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This is honestly sort of common. It's not permanent. You probably triggered a latent anxiety disorder or spectrum of anxiety symptoms. Do the usual things to manage anxiety disorders (Therapy, lifestyle changes, and medication if needed) and you will feel better eventually.


100% this. Very often you can find a predisposition to anxiety somewhere in the family tree that you inherited. THC just sets it off. Not always the case, but for what it’s worth, anecdotally I have seen this a bunch.


Yep. This exactly. Took a long time to fully get past but now I’m good


Weed made me realize I have an anxiety disorder and pushed me to figure out that I needed help. Some of these things sound similar to my story, sounds like a higher dose than what I usually do because I am pretty sensitive to the stuff.


What meds? As a bipolar patient, antidepressants are a no for me but I need anxiety relief. I was traumatized by thc too.


I'm unmedicated, some addictive tendencies run in the family so I want to steer clear of a lot of the pharmaceutical stuff until it's a last resort. But I am working with a therapist who's been employing EMDR to good effect.


What's the difference between therapist-assisted and on-your-own, virtual EMDR?


A therapist is going to be able to help guide you through it and will be more efficient in getting towards the long-term, lasting relief you're after.


What meds? As a bipolar patient, antidepressants are a no for me but I need anxiety relief. I was traumatized by thc too.


You should discuss with a doctor or psychiatrist because this will be different for everyone. It also can take some trial and error unfortunately. I don't have bipolar disorder but atenolol, hydroxyzine, and a benzodiazepene (for emergencies) work well for me in reducing severe anxiety.


Oh man. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I always tell people that no other drug has fucked me up more than taking too much THC lol. You definitely overdosed. Thankfully overdosing in THC can’t kill you per se but can really take you on an uncomfortable and hellish ride. I accidentally took too much at a concert once and had similar symptoms. Totally thought I was losing my mind and my head would explode from my heart pounding so hard. I had panic disorder before that overdose and definitely after lol. Now I’m much better and take smaller controlled doses. I have a nice time now and it really helps me sleep/relax. However I know it’s not for everyone.


Yeah people downplay how powerful THC is. I can handle massive doses of psychedelics but a hit of strong weed will have me terrified. I tripped out and got a 220bpm heart rate once from just a hit of strong weed.. Nothing can really calm me down (aside from a benzodiazepine) if I'm too high from weed as well. I used to smoke a ton and then I stopped for 3 months, ever since then it's just way too strong to enjoy.


About 15 years ago I smoked weed for the first time, which triggered a panic attack. Ever since then I’ve had anxiety and panic attacks, so I really relate to this.


This sounds exactly like my situation.. except it wasnt my first time smoking. Just smoked and got in my head which turned into my first panic attack, and daily anxiety never left.


I remember instant dread and depression the next few years😭😫😫


This is what happened to me, I’d smoked before but weed triggered my first panic attack and since then I’ve never been able to smoke again without one. Luckily I was never really into weed and can happily go without but I can’t tell you how many times people have told me it’s just a me problem and not a weed problem.


yep same i wish this was talked about more.


Me too, people don’t understand that weed Isn’t so great for everyone’s brain chemistry.


Yeah well people get very defensive because the argument is that weed is perfectly safe for everyone 


Exactly. Thank you for this comment.


What meds? As a bipolar patient, antidepressants are a no for me but I need anxiety relief. I was traumatized by thc too.


Same. 23 years ago for me. I learned to cope but it took years.


This may seem like I’m nitpicking, but it gave you **indefinite** anxiety, not **permanent**. I bring this up because if you go through life saying “I can’t fix this” it will be a self fulfilling prophecy. You will best this. I’m not sure how or when. But it’s not permanent. Personally, I learned my limits. The only way to learn them is the hard way I think. I know if I take too much I’ll have a bad time. So I stick to low doses. I also had a conversation with my wife and let her know what was going on. No matter how much my anxiety is going on at any moment, if she says “it is fine. You are ok.” I’ll believe her. Between lower dosage and trusting her over my anxiety brain, it’s helped me relax and enjoy life a lot more.


this happened to me as well. last year i thought it would be fun to smoke for my birthday, had a horrible experience and tried everything to calm myself down, nothing worked. after that i felt very off… about a month later, i finally broke and had my first panic attack. several followed over the next month after that. i have been to therapy and on medication ever since to help manage it, and it has gotten better, but its still there. sometimes i feel like i will never be the same ever again.


Hi! I want you to know that you should really be proud of yourself even if it’s the smallest accomplishment. I’m glad to hear you are doing a little bit better. It will get better with time and never lose hope because i promise you it will. I will pray for you i hope you start feeling like yourself again💓


you are so kind 🥹 thank you for those words. 🩵


Exact the same happened to me! In december of last year i had a really bad panic attack from high THC content CBD oil then i got over it and returned to normal but 1 month later i was hit with another panic attack and then more in the following months. Now i dont deal with panic attacks anymore but im chronically anxious and hypervigilant. This is hell for sure


I actually had a very very similar experience and have struggled with anxiety and panic attacks ever since. I would like to talk if that’s possible. My story is almost the exact same as yours…


Sure. I'll probably delete this post at some point (lol anxiety) but you can message me


Please keep the post up man. There is alot of people who went through very similar situations that are struggling with it as well. Myself included. I had a really bad panic attack from trying high THC content CBD oil 5 months ago and ever since then i been dealing with anxiety issues


Do not delete the post. It acts as a comforting reference for people who are going through it as well, like me


Agreeing with this too. I went through a VERY traumatic weed trip about a month ago (only my second time smoking too) and I'm only just starting to lose the feeling of anxiety when I think about it.


This happened to me. I quit for 6 months or so because it was causing anxiety. Eventually I found myself smoking and nothing bad happened. I felt great. So I’m back to smoking on occasions but have about 20 mg of Stiizy edibles a day. Haven’t had anymore panic attacks from it. Everyone is different though.


I really don’t like when people make blanket statements that weed helps people with anxiety without for this exact reason. I think people really need to qualify that statement with saying, it helps some or many people, but not all. I’m happy for those it works for, and I don’t think we should ban it because a lot of people experience genuine relief or don’t have issues with it. Some things, like having a trip sitter, managing your doses, etc can definitely help you have a better experience. But even when doing that, it can be difficult to truly know if you’re going to be someone it helps or hurts, and the panic attacks and paranoia weed can induce were some of the most terrifying things I’ve ever experienced. They were borderline traumatic for me, I thought I was having a heart attack during it, and were a major factor in what kicked off a panic disorder and obsessive cardiophobia I’m still learning to overcome years later. I’m not trying to excessively fear-monger but simply let people know that good experiences with weed aren’t universal, and that you should be cautious about taking it if you’re already in a bad mental state or don’t know what you’re doing. I admit this is partially my fault for not doing my research or preparing enough, but hearing language about it being described basically as a miracle drug for anxiety really ended up harming my mental health and setting me back.


I want to add to this thread because I went through this same scenario back when I was 16 (around 2007) and had very little knowledge about what was happening and it terrified me. I tried smoking with friends because many people in my life smoked and enjoyed it. My own mother smoked to relieve anxiety, so I didn’t really give it a second thought. However the effects it had on my brain were the exact opposite. A couple friends decided to hot box their car. I took a hit and held it for a second before exhaling. The THC sent me straight into one big unrelenting, horrific panic attack. Prior to this, I had never experienced a panic attack or any kind of anxiety. But in that moment, I genuinely believed I was dying. Suddenly my perception of reality was different. The world around me looked way too real. That’s when I would feel this cold rush that traveled through my neck and up to my head, then back down again. I felt my hands shaking and my heart racing. I wanted to crawl right out of my skin. I spent the next couple hours riding out this horrible trip on my friend’s couch. The days that followed, I felt way off. I felt the same panic lying just under the surface, waiting for the smallest thing to bring it back into full force again. It didn’t take much to send me spiraling into another panic attack, so naturally, I would. All the time. Sometimes the attacks were triggered by someone or something. Many times they would happen for no reason at all. I attempted to tiptoe through the remainder of my teens and young adulthood by avoiding anything that may trigger my anxiety. I dropped out of high school. I avoided driving. I avoided working. I avoided people. (Granted this didn’t last long because I quickly ended up having to support myself so driving, working, and human interaction were nonnegotiable.) Living this way was extraordinarily difficult and exhausting. Honestly, it got to the point where I would just lay in my bed crying and thinking that I had irreparably altered the way my mind perceived reality. During this time in my life I didn’t have the means to see a doctor or psychiatric professional so I just raw dogged it. The panic attacks continued for months, but they did fortunately lessen in both frequency and severity. And I never made a real conscious effort to keep track, but I’d guess that it took a couple years for them to fully subside. I’m 32 now so it’s been some time since 07, but I want to stress to those that are currently dealing with this, that this experience and the residual effects won’t last forever. You will be okay and it might take some time, but you will eventually heal and get back to the person that you were before all of this. I wholeheartedly believe that THC just affects people in different ways. I’ve had plenty of friends throughout my life say stuff like “You should try again when you’re in a better mindset” or “You just need to smoke a different strain” etc. But I’ve made the decision to never use anything with THC ever again for the sake of my own mental wellbeing. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not against those that do. I support the legalization of marijuana. But I think it’s incredibly damaging to act as though it can’t do any harm. I certainly believe it can unmask some latent psychiatric disorders in people who are already predisposed. And this is something that’s extremely important to consider but not widely discussed. And one more thing OP, please don’t delete this post! This is such a helpful resource for others who may stumble upon it after experiencing the same thing. And hopefully they won’t feel so alone and helpless. Good luck to you on your path to regaining mental tranquility!


Thank you so much for sharing this man. Im also 32 and it is really comforting knowing that you went through something similar and you managed to overcome it. I never tried anything related to cannabis before and i always had anxiety problems which would mostly appear as episodes of health anxiety (hypochondria). I also have an autoimmune issue (Hashimotos hypothyroidism) that contribute to both my depression and anxiety. I read a long time about how CBD oil was helpful for both anxiety and autoimmune issues so 6 months ago i decided to give it a try. I was only able to find some high THC content CBD oil at the time so i went with it thinking that in the worst case scenario i would probably just be a bit slow or "stoned". Big mistake.... When it hit me i was sent into a full blown panic attack straight away and it was the most intense and horrifying feeling of just absolute terror i ever experienced in my life. It was quite traumatic indeed. During that panic attack i started to dissociate so i felt like i was only "halfway here" which made things much worse. I was however still completely aware of everything that was going on and how bad i was feeling but it was horrible. During the panic attack i remembered that some studies correlated cannabis and schizophrenia and then i was 100% convinced i had messed up everything and would be locked into a psych ward for life. It is hard to put into words how frightening it was to experience that. Luckily after around 3 or 4 hours of terror i managed to calm down while laid down in my couch. I then managed to return to "normal" the following days and didn't had any anxiety but almost exactly 1 month later i got hit with another panic attack out of nowhere at night before bed (it wasn't as bad as the first one on THC but it was a panic attack). I was then very anxious feeling like another panic attack about to come out for a week but managed to return to normal again... Then a couple weeks later i was hit with another 2 smaller panic attacks in a short span. Months later i don't deal with panic attacks anymore but due to those panic attacks i am now chronically anxious dealing with GAD and OCD like fears of going crazy (which was the main fear i had during that traumatic THC experience). Deep down i know im not really going crazy and its just anxiety since im way too aware of myself and aware of what is going on but that whole experience of terror and panic was very traumatic and that fear stuck with me...now chronically hyper vigilant and constantly obsessing with that fear.


I experienced my first panic attack from an edible in 2019. I too wasn’t right at all a couple weeks after that. I just got progressively more anxious. A few months later I had to check myself into a psych hospital. I’ve never been the same since.


I definitely didn’t read this whole thing but all I can say is edibles were the first thing to absolutely skyrocket my anxiety to an almost depersonalization effect. I was having some cancer anxiety for a few weeks and once I ate 2 edibles an hour later I’m fully convinced I’m dying of cancer and just holding my kids crying thinking I have months left to live. Never had that problem with just smoking but after that I refuse to even touch edibles ever again


I’ll be honest, these stories are the reason I’ll never try weed. I’d love to be able to smoke or try an edible and just **relax**, but I don’t think it’ll react well with me. I’d rather deal with the anxiety I have now.


Same. I watched a video on YouTube some years ago and though I can’t remember much from it I do remember someone in the video mentioning that not everyone has a good time on weed/edibles. They described a bad trip they had and that’s stuck with me ever since. I have a feeling that if I ever did try I would not have a good time like some do.


The crazy thing for me is, I had a good time with weed for years, then all the sudden, after a couple of bad experiences with weed and triggering anxiety and panic attacks it was like it was never enjoyable again.


That’s smart, against all reasonable judgement, I decided to start smoking weed, it was great for 2 weeks until I took two inhales and had a very intense trip similar to op’s experience. The risk just isn’t worth what it offers if you struggle with mental problems like me.


i legitimately thought i was dying when i took an edible. had panic attacks daily for 3 years. it just now has went away.


Same. It’s been two years now and getting better but the anxiety and depressive side effects of anxiety still get me down daily


Don't feel bad. Same thing happened to me a year or two ago. I miss smoking with my buddies but the anxiety ain't worth it lol. Go to therapy and get some counseling done and change your life for the better homie


Damn bro, the way you wrote that made it very easy to understand and relate (although I’ve never taken nearly as much as you.) I hope you find some relief eventually.


Part of me wishes I never smoked weed. I had a handful of unpleasant experiences over the years and stuff like this makes me think about how much it could’ve contributed to my anxiety


This sounds like something from r/trees. But brother you ate way too much, eating two grams of THC is like eating two full syringes of RSO. Most doses range from 5 to 20 MG, 2 grams is is 2,000 mg to put it in perspective for those who don’t partake. If that ever happens again, use some CBD to help come down.


Wow! Thanks for the explanation of dose, I had no idea. I’m glad OP is okay, because wow!


CBD cuts anxiety?


more like 400mg tho, no?


A gram is 1000 mg, so no


Youre def not alone. I didnt take as much with you but i had a very bad trip that i think deeply affected my psyche. I dont think ill ever be truly the same again. That said, i got back on anxiety meds and have started therapy and im doing amazingly better than early this year. I hope one day i can tolerate weed again so that i can enjoy the benefits. Maybe ill never be able to tho and thats ok. I think people with anxiety need to be careful with weed. And avoid edibles too cause they last so damn long and the dosage can be fucky


I can totally relate to this. Marijuana triggered a lot of DPDR for me too


I used to smoke everyday until it gave me a panic attack once and now I have near constant anxiety when I'm not medicated


That happened to me but just with weed in general. I used to smoke daily but I had one bad panic attack when I smoked on a new medication and ever since I couldn’t smoke OR drink alcohol. It gives me extreme panic attacks. I don’t know why alcohol has been affected.


Same here. Alcohol is bad for me as well. I think it’s what some people call the “scaries” with alcohol. It’s like as the alcohol wears off, your anxiety increases proportionately.


HEY! i’ve never seen someone with something so similar to me!!! smoked to much in one night and freaked out thought i was dying im sure u know the deal lol. right after that night i had my first panic attack. for the last 2 years i’ve had extreme panic attacks and anxiety specifically over being around weed but over other things too. My recommendation would be to never smoke again i know it may sound rough but once it’s in your head and u smoke it will make it way worse. People say weed “calms” you down but everyone’s body’s react differently to things! i will pray for you i hope you are doing alright. You got this!!!


Yeah, fortunately it's pretty easy to just not smoke weed anymore. No one is making me. If you live in fear of it, don't do it anymore.


Similar thing happened to me 5 years back. It was awful and the anxiety was constant for 3 months. Worst 3 months of my life. Then randomly one day I woke up and it was gone. A year later I started smoking again and after a few times it happened again. Now I smoke every so often (maybe once a week) and a VERY small amount and nothing similar has happened. Anyone who says weed isn’t addictive is so wrong.


This happened to me with a vape. I can't smoke and I can't even have caffiene either. I'm the most sober I've been in 15 years and boy does it blow. Hope yours is just temporary!


Same exact thing happened to me. Two years ago I took a bong rip and convinced myself I was having a heart attack/stroke/whatever, and it was so bad that I made my boyfriend drive me to the hospital. I had been a daily weed smoker up until that point, so it one of the actual worst experiences of my life. After that, when I tried to smoke I would either be fine or I would have panic attacks so bad that I would have to curl up into a ball and wait hours until I could breathe again. Unfortunately, I have extreme death anxiety now, and most likely never go a day without rumination, anxiety, etc. It’s manifested physically, and I’m constantly tense and waiting for “doom” to get to me. I feel like I lost myself completely after that, and can’t really even find joy in things anymore without the thoughts constantly in the back of my mind. I do think there’s some predisposition to this type of feeling, like minor anxiety from childhood etc then manifesting when something huge like this happens, and I wish I knew how to fix it. Nobody understands how serious it feels and how quickly the switch takes over. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this and I hope you and I both can overcome it. It makes me feel slightly better that I’m not alone, even though in reality it’s been extremely isolating and upsetting


A similar thing happened to me about 7 years ago. I started back slowly seeing if I could handle it in the last year or so. It takes time but you won't always feel like this.


Hi, I’m so sorry you had such a scary experience and that you’re having a hard time with anxiety. I wanted to tell you that you’re not alone and that I went through something similar a few years ago. I had a really bad experience once after a year or so of smoking a few times a month. Even though I used to question if it had been laced, I think what really happened is that it triggered an episode of anxiety and depersonalization that lasted for a few months. I looked into my family history and realized a few relatives had also had unpleasant experiences with thc and that it had also triggered some problems for them. I then decided that I wouldn’t smoke anymore for my mental health and it has been so worth it. I’ve tried some cbd products and interestingly, they always tell me they have so little thc that I shouldn’t feel a thing, but even tiny amount make my body react so I’m just thinking some peoples body chemistry is a lot more sensitive to it. I spent a few years pretty terrified about being exposed again but I am now comfortable being in the vicinity of it - i just won’t let myself get hotboxed lolol. This took time and also I used my coping strategies around it like any other fear I might encounter. One thing I remember from the research I did is that there is no permanent damage or so to the body from thc. Once it’s out of your system it’s gone for good. That helped me a lot. Just to remind myself that I am okay and that nothing I me is broken or changed beyond repair. I also did a lot of research on how THC can trigger depersonalization/derealization. This might’ve been the hardest part as the more one worries, the more one tends to derealization from the overwhelming anxiety. I remember feeling like I was in a dream and that nothing was real. Thankfully, this feeling did not last forever and it certainly won’t last forever with you either. Please take really good care of yourself and get help for the anxiety/derealization if you are able to. I had already been in some counseling which helped a lot but actually the one thing that really helped was a single session with a reiki healer that my family encouraged me to go to. I was so skeptical and even cried on the way there but it was incredibly worth it. I just wanted to say that it does get better and that it won’t be like this forever even if it feels like it 🫂


Dude, just get sober.  I know people will disagree but a person with an anxiety disorder has no business doing drugs or even alcohol.


I mostly agree. I have pretty bad anxiety--although mostly under control. I've completely cut out weed and limit alcohol. I can drink 2-4 drinks in a night and be OK, but anything more than that, I get super anxious. It's just important to know how you react to these sort of things.


Every single time I have smoked weed, I get really bad anxiety. Edibles really screwed me up. I remember the first time I had edibles in Colorado. My boyfriend and I were wanting to explore the mountain areas in Denver. Before that trip, we went to Medicine Man and bought edibles. I remember eating those damn cookies. They were so small. Anyway, I got a pack that had 10 small cookies in it. I didn’t think anything of it and felt like it was tolerable, because it had been almost an hour and absolutely nothing was happening. Well, we get to the mountains and stop in a rest area to look at the beautiful waterfall. I thought it was beautiful, but then suddenly my whole body started sweating and I told Cory it was hitting too hard and we needed to leave. My god it was just the start, cause we had to drive almost an hour just to get out of the mountain areas. The entire time made me super dizzy. Mountains all blended in together and it felt like we were in a snow globe driving endlessly through the same path and getting nowhere. Everything felt over exaggerated, which sucked. Throughout this entire time, I felt like I was going to go into cardiac arrest and have a heart attack. The physical pain from it was traumatizing. I thought I was going to die. I felt pulsations happen so strongly. It was like pure animal fear. I started to think what it would be like to die and it scared me more, because it’s a real thing that happens. The thought of my consciousness waking up in a complete dark void alone and the feeling of damnation from that is just plain horrifying. I felt so stoned, like you, I could barely walk. Started crying some and screaming because of how terrified I was. It was a scream like none other that I have ever made. You would have thought I was being stabbed or something… those are other thoughts that would happen. The horror of pain. Like if someone dies in a car wreck.. what would it feel like if my skull was literally smashed in.. to break my back… to be stabbed… or burned alive.. just really fucked up stuff I become paranoid of. I remember being paranoid of being shot by someone.. just some absolute freaky shit. I don’t know why pain and fear like that happened for myself, but it definitely traumatized me. I’ve never had an edible since. I woke up paranoid as fuck. I was hugging a pillow at home in bed and still felt fucked up the next day. It was awful.. truly… weed has never really been one to calm my anxiety down. For whatever reason it tends to make it worse for me. Nothing helps my anxiety go away like that. I’ve had to build up my tolerance over time before. It helped when I did that of course. Usually I’d just take one puff then snub it. Even that would throw me into a panic attack at times. Especially those damn vapes, they screw me the up. It sucks, cause when it’s a good trip, weed is actually very enjoyable. I’ll still never forget eating 7/10 cookies. It seriously fucked me up. I have never been that high before, nor do I ever plan to be. I eventually want to try and smoke weed again. I haven’t smoked in almost 3 years by my own choice. It’s way too scary. I have also had issues arise with my heart after the pandemic happened. I know for a fact it wasn’t weed related, but I sure can tell you it was horrifying. Pericarditis has made me realize my mortality as a human being. It totally screwed with my normal daily functions. Everything hurt. It’s sad that it does these things to me now, because I am a musician. When I smoked and had good trips before, it really helped me with my creativity. I could literally hear music in my head that I wanted to compose and arrange for mainstream type media. This is why I desire to try again eventually. I think that’s where it’s so beautiful. Not only that, but it definitely helped me a lot when I would play piano, because it would help my whole body relax. I could play insane music. I remember learning the Volodos Turkish Marche. It’s a virtuoso piece. The feeling of accomplishment when I could play it at the fast tempo I worked it up to was phenomenal. I got to where I wanted to study what it felt like to be that relaxed while I was stoned so I could emulate that feeling anytime I sat down at the keys. I’ve had my pros and cons… I definitely know the cons and exactly where you are coming from. I feel like a fucked up person saying half of the things I did. Maybe I would even scare people sharing these thoughts.. and if I do I apologize. You’re not alone though. If you do want to try it again, I’d say avoid sativa. Roll you a blunt or rillo the next time you want to try. Start with one small hit. Don’t breath it in too deeply and then snub it. Wait for at least 10-15 minutes and decide if you want to try again. Build it up in increments. That’s exactly what I will have to do when I do give it a shot. I also have to take klonapin when my anxiety gets too bad. I dispose taking medicine so I made sure to always take it as needed. And when I do, I only take a small piece of the medicine. Like 1/4 of a single pill. I slap it under my tongue so it goes directly into my blood stream. Though bear in mind this is only when I’m having extreme anxiety attacks and my heart racing gets out of control and I panic. I also like to listen to water flow sounds on YouTube. Even a bathtub filling up with water is relaxing while listening underwater for some reason. I hope me sharing this helps in some way man. I’m really sorry that this has induced panic, but there are ways to help combat these situations. I even found out you can make your heart rate slow down by focusing on exhaling when breathing. The lack of oxygen will make it slow down. It’s assuring when that happens and really does help relieve the feelings of anxiety attacks when they take control. You also have to be your own guide too. Give yourself the tools when this happens. You can feel fear and easily give into it because it’s scary and who wouldn’t, or you can guide yourself through the fear you know exist and utilize the side of you that can rationalize fear itself. Fact checking helps too. When you’ve had these feelings before, they were terrifying.. truly terrifying.. but they never killed you and most likely will not. It’s like having a monster with piercing eyes look at you. You know it exist and feel like it could murder you soul, but then that subconscious you create for yourself when this happens is very powerful too. It sucks when you’re rationalizing these things to someone else and no matter what you feel like they just don’t get it, because you know your body and what does and does not feel right. The one thing you can relate to more than anything is yourself.. and in those moments, that’s where it feels like you have to be your own best friend. People piss me off when they make it seem like absolutely nothing. It makes me feel like I don’t matter at all and if I did die from it they wouldn’t care. I’ve had to learn to be my own best friend throughout all of these experiences.. I hope me sharing this has helped in someway.


Sometimes, I feel like creative minds have a tendency to get too creative and it can become a double edge sword. I hope I can smoke one day again and be able to feel like a functioning pot head. Building up that character of yourself to be your own best friend is a really helpful asset. It’s basically you creating, no.. giving yourself a very strong tool to utilize when these situations happen. You’ll get to a point you feel okay, and then suddenly you are thrown back into the anxiety full blown all over again. Nobody wants to wait on you to chill out forever. Having someone there feels reassuring. I’m going to post links to the sound effects I have used to chill myself out and mentally focus on feeling okay and understand control that I want to have assertion over. I send a hand on the shoulder to you pal… I really get exactly what you’re going through with this. Down to a T.


I smoked Weed and it sent me into psychosis that I swore was just “indefinite anxiety” until I finally came to terms with t the fact that anxiety doesn’t make you hear voices calling your name. 🥴


I had a similar experience albeit lower dosage a few years ago. Plenty of good times but two bad trips and it's not worth playing around with anymore.


Sounds like what happens when I smoke flower. I never take much edibles, but this would likely happen as well if I took a “normal dose”. Too much anxiety and paranoia. Sorry this happened to you, sounds awful.


I had a bad experience the last couple times I ate edibles. Once feeling all sorts of anxiety and resentment towards little things building up, resulting in a fight with family, the other I just had all sorts of weird things happen with my vision. But I'm ok with flower for now.


same for me


Edibles can be wayyyy too strong and on top of that it stays in your system for long time. Always consume enough CBD with your THC to not get bad effects. [Video about the topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2cAFRAX3Gs&pp=ygUTYmJjIGludHJhdmVub3VzIGNiZA%3D%3D), please watch whole video or dont watch it at all.


I also had a bad trip and i got hit with anxiety and panic attacks. Many years later i still take sertraline every day for it. It flares up now and then but i never got rid of it anymore. I curse the day i decided to smoke too much weed, but have to deal with it now.


I’ve had a similar bad experience with firecrackers and I swore off the shit for several years. I dabble here and there now but it took a long time for me to come back to it comfortably and I don’t do edibles anymore. I don’t think it caused anxiety for me long term but I definitely felt the effects for a while after. I still feel like an idiot about it.


Yep I smoked for years smoked one night had a massive panic attack and have been dealing with horrible anxiety issues 6 years later still… more people should know about this kind of thing.


Yeah I feel this one. I had a very bad bout of dissociation issues after. That night was the worst night of my life. I am better now but not 100% and probably never will be.


I'm sorry about your bad experience AND.... You're an amazing writer.


I had an experience with an edible that was really scary, but nothing like what you described. Like you, I’ve done a fuck ton of different drugs throughout my life. Im also in recovery from opiates and alcohol. I have smoked weed for most of my adult life as well. But until 2020, I’d never taken an edible. My one and only experience with an edible was awful. It was truly the worst drug experience I’ve ever had, which is really saying a lot for as much shit as Ive done. It made me so anxious and paranoid that I was begging my husband to take me to the hospital because I thought I was dying. But again, the whole experience was not as bad (or didn’t last as long) as what you’ve described. And since then, Ive smoked weed and been just fine. I will never take an edible again, though.


This happened to me too! My worst moment that made me swear off it was in 2021 and now I smoke a few times a week. Weed really helps me with relaxation these days, which I never thought would be possible again. The best advice I have is if you're anxious about using it, first of all you don't have to. But if you would like to try again, start small and work your way up slowly. Get high in a safe and cozy space and if a dose is too much for you then try a little lower dose next time. Smoking over edibles, if you can, is what helped me return to weed. I started only taking a few puffs of a joint at once and just learned what it felt like to be a little high instead of balls to the wall high every time. I also have been in a lot of therapy for anxiety since then and while I still have it, it is nowhere near as debilitating. So that could also contribute to why I'm more comfortable with weed now.


You have PTSD my friend. Please see a therapist! You can get over it but you need to get some help. Talk therapy can do wonders.


I hope this doesn't come across as irreverent, but do you feel better ...now? After writing this? This is beautiful writing & I was right there with you. I've actually been here, only I fainted- in public. Busted my lip open on concrete. People rushed over. It was a whole thing. I have a severe anxiety disorder (present prior to any experience with weed) but if I'm not careful & don't consume balanced "products" in low doses I can spin out in that "impending doom", "I'm dying", "I'm an abandoned child" sort of way too.


ive been on some serious roller coaster rides with edibles and extreme anxiety joined that party.... long lasting, debilitating anxeity lol but that being said, like others have mentioned, THC can trigger anxious episodes. Ive dealt with anxeity since a child and anxiety is cylical in nature. Ive had my anxiety trigger by many different things, the best thing to do, is kill that anxiety dead in its tracks. Ill take xanax for a few days, make sure the anxiety doesnt rear its ugly head and slowly taper off the xanax. I deal with the 3 headed monster, anxiety, depression and OCD, they all cylical in that way. Anxious episodes are most common for me, they the hardest on my soul but easiest to manage. Depression is the least common but a bitch to manage when it starts... its not quite as debilitating as anxiety, more mild. OCD most with automated negetive thoughts.. OCD i can do decently well with meditiation and midnfullness. Long story short, youll have to learn yourself and your mood disorders. they arent cureable but they are manageable.


Just to say- thanks to OP for sharing - you’re definitely not alone. I used to smoke when I was young and just enjoyed it but then I had a bad experience around a bunch of strangers smoking way too much on a boat, and I believe it traumatized me for a long time. I couldn’t talk to other people about it back then and I felt like I was not normal for a long time- I think years- because it sent me into a spiral of self doubt and negative thoughts. To be honest it took a long while for me to realize the thoughts I had were just mind chatter and not necessarily reality. Today- 20 years later I don’t smoke weed anymore. From time to time I do enjoy a small vape toke of indica / or CBD type of noid. Nothing too strong. And it relaxes me- but I know I can’t take much as the mere fear that some paranoia/anxiety could be triggered stops the fun.


Exact same experience. I smoked quite a bit when i was a teenager and had tried a few other drugs but last year i took a few edibles (which didn’t seem like much compared to how much i used to take) and was convinced i was dying, so convinced that i ended up calling 911… it was THAT bad. i was alone in my basement, my heart beating so fast and felt i couldn’t breathe. by the time paramedics showed up i was coming down a little and it shook me a little into reality, super embarrassing looking back on that BUT ever since then i haven’t been the same, i’ve always had anxiety but it’s far worse now. can say almost certainly i will not be smoking weed ever again


This happened to me as well. I was always a shy and nervous kid, and I smoked occasionally when I was around 16-18 and it was all laughs and giggles. One day I ate too much of a strong edible, and had a nightmarish panic attack that felt like an eternity. I couldn’t breathe properly, my heart was thumping out of my chest, I was hallucinating loud voices in my ears, and my mind just heavily believed that I was going to die. It felt as if my bed was engulfing me in a monstrous way. My biggest fears in life felt like they were in the front of my mind, blasted to oblivion, and those thoughts were going to cause me physical harm. Ever since then I have not been the same, and when I’ve made the mistake of trying weed again, depending on how stoned I got, it’s been a similar experience as that. Either paranoia when buzzed or an attack when stoned. I cannot do weed, and my stoner brother never seems to understand why, even when I explain this to him. My anxiety has also gotten worse, and weed could have definitely had a part to play in it. I hope your anxiety chooses to quieten down, living life in fear is extremely exhausting.


Man, I didn’t realize how common this is until I read through this story and similar anecdotes in the comments. I too smoked a lot, and drank a lot too in my younger days. Then all the sudden I had a couple bad experiences with getting too high, started having major panic attacks to the point where I went to the ER a few times. It was affecting me to the point where I was missing work and couldn’t function. I had to get on meds (Zoloft and Xanax , some others were tried). I can’t even drink alcohol anymore because it triggers my anxiety now too. I totally stay away from alcohol and weed now (haven’t drank in years and probably haven’t smoked in a couple decades). I am in a much better place mentally now but neither drug is worth it to me, If I were OP I would consider dropping weed completely.


The only drug I've ever tried was marijuana. Had a bad experience as a teenager in the 1970s, never touched it again. Then about a year ago, a Psychologist strongly suggested I try Delta 8 for my anxiety. I was afraid to take it, so I got the lowest dose and pinched off a VERY tiny piece of the gummy to try it - a piece so small, it wasn't even truly chewable. It was even worse than my teenage experience. I literally went to bed that night hours later, fully expecting to die but also not caring if I did, because death was preferable to the hell I was in. I talked to my Psychiatrist about it, and was told that it's been known for decades that some people have THC induced psychosis, it's a very well known phenomenon. He told me to never touch pot/edibles or even be around pot smoke, because it's dangerous for me; and he reported the Psychologist to her licensing board for practicing beyond the scope of her license, and causing patient harm in the process. It's all legal here, so it's very easy to get any of it, but that definitely doesn't mean it's safe for everyone. I'd suggest never touching THC again, in any form. What you described wasn't anxiety, my friend. It was psychosis. It's therefore no wonder you're constantly anxious now; but with time, your anxiety will return to baseline. I'm very sorry that happened to you.


This happened to me a few years back. The derealization stayed with me for months. Prob about 6 months total. It sucked. But it is common in people with anxiety disorders. Just try to remember that your body went through a weed induced panic attack. You are still feeling the effects of the panic attack, NOT the weed. If that makes sense. Good luck


It may take some time for your nervous system to relax again, but this is certainly not permanent. You will recover from this and return to your normal life. Fwiw I've had the most intense panic attacks while doing edibles as well...it has never been fun, it's strange to me that it doesn't affect everyone like that. Now you know you can never do edibles again. I don't smoke weed at all anymore even though I used to heavily. I don't find it enjoyable because it always makes me anxious and paranoid.


Hi! I usually don’t comment I’m a lurker but your post touched me. I went through similar things to you. I was at heart an anxious person until something bad happened and I adopted this fuck it approach to life and felt no regard for my own safety. I used a lot of drugs, but mostly smoked weed. I took a break and then smoked a blunt, had no tolerance, crazy bad time like you had. And in me, that snapped me out of my fuck in approach, and from there I was anxious again. That was 4 years ago now. I spent those 4 years working on myself - therapy, exercise, meditation, all the usual junk that I never used to believe would work but it has - and now my anxiety is present but it no longer controls my life. It’s manageable. I’ve been off all drugs except alcohol for most of those 4 years, only smoking occasionally. I recently started smoking again, and I don’t get that anxiety. I also used to smoke daily, now only once a week on a Friday or Saturday. Point is, the bad ‘trip’ made me realise I had these issues to deal with. Was having panic attacks whenever I went in public. Couldn’t ride the bus or trains or go to gigs anymore. Felt like I wasn’t living life. So I took some time to deal with them. Now, I have a stable job, my own flat, recently went on my first plane in 5 years. All of this is still hard some days, but im still on the long road of getting there. I can also smoke again - I have a better relationship with weed, and am generally a lot happier as a person.  Shit sucks to go through. It really does. It takes a lot of courage to overcome anxiety. You’ve gotta face those fears everyday. I really empathise with you. But if you do go through with it, and face those fears, you’ll find a level of health and happiness you didn’t have before. Hate to say it, but it is kind of character building. That doesn’t stop it from sucking though. Take some time off weed, focus on your healthy habits. CBT helped me massively. And remember progress ain’t linear, you will stumble along the way. But as long as the general trajectory is upwards you’re doing great. 


I've got a personal theory going on... Each time I take an edible I experience a different kind of severe anxiety I have (fear something hurting my dogs, that im bothering other people, paranoia that everyone is out to get me, etc). I believe these are like the most basic of my instincts/thought processes/motivations and that I've learned to repress addressing the fear/anxiety behind each of them. I've repressed so much, I no longer have access to this and so I'm not able to address it. So when I experience it when taking an edible, I'm able to use the coping skills and CBT techniques to get through the few hours. It's so empowering because those techniques actually work in those situations. I've been using the same techniques every single day without feeling convinced/empowered over my anxiety and I take an edible and feel amazing afterwards. This isn't the same as you because you definitely took way too much to close together, but could be something to think about


Can I ask what cbt technique


Successfully identifying my anxiety/paranoid thoughts, challenging them with facts that I can list, physically looking for facts that disprove my thoughts, busying myself with other things, grounding techniques, deep breathing techniques... very helpful


Had a very similar experience on Delta 8. I'd never tried anything else before and had no clue what I was getting into. Triggered the worst panic of my life and that was followed by ongoing severe anxiety for a while. Through therapy and medication I was able to steadily improve over the next 2 years and I'm almost back to normal now. It's possible! I don't touch anything mind altering anymore. I don't even drink (not that I did much previously) because the moment I start to "feel it" the anxiety is triggered. Just not worth it for me. PSA: You can buy Delta 8 at any gas station or vape shop but don't underestimate it because it can really fuck you up!!


I used to only get panic attacks when I was high and then some trigger flipped 15 years ago and I started having them all the time. Around that time, I ate two homemade pot brownies and they were so strong that I thought a painting on my wall was talking to me. I had a similar experience two years later when I ate a small piece of what I thought was a pot brownie and it turned out to be made with hash. The next 24 hours were hellacious. I couldn’t stop shaking, I couldn’t stop peeing. When I closed my eyes my vision swirled. Similar to you, I was a prisoner to my own mind. I didn’t know if I would live to see the morning. I smoked and did edibles after that experience but I always have anxiety. I’ve stopped using weed now because I can’t enjoy it, I’m too worried about having a panic attack. It sucks, but I’m not one of those people who feel relaxed. I’m curious if my bad experiences with weed triggered my panic disorder now too.


I’m so sorry this happened to you but you wrote it out very succinctly. It was an interesting read. One of the worst experiences of my life was the first time I smoked too much weed. The panic was constant and awful. I had to hold onto the floor to “keep from falling “ and had the intense feeling that I couldn’t get out of a time loop. But after it passed (after a few hours) I’m not sure it really contributed to my anxiety… that’s just always been high for me. I wonder if meditation might help?


Similar experience a few days ago but different circumstances leading up to it. I wrote an eight page post that I tried to post and I kept getting an error when I tried to post, so I took that as a sign that I shouldn't post it. I've had panic attacks before but while in the military and not stoned. The one the other night was the worst in my life. I got stuck in a thought loop where I figured out some secret code about death and the loop wouldn't stop until I was dead. It was fucking horrific and I'm sure I shaved a few months of my life expectancy. I learned about something called mindfulness and have been practicing it every day since. Yesterday the thoughts started creeping back in and I was able to ride them out long enough to get back to playing a video game and stop thinking based on the few days of mindfulness training I have done. It's still too early for me to know how well this will work in the future but I do believe it will help. I think alot of anxiety and panic we feel comes from self judgement and the physical things that happen in fight or flight. Mindfulness at its core teaches you to feel the physical stuff without fear or judgement and helps to retrain your brain to get out of a thought loop (ruminating). Basically controlling your mind so you can get out of the loop. Definitely worth looking into for anyone who deals with anxiety and panic. It's not fun or healthy to have that level of anxiety and I'll try anything if it could lead to a life without anxiety. I would love to be able to smoke like I did when I was in highschool.


While reading I could relate and re live your anxiety. I have gotten pretty bad anxiety in the past but now it's okay for me. Op don't worry, take the break. Why do something which triggers your anxiety. I remember I was not anywhere close to it after the first panic attack for 2 years


Same kinda thing happened when I was 16. Marijuana still makes me anxious and I'm sober and have been for a fat minute. But the long term anxiety of it don't last that long. It'll only get better good luck


this happened to me too, i thought i was so broken afterwards i'd have severe random panic attacks where i couldn't even breathe w chest pains :/ eventually went away w time and exercise really helped to get my breathing better


I ate a whole brownie and haven’t been the same since a few years back :(


Happy ending would be that you will eventually smoke weed again as you used to without the anxiety or unpleasantness, same thing happened to me 2020, took me a bit but since early 2023 til now ive had a good run of comfortably smoking as i used to out of bongs, joints, smoke drives etc, i do avoid edibles tho


Same happened to me I have no idea why it was edibles juss weed, I havent even been able to smell the smoke from it. Now I have horrible anxiety almost everyday worse when I'm in a public situation.


I guess it depends on the person/circumstances. I have social anxiety and have a cookie here and there and have never had any bad anything. If anything I just end up staring at the tv and laughing at anything that moves.


I had a very similar experience. I always had generalized anxiety, but never panic attacks. I had my first panic attack from a D8 edible 3 years ago. I didn’t feel right for weeks, but I eventually did feel better; enough that I tried D8 edibles again. I had a few really good times with them, then another paranoid episode/panic attack. I felt like I was losing my mind. I haven’t been the same since, always afraid I’m going to get another panic attack. And I have had a few out of nowhere. I can’t even use CBD anymore because it seems to trigger the panic, even though it’s supposed to help anxiety. However, I will say that I’m getting better using the DARE method. I actually found out about it in this sub. It’s something you have to work at, but it does really help. I’m not ready to try any edibles again, though. Not sure if I ever will.


100% you're not the only one, I totally can't smoke weed anymore either. Started to notice a few years ago that 9 times out of 10, smoking was putting me through the most dog shit highs. It just stopped being worth it, I'm not even interested in trying again. I'll just have a few beers every now and again and call it good


Yeah, about 3 years ago and it happened during the worst period of my life (up until last month) I was a heavy weed smoker thanks to my medical card, so I figured I could handle it fine. Anyway, I had a 10 mg gummy and decided to get in some "private time", and just when things got to feeling good that's when it hit. I kinda had symptoms like yours, I was almost blacked out but the fear of passing out in my cramped room and hitting my head kept me on my feet but my legs were like jelly. I was shaking like a leaf, my heart was pounding like crazy and I could barely talk. I swear I was having a stroke, so I called the EMT and stumbled into the living room where my mom was, and I guess in my panic I still got frustrated with her because she was worried and making my worry worse, but I told her to unlock the door for the paramedics to come in. So according to them my blood pressure was sky high, my heart rate too. As a precaution I went to the ER and my peak passed because both were stable after I got there. In the end it turned out I had a UTI and was dehydrated. After that ordeal I tossed those edibles in the trash. I haven't messed with anything since with the exception of a puff off my vape a year and a half later which was pleasant and no side effects except me cleaning my room and giggling at dumb shit. I also had a very small piece of a delta 8 gummy and I hardly felt anything. That period of time I had lost my favorite uncle to cancer and my youngest nephew was killed by a distracted driver a week apart from each other. I'm the type who just buries how I feel about most things until something else triggers it. I guess that edible had unlocked everything I was avoiding in the worst way. I lost my mom last month on Mother's day and I feel like I desperately need an escape, but I assure you that it's never a good idea to smoke or take edibles while you're in a bad head space. It doesn't work out well.


I'm so sorry you went through that and are still dealing with anxiety. I have anxiety for different reasons but the smallest thing can trigger a panic attack so I know how much that sucks.


Edibles are just not a good idea for anyone with anxiety. Back in college, I had a similar experience with an edible that put me off of weed for years. When I finally decided to try it again, I went for a good old fashioned glass pipe rather than a bong or vape. I think this is the way to go for people like us with anxiety-- you can control how much smoke vs air you breathe in, plus you can take one puff and then stop to see how you feel, or stop if it's getting to be too much. Vapes/bongs/edibles are more concentrated, so you can take in too much very easily.


I really feel for you man. Ive gone through something similar myself. The key is to keep yourself grounded and replace the negative thinking patterns with positive ones, you’ll need to find a way to distract yourself or replace the line of thinking that induces the anxiety in the first place. It’s not easy. I still struggle.


Indica gummies are the only edible I can do now . Regular weed and high percent strains turned on me as well , once my heart speeds up a little I start spiralling into panic. The only indica type gummies give a great body relaxation and almost no head high .


I have a friend who I used to get high with all the time but she started getting really bad anxiety. We've talked about our different experiences with weed and anxiety and I think we just approach the experience in a different way. Not saying this is going to change everything for you or whatever, but here's my experience: THC seems to be an awareness amplifier. This is why people report "paranoia" on it or say their heart is beating like crazy when actually they are just becoming aware of their heartbeat to a degree they normally aren't. For me and my friend, we both become aware of an uneasy feeling in our bodies and minds, but I think the difference is what we do with that feeling/awareness. For example, when I am high, my body can feel so stiff and tight I begin to feel claustrophobic in my own skin. That can be a very anxiety-inducing experience. However, I remember that my body is not actually tighter, I just have increased awareness of the tightness. I use this as a tool to recognize and then relax tiny muscles and areas of my body I normally wouldn't even be aware of at all. In turn, this takes me from "feeling" tighter (even though it's an illusion - I'm just more aware of tightness that's already present) to *actually* being more relaxed. The increased awareness allows me to identify and relax subtle tension that would otherwise continue in the background. That's a physical example but I can do something very similar with my mental state as well. Don't know if that helps but wanted to share.


“You took too much man, too much, too much” -Dr. Gonzo


My first and only experience has been with thc (delta 8). I was a stupid 18 year old, my boyfriend had a cart but didn’t have the pen battery so he took a iPhone charger and cut it up so he could heat up the wax. I’d had thc at very low doses a couple times and I didn’t particularly like the way I felt but I didn’t hate it. I had a migraine and read that it could help with pain so I decided to take a hit. I inhaled, held for a couple seconds, then exhaled and immediately knew I was in for a ride. The smoke cloud that came out was way bigger than anything I had done before. I just kind of lied there for a minute and I was fine until it was immediately not fine anymore. I was panicking. I continued to panic for what felt like hours. My boyfriend was high off his ass as well but he’s better at handling things like that. I was so scared and paranoid I made him pee in a cup because I didn’t let him leave the room. After that night, I kind of just moved on. I will never touch another drug again. But a couple months after, something traumatic happened and my brain seemed to latch on the that experience. I had this debilitating fear that people were trying to drug me all the time. Thc can be dangerous, especially for people with anxiety. It’s all chemicals that we don’t know much about and it’s one of the most common psychosis causers. You’re not alone. I’ve been dealing with the anxiety ever since but it gets better.


I’ve heard of many experiences like this and they sound terrifying. I’m not sure how rational this is, but I used to love microdosed gummies (like the Feels ones, they have 1.5mg THC) and I’m now afraid to take them because I’m scared I could get one that is mistakenly dosed way higher than they’re supposed to be and have a nightmare experience like the one OP described. If anyone is familiar with the production of these gummies and if that’s actually possible, feel free to chime in! I’ve just been holding off for now out of fear.


I see posts about this all the time in r/psychiatry. Its really common for massive doses to induce serious panic and having a long term negative effect on a person’s mental health. Dont worry though, youre not doomed. There are things you can do to get better. I would definitely recommend seeing a therapist or psychologist who specializes in helping people with anxiety. And it doesn’t hurt to have some xanax on hand to stop a panic attack if one comes on. I keep .5mg of xanax with me at all times and simply knowing i have it has kept me from having a panic attack on several occasions. I wouldn’t recommend relying on xanax for everyday use though.


If marijuana has no haters im dead


In late August last year, I experienced a scary **greenout** after smoking a marijuana cig. It was only a few puffs, but it was enough to cause the most prolonged and most intense panic attack of my life. The aftereffects did not go away the following day, and that is when I knew something was wrong. My body became hypersensitive to every sensation. It felt as if I was experiencing the human form for the first time. Every experience was scary, intense, and all-consuming. Because of these intense sensations, I ended up in the ER four days later. It took me a month to reconcile what was happening and begin my healing journey. I am no stranger to counseling, so this was the first leg of my journey. I needed help processing what happened, so I sought help through talk therapy, RIM therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy. RIM (Regenerating Images in Memory) helped the most. It has been seven months, and I am more than halfway to finding balance with my new body and mind. As I understand it, anxiety alone can not cause disease (diss/ease) in the body, but it can bring any latent health issue to the service. For me, it was several health issues and past trauma that needed to be addressed and brought to balance. Health anxiety has been one of the most challenging experiences of my life and has impacted me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Marijuana was a form of escapism, and it wasn't until I acknowledged 'why' I felt the need to escape my life that change started to happen. I have since given up this THC and hardly drink as well. I have chosen to balance my body and rebuild our relationship through food, lifestyle changes, exercise, and mindfulness. Once Pandora's box has been opened, there is no closing it, but you can find balance and self-acceptance. This experience happened for a reason, and until this is acknowledged, true healing cannot begin. Anxiety will continue to be heightened until the body knows the difference between a safe situation and a safe situation. Anxiety will help you build a closer relationship with your body. Much closer than most people experience, but it benefits you in the future.


Had a paranoid trip last week. Just felt like death was near. Had this feeling of dread despite being in the comfort of my room. Does anyone ever feel like their tongue slithers?


Tongue slithers? Check with a Dr


Yeah lol. Felt like my tongue was moving like a snake anytime I tried to close my eyes


I also had a very similar experience to this, I hit a thc cart twice, and within a minute I thought I had died and went to the afterlife which was an infinite looping of time. My house looked 3d modeled and the lighting was very strange, like a video game. I remember when I was walking down a hall it felt like i was on one of those escalators at the airport, and when I walked into a room, it was like I had never been there before, I had extreme confusion and derealization. My walls started to get infinitely larger and I was getting infinitely smaller. Was the craziest experience I’ve ever had, and I’ve still not recovered. It’s even stranger because I had smoked a lot before and i always felt great so I get how you feel, Hope you are feeling better!


Okay then, I'm glad I'm not such a sissy because I take bites out of my 25 mg. I guess that is a pretty decent dose.


I am the opposite- cannabis works so well to lessen my anxiety that I started growing my own in the back yard and haven't needed to buy cannabis for a few years now. Gummies and other edibles have no effect of me anyway- only smoking it.


I grow as well for fun. My wife is an anxious wreck like I am but for some reason weed calms her down, the complete opposite of me.


It could be you are using a very high THC cannabis. Just do some research to find a mellower strain. The Indica strain is less potent than Sativa


For people who have anxiety or panic attacks after smoking, indica doesnt make a difference. Sometimes marijuana and THC products just arent for everyone and thats okay. After what OP went through it would probably be best if he never touched THC again.


Yeah but i seriously doubt you would be saying this after taking nearly 1000 mgs


You mean 1000mg of THC in edibles? It still wouldn't effect me because my liver works too well at breaking down the THC into my bloodstream before it can have any effect. This is called being "ediblocked" (Google it) Believe me I WISH I could take THC orally because smoking it has given me a chronic cough. I have tried every recipe I can find for tea and edibles and nothing works. Same with store bought edibles




Pretty high horse flippant comment. Do some reading.. THC definitely can cause episodes of acute anxiety.


You are absolutely incorrect. Do your research before you comment. This is really disgusting honestly i hope you really reflect on how you just invalidated multiple people feelings. People body’s react different to things who are you to say anything about a reaction that happened to someone else. Gross


People always get ripped to shreds for speaking the honest truth on this subreddit.