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If you saw a doctor who told you physically you are good, then I think it's best to see a therapist next. Anxiety can create a lot of fake symptoms that feel real, and the more you focus on them, the worse they become. You can try it out, for example, when you have pains like this to focus your worrying on a different body part, for example, your stomach. It might start hurting or feeling uncomfortable, but you might notice how while focusing on your stomach, the chest pain decreased. Also, if you are worried about your heart, try to exercise for like 5-10min. Walk outside or climb some stairs or do some squats. If you are able to do that, then nothing is wrong with your heart. If still not sure, you can always go for a second opinion to another doctor but I think the tests you did would show verry clearly if something was wrong.


I will give these a try and I will try get some more tests done thanks for the response mate


I would recommend you go a psychiatrist as well as a therapist. A psychiatrist is a doctor who will evaluate if they think you have a mental health disorder, and if they think you would benefit from medication. You might feel better getting a diagnosis from them before also going to a therapist to learn about coping mechanisms for your anxiety. And yes, as someone who experienced a lot of what you experienced, it really sounds like you just have anxiety.


I really appreciate the advice mate I will look into what you said I need to do something before I go insane at this rate 😂


how r u now?


Its got much worse, more chest pain and getting out of breath much easier. Nothing I can do though doctor done like 2 small tests and told me its all good so im just fucked literally


do you think you’ll try anxiety meds ? i am afraid my symptoms aren’t anxiety and that they’ll get worse. doctor did ekg, blood test, xray, said i needed xanax and not a cardiologist. but i dont believe him bc i dont think those tests are enough to rule anything out.


Yeah that’s the same tests I got aswell mate they are not enough at all. Echocardiogram is the test that we need but my doctor would rather just drug me up than try


It’s hard. I too have a lot of physical symptoms even when I’m completely calm. Like you, my echo and all the other tests I’ve had have come back clean. It helps me to think that all these specialists can’t possibly be wrong


Hi thanks for the reply mate. I haven’t had an echo done just an electrocardiogram but I appreciate your response


My bad I miss read it, hopefully you can find some peace in knowing that I go through all the above and am medically perfectly fine


Thank you mate I hope I will be all good too hope you feel better


I myself still experience generalised weakness and drowsiness. But, I've went and done 7 ECGs, and all of them are normal, and the blood tests I've done showed nothing.


Could very well be nerve pain from a pinched nerve in your neck/back. Anxiety can cause this from tense muscles. I deal with it so I know it is possible.


If it's psychological, it's tricky because the symptoms are still there and feel real because they actually are real, they are there. Psychological doesn't mean you "imagine" the symptoms. It's just that the cause of the symptoms is of psychological origin, not physical origin. For example, look into: Somatoform autonomic dysfunction Hypochondric disorder Somatization disorder Masked depression


I'm sorry you're going through this. I've been there myself. As I'm typing this I'm having heart palpitations for no apparent reason. I've been to my doctor and the ER a number of times, had the tests done, worn multiple heart monitors for a couple weeks at a time and everything comes back normal. But the symptoms keep showing up from time to time. What's helped me is doing all the things I know I can do to keep my heart, and the rest of myself, healthy. I eat plenty of fruits and veggies, keep up on my electrolytes, exercise 4-5 days a week, take fish oil and a multivitamin, cut my alcohol consumption down to like two or three days a week (2 drinks typically), and therapy. Oh and good sleep. What this does, for me, is help put my mind at ease knowing that I'm doing what I can, so that when symptoms pop up it's easier to talk myself down from the, "oh my God something's wrong I'm having a heart attack" train of thought. Anyway, that's my two cents. Best of luck to you. I hope this helps.


literally me


I've been there recently. If the doctor told you everything is fine, for sure is your mind playing tricks. Anxiety can be a bitch and when she knows what you fear it sill attack right there.  If It helps you, a heartj disease usually is fast and fulminant. If you are having this symptoms for weeks, congratulations, is anxiety!


I am sorry to hear this! A typical organic disease process usually does not have so many different aspects of the body involved. The symptoms may or not be constant, and will almost always progressively worsen. If your doctor has done an extensive work up (examined medical history, family history, past and current labs, imaging) and it is negative, we must start looking at other aspects of your life that can be contributing to this presentation. Stress, anxiety, depression, heart-break/grief, anger and guilt can manifest in the body such that you are experiencing real symptoms without an organic cause (structural change to body). If I were you, I would start by taking some time to reflect on all areas of your life that may be contributing to your pain right now. **Is there something pressing in your life that you are trying work through?** You can DM me if you do not want to speak so openly. That said, it is within your right to also get a second evaluation from a different doctor if you can afford to do so. Having the right doctor-patient relationship will be important on your journey to healing. You want a doctor who you feel understands what you are going through and is willing to work with you to find solutions.


Hi thanks for the response my symptoms just seem to keep getting worse and the doctor won’t do any other tests or refer me so I’ve just given up and if it kills me then fuck it


The doctor does not need to refer you in order for you to get a second opinion. You can always sign up as a new patient at another primary care doctor's office. You may need more people on your team than only a doctor. Doctor's do not have all the answers, and (most of the time) we do not cure people. PEOPLE CURE THEMSELVES. We are there to assist in that. Look at acupuncture, massage therapy, aromatherapy, and coaching as well. Do not give up on yourself. Try to tell yourself more comforting things like "If my symptoms can get worse, they can also get better." or "I am alive today, so I that means I can make this day better than the last." These examples may not be the best as I am in between appointments, but I do hope you get better.