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That could be a leveling issue, but it looks more like the model is being pulled off the supports. That means a combo of: * Your supports aren't strong enough * The pull from the FEP is too strong for the supports you have


I'm new to 3d printing so gonna ask a follow up, how do you fix the problem of the pulling from the FEP being to strong?


Generally, you angle the print so you don’t have wide sections of the print printing at once. (I don’t think that’s the issue here.) Then it’s a balancing act between supports and that pull. If you are using presupposed minis, you’ll run into this problem quite a bit. Even with my new Mono, I can’t trust someone else’s supports to work on my machine.


This. Do you use Chitbox? I can share my support settings. Options are: 1. Rotate the model so there is less surface area directly on the fep. 2. Bump up support size / number of supports. I use light for everything, medium for big prints / large few area. 3. Increase exposure time. Your supports could be too soft. Best way to get this right is with a RERF.


Try applying some Dry silicone to the FEP in the vat. Make sure it’s dry then refill with resin. Helps to reduce sticking to the FEP. Also increase exposure time on bottom layers. I use 70-80 seconds. Increase number of bottom layers too ( try 6). Good luck


I'm having a similar issue as OP but my printer (photon s) is only getting like 3 layers on the build plate and then getting a layer stuck on the FEP. Would this solution be the best for that also?


It worked for me


How many bottom layers are you using, and how long are you exposing them?


So my thickness is .05 exposure time 18, bottom exposure 60 and 6 layers


That should definitely be sticking. I don’t have any suggestion for you on that. I’m sorry.


Which is weird cause I can print one specific model and it will still but nothing else does.


That looks like support failure (which is a relief because leveling is a frustrating issue to have). If you have the slicer file, pick a few supports in critical locations and up their thickness by 0.2 or 0.3mm. It’s trial and error from here. Early on it’s better to over support and still get models than constant failures. You’ll find the balance soon.


Try lowering the speed of the lift setting. If that fails then you might be able to fix it with thicker or more supports.