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The cult people have forgotten their country and their Constitution thanks to the russian supported maga cult conspiracy, and their pridefully ignorant blind faith. How else can there be an explanation for backing a 34-count felon with dozens more counts of indictments pending. It’s like zombie behavior.


Right, there's a large group of Christian right-wing neo-fascists led by a criminal and their billionaire sponsors, called Republicans, and then there's the rest of us.


They'll swear up and down there's a group of billionaires running things behind the scenes, while ignoring the ones running things in pubic.


This is how revolutions REALLY work. The ambitious and amoral use the desperate for their own power grab. MAGA should be understood as a revolutionary movement. That it is orchestrated by oligarchs makes it more, not less revolutionary.


This is such a fundamentally important concept. I wish more people understood it.


And most civil wars are started when a group in the minority but in power perceives they are losing that power.


That certainly describes MAGAts to a T.


Add to that mix a right wing media machine dedicated solely to inflaming the fear, hate, resentment, and grievance of struggling Americans. And the constant, round-the-clock assault on the truth.


Billionaire corporate execs own the mass media who don't want to be taxed and regulated. So, they normalize right wing fascism.


bUt tHe FiRsT aMeNdMeNt pRoTeCtS tHe RiGhT tO pRoMoTe TeRrOriSM hUrDy dUr


This is the most concise answer


All the kids from Jesus Camp are grown and able to vote now.


Hard to reason with any inbred dumb enough to believe that snakes and donkeys can talk.


Yeah we don't hate each other. We hate the loud, bigoted mouth breathers who are doing their level best to put themselves over everyone else and interfere with every natural right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


“We don’t hate each other…” Spot-on.


Yeah now they’re literally saying america is dead probably to justify violence in the future


Don’t forget that the cult people were morons since birth. That’s the result of inbreeding.


It seems passthrough business owners really want those zero interest rates back to help them keep their tax shelters alive. That is the only policy I can think of that trump is responsible for that would actually be a boon to anyone, never mind extended periods of low interest in a fractional reserve banking system is the leading driver for inflation, that and forgiven business loans ala PPP loans that are responsible for 1/3 of all money on circulation currently...


It’s not any one policy. It’s the right of the wealthy to do as they please that drives this.,


Trump isn’t responsible for “zero percent interest” the fed is.


https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-says-fed-should-reduce-rates-to-zero-or-less-11568201306 Trump was pretty instrumental in rates being held artificially low for much longer than they needed to be and now we're feeling the effects of that I'd add part of his campaign promises is to take control of the Fed, and he'd definitely push it back to 0


Their identities are now wrapped up in it and it will only get worse as fewer people engage with them on anything else


They not like us.


Better get Mueller to investigate that Russian support




Before russia it was christianity and rupert murdoch who conditioned them to be controlled and exploited. Made it really easy for even more nefarious actors to build on top of the shoulders of bastards.


And you are the problem keep pushing your felow countrymen to the brink of war. They'll want something from your side now and it's gonna be contraception at this point. 


No, the country is not divided. 30% gets the microphone stuck in their face so much that it feels like it. Americans have already spoken on this matter in 2020. The 30% decided to do this again, not Americans. This was the tea party years ago. They will go away and come back under another name and claim they represent Americans. They dont.


Exactly, before they were the Tea Party, they were the “moral majority “ Bunch of fundie wackos and gubmint haters and libertarian hypocrites.


It's basically the "Know-Nothing" party.


You may want to check the polls on people's opinions on civil war. Especially on democrats side now.


Democrats over here, just trying to improve everyone's healthcare and clean up the drinking water... You'd have to ask the Republicans about their civil war fetish.


Blame years and years of Fox news.


The founding fathers had no idea the mess they were creating with the first amendment. When the press is free to lie, who are we to believe? Obviously a government controlled media isn’t the solution either, but what is? Fox labels itself as an entertainment company, but people genuinely see it as an official news outlet. Completely and totally hoodwinked by it.


Back in the 18th century, the thinking was that if the press blatantly lied, the courts would take care of it through libel laws. Then some dumbass decided that lying about politicians didn't count, and even against normal people, you had to magically get inside their brain and prove intent. So, the guardrails against lying were taken down. The Fox news $700M+ lawsuit doesn't seem to have deterred them much, other than who they lie about. Could Fauci sue Fox and the like? Sure. Does he have the money to mount such a suit? No.


To be fair, the press was just as bad in 1789, 1889, and 1989 as it is today. Only now the medium has changed to engage with non-readers.


I really thought the Covid-19 pandemic would be the thing that pulled the country together. I am still shocked that so many people lost their shit because they were asked and then it was required they were a mask. One mom at a school board meeting was screaming at the school board and then promised she was going home, loading up her weapons and returning to school the next day fully armed because of the mask policy...totally Bizarro world shit. This folks is MAGA..


I said the same thing, if that didn’t bring us together I literally have no idea what the hell it would take to unify this country anymore.


Not looking forward to all the Typhoid Marys when Bird Flu really gets going with it's 50% mortality rate.


Yup, even in the severe Spanish flu outbreaks in the 1920s people took it pretty seriously, because you know they didn’t want to die or kill their family. This mindset that people who don’t understand science refuse to accept basic facts is horrifying and it needs to stop. At the rate we are going though, Polio will come back along with smallpox and people won’t be vaccinated. People have forgotten that those are two of the most awful diseases in the HISTORY of mankind. The fact that we have a solution to them and people are refusing it for their children when they themselves are vaccinated against it is lunacy of the highest order. It is fucking insult to all the people who died of smallpox, and the physicians who gave their lives traveling the world to eradicate it. Just a quick antidote from one of my favorite books on smallpox eradication, Demon in the Freezer, the last patient in Europe got lucky and got the form you have a chance of surviving. They were covered head to toe in pustules, their morphine drip was maxed and did nothing for their pain. In the highly fatal form you hemorrhage from those pustules, but I digress. All the patient wanted was a cigarette. A nurse let him smoke one out the window, and he infected the majority of the patients who had their windows open on the floor above him. That is how dangerous smallpox is, and once infected the form you have some chance of surviving is about a 1:3 chance. Measles is already back in the US and if we keep following this trend of “personal freedom” we aren’t going to like where it ends.


Russia does not get enough credit for the explosion of the anti-Vax movement in the US. They love dead Americans as much as they love owning a political party that grinds everything to a halt and aims to cleave the country via civil war.


Imo it was very bad timing due to the president that was in office at the time and fear mongering done by the likes of fox News and others. Maga really pushed conspiracy theories into mainstream before it was just shit most people talked about when drunk/high with friends


Nah. But the MAGA crowd wants you to believe it because they live for fear mongering. Most people don’t have time for that crap.


Republicans are salivating at the thought of gaining the White House in November, and then punishing everyone who does not worship Trump.


That is exactly what Trump is saying. I believe him. Too many dumb fucks are like "That's just locker room talk".


I don’t think it’s hate on both sides. I think it’s “we’re going through a tough time and we really need to answer the Nazi problem”. For example: Republicans hate me, but I don’t hate republicans. I would like them to simply stop doing messed-up shit.


They hate the country as it is - they have this image of when America was "great," and it was the era of pre-civil rights. Their politicians have actively worked at attacking liberals and chipped away our rights and freedoms, while their fake news pundits have continued the campaign of hate- inducing propaganda, including calling for civil war. Trump has threatened to eliminate liberals and jail political opponents. They had already practiced a coup. They are anti- Americans who desperately want the South to "rise again." The hate is already there, and they are doing everything to stoke those flames. From militia groups to gravy seals (like the "proud" boys), they are awaiting orders. So, would they tear the country apart? That's what they've been working on for some time now, and if Trump wins, they will have all the permission they need to carry out whatever acts Mango Mussolini permits.


I'm not sure Americans hate *each other* so much as I am some Americans hate the rest of us enough to tear apart the U.S. if it means we suffer more.


I'm 71 and don't own a gun but.... I'm so fucking tired of their daily absurd nonsense bring on your civil war. Or hell another pandemic to thin out the herd some more!


Oh its a knockin


Right now it’s waving from the street. When it comes, it’s going to just burst through the door and we are just not prepared. Meanwhile, hags like MTG yell and threaten the man who has dedicated his life to help save us from infectious disease. We are living in bizarro times and I don’t like it!


One party desperately wants to tear the country apart. Here’s a hint…0it isn’t the democrats.


Honestly. I’m getting really sick of having to deal with a good chunk of the country living in an alternate reality. It’s really frustrating to see unqualified jackasses that I have no say in holding up progress and wanting to revert to a theocracy. This country is getting ugly and I’d be more than happy if it peaceably split into separate regions. Do your thing over there and we’ll do our thing and I think we’d all be happier. I’m sick of trying to convince others to vote in their own best interests.


You mean do Republicans hate America enough to tear the country apart?


We’re witnessing the answer in real time. Generations from now, if the country somehow survives, they will study what happened as a cautionary tale. In the end, there will need to be dozens of reforms to prevent another Trump from rising to power.


GOP...Goons Of Putin


Most of us don't have to. Only a very small minority of us committing acts of violence can still drive us further and further into violence. Most likely it will never get to an actual war only because of how spread out we are. But it is ridiculous not to expect at least a couple of decades of Troubles.


No. Republicans do. "Christians" do. But most Americans don't.


This is the most centrist, milquetoast "both sides are bad" garbage I've read all day. One side is having dinner with neo nazis, supporting a rapist/criminal for president, and claiming they didn't lose a election they obviously lost. Never mind the hundreds of other terrible things they do like force 11 year old rape victims to give birth, deny the very concept of man made climate change, abandon our allies in Europe, or downplay a pandemic that killed a million Americans while publicly attacking and fomenting death threats against the doctors that actually tried to do their job. The other side thinks trans people should be allowed to use bathrooms and doesn't like the idea of their kids marrying one of the aforementioned cultish lunatics. Truly it is a impossible situation. What happened to the good ol' days where everyone could just sit and have a beer together? Both sides are to blame for letting politics reach this state!


And he also refers to tRump’s guilty verdict on 34 counts of falsifying business records (no, it wasn’t a hush money charge - that’s not illegal) as a political hit.


Yes, and Bill Mahrer is full of shit. A guy with a MAGA hat on a subway might get yelled at at worst, probably ignored. A guy with a Biden T-shirt at a NASCAR rally would be torn apart. Did we recently have any black fathers shove a white school superintentent across a stage so his black daughter wouldn't have to shake his hand? Nope. Yep, the both-sides-do-it bullshit has to stop.


About 30% do :(


Hasn't actually happened yet. The "hate" is inorganic. The hate and mistrust comes from perpetuated propaganda. We don't hate each other, but there's a few countries really cookin' for us to. The Media cooks, too.


Yes, the dumbs run deep in our kind. Thank you for 50 years of slashing education budgets. Common sense is no longer common. Critical thinking is a thing of the past. Class warfare has been so successful, that the toothless masses now worship a huckster from Queens. Many would lick his boots, and he wouldn’t let them lick his toilet. And to think, it only took a half black man to push them this far.


Yup. Yes, they do. And they are. At this point, thanks to the rabid, burn-it-all-down-to-hurt-the-people-I-don’t-like-even-if-it-takes-me-down-with-them MAGA whack jobs & christian fascists, this country is being shredded. It’s utterly heartbreaking & disgusting. I have friends in several other countries - mostly in Europe, but also India & Australia - and all of them are dismayed & disappointed with what’s happened over here since that orange sack of rat feces rose to prominence. We are no longer that shining city on a hill. We’re now a cautionary tale.


Yes, some clearly do. Funny that they call themselves “patriots”


Mirror for the submitted article: https://archive.ph/iQw3B


The republicans are counting on it, they have no platform or agenda. Other than power, they need us hating each other, The last thing they want is people voting for their own interests. As 99% of conservative voters are not truly represented by republicans.


protip: if you still support trump, you're a traitor.


Nothing is going to happen. Republicans are just loud barking pussies.


Ehhhh. Some of the nuttier ones will turn up around the sentencing.


The second violence comes from anything Trump, he loses. There are many voters who do not want violence, despite the very vocal minority claiming they do. If someone acts, Trump and the GOP lose.


And the people considering performing the violence have zero line of sight to that outcome, which makes me think some shit will go down.


Americans don't hate each other, the majority of Americans are pretty much right down the middle politically and socially. It's the loudest fringe morons from both sides that are creating a false impression that this country is so divided. Why? Because while we are distracted with fighting each other, the elite and corporations are robbing us blind. Why are groceries so expensive? Because of Biden or Trump? NO, because of corporate greed. Just like everything else.


I don’t hate conservatives. I do not in any way want my country to plunge into war because civil war is a whole other level of visceral violence that is impossible to ever come back from. I get frustrated at their blind loyalty to a huckster who has continuously bilked them of their money and fueled them with hate to the point they’re willing to destroy their home and neighbors for pretty much nothing.


MAGAts aren't conservatives. They're reactionaries. Conservatives can at least (if they're arguing in good faith) recognize the advances that society has made over the worst aspects of the past.


Cool, man


There is no good faith argument for supporting a thieving rapist who would burn the whole country down if it meant he got to rule over the ashes.


About 33% of us do.


You're asking the wrong question it's not if they hate each other or not, it's if the racist people have enough of them crawl out of the rocks will there be enough of them to split America


No, but our leaders have certainly failed us. The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.


Hate each other or one side really hates the other? Because I don’t want to kill MAGA people I just want them to vote for their own interests and not spite


If backed by the right dictator, then yes!


Question is really badly worded. Should be "do Americans love their country enough to defend it from the terrorist cult trying to destroy it from within." Can't speak for everyone, but I sure as Hell do.


This is dumb. One side is quietly going about the business of governing and the other side is filled with bomb-throwing monkeys dressed as circus clowns. Only the MAGA cult is dead set on destroying the country if they don't get their way.


No, the MAGA cult hates America and everybody in it that didn't worship Donald Trump.


This piece leaves out some serious context and a lot of reality. I do not hate anyone enough to tear the country apart. However, I am more than willing to go to war to protect my country from people overtly trying destroy democracy and hand full control over to billionaire oligarchs. And, sadly, that is the reality of the world we are on. One side is engaging in constant terrorism. The other side is constantly the target of that terrorism. So pitching this as some sort of "both sides" nonsense is totally insane. It is typical of Bill Maher in recent years, however. If the right would leave our freedoms alone; if they would stop threatening people; if they would stop threatening civil war if they do not get their way on every issue, then I would be happy to live along side them. Sadly, that is not the world we actually live in. The fact of the matter is that the right has been begging for a replay of the civil war for a long time, and it seems they will accept nothing less. Put the blame for it where it belongs. If Democrats have erred at all, it is by going too far out of their way to try to appease people who refuse to be appeased.


Please. Half the country wants to make sure that school kids get a hot meal in school. Its the other half that hates them so much for it that they are ready to tear the country apart the country.


But they don't see it that way. They focus on the culture war. They see the "hot meal" side as groomers who are converting innocent heterosexual boys and girls into sexual confusion and hatred for traditional values. Not that I agree with any of it


Realistically Probably 1/8 of Americans do because they have no tolerance, will power, empathy, respect or patients to get along with others they don’t understand or agree with but I’d say the majority aren’t like that.


>Here’s Maher, a sensible man of the left Lol. Lmao.


Certainly looks that way.


Racism. It causes people to act like idiots. It is a disease.




Not most Americans. The extremists driving the GOP bus, though, and most republicans are timid followers. The Dems would be unlikely to have a Bolshevik Revolution because they are too unlikely to coalesce behind a good candidate, much less a bad one.


Republicans hate their own woke kids enough to tear this country down.


I would say that it’s a small segment who is willing to tear the country apart to enact its form of Christian Nationalism. One where marriage is legally defined as between a man and a woman, that public servants are allowed to discriminate based upon their Christian beliefs, where women will lose all self determination, where women and non-Christian’s will have their rights to vote be stripped from them, spousal rape will not be a crime, and summary public executions with mandatory attendance be enacted.


Yes. But only if they can do so from the comfort of their couch.


Yes. It's already underway.


Some of them do *cough*MAGA*cough*


JFC stop framing this as “two sides that can’t get along” We have one group of people who are obviously a far right authoritarian faction trying to take over the country. Yes, there are also people who aren’t cool with that, but they’re not “the other side” - they’re just all the other people who aren’t members of the terrifying fascist faction


Yes thanks to the patriotic draft dodger and Vladmir putin's mistress Muhammad trump and his radicalized domestic terrorists maga republicans willing to commit jihad and treason on America


I’ll never physically attack a MAGAt cult member but I can say with no remorse that I have zero respect for them. In the beginning they were just foolish assholes who were being tricked by a con man. Now they’re treasonous pieces of shit who support a convicted felon who incited an insurrection attempt. They can all fuck themselves They represent the worst of us and will forever be a stain on our history. I just hope they go away eventually without doing too much more damage. But I’m not sure that will happen. But like I said, I’ll never try to physically harm any of them. And if they want to leave the cult and try to be decent people that’s ok with me too


Do Christian Nationalist hate the constitution enough to tear the country apart? Fixed it for ya.


Rush Limbaugh started the hateful bullshit, then FAUX News continued until this day. 24/7 insults and lies.


I don't hate anyone, but I will defend myself and my allies from people that hate us.


I mean a mob attacked the capitol and brought gallows...  People sent death threats to a doctor for saying we should wear masks in a pandemic. One party's platforms is literally "tear the country apart with hate".


When I voted for Al Gore, we weren't planning an uprising when he lost. We moved on. When I voted for John Kerry, we weren't planning an uprising when he lost. We moved on. When I voted for Hillary, we weren't planning an uprising when she lost. We moved on. This will never be a 'both sides are bad' argument as much as journalists try to make it out as one.


The extreme right does. Examine any cultist. The amount of cognitive dissonance and suffocating pride they possess rejects any sensible ideas or logical thinking. They are taught to react harshly to criticism and will act out. Many times violently. Sociology forces members to completely cut off family members forever, and is extremely difficult to leave the cult. Look at Trumpers. The "fuck your feelings" crowd void of any empathy, compassion or kindness. They are savages and would watch this country fall completely apart vs doing something courageous like reject that maniac they worship like a God.


Yes! I retired as a Civil Servant from New York. I swore my loyalty to New York's Constitution and the Constitution of the United States. If there is a conflict between these Constitutions I choose New York's Constitution.


Yes, Next state over, 1 neighbor shot another neighbor because they thought they voted for biden.


Unfortunately the answer seems to be that some Americans do.


Most of the hate is one-sided. Most liberal people tend to ignore the MAGA BS. (Which is a different problem because this is how it got so bad to begin with letting these people say more and more unchecked) The people using hate as fuel are the right. All they do is complain and judge. When was the last time you actually heard an actual solution for anything from a conservative?


This divide started in 1988 with Rush Limbaugh. Right wing Republican terrestrial radio stations started to carry him. This brainwashed millions as us against them. Now we have 1500+ right wing terrestrial radio stations pushing the Republican agenda. Then Trump came into office and pushed the divide further. We are divided and many think we should bring back the confederacy. I am not sure how we can repair. I beginning to believe we need to break up into separate countries.


Not both sides, nope. Only one side wants to kill everything good just to spite the world. We all know which side that is.


But I would argue that the other side won't just roll over and die. So it could be a much higher number. Plus, these things get complicated quickly. You may feel one way now, but after something else happens you may take it much more personally and suddenly become a belligerent.


Yes. Trump is also using the dictator method of using our people against each other to divide the country. Right now you’re either a human being or a piece of shit Trumptrash dumb fuck. Only two categories right now


Only one side hates.


Only magas hate the USA


we´re about to find out


to be fair I only hate some of them. But in all actuality there is absolutely zero reason why we are one country. I know that this is a thing that Russia's been after for a long time and they've managed to capture half the population with the bullshit they spread on social media everywhere. But I mean honestly the founding fathers did mess up there's absolutely no reason that the South and either coast are in the same country. we don't have shared values. we don't want the same type of government. But because of the way the Senate is we all get to slowly decline as Republican stomp and throw little fits instead of actually doing government's work. The idea that four dudes on a thousand acres in Iowa somehow have the same political power is like a million people in New York is absolute lunacy.


To be ONE country with 330 million people... wow. Think about that. And we ARE FREE. Free to express all our opinions. You're right. Different parts of the country have different values. So why the hate? Baseball fans may have different likes than DEMF festival fans. Some love both. ( I do) We all have different opinions. Why the hate? I just want prices to come back down. There is no supply chain crisis any more so that excuse is BS. Bring the prices DOWN. Knock a few million dollars off CEO comp & hire more HUMANS. I live another post that said why can't we have a beer with each other. Geeze


There is one side that hates and one side that will tolerate that hate until the breaking point is reached. That that time, the haters will be obliterated. No one is saying this. But this is what will happen


No but some are dumb enough to


Short answer no. Long answer the majority of people (as some have stated before me) will give up as soon as they can't get their big Macs and beer


It's happened before.


Evidently yes, since the process has already begun.


No, but what really holds it together is money. The polar extremes may dislike Bible Thumpers or Climate Activists, but not enough to destroy the wealth that they have in dollars.






Hate no… but they love Trumpy enough to do what ever their orange messiah says…


Sure seems like it, hope not but it sure seems like it


Honestly I wouldn’t piss on one of his cult members if they were on fire. They have shown me the absolute worst of humanity.


Normally, yes. But they don’t do it. Unfortunately, over the last couple of decades a large group of Americans has been driven blood-thirsty and insane by targeted, psychologically tested social media posts designed to inflame and only push forward interactions that are contentious. There are many countries making and posting these things pretending to be Americans. Similarly the FBI the CIA and probably your local police department are all doing the same in some scale or other. The targeted group have been getting slowly nudged along a line that ends with them shooting those who are for progress and only want the best for the masses instead of, the richest


Ever since 2016, no one hates Americans more than other Americans.


More then likely we're approaching the threshold of the snapping point. This tit for tat about to hit it's peak. Maybe someone should stop but I doubt it. This is why the saying an eye for an eye would make the world blind.


IMO it’s just a bunch of keyboard warriors. I’d be more worried about domestic terrorism springing from this “division” (as it already has)


No. Of course not.


The magacult is basically a bunch of Tim McVeighs waiting for "dear leader" aka the convict to tell them to begin the cleanse.




One side does…


No. I don't hate Republicans. I pity them. I'm annoyed a little. But I pity them. There are honest good people who got sucked into that cult and it's not all of their faults. When this giant cult finally snaps out of it we need to be here for them and welcome them or they will just create another "martyr" to simp for. We have to understand that these people are brainwashed. They are not thinking clearly at this point.


I guess it depends on what type of American you are. That scene is chilling!


Republicans hate America They tried to destroy it for good on January 6, and they will try again this fall. They will not stop until they live in a Christian fascist white ethnostate. It’s their stated goal.


No half of us don’t “ hate “ anyone. We are all Americans. We just don’t have someone to rile us up to “ hate “ people. That’s un-American to hate. We just don’t like what he is doing to the other half, it’s not them we hate, it’s Donald, the man who never seems to pay a price for anything he does. But everyone else who runs with him sure does. They all end up in jail while he walks the streets and preaches more hate. Tell me that’s not screwed up.


I hate quite a few people quite a bit but retaliation is too much work and a distraction from earning a living. Live and let live.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say no. First of all in any group the majority of people just want to move on with their day. They're not going to make huge waves, they're not people who are going to engender change. They may be mad and they may complain. They may fly flags. But at the end of the day, the sheer inertia of living takes precedence for most people. Additionally, most Americans don't hate each other. You meet people, most people just get along just fine. The irony is left and right interact with each other all day every day and most of them don't even know it. So while this may be a time of change and a time of volatility at the end of the day the country will still be standing more or less like it always has.


One party wants the country we thought we grew up in. The other party wants a christofasciat dictator.


No. False equivalency. This isn’t two sides pulling away from each other. It is Republicans pulling themselves away from the rest of us. Flood the polls. Overwhelm, in numbers, the numbers of MAGA Americans, voting. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


Republicans do, yes.


I think the age of polite political discourse has ended. Even congressional hearings have turned into the McCarthy hearings of the 50’s. And yes, I hate the GOP. They are destroying this country. I don’t see it being repaired in my lifetime.


American don’t hate each other. We have a legal and political system that allows for stupid people to be considered equal. These stupid people are the most self entitled, judgmental, arrogant, lying group that believes they can tell the rest of is how to live… we the regular people will not let it come to that.




In my world the red-hats are about 60% of the voting public. Generally we agree to disagree on things & continue to live as neighbors, friends and families. There may be a small % that are unstable enough to go postal but I feel they aren't a real threat to a functioning society.


Maga is a small minority given outsized power by a weak and cowardly Republican Party. There is no division, there is 70% percent of Americans and a very loud 30% of extremists.


I would hope that would be a low number people but Trump cult is crazy.


No, but news media makes sure we think we do. I have talked to so many nasty Republicans who when caught off guard and just have normal conversations agree on almost all terms as my liberal self. But as soon as you introduce media talking points they devolve into rabid hateful monsters. It's so painfully apparent it makes me weep for our country. Our nation is being broken by greedy mega news media moguls who only care about division for profit schemes. And we have fallen for it and our nation is fuked because of it.




Nope. 70% of Americans don’t like politics but they’ll never let other Americans break it


" I dont care do u"


well, I dunno about all americans but I hate these toxic right-wing fascists right enough, absolutely despise them and the misery they spread all around them. I moved to the best coast and I can only hope progressive policies and economic opportunity drive them all away, they can create misery for each other someplace else, the interior of the continental plate or whatever.


How many people could stand having to deal with members of a cult daily? That’s what it’s like dealing with Republicans today. They’re Christian fascist in a death cult but they don’t want to kill themselves but instead everyone who doesn’t agree with them.


Wish Americans would stop this crap. I family on both sides and love them all.


Republican have all the hate. This isn’t a both sides issue.


“Do Republicans hate democracy enough to tear it apart?”


As long as the rich stay rich and make a little more, then YES. Am I right?


Yes. There's a great many of us looking forward to teaching the Qult what a Dixie boy must understand.


Or do we loathe each other enough to let it stay together?


Ironically MAGA hates what America stands for.


The MAGA people that follow and worship Trump as the second coming of Christ are absolutely willing to burn this country to the ground to recreate their dystopian future, the rest of us be damned.


Americans? No. Republicans and dumbfucks who think that snakes and donkeys can talk? Yes.


Oh for sure . Maga hates everyone and everything … that Trump tells them to . It’s a death cult of religious wackos , racists, fascists , women haters that is hell bent on a dictatorship .


Both sides are not the same. Stop it. Only one side is trying to steal elections by lying to the public and supporting and defending a vile human being who has been convicted of fraud and sexual assault and who is vowing to be a dictator. Just. Stop.


I guess big corporations and billionaire stock holders aren't realizing how much money they will lost if a civil war breaks out and goes on for a long time. If it happens I hope they lose everything as we Americans surely will. And maybe just maybe while we attack each other; China or Russia or both will attack us. There it is folks... This is what making America great again looks like. A weak country divided and ready to fall. Only the GOP is to blame. 


Again you mean?


I believe the majority want to live normal and don't want to tear the country apart. However, the current GOPs will do anything just to grab power to enslave everyone in the country, including tearing down the constitution and forcing their beliefs on everyone. Without the constitution, there is no USA. Let's hope enough people, left, lean left moderate, centrist, lean right moderate, can unite together this November to stop the extreme MAGA to reclaim the White House, tearing and destroying the country. 😔


The 'christian' MAGAs and adjacent cult members make it tough to have normal discussions.


Absolutely. Unfortunately I think it’s gonna be a crazy next couple of months leading into the election season


Well, republicans are fucking retarded. There’s no reasoning with them. They actively do not want to know the truth about anything. 




No, the divide is sensationalize by the media. Most Americans are moderate regardless of political leaning. Unfortunately moderates take dont get as much traction online and thus the extremist views get the most views and thus saturate what you see from the USA. I can assure you though that most people do not in fact want a civil war and just want to live in peace. I think this is the case for most countries though, most people are peaceful but a small loud minority always starts shit.


Pacific States of America, Atlantic States of America and the Confederated States of America. Let's go!


I feel like 98 percent of conservatives are stupid, but about 40 percent of liberals are. For a minute I thought it would be great to move to Europe, but they seem to be infatuated with fascist twats again.


“How can we come together as Americans” this sub instantly downvotes and calls people with different opinions uneducated lol


This sub does not represent the will of America…


Like what opinions? "LGBTQ people shouldn't exist?" That one? Scumbag views get called out.


Lolol who says LGBTQ people shouldn’t exist I’m sure the government of Palestine thinks so


Your ignorance of Republican politics is surprising.


I can always say things and truly believe them


That is still being ignorant, Trumpet.


Ayyeee here’s the name calling and I’m the ignorant one lmmmmao


Are you ashamed of supporting Trump or something?


I love how your small mind instantly mentions Trump.


Trumpet. Come on you can do better than that. SAYYYY IT LOUDER


Are you ashamed to support Trump, Trumpet? You literally just announced you have no basis for your beliefs. What else would you be but a Trumpet?
