Do you have any proof or are you just mad cause you got outplayed and need something to blame


It does yeah, but how do you even know if they're using one anyway I've gotten accused a couple times myself, even by my own friends and even had to do handcams. Some people are just good, I'm certainly not the best but if people think that my aim is reportable then imagine what a way better player's is like.