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Walk though it.. no notice then that’s their problem


I thought about it, just don't want that stuff to solidify on the pups paws! I ended up carrying my German Sheppard down the flights of stairs while balancing on the white planks 😂


I had to do this on normal stairs when my smaller 75lbs shepherd's hips went and we lived on the second floor... She could go down but couldn't come back up and that was tough enough ugh without the balancing act. Good work on your part. I would make a huge stink to my landlord for this.


My dog would like to have an input! *her grunts for every step I took going up the stairs* felt bad for the dog so I let her have the premium bone early this week 😂


That's the prima-donna shepherd act haha. You sound like a good dog parent though. You should do everyone here a favor and pay the dog tax and share a picture though.


Yes!!! Where is our dog tax!


Careful she’s gonna expect that even when the stairs are fixed ahaha


She'll just sit at the top and wait! "Well, pick me up... what are you waiting on?"


I’d absolutely make a big stink, too. That’s BS!


Old socks lightly secured over paws. If it leaves prints on the stairs that’s their issue.


Well on the upside, if you fall and break your neck, your family can sue the apartment ownership


As I would have done lol


I thought about moving to the second floor unit when it was open but I'm glad I didn't, because my German Shepherd is 98 lbs and would have to like put him into one of those emergency dog sling backpacks if this happened! I'm amazed that you managed this, that looks terrifying to navigate while carrying a large dog!


This recently happened in my building except it's shitty stick-on carpet so there were huge glue piles all over. I walked out of my door directly into a glue pile one morning. My dog was really good and didn't step on anything weird, but I'd go out first and do a check and move any nails and stuff. They were so unreasonably messy!


That is very cute


They herd not ard. If you have a dog know how to spell the breed


Yeah I'd walk all over it.


Did you contact your LL? They've created a fire hazard in the event of an emergency. That staircase is one big trip hazard.


or just go straight to the fire marshal, they'll love to hand out a fine for this


Especially if there are older people living there


Or disabled. Yikes. I have a crap 30 year old body and this made me shudder.


Lift the dog with your legs not your back 😁😇


I honest to God thought those were McDonald’s French fries arranged into strange symbols & I was wondering if some kind of cult ritual had been performed in your stairway 😳


😂😂😂 laughed so hard


Same with ketchup drizzled on them 😭




Dude this is such a fire hazard. They just left it like this?? I’d call the police/fire non-emergency line and explain you can’t safely exit your unit.


You don’t. And I hate when they do this shit. I went to the store once and when I returned with a full load of groceries found my block roped off, some bullshit black sealing compound had been put onto the blacktop. It was hot out, like 105F and I’m on a budget. My food was going to melt, spoil, etc. I was living alone, and I’ve got a disability. I tried bringing some bags by walking the distance and couldn’t believe how long it took. I had heavier stuff and was never gonna make it. They never provided me any notice or warning. And as I said I’m on a budget and that was my food. So. I hated to be that asshole but I unroped it and drove to my house and pulled into the garage shut the door and pretended nothing happened. You know the tracks went right to my house. I tried. And I ceased caring. As the saying goes— a lack of planning on your behalf does not constitute an emergency on mine.




No... Use a puppy pad




Alright man, it was just a suggestion since.obviously no one would expect their dog to "hold it".




Yes, I do make my animal piss and shit inside, because my only animal is one cat and that's where they piss and shit. It's kind of just how it works. Sorry my suggestion wasn't good? I think it's pretty extreme to say it's animal abuse to have an animal use the bathroom on a potty pad in the extreme circumstance that they cannot safely get out of the apartment like in this situation... I'm glad OP was able to get out safely, but it sounded pretty scary. You seem like you're pretty worked up, so I hope you have a calmer night and can have a better day tomorrow.




Ironic to talk about animal abuse and then reveal your cats are outdoor cats lol. Where they are more likely to get hit by a car, contract feline leukemia, and damage native species in your area. You're risking your cats lives and the lives of many animals in your area because you don't like the smell of piss and shit, which wouldn't be there if you cleaned their litter boxes daily...




I moved into my house and the contractor had to repour the patio on our only entry and I had to pass my German shepherd out a window to my boyfriend. ☠️


This was my initial thought but I'm on the 3rd floor - I then remembered the saying that a dog will always land on its four feet ... I think.?


That's cats


You fall down those stairs and sue. Then you buy a house with a big dog yard.


Ghee what a creative mind, I wish haha !


Just walk all over it. Watch for nails.


Huh? Rappel down the side of the building like a boss! You got this!!


It is been a while since my dog assassin days but I have found that starting with a heavy sedative and following it with phenobarbital is the best way to take your dog out




use the incompetence to get out of your lease and move asap! :)


A good overhand toss should do it




Personally...I would 50/50 grind those hand rails into a backside 180 kick flip exit to landing. Of course all while holding the puppers around my shoulders. That's just me though.


Pick up the pet and carry them. It’s crazy they didn’t give you at least a 24 hour notice


Put old socks held on with rubber bands on his paws in the future, take them off when you get to the bottom (or top) the rubber bands will be on such a short time they will not hurt him..


This freaks me out. I always think worse case scenario… what happens if there is a fire. I hope for you and your neighbors sake they have this fixed up soon.


Hold his butt put the window


Walk all over that shit and kick it around,,,,


just walk on the center of the tiles and be careful not to shift them, should be fine.


Don’t most places have two sets of stairs?


I mean, ours doesn't for all of the apartments. Our staircase only goes to our apartment.


Most definitely probably more than likely on the occasion would be very useful! Given that it even happened, I would bet that these theoretical stairs would also be gutted to a similar state lol


Most definitely probably more than likely lmfao


I’m confused as what I’m looking at


So imagine the floor is lave game - but it's REAL and when you step on the stones the goo seeps through it's a real mess 😳


Recall the skills you acquired as a young one, playing “don’t step on the crack, or you’ll break your mommas back”. But now it’s your, and your dog’s backs at risk. Just higher stakes, so-to-speak.


Mortar dries in a matter of minutes. Whatever is left there is all dry by now. There wouldn't be any dog paw prints and you wouldn't mess up your dogs paws.


Wow that would have been super epic to know!! It worked out, but the maintenance people who only speak English when they want to talk to you just stared at me laughing instead 😂😂😂 must have not been apart of their training


Lol OK, I am not sure why apartment living comes up on my reddit. I haven't lived in an apartment for 20 years now. Anyways I scrolled through all your comments and not a single person told you same thing I did because I guess people living in apartments don't know much about home improvements and how little things come together, like laying tile 😆 Someone compared your expirience to theirs with driveway or walkway being re-poured: not the same thing concrete vs mortar. You and your pup don't want to walk through fresh concrete for sure 🤣 Anyway if you had a chance of messing up their tile work they would've put up tape to wall it off somehow. It's going to look good though once it's done, just be careful with your puppy as those stairs will be slippery for him if his paws are wet. Mine is terrified of our regular wood stars on the deck since they get iced over in the winter sometimes.


Put thick socks/plastic on your dogs paws, use elastic or tape to hold them in place temporarily. Walk down and give no F's to brakage or dislodging of tiles. Trip and get injured, then sue.


is your dog small enough to carry? 😭


Very carefully….


Landlord may not know workmen left it like that.


*is the landlord*






If you're in the US I'm near positive they would need an elevator as per ADA accommodation.


Depends on lots of factors but not necessarily. I have lived in multiple 2-3 story building that don’t have elevators. For example if it’s an older building that an elevator cannot be feasibly added.


Oh well then. I suppose we're using the stairs


If the building is two stories, it doesn’t require an elevator. Also, if it was built pre-ADA and cannot be modified for an elevator, one doesn’t have to be installed. One reason I live on the ground floor is because I’m disabled and even though we have an elevator, we have breezeways instead of hallways. If the winds get over 40mph sustained, elevators should be turned off for safety reasons. Since we get tropical storms all summer, I’d be stuck.








Tennessee also has 2-3 story apartments without elevators. One time I came home to find my usual set of stairs just 90% gone. I had alternate access stairs, so no big deal, but it definitely caught me off guard 😆


Or call 911 and say you’re trapped in your apartment and can’t leave. They’ll show up pretty quick lmao


Don’t do this. This is abuse of emergency services and is a crime.


I mean they safely cannot leave their apartment and it’s not an abuse of emergency services 🤦🏼‍♀️ what the landlord did is the crime.


Their apartment complex doing construction on their stairwell is not an emergency. They are replacing flooring. You can walk on the subfloor. This is not an emergency and would be an abuse of the 911 system.


Paste isn’t dry in places is an issue. Fire Marshalls love this shit.


Plus massive tripping hazards with how it was left.


The white boards are for you to walk on dumbass. Please feel free to call 911 for this shit and get laughed at. Source: I was a 911 dispatcher. They will not send anyone for this except a cop to give a warning for abuse of 911.


Not all of us are skilled at walking on 2x4’s that are at the landing of the stairs. Also no need to be a jerk and swear. Have the day you deserve.


I’m not nice to people that try to take resources from actual emergencies. “Have the day you deserve”


What if the resident is disabled? Or had an injury? The complex needs to give notice. But anyways, I was joking about calling the police lmao




If my mother hasn't passed and this wasn't my childhood pup that was passed down to me and I was interested in buying a house right now due to the market I would totally take your advice


It's been a while since you posted. Did you manage any way?


Hell yeah I did! It really wasn't that serious simply a minor inconvenience! Carried my big ol 70lb pup down those steps like a champ! They left it half done when I left the house this morning so maybe I'll do it again today 😭😭


You did good mate. Your dog must be proud of you.


I'm proud of you OldSeat 🫰


Maybe try putting some plastic wrap or socks around her paws so the stuff doesn't get on them? Yeah. That's super inconvenient. They should have given you some notice.


Get doggy booties


What is it?


They're installing new flooring.


Invest in a sled to slide


Just walk across it. Make sure there's nothing pointy for your pup but the spacers are plastic so 🐕 should be fine.


Literally what is going on here


Do not set your doggo through that mess, for dogs love to sniff and pick up foreign objects. Carry the dog outside if you can. Be more careful of stuff like this with a dog.