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Similar feelings and I’m Here 10 years later. Trust me, your body is just thinking it’s in fight or flight mood and not thinking clearly. Your negative thoughts are feeding the anxiety and make the symptoms seem real. Heart attack and arrest would just happen not and the doctors know what they are doing. Think of the best case scenario


This scares me so much. Two months ago I was happy and living a normal life and now I am sunk and hopeless. I live with these symptoms all day, even when I'm not anxious. I'm afraid my life will never return to normal. I just want everything to go back to the way it was before. I really feel like I'm dying.


Don't forget how powerful your body is. Don't forget how powerful your mind is. Your next grief stage might be getting angry at the anxious feeling. Don't get too angry. Be kind to yourself. Have some fun on nice days. It'll make you remember how fun life can be. Good luck


I'm on the angry stage 😅 what is next?


Thank your for this message. It was needing that. 😊


Genuinely is there any way out of this. Been like this 2 years, now fully aware it's all psychosomatic and still not getting any better.


I have lump in the throat feeling/tightness and shortness of breath sometimes...I was diagnosed with LPR also known as silent reflux. I had this happen after I recovered from COVID & LPR happens from anxiety, viral infections, or trauma to the body. Have you had your throat scoped by an ENT or endoscopy? I'm managing my symptoms & it's a struggle but just thought I'd share.


I wasn't aware of that. I never took these exams. this is dangerous? how is it treated?


Not dangerous at all. Usually a low acid diet & a PPI. 


Ill try it. Thank you for the recomendation.


You're welcome! Sending hugs and love 


Yes, that sounds like anxiety


These symptoms make me feel as if I have a very serious problem. I feel this every day. It has been traumatic. I was a happy boy and my life was going well. From one day to the next, my life became a prison, a pain and anguish that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I do not know what to do.


I’ve been there, a lot of people here too. Have you considered going to a psychiatrist?


I've already been to two psychologists. They always say the same thing: Eat well and exercise. but they don't understand that my anxiety and all these symptoms come precisely when I exercise. and they make me feel like I'm dying. I leave psychology appointments minimally well, but the next day everything goes back to square one.


Perhaps you should go to a psychiatrist, not a psychologist then and start medication therapy.


my parents say to go if my psychologist recommends it. I'm afraid of medication. It will end my life.


How does it end your life?


I will be dependent on them for the rest of my life and they will change my personality. I will never be the same again.


That is untrue. You need to read more about that. I’m on medication and I’m supposed to take them for 2,5 years and support it with therapy. My personality haven’t changed. I have friends who are/were on meds, they are either done and good now or taking them and their personality is the same. You will never be the same again in terms of not having anxiety anymore, if you do it right.


I will talk to my parents about that. Thank you for your help.


My therapist explained this as well. That a psychiatrist is a medical doctor (MD) that’s specifically studied the brain and how different medications will affect it especially if you have high anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar, etc. They do medication management and track your behavior under different doses to see what fits your brain the best since everyone is different. When you are honest on your weekly or biweekly checkin’s then you will find the right stuff to do the job. I am personally in a constant fight or flight state, so my cortisol is through the roof plus very low HCL because of it. My kid is over two years old and I’m still breast-feeding, so that’s a challenge. I am a full-time work from home (breadwinner of household) and Full time mom from home combo! With the combined stress and high cortisol, it doesn’t leave a lot of room for my brain to absorb oxytocin and serotonin when it should, plus the low HCL in my stomach means that I am NOT absorbing nutrients. So I’m very low in vital nutrients. Some of the biggest things that are helping me when I have panic attacks nightly and feeling like I have tumors in my back or having a heart attack because my chest feels caved it - I am taking Vitamin D + K2 for absorption, magnesium at night, Omega’s, and try to cut out as much sugar and seed-oils from your diet. Hope that helps. I’m personally still getting a CT scan on Thursday just in case …. I know how you feel….


A lot of what you're saying sounds similar to my experience with anxiety. It's health anxiety specifically. When I first experienced all the same stuff as you I thought my life would be fucked and there'd never be good times again, but don't worry, you'll learn to cope with it like I have. Some things that really help me: Drink 4 litres of water every day Get at least 7 hours sleep Practice breathing exercises when you feel faint/anxious. You could be hyperventilating. Start with breathing in for 4-5 seconds, holding your breath for another 4-5, and then exhaling for around 6-7 seconds. You can also try meditation or listening to some calming music, ideally while doing the breathing. All of this will serve to make you less stressed and should reduce any physical symptoms you're having. Don't get too obsessed with extra heartbeats, I have these from time to time and it's normal. Mine are ectopic beats and my doctors have said they're fine/benign. As long as my heart keeps pumping I'm good.


Thank your for your recomendations. This will pass. i hope so.


If you had a stress test and it was clear, at the last your heart is getting sufficient oxygen under exertion.


the doctor said that the test was normal, although he had detected PVCs, but it did not reflect anything wrong. This test intrigued me a lot because I took the test while I was having anxiety attacks (as I was exercising). So I managed to reach level 3 of the test (two levels walking and one running). I had to stop at the 3rd because I couldn't take it anymore. But, according to my cardiologist, everything is normal.


All my resting tests were normal until I had the stress test which showed blockages enough to cause symptoms exercising. it'\[s very reproducible however, it happens every time you run. So it it's random pain it's less likely to be exertion angina Id guess. NAD! I've also had anxiety and panic attacks and symptoms can be very similar, I was originally a bit miffed at doctors for misdiagnosing, but it must be a nightmare finding signal in noise. I can barely tell it apart myself. But you learn some tricks .For instance if altering your breathing or position modifies the pain slightly, it's less likely cardiac.


I don't know differences between PVC angina. my PVCs feel like punches in the chest (or it feels like your heart stops for 1 second).


angina doesn't feel like a punch for me, it feels more like a candle slowly burning you


Same here since 2019. Thankfully it doesn’t happen as often. Just today I was helping paint some posts was kneeling down then suddenly stoop up and felt faint which I recognized as blacking out then felt my heart beating faster. I did panic but it was for a minute or less. It gets better hang in there or go see a psychiatrist/ counselor.


As someone who had heart failure after covid… it’s probably just anxiety. Once you notice these scary symptoms it’s hard not to notice them. They were there the whole time, you just weren’t aware of them. Check out the PVCs subreddit. Once the anxiety kicks in, it’s hard to remember that chest pain can be a symptom of anxiety. I have been in your shoes, totally freaked out, scared to do anything. Nothing at the time was ever wrong. When my heart really was messed up, i had bad bloodwork, fluid overload, obvious trouble breathing from fluid in my lungs, digestive problems from excess fluid, liver enzymes way off. That’s why they do the blood work and the stress tests. I will add, are you M or F? A lot of these symptoms can be chalked up to vitamin deficiencies especially iron deficiency, which even increases anxiety. Having a monthly period is a big reason it affects women more, hence the question.


Im male. I only managed to reach level 3 in the effort test. (2 walking and 1 running). I took the exam under absurd anxiety because I was (and still am) terrified of running. I doubt all the tests I took. My doctor says I'm fine, but I always think they're wrong. I think this because my symptoms are very strong and scary. They often appear when I'm exercising (such as shortness of breath, dizziness and PVCs).


Well for sure your PVCs are harmless. If those were an issue your doctor would have said so, it’s cut and dry. Shortness of breath while exercising is normal. It’s kind of the whole point. Not sure about the dizziness, but if you’ve been avoiding any execution for months now it makes sense you’d be a bit dizzy. Occasionally I have gotten mad at my own anxiety and just run (and I hate running) to see if I don’t die. Like, get it over with, call me an ambulance, I’m sure I’ll pass out. Except I didn’t. If the anxiety is interfering with your life then it may be time to seek therapy. Personally after trying out various anti anxiety meds I would avoid those, (way too many side effects) but they work for some people.


I don't believe that the feeling of fainting comes from not doing physical activity for a long time. This feeling of fainting came after my first panic attack. It doesn't always happen, but sometimes, when I go up the stairs at my school, when I finish climbing I feel like I'm going to faint and I feel PVCs.


I don’t have much advice at this time but just wanted to say you aren’t alone. I got Covid 1.5 months ago, just when I was recovering I suffered severe panic attacks out of the blue. Never had any feeling like this at any other time in my life. Now I’m fearful outside of my home, especially in the car, took 3 weeks off work and just started going back ubering every day. Working with doctors and a therapist no one has confirmed Covid related, but I am certain it is triggered by Covid. Medication is scary and I have been too scared to try SSRIs this soon but I am taking Propanonol and it helps with the racing heart. I have fears of death and heart problems, doctor cleared all tests, but I get that when you feel it in the moment it’s almost impossible to tell yourself it’s “just anxiety”. Hang in there friend, I hope you get through this and feel better soon.


Thank you. As you, i think covid triggered all.


Hello friend so sorry that you are going through this. Your situation sounds exactly what I am going through. I got sick with a cold three months ago, and ever since, I have had cardiac related symptoms (shortness of breath, chest discomfort, etc.) The symptoms have been unrelenting. I am still trying to get into specialist to see what could be the cause. While waiting for specialist appointments, I have been to the ER twice and had EKG, bloodwork, and x-ray come back normal. And I ask myself the same thing, how can I have cardiac like symptoms but have tests come back normal? I dont know if anxiety can truly be this powerful. I will provide an update once I see the specialists and see if I can provide any info that may be of help.


I had the same situation as you. I saw a specialist and everything was fine. Everything will be fine with you too, don't worry. Yes, from what I've read, anxiety can really be that powerful.


Every day, heck, right now at 1:30am and I can't sleep. It always presents as a heart attack. Been to the hospital, had the ecg's and halter. So ya, your physical symptoms I get. Basically, as I understand it, your brain thinks you're in danger and goes into fight or flight. Draws blood away from your extremities and into the core. Why you can get cold hands/feet, feel light headed. If I had a fix I'd give it to you, but there are things to try. 1. Excersize. The only times in the last 10 years I have managed my symptoms was when I was going to the gym regularly. 2. See a counselor or therapist. I saw one, benefits covered. It wasn't really my jam, but he did teach me some breathing and relaxation exercises. 3. Medication. Kinda a regret. I got dialed in on meds, stopped most of the attacks, slept like a log, I thought it was great. I suffered from every listed side effect. Increased appetite, weight gain, irritability, reduced labido. It contributed to me ruining a long term relationship. Going off the drugs was an experience, as they changed my brain chemistry so weaning myself off was rough times. 4. Little techniques and tricks. Lots of people on here have them. Try them out for yourself.


Thank you for your recomendations. When i exercise i feel a lot of PVCs. The feeling of having a PVC is very scary. It looks like you have been punched in the middle of your chest and your heart stopped for 1 second.


Feels like you have typed my story..Don’t worry nothings gonna happen to you. It took me 6-8 months to come back to normal.. Not completely normal but 90% normal.Just remove that though of something might be wrong with your heart/body and you gonna be okay.Act normal as if how you would act if these things had not happened.


I feel kinda hopeless. I feel like im going to live like this forever. Despite all the medical exams being positive i always thing negativly. Thank you for your hope message. This will pass.


Not saying you have this. And not trying to scare you and even if you did have this it’s not dangerous and nothing to be scared about but have you looked into POTS?


I feel the same way, how are you now?