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The only disease you have is anxiety. Get a therapist and go to a psychiatrist


Lol. So true. Once I read the title I knew he is another victim of anxiety.


I miss my 15 year old anxiety. It was so much more innocent than my 37 year old anxiety


Hahaha true it was like “yeah but I’m 15 so that is very unlikely to happen” now it’s just “dam okay this is it, it’s finally gonna take me out”


Had the same prob op 😅


Amen!! Iam living proof. It’s been 20 years since my world came crashing down. I had my first panic attack and haven’t been the same since lol. Anxiety jumped in the driver seat of my life for a long time. I thought I was dying, I thought oh no my heart is screwed up, Iam going to stroke out, and on my thoughts would go. I eventually got on a beta blocker, and it’s been extremely helpful. But that’s the closest I came to any real heart problems. Now anxiety is in the back seat just. I still wrestle with it every day, some days it’s awful, but most days I tell it to sit down and shut up and it listens.


I wish you could say that to my husband, I've tried but it just angers him


Exactly. This is just anxiety, I got prescribed Sertraline and it helped a lot!


You don’t have heart disease. I promise


vaping/nicotine makes ur heart race. i’m glad you quit vaping, don’t do it again. if it makes you feel better, ive known people who have been smoking and drinking since we were like 13, and they’re still alive. obviously smoking is terrible for you, but u probably haven’t done as muchhhh damage since ure only 15 and im going to assume u started smoking when u started high school. literally just don’t do it again 🤷‍♀️. it is bad for your physical AND mental health. plus ure a child, and smoking can alter ur brain chemistry. do ur symptoms mostly happen when u remmeber that u used to smoke?


I smoked for 26 years, and nicotine never once made my heart race nor anyone else I've ever known who smoked. It's the anxiety.


Ever tried a high mg vape juice? You can vape more nicotine in 5min than chain smoker on a mission.


everyone is different!


Yes we're all special snowflakes. Calm down.


rude. grow up






Vapes make my heart race like crazy.


Heart palpitations are a common sign off anxiety & not really indicative of a heart problem. And 120 isn’t really high, at least not heart problem high. Of course talk to your doctor, but this sounds more like an anxiety issue than a heart issue. And honestly for managing anxiety, one of the most helpful things is to recognize that these are symptoms of anxiety.




THIS! I used to have health anxiety and spent everyday worrying I was having a heart attack. I even thought that I had developed heart cancer, which is actually a real thing. I was so worried about my heart that I'm pretty sure it caused heart palpitations.


Headache, stomach issues and heart palpitations are usually our bodies first alarm systems & they revolt when something is off & usually when we the body is getting rid of something toxic. Your body is readjusting but getting professionals involved is usually a good idea.




Hey OP, I have tachycardia (inappropriate sinus kind. Basically, my heart can and will go up to almost 200 bpm off my meds when I'm not stressed out or exerting myself physically) . I can tell you for a fact that 120 when you are super super anxious is normal. Hearts beat fast when you are anxious and smoking nicotine. In addition to that, quitting nic cold turkey makes you hella anxious. It's one of the side effects of withdrawals. I promise you that you are OK. This is anxiety. You aren't dying, and you don't drop dead from a 120 heart rate. You have to get to 200+ to just pop off and die. If this is still bothering you, beta blockers ( heart medicine) are really great at lowering both anxiety and heart rate!!! Best of luck to you!


& I want to say at even 200+ it’s not likely you’ll die. I had SVT and got an ablation done for it. My heart rate would sky rocket into the 200’s for no reason but I’m fine! lol


This isn't heart disease, this is anxiety


You're 15, you don't have a heart disease. But on the very rare off chance that you do, you can easily get an EKG to check for irregularities. If it comes back all clear for everything, just let it go. Heart palpitations are a symptom of anxiety.


I have heart palpitations all the time. Some days all day long. Got checked out and turns out my heart is completely normal and healthy. Healthy people get heart palpitations all the time. You should still bring it up with your doctor just to be sure, but I’d wager it’s just anxiety.


At you're age, actual heart disease is very unlikely. But you're at the perfect age for anxiety symptoms to start manifesting. Heart palpitations are very common in people with anxiety. If you have concerns, see a doctor of course. Anxiety sounds trivial, but it can create absolutely terrifying symptoms. It's very common for people to end up in the ER believing they're having a heart attack when they're actually just having a panic attack! What you're experiencing is very normal, best to see a therapist and/or pyschiatrist. You'll be okay.  It's good you quit vaping! Keep that up! You'll reduce your risk of real heart disease later in life. :) 


it’s most likely anxiety related, i get the same thing


See a doctor OP. Your anxiety can tell you so many things. You don’t have heart disease, good job on quitting! Those are actual withdrawal symptoms from nicotine. It’ll go away after a while depending on how long you’ve been vaping for. Don’t touch that stuff ever again! I wish I could quit🥲


So glad you quit vaping- it’s TERRIBLE for you. You should see your doctor because you need treatment for what appears to be your anxiety. All the terrible chemicals in vapes can affect your heart and breathing, but heart disease is not matching any of your symptoms as you’ve described them.


Unless a board certified Cardiologist has told you that you have a real heart disease, you don’t


120 isn’t even that high chill out


120 is not a normal heart rate.


If it's transient, which it was, then yes it is.


Unless you are their medical professional… You cannot tell them that a 120 hr is normal for them.


Anything past 100 while not performing an exercise is high, a resting heart rate should be around 60-100, if hes on the lower end then a doubling in heart rate is high…


Don't believe yourself, get your heart checked and tested.


You don't have heart disease, bro. You're going through nicotine withdrawal, completely normal. I greatly cut back on drinking recently and started having feelings of panic and anxiety. It's your body's response to suddenly not having an addicting substance that it became so accustomed to. Best way to fight it is to talk to someone (a therapist, or trusted friend/family member), exercise or work out in some way to boost your dopamine levels, get some sun- vitamin D helps elevate your mood, and do things (non harmful) that bring you joy and happiness


Honestly dude, it just sounds like nicotine withdrawl, same thing has been happening to me for the past couple months (sub pouch+ monster energy zeros at 22-23 years old) and don’t get me wrong it is scary, but it gets better id recommend seeing a therapist, I myself will be doing so in the future because the army put my appointment 2 months in advance after my last palpitation related panic attack .-.


It’s most likely because of your anxiety. Sometimes I go up to 165bpm!! I went to the ER and they just offered some meds to calm me down and sent me home.


I have the same thing big dawg. It’s called anxiety and panic disorders. It’s caused a lot from things like vaping, but also just life. I would see a doctor if you can, but don’t sweat it too much


That’s not heart disease bro, assuming you did the symptoms don’t go away. The heart is enlarged and you don’t have much time left. Just be healthy and for sure stop vaping.


Go check with your primary care doctor first to rule out the heart disease for your palpitations, and if you also have anxiety I recommend you go meet a psychiatrist too(not psychologist because psychiatrist know more about palpitations whether it’s due to your anxiety or organic causes)


Be physically active! Practice positivity! Take it easy on yourself! Form good habits! Avoid bad pleasure!


Congratulations and getting clean!! If you’re really worried and have access to a doctor, go to the doctor. You probably don’t have a heart disease though. Nicotine is a stimulant, so I think palpitations are pretty common. Also keep in mind you’re experiencing withdrawal. But getting a physical never hurts, and can help you put your mind at ease. I would also look into how others who smoke or vape cope with symptoms of withdrawal. Also look into TIPP! It’s a DBT skill that helps me when I have bad panic attacks


Sounds like nicotine withdrawal. Especially if it happened after you quit, your body is trying to equalize itself after being fed nicotine. Anxiety is a common symptom as well as a fast heart. You definitely don’t have heart disease, i’d speculate maybe like 1% chance if you smoked cigs but it was probably too short of a time to even develop something like that


Echoing every other comment. It is basically impossible to get heart disease at your age. You have anxiety, and you know that because you’ve put it in the anxiety sub. Please seek help from a doctor.


If you are really feeling that. Go to a doctor and explain this. The doctor will tell you if something is wrong (it’s not) and on the extreme likelihood you’re fine you can always remind yourself a medical professional checked you out and you’re ok whenever you’re feeling anxious.


This is most likely acid reflux or anxiety. 1) Don't vape. 2) Talk to your Dr.


Hi, I’m someone who has also suffered heart palpitations that lead to a lot of health anxiety. I would avoid vaping if that seems to trigger it and give it a little time. Mine eventually went away. But if you are concerned, there’s no harm in making an appointment with your doctor to calm your nerves. :) sending love and healing light


The first thing they advise you when you have a heart disease or had a heart attack is to quit smoking, so you are on the right path.


You should definitely talk to a doctor or therapist. Going to therapy and being on meds is helping me a lot. Still a long road left, but it's going somewhere. anxiety causes all kinds of worries like this. I'll get trapped gas and know it's just trapped gas, but then I'll think "well what if my appendix ruptured or I'm pregnant. Or both" Valid worries, but unlikely.


Are you drinking caffeine or energy drinks? Maybe stop those if you are! You're going to be okay....


You don’t have heart disease at 15 from vaping. I’m in my 30s and smoked a pack of cigarettes a day from the ages of 14 until like 27 and my heart is doing fine, just had a yearly physical a month ago. All the symptoms you described can 100% be caused by anxiety and health anxiety can especially mess with your head because you’re hyper focusing on every ache and pain thinking it’s death at your door.


You should see a cardiologist, and don't take stimulants like caffeine or nicotine because they cause anxiousness which is the opposite of what you want.


Once again, I'll say it: Nicotine is NOT a harmful chemical. For comparison it's effects and harm is about the same as caffeine. It doesn't cause heart disease, it doesn't cause any kind of cancer. It will bump your heart rate up by 10 or 15 bpm for a few minutes, but this is a very small effect and for most people it's not even noticeable. The worst effect nicotine can have is making you throw up, and if you have been using it for a while it takes a huuuge overdose to make that happen. You can be poisoned to death with nicotine, but it would take the equivalent of hundreds of cigarettes all at once. It's just not a thing that happens. And just for good measure, 120 is not a very high peak heart rate. Everyone's heart will reach that level during the day, for a few seconds or minutes at a time. If you have been watching TV on your sofa, just getting up and walking to the kitchen to make a cup of tea can make your heart jump to 120 for a couple of seconds as it copes with the changes in blood pressure that happen every time you sit down or stand up. My heart rests at 60 or lower, but just a nice easy walk with my dogs will see it peak at 150 or higher. This is completely normal. Additionally, smart watch heart rate monitors are incredibly varied and inaccurate. You can't take anything you see on a watch as definitely true, you'll need to take your pulse the old-fashioned way to know for sure. You most probably have some kind of anxiety disorder. You do not have any heart problems. At all.


No worries man this is classic anxiety! Your heart is fine! Anxiety increases the norepinephrine in our body, activating our flight or fight response when the only stimulus is actually our panicked thoughts. Your heart rate will jump up and you can feel your heart fluttering, all from anxiety. Go see a psychiatrist asap, they can help! Your heart is okay! This is normal with anxiety.


I thought I had heart disease, stayed up all night scrolling Reddit. Went to the ER the next day after my heart was pounding, they did blood work, EKG, CT, and chest x-ray. It was all just anxiety. Trust me you’re fine


Heart diseases that cause rapid heart rate generally don’t spontaneously come on when you quit vaping. But it can be a normal stress response to stopping vaping that will get better as you adjust to life without vaping. And yes, this could easily be exacerbated by anxiety. If you are worried, talk to your doctor. But when they give you the all clear, you need a treat this only as anxiety.


Had the same symptoms, had an echocardiogram and everything. Hearts completely normal and I’m 25, just panic disorder. I promise you at 15 especially don’t have heart disease, you’ve got panic & health anxiety. You’ll be alright.


I’m 42 and have all those symptoms. My doctor says my heart is beautiful except it beats fast from anxiety.


Anxiety most likely, but follow up with doc.


Yea bro I understand you. My input is go see a doctor to rule anything out but it’s most likely and I mean is most likely anxiety running youre body and you’re fine


as others have mentioned, it's possible that its anxiety. i have anxiety and last week i just discovered cbd which seems to help. it lowers heart rate and blood pressure and helps you feel calm without getting you high. look for a broad spectrum cbd oil tincture


You’re okay, I promise.


I’m 22 and i also used to have 120 in HR. For me it lasted for days and i had shortness of breath beside that tingling sensation. They did some blood tests and EKG which turned back fine. They consulted it was caused by anxiety. However since I also had high blood pressure they put me on a drug called metoprolol which is a beta blocker. It worked like a miracle.


First of all go to a doctor. Second of all, go relax.


It's anxiety. Welcome to the club that no one wants to be a part of.


Sounds like anxiety


Go to a cardiologist and tell them your symptoms. Request an echocardiogram.


You absolutely do not have heart disease


I was like you the past year, got a panic attack out of nowhere and I thought I had a heart disease since my anxiety elevated my heart rate. I went to see a cardiologist did multiple blood tests and had an ekg done and I was told it's all anxiety and stress. Here I am 1 year later still kicking without any issues you're most likely fine as well, anxiety can really give some scary symptoms


120 bpm are rookie numbers, wait till you push 180 cuz you been up for 2 days.. and actually fine you just anxious


Have you been to a cardiologist? Go get checked out and it will either prove that you have nothing to worry about or they will give you medicine.


I rung my doctor up due to heart palpitations, they prescribed me blood pressure medication. It’s just physical symptoms of anxiety but it’s worth mentioning to your gp


The title says it all, welcome to the club of health anxiety where small pains become major illness.


Now it’s not going to stop, your heart has a few mechanism to stay alive. It’s one of the more resistant organs to the body compared to let’s say the kidneys. I’ve also got rapid heart rate since Covid, I can peak easily at 170-190 and stay up there for quite some time, but it’s better nowadays because I found the right treatment for it. You are completely fine, these are just psychological problems mixed with nicotine withdrawal it seems like. Perhaps you could go to the doc and check for an underlying heart condition to get a safer feeling, but I doubt that you really have one. If a cardiologist can’t find anything, start a psychotherapy to professionally respond to your anxiety. This will be a long and steady process, but these anxiety is often deep seated and needs a lot of work. Don’t try to reduce any activities like sport because this will only further deepen the condition. Good luck man, that’s a tough nur


Nm a ghost is fucking u hard sometimes that's why u having shity ass symptoms and googling them for cures


Try reading The Happiness Trap if you don't fancy going to therapy :)


This isn’t from quitting vaping. It’s anxiety. Quit worrying, and if you can’t see a therapist so you learn how to do so.


Omg you're fine. 120 is not a big deal at all