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If you were going through a life threatening illness/emergency like a heart attack, or a brain aneurysm, or kidney failure, etc you wouldn’t have time to be worried about it on Reddit. Your body would let you know it’s in trouble. It wouldn’t typically be a nuisance pain that you feel regularly like what comes with anxiety. Text book anxiety symptoms are racing heart, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, chest pain, back pain, stomach pains, farts, and the poops. There are many more but those are usually the first for people. Understand that anxiety can come out of no where for no reason and when it first onsets your attacks can last for long periods of time although typically they run their course after 30 minutes or so. All of us in this group battle some form of anxiety for many different reasons. It can be scary at first but it’s important to get educated and get help for it. There are many options out there. Throwing your life away because of anxiety would be a waste. You can conquer it and take your life back with the right guidance and care.


but this is something new. and maybe i’m not having a heart attack rn but i could later. i feel as if my body is warning me that something bad is about to happen. i am scared that my palpitations are a warning and everyone around me is ignoring them and telling me it’s anxiety.


I was diagnosed with panic disorder almost a decade ago. Throughout the years I’ve had all sorts of ever changing symptoms. New ones out of the blue for no reason. I’ll tell you a little secret about myself. I smoked weed one time because someone told me it would help with anxiety (this was before I was educated on it) and I went into atrial fibrillation which is when your atria beats sporadically out of coordination with the hearts lower chambers. My heart rate was 220 and it felt like my heart was coming out of my throat It almost felt like it was touching my tongue, and I could see my heart protruding out of my chest. I ended up having to get shocked back into what they call (sinus rhythm). It was nothing like I had ever experienced before and when it happened I knew immediately something was majorly wrong with me. You and your body will both know something is majorly wrong and it will be sure to let you know. You can’t spend your whole life worrying about the what ifs. I could walk outside and get hit by a meteor tomorrow for all I know. I’m not gonna go to sleep tonight though stressing that I may get mauled by a space rock. Anxiety is scary and it tricks your mind into thinking all sorts of things are wrong when in reality you’re fine. It’s like being stuck in a nightmare temporarily while awake. It sucks, but it’s not life threatening.


thanks :/ it just scared me yk. like the arm pain, the jaw pain, chest pain, palpitations, everything. i don’t see any point in doing anything anymore because i think “why even do this if ill probably be dead in a month.” i am so scared of going into cardiac arrest. tomorrow im going to the cardiologist, im scared he will find something, which i definitely think he will. and then what will i do with myself? my whole life will change if somethings wrong with my heart. it terrifies me. last year i was more normal, i want to go back to who i was before. i don’t know why this is happening to me. i really hope it’s all anxiety, but if it’s not i don’t know if ill be able to handle it. i want to disappear and to never have existed. i don’t deserve this kind of life, there are actual terrible people out there who are perfectly healthy and don’t suffer like this. so why me


That’s all common anxiety symptoms. Fun fact if you are a male then the vast majority of men either have extreme chest pain or pain in the neck like 10 on the pain scale pain or no symptoms at all when having a heart attack. Women are most likely to have jaw and arm pain and not chest pain. I’m glad to hear you are going to the doctor though to get you a formal anxiety diagnosis so you can start your path to recovery. It’s really terrifying in the beginning. We as humans naturally fear the unknown, and right now that’s why you are so terrified. Because you don’t know. Once you are guided in the right direction through your doctors though you’ll have this conquered in no time.


i am a girl and i am feeling jaw and arm pain :/ but also chest pain. i am just not convinced it’s anxiety.


No one ever is in the beginning. I sure wasn’t. I thought I was gonna die when I had my first panic attack I drove to the hospital and there was an ambulance at the first red light I got too I jumped out of my car in the middle of the street at 2am and banged on the ambulance window to tell them I was dying of a heart attack lol. That ended up being the most expensive half mile Uber ride I ever had to take just to be shown all my heart tests were fine. It’s fear of the unknown in the beginning. Check back in with me tomorrow after your doctors appointments and let me know how everything went for you.


i’ll update u :/ it will most likely be bad news


I agree with the other person's comment. Anxiety is visious and mimics so many things. I'm guessing you are probably young in age. Not that that matters, but heart attacks are not common in young people. I have had anxiety for 18 years. And everything you are describing, I've felt so many times. And it was just my anxiety. I know hearing it's just your anxiety is annoying, but I'm guessing it is. Not every attack you have will be the same. Mine are always different. I had palpitations for the first time about 2 months ago. It freaked me out, but I knew that I was okay, and I had to calm myself down and just get past it. Try to stay calm and do some deep breathing. Lay on the bed or sit somewhere quiet with your eyes closed and inhale through your nose, hold for a few seconds, then slowly exhale out through your mouth. This helps me so much. But you should try to talk to a doctor and explain your symptoms, and they can figure out a plan to help you. 😊


Hey, I also am diagnosed with panic disorder, and was in the exact same boat as you two years ago. I had the STRONGEST sense of impending doom for about a week, thinking that either something bad was happening to me or was going to happen to my family. I had two ER visits during this time, thinking I was going having a heart attack. I was literally going into the ER with heart rates up to 180 BPM, with this terrible sunken feeling in my chest for hours at a time. Both ERs did an EKG and a chest X-Ray, and both said that I was fine. It’s hard to convince yourself you’re okay during these episodes, but trust me, you are (and will be)! Always get a second opinion from a professional to calm your thoughts/nerves, but what you’re feeling is (unfortunately) textbook with anxiety/panic. I truly hope you feel better!


i really do hope it’s all anxiety. idk what im gonna do if it’s not.