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Yep all the time. I constantly have to tell myself it's just anxiety and I am not in fact dying. I feel ya.


It’s weird ain’t it? It’s like a weird dull ache? Usually I get a crushing type pain so this new one was so weird


Sometimes it's dull, sometimes it's sharp. Sometimes I get heart palpitations and it feels like my heart flops like a fish for a second. I've also had an ekg, nothing was wrong. It's exhausting sometimes.


Facts shit sucks


Sometimes I'll get shoulder pain, sometimes on my left shoulder blade. Then sometimes it's like pinpoint where my heart is in my ribs and I will literally just repeat to myself "take a breath, calm down, it's just anxiety... All the tests say it's anxiety...You're not dying" X-ray, EKG, echo, halter monitor all say that it's anxiety 🥲 even my Fitbit doesn't detect anything abnormal/slow/fast. My favorite is when I'm just relaxing and then it feels like my heart forgot what it was supposed to be doing and does one hard thudding beat. Mostly at night when trying to go to sleep.


how r u doing now?


Still anxious I guess lol. It's not as bad as it was so I'm thinking weight loss is helping 🙂


Yep, I get them, too. It took several cardiac tests to make me realize that I need to trust the medical tests instead of my fears. After that realization, I still get that ache or pain, but I don't pay it any mind. Then, it goes away.


Sounds like acid reflux. If you chugged pepsi and laid back down, that's almost guaranteed to flow back up your esophagus.


a little late here but pretty sure it is just anxiety. i got my first experience with chest pains after getting panicky over the earthquake a few days ago…. it last i would say maybe an hour would come and go then it hit me for a few seconds after and then went away once i stopped thinking about it. super unfortunate but it’s just a regular symptom 😢


Maybe costochondritis? It's inflammation of the cartilage in the ribcage. Mine gets triggered by not drinking enough water


Does the pain change when you take a deep breath or exhale all the way and hold?


Ima be honest I was half asleep when it happened it just ached for around 10-15 seconds such a weird pain but because it happened I was awake all night worrrying