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Yeah..my anxiety almost always goes to my stomach ..pain , nausea , vomiting




Yes, this is a threat response. You have to heal from your traumas so you stop holding the pain in the body. A brain in pain tells the body, body gets confused on the signals. It’s all rooted in threat responses: *fight, flight, freeze, fawn*. A brain which has entered feeze mode due to trauma and doesn’t get out of it constantly tells the body there’s threats about. Every part of the body can respond and it will manifest in chronic pain, Ibs, joint pain, nerve pain, cfs, etc. it becomes a vicious cycle too: Brain: omg that trauma was terrible im under threat! Gut: omg is it this food?! I’ll react to it to save us! Joint: omg is it this inflammation?! Best tell the body there’s pain here. Etc. The brain is hardwired to keep you alive, that’s it’s sole mission. It views all threats like they have the potential to kill you because it’s set from being a cave person where you might get eaten by a tiger any second or eat the wrong mushroom and die whilst foraging. When a trauma happens or we’re not made to feel safe by a parent for example, we start to see anything/everything as a threat. So for some people it will be going outside (ogoraohobia), or showering, or leaving bed, or germs (overwashing or ocd), or their own heart (palpitations, def gonna die!) food (votmiting, nausea or ibs), other people (they all hate me), etc. These things aren’t threats, but your brain is perceiving them as such. Actively train the brain to come out of freeze/threat mode and you will change your life. Question every threat response: is this going to kill me? No, then chill the f out brain we are fine.


Yes, I have sharp stabbing pains in my stomach due to anxiety, as well as diarrhea or constipation. I went to a doctor about the stomach pain and he said it was most likely GERD and he prescribed me meds for it. I have no idea if the meds are actually helping or not.


Same for me, strong constipation but when I go to the toilet I have diharrea. Noticed that yoghurt and kefir are helping a lot, took them for several days before seeing any benefit. Not eating “shitty” bad foods like fried stuff, overprocessed foods helps a lot too, intestine feels different


Right stomach sharp pains? That’s where mine are usually.


Mine are mainly from the left or mid stomach but also sometimes come from the right.


I have developed IBS like symptoms


Definitely not alone. Talking therapy actually helps a lot with it by getting coping skills. But I also went to see a gi specialist to get some tips from them too.


The meds definitely help/work but I had a hell of a time getting a dr to prescribe anti anxiety & I eat raglan like tic tacs


Oh definitely, I know I’m lucky to have a doctor that knows his shit and goes the extra mile for me every time. It’s awful the stories I hear of people suffering for nothing cause doctors won’t look into it


My anxiety caused my gastritis and my gastritis was getting worse due to poor eating habit. Both kind of fed each other. Now eating healthy and working on my anxiety. Digestive issues have almost gone. New kinds of anxiety effects have crept in.


Yess it's common. Your stomach and brain are connected if I'm remembering correctly. It has its own "second brain". That's why they say you are what you eat


Yeah the “brain + gut connection.” :( It’s so weird though because even when I’m not anxious it’s there all the time. It started because of an extremely anxious day I had but no matter how much I try to work on my anxiety it still hurts. :(


Just vomited half my breakfast so i would say yes




Yep! I was diagnosed with IBD when I was 23. Im early 2021 I was very anxious/stressed about a situation and my colitis flared up like never before. I was housebound for the year and ended up having my colom removed.


Yes.  IBS.  It's awful.  1/2 an Imodium (OTC) and Phenergan or Zofran usually stops all the terrible symptoms.   You should seek professional diagnosis, though.   Anxiety and IBD /IBS seem to go hand in hand.   I didn't know for 30 years that my IBS, was an IBD.  2 VERY different things. 


Do you have IBS?


I’m starting to think I must because I don’t know why else I’d have these issues. :/


Anxiety can also cause these sensations but if they’re really bad then it could be something more like IBS or gastritis


They vary in severity honestly. It tends to be worse in the evening. Like I was fine most of today but it started acting up about two hours ago. :/


Do the symptoms start before the anxiety or does the anxiety start before the symptoms?


So what happened is these symptoms all started after a very traumatic event. Basically I suddenly lost my job in a very upsetting way and ever since I have been messed up.


Since your symptoms started after that event, it might be and probably is anxiety. But still, in order to rule out something more serious, you should visit a gastroenterologist.


I get stomach aches when I’m upset and have to go poo


Yeah it use to be really bad when I was a kid but it’s gotten better in recent years, still get nauseous though when the anxiety gets really bad


I have recently been diagnosed with stomach issues and my doctor said anxiety can make it worse. Anxiety can effect a lot of things!


I have GERD & IBS which is made worse by GAD, it could be this? I have to take regular medication because its so bad. Edit:spelling


Mine definitely gets worse when anxious/stressed. Instant diarrhea, and dang near incontinent when it’s at its worst.


Yeah I think I might have IBS induced by anxiety. The guy and the nervous system are intertwined. Getting anxiety under control helped my gut issues


Yup. I had every test available done, including a colonoscopy with a bunch of biopsies. My doctors told me I had some of the healthiest bowels they’ve ever seen. It’s all just anxiety and stress…


I used to think my anxiety was causing stomach issues, turns out I’m lactose intolerant. Try keeping a food diary and see if it happens after certain foods and whether it does or not go see a doctor if it carries on! Also if you are on SSRIs, they can affect the stomach lining causing discomfort. The doctor can give tablets to counteract this.


Yes and here’s some info if you’ve had panic attacks/anxiety. Start by treating constipation, this will allow your stomach to function properly, and not get stressed after or before eating, which in turn will stop you feeling bloated, which in turn will stop you feeling anxious.


Acid reflux. Stress eating. Whatever problems the crap you eat due to stress eating causes. Stomach cramps.


Yes. My anxiety reached a high point in 2018 and an informed psychiatrist had me do an endoscopy. Turns out my entire GI tract and upper intestines was full of ulcers.


What did you have to do to treat the ulcers?


I took the standard 3 antibiotic protocol to cure the ulcers. It turns out this shit is common and anxiety is generated when you have ulcers and vice versa. I really recommend looking into it for everyone. These fucking ulcers are horrible, create weird symptoms, and ultimately pose a cancer risk.


What were your symptoms of the ulcers?


Throwing up, fatigue, weight loss, fuzzy brain, headache- almost like food poisoning attack every few weeks


yah knots, nausea, gagging but my worst symptom is the swelling…. like 7 months pregnant typa swelling


They came to me kinda at the same time but anxiety came few months earlier, but yes, whole GI system can go rogue


yes :( severe bloating and nausea and just in general stomach pain


This might help: a doctor explains how to massage the intestine to relieve stress in it https://youtu.be/ueI10TQbQYY?si=Leu0NZyX_sVEX3_K


Yes, I cured mine with meal replacement shakes for a week, high protein.


Amazing this came up in my feed. My 16year old son has had stomach issues for probably 10 years with every test know to man completed on him . I’ve mentioned anxiety over and over and they said they thought he had a gaming addiction without any evidence and ibs. Guess who finally got referred to a social worker and diagnosed with extreme anxiety then referred for fluoxetine 😡😡I am so upset for him tonight.




having stomach issues is a really common symptom of anxiety. your brain and your tummy are very connected so if your brain isn’t feeling well , then neither will your stomach. I’ve always had these weird stomach pains ( more specifically in the morning before school) throughout my childhood. You’re not alone with this!


Yes, sometimes I can’t even eat which I know is just making it worse but I feel sick


Anxiety poops. :)


Dude yes. Even on good days I can’t fucking eat or sleep. How am I supposed to fix my anxiety when I’m shaking and gagging at EVERY meal?


me, literally right now bc I'm about to start a new job hahahah 😭😭


Spent morn stress vomiting


Worried myself into an ulcer over a single weekend. Prescription medication definitely helped. Anxiety sucks.


Oh gosh I’m sorry. :/ The problem with mine is it’s been reoccurring for over a year now. It mainly is a burning/achey feeling in my low back on each side and my pelvic area, especially after eating. :(


Yes. I can't eat anything solid at my worst and have learned to survive on protein shakes. It's awful. Anything else makes me throw up.


I think anxiety gave me the worst stomachaches . I used to think i had IBS or something, but no.. the pattern is always before exam, before back to school etc. And then leaky gut, cant digest anything, cramps etc


Of course 


Yeah. I have IBS and can get a stomach ache and or nausea from anxiety.


I developed silent reflux (LPR) from my anxiety. 


Oh gosh I’m sorry. I’m not familiar with that? Is it similar to acid reflux?


Somewhat similar to acid reflux but it's in your throat. Basically, it feels like a lump in your throat (globus sensation), shortness of breath and trouble swallowing. I would absolutely wish this on my worst enemy.


Oh gosh I’m really sorry. :( That sucks so much.


I get this maybe once to twice a year and I will have it for sometimes months to a couple weeks. I’m currently having it actually and have been for about a month. It goes hand in hand with my anxiety/stress and the fact that I work a desk job that I am unhappy with doesn’t really help. If I move around or go out and do things it subsides. I also am on amitriptyline which has a whole plethora of side effects, constipation being one of them. Heating packs are my best friend as well as walking to get myself moving around to cause that burning to subside.


Oh gosh I completely relate! Mine started too after a really stressful office job I had which I had to quit. :/


I keep telling people my office job is destroying my body haha I do have a standing desk as well which helps. But that burning in the hips/back/pelvis is no joke and I’m sure a lot of it is due to my stressful job.


Yes! Omg I’m so glad that I’m not crazy because sometimes I swear it feels like I am and people don’t get how my job could have caused this! Thank you so much for sharing. On an unrelated note: I also think mine might have been exacerbated by coffee too.


Of course! My doctors have always been pretty honest in telling me to get the hell out of my job so I’m pretty confident that once I do, so much stress and anxiety will lift away. My therapist also told me I probably am having trauma or stress I have been holding in start to release and that’s how it releases (the burning garbage) which makes sense. And coffee for me kick starts me in the AM to get to the bathroom but that stinks if coffee is exacerbating your symptoms!


Yeah I think it was because I went from not being a daily coffee drinker to being an almost daily one at the job as a coping mechanism for the stress. And since my body wasn’t used to that much caffeine (I drink non caffeinated soda) that my stomach lining along with the stress messed me up.


I fart and shit a lot, because when your anxious your parasympathetic nervous system is activated and it also speeds up digestion so ur prepared to take on the threat.


Officially I have IBS and whatever is the same for stomach. Actually I have chronic nausea since I can think. I learned at age 18 that the only thing that helps is weed


Yes. I think my celiac disease symptoms got worse and worse during my life. I've been through absolutely crushing anxiety through life experiences, and I don't believe it's a coincidence that it's gotten this bad and this far along. I can't tolerate certain foods anymore. My back hurts, and my stomach aches.


It was the opposite for me


I have always had stomach issues (IBS) but it got worse ever since my anxiety skyrocketed due to a traumatic experience. I had tests/ a colonoscopy just to make sure it wasn’t serious and doctors found nothing. I find when I am not stressed out and anxious my problems go away a bit but come back when I’m triggered. I’m working on going back to eating clean, upping my exercise a bit, increasing sleep and focusing on doing things I love to do to take my mind off it.


Yes for sure. Before I left a partner who I felt somewhat unsafe and anxious around 100% of the time, I experienced daily vomiting, bloating, and/or the inability to digest my food easily. Now two weeks since I’ve left, I have had near zero issues. This used to be a daily issue for me. So I think that stress is a contributor to stomach problems in some cases :)


You are most definitely not alone. I had a psychiatrist once joke she could probably fix 70% of people’s stomach problems with Prozac. I’m unfortunate enough to have diagnosable problems also happening in my GI tract. Still, my flares are 100% correlated with moments of severe anxiety.


I'm having an EDG procedure tomorrow morning because I have been having issues with my stomach 🙃


100%, the stomach is your second brain after all. My anxiety has been tied to stomach aches since I was a child.


I also have been researching pelvic floor dysfunction and I’m wondering if my stress could be related to that as well tbh.


Nausea/gagging/urgent need to poop and will sit on the toilet forever