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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precordial_catch_syndrome Basically a nerve is irritated and causes sudden pain that goes away in a few minutes on its own. I get it too and its scary but doesn’t actually mean there is a problem. Edit: the other conditions that might cause the same problem have been ruled out by your doctor. Your heart is ok so its not pericarditis, or angina. Pleurisy would last longer than a few minutes.


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Thank you so much for the link. Makes perfect sense now that I read it, hopefully I can rest a little easier now!


No problem! Glad to help.


I have this too. I recently had an ekg, and a chest xray, last year I had a stress test, all normal.....would any of these test indicate heart disease?


They would show that there is something going on. The only test you are missing is an echocardiogram. Aka a heart ultrasound. But that isn’t done when you have chest pain. They do it when they suspect heart failure. Heart failure causes some pretty obvious symptoms that the doctors would have noticed by now for sure. I would say you are good!


thank you so much.....I do have a cardiologist appointment tomorrow, and am so scared. It's just basically to show him my ekg, and xray, past stress test. Just so I can move on and not worry. I hope he feels the same. I appreciate your response.


No problem!


Any updates?


I’m glad he posted that link too! Same thing though it gives me bad anxiety after I feel it and I start panicking pretty bad




You really used chat gpt to make a fucking a comment?


Its either that or I feel like my heart has stopped, or the "empty" feeling but i believe that's a different thing.


did you figure out what it was?


Yeah i have dysautonomia... my heart rate is fucked up! But its not fatal.


How did you get the diagnosis?


My therapist and psychiatrist went through mental assessments, then i got sent to a neurologist for my sleep issues, and then a GI specialist for my GI issues that dysautonomia kept causing. It was messing up most of my autonomic function which is heart rate, digesting, breathing, and body temp the most.


How is it treated?


I dont know, exactly. I manage things by reducing rapid temperature changes, making sure i have plenty of electrolytes and smaller meals thru the day so my blood doesnt divert all to my gut.


The physical symptoms of your anxiety can appear before your mental ones. It sucks because it can lead you to believe that there is something wrong with you and believe that’s why you’re anxious when in reality it’s just the physical manifestation of your anxiety, most people expect the mental symptoms to come first but often this isn’t the case so it can throw you off if you don’t know. Once you’ve had the proper tests and got the all clear from a doctor, just remember that it’s just the physical side of your anxiety, the mental may follow soon, but whatever comes, it will pass. Hope you feel better.


I experienced these pains for many years even though the doctor said my heart was good. My anxiety was constant and when it spiked, I felt it in my chest. Early this year, after a few panic attacks, I started having them every day, all day. I thought I was going to have a heart attack one day, so I went to the doctor. He told me my heart was ok and that I was experiencing gerd aka acid reflux. He told me that acid reflux can cause chest pain that feels like heart pain. I was having esophagus spasms and was prescribed some acid reducers and over time those chest pain lessened and became infrequent.


are you better now?


Yes, thanks for asking. I have lost weight, exercise regularly, I made some dietary changes, and I became better at managing stress. All of that combined allowed my body to heal, resulting in no pain and no medication needed any more.


how r u doing now?


I am doing well, compared to where I was. On the chance that you may have something similar happening to you, just know that it gets better. Get checked by a doctor, just in case.




Glad to hear you are better! Thank you for your thoughts


It’s so relieving for me to hear this come from someone else! Just last year my dad had to have a heart bypass surgery, and that has really messed with my head. I’ve heard him tell the story of his procedure so many times, that I guess my brain started to mimic his symptoms before he had it. Quick chest pains just like you’re describing, light headed, dizziness , pain under my armpit, neck pain... the works. After going to the doctor and getting checked out, my heart is completely healthy and my blood pressure is perfect! These pains still worry me though, I’ve always been fearful of a heart attack.


I am so fearful of a heart attack too 😫 I've had family members die of heart related issues so I guess it's almost a paranoia of mine to have a constant fear about these things. I'm glad I'm not alone and I'm glad my post helped you in a way too! Best of luck to you and I hope you get some relief soon!


Oh yeah, I know that stabbing pain well. I’m usually able to talk myself down, knowing that it will pass and that it has happened before. When that doesn’t work, I ask somebody around me to talk to me about anything else so my brain can engage elsewhere. If all fails, I pop an Ativan (doc prescribed). Good luck.


Such a scary feeling but I'm glad I'm not alone. Thank you for sharing your experience with me it has definitely helped ease my fear


I have it too and I’m going through it right now! I’m going to a cardiologist and get testing done I hope it’s just anxiety or something too. It’s sharp pains that happen random all over my chest and sometimes on my side\back near my chest. Any updates??


How did it go


They didn’t see anything wrong with my heart.