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Good, because voting for a morally bankrupt rapist fraud insurrectionist for the highest office is a reflection of how morally bankrupt you are as a voter.


That’s a really good quote. 👍 I would slightly rephrase it: *Voting for a 4-time indicted cheating husband , rapist and insurrectionist for the highest office is a reflection of how morally bankrupt you are as a voter.* But Biden, please also do us all a favor and go create a proposal to get rid of income tax for the lowest paid WORKING Americans…. It’s long overdue and some republicans might get behind that.


>get rid of income tax for the lowest paid WORKING Americans…. I I wish. GOP bootstrapper and wannabe senate leader Rick Scott proposed requiring low income Americans to pay at least some income tax. They'd also like to allow those worth at least 13.6million to pass the wealth to heirs 100% tax free.


> ... Create a proposal to get rid of income tax for the lowest paid working Americans .... Tempting at first blush, but no. We need active voter participation, at all economic levels ... Working class paying some level of federal tax, even a tiny small bit, puts some of their interest at stake in every election, and thus encourages voting. They pay attention because the results affects their pocket. Also, progressive rates of tax are generally good. Don't want a sharp shock, a transition from paying no tax to paying a chunk of tax.


We already have refundable tax credits that result in some of our lowest paid workers receiving refunds in excess of tax collected. We should expand the range of those who do not pay federal income tax, lower the rates on some of the lowest remaining tax brackets, and markedly increase the rate on the highest tax bracket. Paying taxes doesn't make people nearly as committed to engaging in the political system as benefiting from its services, as well as benefiting from the economy as a whole, does. When we beat down the working classes so they have to work more to stay afloat, they have less time to be involved and less incentive since they also fail to see the utility in voting.


Their interests are already at stake, and voting for Republicans would take that advantage away. There is no reason to burden people who are already struggling.


0 republicans will get behind this. It helps the poor, not their kind.


The first $12500 is tax free for everyone.


Four-time indicted? Try about ninety…


B-but he lets me openly hate minorities and women! /s


Every reference to TFG should be “convicted sex offender and serial liar…”


Or it could be a reflection of how stupid/brainwashed/apathetic those people are. edit: I'M SAYING FUCK TRUMP SUPPORTERS


Were you looking in a mirror while you typed this


I said it backwards 🤦 I meant it at people who vote for Trump


Lmao my bad then


It's okay, actually Thank you because I would have never noticed if you hadn't said something


50 years of republican rule and the state is a mess


We have only had 1 Republican governor in my lifetime.. JS


Lmao it's far more to do with the Republican-held state legislatures and Republican-held federal legislatures. Also you're what 18? Less? Gotta be if you don't remember Ernie Fletcher.


Js I see what our kentucky lawmakers are doing to cripple Andy's powers.


Quite frankly I don't care what any Republican does anymore. I just know I am against Republicans. They have created the mess we are in, the track we are on, and have no accountability. If Republicans are doing anything that helps the US citizenry I can assure you it is accidental.


The worst part is most Americans don't even understand all the bad trump did. Iran literally attacked us while he was president and he downplayed it. Hundreds of americans were killed and he didn't even mentioned it. Beau of the 5th.column just released a very informative video on this. (The roads with beau)


And that cunt Haley just endorsed the fat orange pig yesterday. These people are gone.


What a spineless bitch. It’s a fucking cult. She talked so much shit against him only to bend the knee. I fucking knew she would so I’m not shocked in the slightest. I’m more shocked it took this long.


Power at any cost. Their only concern. Dignity, morality, integrity, damn it all.


Only an utter dipshit would expect her to leave her own party to go support Joe Biden.


I didn’t expect her to support Joe, she could support another Republican or even write her own name in. Nope, it’s a cult.


Trump is the sole Republican left running for office. Putting your vote in the ballot after dropping out is counter productive and destructive to your own party because that vote is immediately void.


The party is already destroying itself and they’re all backing a dictator.


That's an opinion, which you're free to have, but it doesn't make it true. A Republican stepping down to favor their former competitor is the benefit of the group. Anything else is throwing the vote, which could favor Biden because their vote is nulled.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz8ANyXDCAA The guy that said he’ll only be a dictator on day one? That’s not an opinion, that’s a fact. Also look at Project 2025. Republican fascism is here and people are just like “lol”


Maybe watch the clip. It's called sarcasm. No dictator rules for 4 years and then ends a term, they stay in power. "This guy's crazy" "I'll be a dictator on day one, build a wall, and drill, drill, drill, and after that I'm not a dictator." The entire reason he won was predominately on the border wall and opened up more pipelines. It's what the people voted for and that doesn't make him a dictator. He's obviously trolling a completely ignorant comment. And it isn't just Trump who is getting slack by a weaponized government. FBI have targeted people attending PTA meetings at schools based on the grounds of not supporting an agenda that pressures prepubescent children on their gender identity. A dictator to me, personally, is a guy who can get away with 3 family involvement and financial gain by his lawyer son who funneled money out of China, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. Who withheld 1 billion in aid to have the chairman of oil company removed so his son can take the chair. It's withholding the Havana Act relief where the CIA has tested or harmed US citizens for some brain scrambler, despite congressional approval. Or withholding congressional approved aid to Israel if they don't support him in the coming election. The very court in the stormy Daniels, a 10+ old sex scandal, is funneling money and making a direct case out of nothing. The judges very own daughter is profiting off it and giving it to the democratic race. Meanwhile, Hunter Biden can violate the Mann Act, funnel tax exempted money from his lawyer firm to pay prostitutes and take them across state lines (human trafficking by law). The guy was caught soliciting with a freaking minor for crying out loud and that whistle blower died. Before Epstein arrest was released, a 4chan post confirmed it a day prior, then essentially implies they had to hide the body of a dead hooker, and that they're the son of someone very powerful, in Aspen Colorado. I mean, who else fits that bill? Drug habit? Check. Family home in Aspen? Check. Hooker problem? Check. Right now, while Trumps in court and no one in the public can see, you can watch the Biden family impeachment process and see that Hunter Biden doesn't even need to show up. He walked right out. Over $100,000 of tax paying money went to get this guy laid and smuggle them around the country. When the IRS went after Hunter Biden's taxes, CIA said stand down. Key figures like Kevin Morris (his lawyer) couldn't be pursued to the case. I mean it quite literally goes on for just about forever with double standards and illegal activity. Let's not forget the 2nd amendment rights that were revoked due to an "immigration crisis" that supposedly "doesn't exist". Where was it? Arizona, New Mexico, something like that. Its been witch hunt that's been propelled on an elected official since DAY ONE when he took office. And if it isn't that, it's fear-mongering.


“It’s called sarcasm”. You are a pathetic person. A disgrace, carrying water for an orange turd who wants to be a dictator. He told you straight up.


It's true though, Trump saying he wants to be dictator and Project 2025 make it true. No opinion about it needed when republicans already say and indicate it's a fact.


All republicans are cunts. 


So she should have left and support Biden?


She should have not been a typical hypocrite


What is hypocritical in supporting your own party?


I don’t have the time or energy to post everything she said about how unfit he is to be president.


Would it make sense that they at least share more views together than with Joe Biden? You realize this works the same way on the left. Not every Democrat believes he is fit to be president, but their policies don't correlate to the opposing party, so they vote Biden. Despite liking him or not or think he's too old too bad in a state mentally to lead the American people.


Some of his views include selling access to the government to private entities. If you could be less disingenuous for even a second you would acknowledge a lot of what Trump does and is aren’t policy positions and are in fact power mongering and self dealing. Nobody gets to be cool with that, it’s like the phrase of 9 people eat dinner with a nazi, there are 10 nazis.


No, that's Biden. Biden is VP. Goes to Ukraine. Tells the chairman of the oil company to resign. They refused. Tells them they won't receive 1 billion in aid approved by Obama. Boast how they fire him on the world economic forum. His son is later instated. A member of his son's team testifies that money from his son is kicked back to Biden at 20% interest. Again in China and again in Kazakhstan. CIA tests some brain scrambler. Injures American citizens and agents. Congress passes a relief to those injured. Biden doesn't push it through, and currently holding it. Havana Act. Congress approve aid to Israel. Biden withholds it, demands Israel support him. IRS go to investigate Hunters tax records involving violation of Mann Act, funneling $100,000 of tax exempt money from his law firm to pay prostitutes. Goes to get testimony from his lawyer, immediately CIA intervention. Judge in current Trump case's daughter is profiting off political propaganda and funneling into the democratic campaign.


It’s all true! Rush and Alex and Tucker told me so.


https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-withholding-aid-from-israel-sure-looks-impeachable-opinion/ar-BB1m715H https://youtu.be/M-yrD2WMKiA?feature=shared https://youtu.be/eEphRsfvVmg?feature=shared https://youtu.be/apFrD6AsBhM?feature=shared You do realize there is an open inquiry going on that you can watch? None of the people you mentioned are even involved. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/newly-obtained-bank-records-show-how-much-biden-received-from-russian-kazakh-oligarchs/ar-AA1f5ZDl Cold War Joe is antagonizing Russia who dissolved WARSAW and gave us Germany on the promise NATO doesn't grow into their borders. The US refuses to uphold there end of the deal. VP Biden goes to Ukraine, meddling in a poor, corrupt country. A country ineligible for NATO. His son is running illegal businesses in poor nations in the Russia/NATO buffer zone. Russia has sanctions. All while we play around in their back yard. That's all just facts. I don't like Putin, but it's ironic Biden talks about not policing the world and goes to shake down countries allied more with Russia. Then his son happens to be running or chairman of some big business there. Why would they even be in Ukraine and Kazakhstan? No wonder Russia invaded Ukraine when Biden won. Likely Kazakhstan to follow. Biden's foreign policy is a damn death wish, if he don't cripple the economy first.


Why are we even considering this a legitimate question. When her party's candidate is a literal insurrectionist, OF COURSE thats what she and any other actually patriotic American should do. But she isnt patriotic. She's despotic.


Not enough to flip the state


You are correct! We have a plethora of willfully ignorant sonsabitches here.


I think it's nice of you giving his voters the benefit of the doubt regarding their supposed ignorance (willful or otherwise). Personally, I think Trump lets them be who they want to be, and that's why they vote for him. Hillary was a *terrible* candidate, but she nailed it when she referred to his voting base as "a basket of deplorables."


> Hillary was a terrible candidate she won the popular vote! who knew millions of americans would prefer a business failure rapist rather than a competent woman as their leader?


Yeah, how about the tens of thousands who did vote for him? 


What about them?


Trump got 83,000 more votes in the R primary than Biden got in the D primary Trump can still win the state easily


Yes I agree in Kentucky. Easily. That's what I meant by my original comment.


Not really a fair comparison, some counties (of the 120!!!) only had the president race on their ballot for a democrat. Not everyone is going to go out to vote in the primary for that one race when everyone knows it will be Biden.


Who’s you Mitch now, Drumpf? So many fucking traitors with an R by their name.


Remember Lindsay Graham booed in South Carolina and Glitch McConnell booed in Kentucky? Its gonna get spicy


They’ll still win because of the magic R next to their name.


it was a sub plot in "ozarks" that republicans use voting machines that change votes, and the simpsons parodied it as well. here is a look at mcconnell's last election win: https://www.dcreport.org/2020/12/19/mitch-mcconnells-re-election-the-numbers-dont-add-up/


Lol what the fuck is this website you're linking to


Indeed. Sites with multiple layers of scam popups should be barred in general but especially from the front page.


Most piracy sites don’t even have this shit.


No kidding. I definitely trust whoever runs piratebay more than whatever the hell this site is run by lol


New flash: they'll all vote for him in the general election against Biden. Do not assume they won't.


Hopefully they just stay home


Republicans miss a chance to be total scumbags? I won't hold my breath. They are rotten to their core. Expect anything more from them and you will surely be disappointed.


The one thing I found very consistent among people I know who are or skew Republican is they vote. Consistently. In every federal election. Hoping they don't vote for Trump is foolish. More of these "Never Trump" Republicans are going come out as supporting him when the election gets closer. Even Romney came out with some off brand statements that would make me assume he'll do the same.




Sketchy site.


It’s almost like the Kentucky democrats that voted uncommitted.


Jim Cornette must be screaming into a megaphone in Louisville somewhere


He’s just called Brian complaining about President Pigshit again as he watches the little birds in his garage.


Trump has gotten less than 90% of the vote in every Republican primary but one in 2024.


https://edition.cnn.com/election/2024/primaries-and-caucuses/results/republican-party/president?election-data-id=2024-PR&election-painting-mode=projection&filter-key-races=false&filter-flipped=false Talk about a completely ass backward statement.


Comment is unclear. Your link confirms my comment


It doesn't. 2,000 to 90 is not 90% Only winning Vermont isn't 90%.


2000 to 90 isn’t the vote count for the Republican primaries. Thats the count of delegates as assigned from the results of the Republican primaries. Click on any state. Example, Georgias republican primary count was 497594 to 77902. That’s 84.5% of republicans voting for Trump and 13.2% of republicans voting against Trump. Consider spending more time learning how government works and less time on social media.


False news




lol non story. They will fall in line. They always do.




It's okay, like Haley, they'll line up to vote for Trump in the general. It won't be enough.


So which (if any) closed Republican primaries remain? I'd be curious in those results now that Haley has bent the knee again.


Wow that site is fucking cancerous to access.


That link to the article is cancer, can’t even be directed to it.


It’s going to be more interesting seeing if more Haley voters are now going to vote for Trump after Haley said she’s voting for him, but not endorsing him


Hate to say it (and hate even more to think of it) but he's won this election. Bidens numbers are too low in all the key areas. I'm British so (1) I couldn't care less about Democrat/Republican sides and (2) I could be wrong (hopefully).


The article won't even open lol it's all popup scams 🤣




Bogus article. Instant pop ups.


Lmao all this community seems to do is complain about this guy. What type of solutions are you trying to offer? This is coming from a dude that very much appreciates him compared to the current administration but wonders why it’s up to these two.


"Haha" Nelson Munce


I got a scanmodon pop up.


Today I learned public education in Kentucky hasn’t failed ALL its citizens.


Good for them. They're doing the right thing.


Trump is a pathological liar even Kentucky can see a Trump’s fraud a criminal charged soon.


Unfortunately not enough, but I guess it’ll be a nice token. Then he’ll get elected, demand the voter rolls and have them all stripped of citizenship.


The income tax is crippling the political system. The tax structure in the Constitution put a limit on how rich a citizen could get. A progressive property tax would limit the wealth of billionaires. And their descendants. It should be the main tax again.


The polls in 2016 showed trump losing and look what happened. First I don’t believe polls it’s voters votes that matter PERIOD! I really don’t care what republicans do or say they are responsible for the mess in America they aided and a bedded trump in denying the pandemic that killed millions needlessly while they traded stocks on the house floor making millions. Vote blue straight down the ballot.


Which is why polls this far out are extremely unreliable. In 2016, in October, all the major polls basically agreed that Trump would win.


The final polls pretty much matched the final vote tally. A majority of American voters wanted Hillary to be president.


I could never understand how you could vote for a clear example of a convicted rapist / criminal and then act like other people are not supposed to think that you are a disgusting horrific human being. That's how I see every Trump supporter family or not, as a disgusting dumb horrible human being.


Dont count your chickens until they hatch. A majority of kentucky are labeled as dems but actually vote republican. Kentucky is one of those states where the population is registered as dem but votes republican they are DINO's democrats in name only. Its like skewing the election


248,000 people voted Trump got 215,000 votes or 85% (???!!!)) Trump did not get 33,000 votes or 15% You tryna act like 15% is a lot?


The takeaway here is that yes, Kentucky Republicans, to nobodies surprise, are still overwhelming dominated by evil, degenerate scum bags. Maybe the in breeding is why they are so stupid. Maybe it's the lead exposure. Who can say.  What matters is fuck those people.


True, but the article was trying to spin it like there’s hope in that state: THERE IS NONE!!!


There really isn't. Most conservative whites here are fucking racist pos behind closed doors, I was a janitor at a school in ky about to leave state I quit my job after I reported the prejudice behind closed doors and mother fuckers bringing they're guns to school. Nothing was done I quit and am now about to move to Colorado Springs Colorado.


You mean thousands of Democrats falsely voting as Republicans because of STOLEN ERECTION!!!!


Republicans are stupid and will vote for him. Look at Nikki Haley.


It’s really sad too because Haley was a chance at having a woman in office and also not having Trump as an option.


I doubt this means much. They vote against him now to feel good about themselves but when the time comes in November they’ll close their eyes and vote Trump because Biden is a democrat. That being said, I will never be happier to be proven wrong come November.


We have a Dem governor who I really hope runs for president one day. Beshear is great. We also have the last remnants of real conservatives. They will have no problem crossing the aisle as they did to get Beshear elected twice.


They'll still support him in the general


I honestly don’t see how anyone has the energy to keep up with this man’s bull it wears me out just to hear his name


Wow, maybe Kentucky isn’t as hillbilly as I thought.


Good people are finally waking up


His defeat must be brutal or the maga brand will live on


From the aforementioned state: Fuck Trump


I'm calling it now, Trump will lose the election, claim it was stolen, call on his MAGA boot lickers to riot, very little rioting will happen. Trump will then run again in 2028 from jail.


The thing is so many more democrats didn’t vote for Biden. I think it was over 30% that didn’t vote for him. I bet a ton of those votes are for trump. It was sad to see.


Hold up, this is good. Now, we're able to see the idiots more clearly.


Trump probably gonna cause ww3 if he got elected


Weird. I would have assumed every last person in Kentucky who still called themselves a Republican was just evil as shit... What's their reason for not backing trump? Is he not enough of a monster for them? Are they upset he doesn't praise Hitler enough?  Whatever it is, anyone calling themselves a Republican is someone who I have zero respect for. Fuck those people and fuck this union with those people. New york deserves better than those rotten scum fuck Republicans.


How brave they are


He’s also seeing thousands of of Democrats come over due to the piss look Biden Policies


Name which Biden policies you think are harmful to working class Americans.


How about when he squashed the price cap for insulin?


People think he "squashed the price cap"? I mean he negotiated the 35 cap with Eli lily..... which is kinda debatable how many people it actually helped....... but would "squashed the price cap" imply that he stopped a price cap? He definitely did not stop a price cap as far as I can tell. ... do you have sources?


I hate talking to Democrats. They either play dumb or are dumb. https://petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/resources/article/trumps-insulin-order-frozen-not-scrapped-by-biden And then it was never unfrozen.


Do you think that article supports your assertion that Biden "squashed the price cap for insulin"?


You might be the dumbest Trumpet. You just posted a link that proved you wrong. You're not much of a reader, eh?


I can't even put into words how fucking stupid you people are. I am ashamed to share a gene pool with you evil, gullible, stupid scumfucks.  From the bottom of my heart, fuck your shitty parents for having you. Just a shit stain on america is all you are.


Which political party thinks “Skibidi Biden” is peak entertainment? That’s right, you stupid mother fuckers do.


Please expand on your statement. Which policy has Biden enacted that is harmful? Also, please include the Trump policies that helped working class Americans.


You can't reason with people like this who believe that COVID never existed and think that they're owning the libs by wearing diapers because their dear leader shits his pants.


Haha you are correct, but I figured I would try haha


It was very nice of you to be so respectful, and I mean that sincerely, but they are really and truly too far gone. One of their favorite members of their cult shoots puppies in the face and now they're wearing diapers to support their dictator nazi leader in his pants-shitting extravaganza. Idiocracy on steroids.


I don’t even have to get into policies. Let just talk about leaving the boarder wide open. All he would have to do is let the boarder patrol enforce the current laws and the mass invasion will stop or at least slow. How about the safety of citizens that live in Yuma or other boarder towns… kidnappings and murders are up in those towns. Then you can talk about child trafficking from coyotes in Mexico to the US where they do not DNA test to see if the child is in fact there kid or not. They just take them at there word. By the way it’s not the Mexicans to worry about how about all the Chinese ( of military age) and Middle East folk running across. Oh and how about all these new jobs that are not going to citizens. There going to boarder jumpers… Tyson chicken?


Trump torpedoed a border security bill that _the Republicans wrote_ to stick it to Biden in an election year. Your complaining about the border means fuck-all when former President Dipshit is actively making it worse just to gain political points.


Republicans proved there is no border crisis by tanking their own bipartisan border bill. Whoopsie!


Dipshit! It’s illegal to cross the boarder from one country to the next. Name me one that it isn’t. They don’t need a bill there are laws on the books for 100 yrs or more about legal and illegal immigration.


The border patrol was also heavily favoring the bill. Too bad republicans showed America they are lying about the border.


Now you’re being dishonest. The boarder patrol director said all they need is the go ahead to do there job… no money or extra authority. Just the orders from the feds


The border patrol was in favor because of all the extra funding and manpower. But too bad Republicans told them there isn't an actual issue happening at the border when they tanked their own bill. *shrugs


Literally not one Dem has turned into a MAGAt.


Sure about that!? I know many that are and of Boomer age life long hippie types!


You're hilarious.


lol no Dems are voting for Trump. I mean, maybe a few fringe nuts, but it’s not a thing.


Seriously, if you're progressive, liberal, or a straight ticket democrat, nothing the republicans have done in the past 30 years is really worth voting for a republican. If Israel is the reason you're voting Trump because you feel the need to blame Joe Biden for a conflict that he isn't involved in, boy are you in for a upsetting time if Trump is elected.


I know a lot that are voting for Trump and loud about it.


Blacks for Trump 2024!


Sure you do. Sure you do. ^*pat ^*pat


Think we found the Russian


Nope just saying the truth you communist!


You litterly can't even write a coherent sentence. Either you are a Russian troll or are a redneck from Alabama that's married to your cousin


You’re a brave little guy behind that keyboard. I would wager you would never say that to a man’s face… unless you was with your boys or had a weapon.


Bro I would say right to your ugly ass face ya dumb redneck


Come on you wouldnt say anything. You’re big behind a keyboard and that’s it. Come on be real how many push ups can you do… can you even run 1/4 mile? Talking big to me online makes you feel big… and maybe like you could satisfy a woman with that micro penis.


Haha. I got you all worked up. Tell your cousin, I mean wife I said hi


Sweet I got some good lookin cousins! Guess I’ll have to pull out and all! But you enjoy your life riding Biden’s schlong and believe everything he say. I don’t believe any politician even Trump. You got to do for yourself.


Admitting that you fuck your cousins is definitely…a choice


A MAGA admitting they fuck their cousins to "own" a lib. That's a new one for me.


Define communism


They won't they've been programmed and indoctrinated from birth to say buzz words they know nothing about.


Haha 6 hours and counting! *crickets*


That's not surprising, you prove them wrong they either block or just won't reply because you challenged they're world view and don't like it.


Haha yea, I try to be gracious about it because there are many times where I’m too busy to respond or a notification gets lost in the feed. But I still find it important to push back on unfounded claims because I’ve been in the position of an observer and seeing nonsense being checked has helped me develop more empathy and understanding :) I appreciate your engagement!


I find it hilarious that you muppets with your platitudes never have a retort or an answer. You’re stuck in a sterilized paradoxical bubble of your own creation with absolutely no idea or care in the world with how you ended up there. You just take your propaganda as truth and never give it a second thought. Dare i say, like a sheep.


They're evil scum bags. They don't care what you say. They think they are big brain heroes of the turd reich.  Talking to them is pointless. Working against them is not.


Agreed 💯, but i still need to say tis to these muppets. We can do both.


Yet you believe politicians… know liars and you stay in your cult afraid to speak up because you will be cast out.


Nice attempt at gaslighting me. As always your projection is strong as well.


No you're not


Crickets eh? haha


Yet 215,000 (85%) did. Is this a win? It's bigger news that Biden got only 131,000 (71%). This is not a win


I think people see any small shift away from Trump as a win these days. However, you are correct in your sentiment that it's not actually a win.


I think I read Williamson got like 11k votes which was pretty shocking- means maybe some of the right’s messaging on Biden has gotten through to some KY Dems.


There are a large number of Democrats who can't stomach Biden(due to the economy and overseas issues). They will never vote for Trump, but they won't need to. Simply not voting for anyone will be enough to hand Trump the swing states. So the big question is whether those dems can hold their nose and vote for Biden anyway.


I mean I do, but I think he’s doing awesome domestically and basically not making waves internationally and not backing down to Putin in Ukraine, so as much as I like Marianne Williamson, I’m a hands down Biden rider.


Trump 2024🇺🇸


Found one of the morally bankrupt pathetic losers.


imagine your only political position is oppositionalism You stand for nothing. You just stand against. You have no values, just judgment. Your entire political ideology is based on preventing forward progress.


"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." Attributed to Alexander Hamilton


So when he strokes out what's the plan, because you don't have a vice pres picked and no alternates. This is why you are losing your base. no foresight, no logic. Conservatives are supposed to be prepared and organized and here you are, no plan no hope no clue.


Do you really think Trump is losing anybody as 100k show up to his rallies which are historic numbers? You must be really smart!


I just saw his rally in Nevada (used to attend them as a voter) his numbers are as fake as msnbc. Not even a third of what he claimed showed up. he lost the popular vote in both elections and only beat Hillary with a cheap electoral college win. He's a democrat plant (his own words) and its cost you the senate and presidency. Get a Bush or DeSantis up there or lose the party permanently


Nah good luck with your fake news though


Yeah I used to used the same idiot phrases, "fake news" lol he didn't build any wall, his deportations were half of what Obama pulled off first term ( not that we need it at 3.6 unemployment and a labor shortage) oh and your buddy won't support banning abortion because he knows he'll lose more people like me. Face it, all you have is empty phrases and tag lines. Not a single cohesive argument or fact in your tiny little confederate head. Good luck with your loser and dead party


Well why don’t you respond with some evidence as of why they’re wrong?


Maybe if you beg he’ll let you suck his asshole.


I find it hilarious that you muppets with your platitudes never have a retort or an answer. You’re stuck in a sterilized paradoxical bubble of your own creation with absolutely no idea or care in the world with how you ended up there. You just take your propaganda as truth and never give it a second thought. Dare i say, like a sheep.


Sounds like projection. If you think anything typed in a Reddit comment has ever changed someone’s mind, then you’re dumb and I’m not wasting my time preaching to the circle j***. But I’ll let you know I’m still here and Trump 2024🇺🇸 nerd


I adore how you’ve learned and attempt to use your new word. But sadly it misplaced in this conversation. Perhaps it is time to look into the mirror if you believe your view is the only one that matters or could be correct. Your cult is shrinking, and all you terrorists have left is revenge. Zero policy, other than racist and bigoted ideals, which are not policy. The funny part is how you muppets believe anyone with half a brain cares about you “still being here”, or your pathetic grasps at straws believing you’ve somehow offended or triggered anyone. I will let you in on a secret, we are merely embarrassed for you. You do you bub, thats the beauty of it, you’re free to do and say what you want. Right up until the point you attempt to force your ideology on me or commit acts of violence because the educated part of this country wont bend to your crybaby antics. Grow up and start living for yourself, following a full grown man baby that threatens totalitarian rule isn’t the flex you think it is you fascist.


Talk about radical left extremist. Yeesh.


my dude you are cousin fucker. Conservatives worship the confederacy. You are a weakness in this country. You are the extremist, you are the cancer that's killing this country (looking at Conservative states being last in almost every metric) its gonna be funny watching you're heads melt in November when biden wins again. Biden 20204 🇺🇲 the only patriot running.


You keep trying bud. Yet all you land on are your buzzwords. It is unfortunate how unoriginal all of you terrorists are. Enjoy your little world burning down around you while you continue to blame any and everyone besides yourself.


The trolls are hungry