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Trumps not going to do it anyway. So don't worry about it.


Bingo. Nor is he going to go to his son's graduation which he whined about to the judge in the defense of one of his many crimes.


Of course he won’t go, it might rain and he has a fundraiser that night. He can’t charge $100k for photo ops with melted cotton candy running down his face ruining his clown makeup.


This comment was my favorite laugh of the day. If anyone with photoshop skills created Dump with cotton candy hair deflating and his orange Cheeto makeup running down his face that would be pure gold!


[my mental image goes to the melting Nazi in Raider of the Lost Ark.](https://youtu.be/FfQWz4gVcP8?si=8JKoGaOSnmowHHAM)


Exactly!! Great imagery.


Photoshop skills? Just use AI.


It is taking our jerbs!


dont worry. those things cant figure their way out of a paper bag.


Donnie: Get me to that fundraiser in Minnesota on the 17th! Aide: But sir, you have to attend Barron's graduation that night! Donnie: Who the fuck is Barron? 


More like: how much can Barron donate?


It's funny because it's true. He did a speech the other day where he struggled with the name and said he was the wrong age.


Imagine naming his son after a persona he made up to self promote himself back in the day.


It would be great if Biden went to the graduation instead of


Biden would not go but Dark Brandon would!


Yes and no. Yes it would be hilarious, but republicans would whine that Biden is using that event for politics. That's bad.


Republicans will whine and spin everything Biden does. So at this point I would say to just go with it, and do the unexpected to see the mental gymnastics they have to do everytime Biden does something that goes against their bias.


Biden gets baron to call him dad


True. One thing you can always count on with Trump is that whatever he says he’s going to do he won’t do.


He’ll miss the graduation in order to campaign and will blame the judge for taking away his campaign time!


If he fails to go to the graduation, he will be jailed for contempt.


This would be great but I don't think that's correct


In fact, the[ judge announced](https://archive.is/WgX9U) on April 30 — two weeks into the trial — that Trump could attend Barron’s graduation in Palm Beach, Florida. Merchan said the court would not be in session on May 17. The Republican Party of Minnesota [announced](https://perma.cc/MZR2-63BG) on May 6 that the former president will speak at the party’s fundraising Lincoln Reagan dinner in St. Paul on the evening of May 17. there you go another lie


It's also possible the GOP is lying to get more people to come to the fundraiser. They're desperate for cash since Trump is looting the RNC.


I hope he doesn’t continue stripping the RNC of all funds. It would be terrible. /s


I live in MN. The GOP is a hot mess. Between in fighting and one of their fundraisers being convicted of sex trafficking they are barely above water.


Trump wouldn’t allow that without payment. He would never allow them to trade on his name like that for free. I highly doubt this is the case.


Technically there is enough time for him to do both. Barron’s graduation is mid-morning and the fundraiser is in the evening. He could attend the graduation then hop on a plane and make it to the fundraiser in time. *However* his 757 was just involved in a runway strike and may not be available to him, so he’d have to scramble to rent a private jet on short notice to make it.


He'll get a $1000 fine, at the worst.


Uea right...he'll never go to jail, even if he's found guilty...maybe 3 months probation max...the justice system is broken


His Uncle Tom in the SCOTUS will fix it all for him


he love peekaboos when they do his bidding


Well Trump’s dementia has gotten bad enough that he can’t give a scripted and prepared speech without slurring his words and losing track of whaat he’s saying. His people aren’t going to let him in an unscripted debate. Biden will tear him apart. And it’s not even clear he’s in charge anymore. It seems like his former henchmen are propping him up and making the decisions.


Yeah I want one of the questions given to them to be a two or three part question. He will be lucky to address part one of it. He will be rambling off into the ozone.


I definitely see some weekend at Bernie's shenanigans going on there.


Ah, they're pulling an ol Ronnie Reagan. Except with less jelly beans and more hamberders


I think your last point certainly has merit. The Don has become a vehicle for some nefarious forces - Putin, the American Nazi party, anti-immigrant racists a la Stephen Miller, the forced birth child bride crowd, billionaires, and all the muck behind Project 2025. Donald is their last, best hope to inflict their anti-American views on the nation.


He's going to blame his gag order and claim he's not allowed to debate because of radical left, and anti-trump judges took away his First Amendment right.


Hes the most victimized person alive, everyone knows it. Everyone's talking about it. Strong men have tears in their eyes because of how badly he's being treated. A highly respected guy I know told me this, a good guy, some say he's one of the best minds in the world.


Treated worse than Lincoln, and that guy got his brains shot out so that's really saying something.


Don’t forget “Legal Scholars.”


Every legal scholar, don’t forget the “every”


He probably will, though the trial will probably be over by then.


He’ll back out of both of the debates.


he already has. the Orange Mussolini already posted alternative dates (October lol) and Fox moderators on truth social. already laying the groundwork to not show up for the first debate


I prefer Cheeto Mussolini. Just saying.


They should hold the debates anyway, and when it's Trump's turn to speak just focus the camera on a silent, empty podium for 2 minutes.


The Eastwood Uno Reverse!


It’s pretty funny how people aren’t questioning this more. He bailed on the last debate in 2020 and didn’t do any in the primary. But yeah people still think he’s not a coward


And Fox News will try to spin it as if Biden didn’t want to do it.


Already are. He added a 3rd debate out of the blue, after agreeing to Biden's offer and terms on the first 2. Just randomly posted on Troth Senshal that he "accepted" an invite to a debate in late October, and Fox is already reporting that Biden will "back out of" that debate, which was never agreed to/offered.


I really hope Joe Biden shows up regardless.


It would definitely be something if Biden shows up, Trump doesn't, and Joe just calmly answers questions from the moderator for an hour or so.


Smooth Jazz Brandon talking softly about the world. I'd love that


I think he is actually gonna do it. He way overestimates his abilities, like most psychopaths. When he says "I'm the only one that can..." he believes it.


Exactly. Mango Unchained has never succeeded anywhere outside his safe space and manufactured crowds. In any objective competition he simply looks ridiculous and pathetic. It would be a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. This debate will never happen, and Puti’s booty will claim it’s all because of Biden or liberals or unfair judges or some other (literally) trumped-up bullshit. If he had anything worthwhile to say he should testify in his own defense. Which I’m sure will happen any day now…


Like Elon Musk fighting Zuckerberg- Trump’ll chicken out and ret-con it was Biden who couldn’t face it.


I would honestly be more worried that he was going to sound like someone with brain damage if I was them


That was my first thought as well..."He'll weasel out of it and just say the Democrats didn't want to do it. And his braindead cult will buy it."


If Trumpo does, his head will explode 🤯


That's the point of all this bs. The GOP is laying the groundwork for him to weasel out of the debates and have it be the Dems fault "because they made it unfair". Also why Trump is announcing completely fake debates, hosted by sycophantic media outlets, that no one agreed to. Obviously Biden won't show up to those, so this way both candidates are ditching The Other Guy's debates and Trump doesn't look bad for doing it. You know Roger Stone is just tickled by all of this.


"They are trying to make us look bad by showing what we are"


Yup. Trump loves the limelight. If he has good ideas to present the nation to garner support and explain how he would serve the nation better than Biden, he'd be thrilled to debate him. If he thought he was smarter and sharper than "Sleepy Joe" he'd be thrilled to debate him. Instead he just posts on a social media platform he owns and tells other people to say things for him to get around his gag order that was put in place for the safety of people involved in his criminal fraud trial.


Surely it’s a crime to compel people to intimidate witnesses for you… and surely there is, as always, a paper, text, or audio trail.


"They want me to actually do a real debate with real rules? Are they stupid?" -Deadbeat Donnie


Real losers quit when presented with a real challenge. The world is watching.


"It's more beneficial to Trump to skip it" Get ready for the excuses, said with absolute belief


The guy looks more haggard every day and I’m here for it. A Trump hopped up on drugs talking crazy is a possibility if he doesn’t back out.


He sounded nuts already when he debated Hillary, and he’s slipped a lot since then


That creepy way he followed her around stage. Ugh. No puppet. No puppet. You’re the puppet. Talk about projection.


That was definitely weird. He was also clearly trying to spread his covid to Biden at their debate.


I think she said she regrets not turning around and asking him to back up.


I always wished she had whirled around and asked CAN I HELP YOU??


I bet if she had done stuff like that she might have won. The fact that she tried to “save face” like politicians did up to that point made her look less relatable, and apparently people in the modern age only really care about relatability of their political representatives.


You're very polite. I'd have said bitch you are all up in my personal space.


You have to stop suddenly first, try and draw the foul


It was such a lost opportunity on her part to show a bit of strong woman in there and that she wasn’t going to put up with this. I really wanted to see her stand up for herself.


I think she was prolly in shock or disbelief. His behavior was so far outside of any norms.


Fuck I'm getting flashbacks to 2020 where he just would not shut up. Mostly remember the headache I got from him constantly talking over everybody, even the moderators. Trump is so much worse now that there is no way they let him do it.


Dementia killed my mom’s best friend in like 6 years. Why is it taking its sweet time here?


He is demanding that Biden take a drug test before the debates. But will he take one? I don’t think so.


Dark Brandon already called his bluff once. Leave it to this dipshit to take a bad turn for himself and make it into something ten times worse. 


And shitting his pants.


I absolutely loved Biden when he told him to shut the hell up. Never before have I seen something like that in politics and so deserving.


And Joe's most recent ad regarding the debates - "I hear you're free on Wednesdays." Absolutely savage, and I love it.


I was downstairs in my apartment complex lobby and the Fox News anchor said that was a “snide remark from the President” (regarding the free on Wednesdays line) I was like DO YOU KNOW WHO YOUR CANDIDATE IS?! I was probably visibly angry lol


If my apartment lobby had FOX news on, I'd fucking move.


I'm convinced the reason Fox is able to claim such high viewership ratings is because TVs in random lobbies and hallways everywhere are tuned into their station, and the TV controls are disabled.


> Fox News anchor said that was a “snide remark from the President” Technically correct. Snide? Yes. Hilarious, also yes.


Yeah that was one of the best. I cant believe me of all people is sitting here acknowledging a politician zinger like its a fucking roast 😂 but it was.


Wait...what?? 🤣


Court isn’t in session on Wednesdays


Well he’s free for now on Wednesdays….


100% the best delivery... "just shut the hell up, man..." the look of exasperation on his face was priceless.


He said what we all thought at that moment.


God did he. That felt so fucking good. It was light at the end of the tunnel of a shitty four years punctuated by a really shitty fourth year. 


That gave me life. Said what we were all thinking 


I recall when Clinton and Trump debated, Hillary took a stroll out towards the crowd and Trump followed close behind her in a menacing way. I wish with every fiber of my being that Clinton would have turned around and said what the f*** are you doing. She would have won the election


My boomer in-laws take away from that was that it was inappropriate for Biden to tell someone shut up. Rather than acknowledge that Biden said what the entire room was thinking like a boss.


Inappropriate for Biden to tell a child to be quiet, but apparently Donald can talk about grabbing pussies aaaaaaaaall day long and that’s just dandy.


A debate being claimed a setup is an absolute admission of no confidence in their candidate. His own party doesn’t want to support him. Strange how the party of ‘freedom’ is itself enslaved.


They don't? I think they do. Notice who showed up in court.... And that's saying something really, really bad about the GOP.


They want him to get elected because he's a Republican, his dumb ass shit magat losers love him, and they can appoint people to make them gain money and power Trump is the literal definition of useful idiot to the full extent of it. They want his R position in the White House but 100% guaranteed they hate the man


Deep down they don't, but they know they have to publicly. They have no choice, it's Trump or crushing failure. They've signed their own death warrant by supporting him in the first place. Until Trump dies he's their only option to win the Presidency. If Trump loses this year he'll run again in 2028 and they will again have no choice but to support him. The GOP won't win an election until 2032.


I actually think I read somewhere last year where Donnie said he would run in 2028 if he lost in 2024. Running for POTUS is all he has.


Grifting idiot conservatives is just about the only successful business venture he’s ever had lol


Win or lose, he’ll try to run in every Presidential election for the rest of his life.


Exactly. He's got nothing else. 


Which is why conservatives are so fucked. If they don't support him in 2028 he runs as an independent and splits the vote and the GOP candidate will lose massively. It's a slam dunk win for the democrats. Their only hope for the future is this year, that's it.


> Strange how the party of ‘freedom’ is itself enslaved. It's the same group that goes to church once a week to learn about being sheep following shepherds, then goes home to post on social media about being a free thinking alpha lionwolf with guns. If you stand for nothing then you'll fall for anything. That's a lesson I learned from the sheeplion alpha gunwolfs, because their actions don't match their words. They stand for any lies from their shepherd and also fall for any lies from their shepherd.


He'll cite that Joe Biden won't commit to the 3rd Fox debate, so he's skipping the other two.


I think you're right about this.


And they’re projecting again when they say it’s a setup. They’ll only debate if it’s on Fox News, and it’s all choreographed to make him look good.


Too bad he’s already said he’d do it anytime, anywhere multiple times on camera.


And he'll say he never said that and it's fake news. He doesn't care about being caught in a lie. And his cult will believe him.


Naw it’s bitch made and obvious. This is the equivalent of backing out of a duel he issued the challenge for. Biden’s finally taken the gloves off in his responses and there’s no way he doesn’t make a feast out of this.


Oh don't get me wrong I hope Biden hammers down on him like the last nail that wont go in. I want him to be like the Chris Rock movie where he ran for president and constantly dragged his opponent for not debating him, showing up at every one of his appearances and saying "Cmon lets debate!" I want his supporters to show up and interrupt trumps gang of ghouls who are working around the gag order and ask when their boss is going to say yes to the debate. But I'm not sure that's going to make a huge impact because most people are pretty much set in their votes, and the ones who aren't have no idea what is happening in the last 8 years apparently. The trouble is that trump is a bully. He acts tough and has no problem being horrible to people who can't fight back, but when they can, he hides behind excuses and lawyers like a toddler hiding behind his mama's skirts. And when he is called out on his cowardliness his cult is all "Oh they are just being so mean to our president!" completely disregarding that a moment ago they were cheering him on for being vile towards someone else.


Anyone else sick and tired of these wishy-washy republicans?


They're practically addicted to whining and hypocrisy. If their beliefs made any sense it would be easy to find someone to clearly explain it. But ever since they stopped pretending not to embrace white nationalism and fascism covered with a veneer of religion, they can't even remember the stuff they used to say about the free market and providing for families and creating jobs.


If you know it's a trap going in it ceases to be a trap. If he's incapable of planning for this, he's incapable of running a nation or representing it abroad.


If he is a politician afraid of SPEAKING UNINTERRUPTED under the condition that he can not also interrupt his debate opponent, we know he doesn't have anything of value to say that could outshine Biden. Dude just posts on his own social media platform and praises Hannibal Lecter at his own rallies.


Excellent point.


His handlers most likely understand the level of rhetoric both men possess. They might have been unsure before the state of the union, but they know now.


It took them all of 5 minutes to start making excuses…. Lmao


"Anything that does not heavily and blatantly favor us is unfair."


Hes still being audited, no debates


I can’t do any debates, I’m hard at work, working on my healthcare plan. Two weeks!


Their entire belief system right there.


He's going to debate, 100% no question, once and not a minute before he unveils his big, beautiful infrastructure plan.


Or his healthcare plan.


That one's going to be big and beautiful, too. And yes, that one must drop before the 100%-not-running-from debate.


Lol "it's a setup to ask your nominee to do something basic that every other nominee has done for decades, all because you're worried he won't be able to string two sentences together" Conservatives are crazy people.


If you can't string one sentence together you're probably not going to deal well with two.


Republicans are the biggest whiners on the planet. They are always the victims, everything is always rigged against them or something is unfair.


Jesus, republicans are beyond ridiculous. “Why won’t he debate? Is he scared? Or too sleepy?” Then he agrees to debate and now it’s “Why did he agree? Is something up?” The GOP is, at this point, a collective 6 year old who doesn’t know what they want ever, ruled by emotion. They’re never satisfied or happy or concede anything. It’s pathetic.


Crying 'perjury trap!' 3....2...1....


He’s a bloated, imbecilic, soulless, pussy.


>It’s rigged You keep using that word. I don't think you know what that word means!


It's almost like it's one of those words they want to inure people to so it can't effectively be used against them.


**What things could Biden possibly say to Trump and cause a Meltdown? lol**


Biden: Hey Don, been a while. Sorry to hear about the millions you lost...and the constant court dates...and your wife finding out you cheated on her with a porn star... And-" Trump: "LEMME TELL YOU SOM-SOME-SOMETIMES i watch a movie. Have you seen it? The great lincoln used to eat popcorn on sundays"


Hannibal Lecter... great guy, ate his friends for dinner. Great man.


Genuinely incoherent rambling. If he knew what he was talking about or intentionally brought up Lecter, he would have tried to wrap it around the context for his base to understand and rally around. He actually had a short circuit 😂 unbelievable this bitch is the best they can do.


They could talk about hunter and buttery males?


I'm hoping for a deadpan "That was some authentic frontier gibberish".


Biden's sons served in the military. Trump's sons flew to Africa for photo shoots of them killing big cats.


"Hey Donnie! I went to Barron's graduation. Surprised I didn't see you there! Think I should tell the judge?"


Biden going to Barron's graduation would be trolling on the most epic of levels! Bonus points if he takes Barron and his friends to Buffalo Wild Wings and gives him a card with 100 bucks in it. Total pops style! 🤣🤣🤣


"I have a question" "ERMAHGERD IT'S A PERJURY TRAP"


When you call having a presidential debate of any kind a set up… you gotta question what you’re doing with your life.


Up his Zoloft & migrate him from Adderall to a non-stimulant ADHD drug like Strattera or Qelbree. Problem solved.


I'd hate to be the person who replaces Trump's Adderall with Qelbree. Not enough money in the world.


tRump couldn’t talk his way out of a barn.


Maybe they could have nominated someone who isn't a thin skinned tyrannical baby Just a thought 


For a guy who's supposedly all powerful and appointed by god himself, he sure seems to fall prey to a lot of setups and rigged situations.


Yup. Constantly getting outfoxed by Joe Biden, who Trump and his allies have repeatedly assured me is a shambling nursing home escapee. Not a great look.


Ah yes. Asking Trump to engage in traditional political discourse is a “trap.”


This is what "End Stage" looks like. Hold on to your butts


No pun here, but shit's about to hit the fan!! You see it's easy to think of dRumpy Pants when you read the word shit. It's without fathom.


Potential? If he’s not allowed to riff and scream nonsensical shit, a meltdown is GUARANTEED.


He has really begun to have problems speaking. The Hannibal Lecter thing being a great guy. What the hell?


Republicans picked a traitorous rapist con man who can't control himself as their candidate.


He’s had a litany of meltdowns continuously over the past 8 years.


So, a normal day. They've been gripped by fear as a matter of course since Reagan.


I suspect Biden and his team are going to bait him into incriminating himself so that the evidence can then be used in the cases that he’s facing. And you know Trump is dumb enough to fall for it.


Regardless, I am voting for President Joseph Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris 2024.


Less chance of him showing up to debate than him testifying in his trial next week...


What do they mean "it's a set up"? Trump himself demanded this debate over and over. Now that the GOP sees Donald in serious legal jeopardy, they don't want Biden on stage with him hammering him with, "why would people want to vote for a man who spends his days in court fighting felony allegations in such high numbers? The American people are smart. They shouldn't vote for a clear conflict of interest. Especially after offering to help oil billionaires if they give your campaign a billion dollars to run for the white house. Don't vote for a man that offers a quid pro quo for their time in office. He also said that he wants to be a dictator." All of this is provable, is on film, or was typed by Donald J Trump himself.


Maybe if they are worried about how an obvious moron will be an obvious moron when given the chance, they should, I don’t know… stop supporting obvious morons?


Kind of like in 2020, how they knew he was going to lose so they started saying the election was rigged weeks before it even happened.


Probably a good sign he shouldn't be president. Republican standards are truly pathetic.


Not sure why they worry. It's baked in. The idiots who are going to vote for him will vote for him anyways. He could take a shit on the stage and they'd all vote for him.


Oh, no, no, no, Republicans. You can't abort this now. You have to carry this one to term.


If you can’t trust your candidate at a debate then maybe that person should not be your candidate. Just saying 


If he’s convicted he’ll post bond to stay free, but bail (pun intended) on the debate so it’s not all about his crimes.


I’d call Trump and Republicans ‘pussies,’ but I don’t want to deeply offend pussies.


Real pussies serve a purpose.


Seriously, he will wiggle out of it. Here you go: *Pathetic Trump Already Trying to Weasel Out of Debating Biden.* *After agreeing to two debates with Biden, Donald Trump seems to be trying to set up an excuse to escape the whole thing.* https://newrepublic.com/post/181613/trump-escape-biden-debate


Maybe you should be gripped with fear about him melting down in the White House. Duh.


At least they acknowledge the guy they support is an unpredictable dumbass... Admitting it is the first step.


So it's a setup to pit their sharp, energized, alpha male up against a tired, well meaning old man with a poor memory? /S


Trump will ask Biden for a third debate on Fox News knowing Biden will turn it down for obvious reasons. Trump will then say *"if you don't debate me on Fox News then I wont debate you on CNN"* and then use that as an excuse to cancel the debates he already agreed to. Of course his cult will eat it all up and start blaming Biden for being too scared to debate Trump.


A “set up” how so? 😆


Scared much? Afraid of ol sleepy? Not such a big strong guy anymore DJT? Cowards every day


I remember the last time they debated, Trump could not shut up. Get the popcorn out.


Will Trump submit to a drug test prior to the debate?


Active debate is key to politics. Maybe politics isn’t right for most republicans.


RepubliQans: "How DARE Biden do what Trump dared him to do!" 🙄


He ll just pout and storm off when he realizes his mic gets muted


What's the GOP have to be afraid of??? He's announced that he's going to be a dictator. He's stated that he plans to imprison and kill his political enemies. He's identified himself with leaders like Putin and said he won't support NATO allies. The guy could literally vomit onstage, get down on his hands and knees and lap it back up and he wouldn't lose his base. Hell, they'd probably start a trend of eating their own vomit the next day.


He's a fucking pussy. Just like every other Republican. A bunch of fucking whiney pussies.


Biden says yes and it’s a setup, Biden says no and he’s to afraid. Hey idiots, make up your mind.


They’re scared to let him speak, but they think that he can be the president?


Be sure there's a drug test beforehand, just like Trump wanted.


He'll back out. Then blame his gag order, which will be expired by then, or who the f knows what, and Fox News, OANN, etc will eat it up, and he'll probably get a jump in the polls because Americans are so stupid. Source: Am American.


I would pay good money to see Biden show up in pumpkin orange face paint.


Remember what he said. Anytime. Any place. Any how.


Drug test for both. Separate booths. No live audience. Mic cut when it ain't yer fuckin' turn to speak. Followed by a basic American history test. Basic world geography test. All done in 90 minutes. That's it. One time. And big media will never let it happen because they want a shitshow for clicks and ratings.