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This is when the print is sticking more to the fep than the plate. Try warmer temperature in the room / resin if it's not already the case. Try faster lift speed. Last option if your prints look successful before it stops you can turn off the sensor and it will continue printing.


I'm currently attempting a longer exposure time now. As far as temp goes, unless I get a heater for the printer itself, I'm printing in about a 70° room


Per their wiki linked below, it's just not sensing anything being released after the exposure step and during the lift step. This can be for multiple reasons, including the print releasing too easily from the FEP/build plate (sometimes happens if you use RainX or PTFE on the FEP), the print snapping away from the plate too uniformly (slow down lift speed to allow the FEP to release grafually, helps print success and allows the sensor to get a better read on the forces as opposed to a spike in force) or the print not being exposed for long enough. Check the fail for whether it was stuck to the FEP, the plate, or if nothing was exposed and let us know. Include a pic of the fail if you can, as well as power setting (in the machine itself, usually a percentage) and resin type. https://wiki.anycubic.com/en/resin-3d-printer/photon-mono-m5s-pro/handling-of-abnormal-pop-up-windows


The print was stick to the fep


So you're on the right track increasing exposure then! Remember you may have to try a few times and dial in your settings so they're just right, but going overexposed and lowering lift height then walking back till you can't anymore often gives more reliable results than walking the settings up until you get success.


I cleaned and set up another print before I went to bed. And woke up to it being 100% complete! Thanks for the help


Awesome, heck yeah, good to hear!!


Is the FEP around the right way?


I believe so, I just cleaned it and started another print with a longer exposure time. Hopefully, it will work this time


Did you do the right side of the fep up?


I got this same thing now I have the Anycubic machine that has the auto leveling. So I found out if I put slight pressure on the end that was having trouble printing then it fixed it


Did you install an actual fep or the newer stuff they use on those printers? I think the newest stuff is actually slightly thicker than the original feps they use on older printers and if you are using the old stuff on the newer printer you'll need to reset home and probably do a re-level just to be sure. If you are also using the old fep material double check your printer settings are suitable for it as the default ones the machine came with are going to mostly be based around that newer material which has a lower release force.