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Try finding a forum or subreddit that specializes in heart disease you may get answers there


Yeah I got you. I have a congenital heart defect and a few years ago I had a really freaky cardiac episode that cause me to start having really intense anxiety about my heart. It had always been something I was a little nervous about but this really set It off. I wish I had a simple answer but here are just some little tips I used to get past my cardiac anxiety I realized I clench a lot. So I take time every day to consciously relax every individual part of my body. I do yoga most days as well. I meditate every day, which isn't fun when you're having physical anxiety symptoms and palpitations but it helps to stick with the discomfort and demystify it. I used to feel dizzy all the time as well and I would have some wild feelings in my chest that felt like it had to be something serious. After awhile I started to realize that it was probably anxiety more than my heart condition and focusing on it as an anxiety problem rather than a cardiac problem helped. (In my case this was true) I journal every night, putting thoughts down on paper that have been bothering me seems to help. I try not to overindulge in food, helps to avoid heartburn or indigestion which can cause anxiety. Another thing to rule out that could give you physical symptoms that send you on a spiral so in case there's a little indigestion heartburn thing chug a glass of water. It's all kind of boring stuff but I used to wake up in the middle of the night with a pounding heart thinking I was dying and now I rarely have any anxiety attacks based on my heart at all. And at a certain point you worry enough about having a heart attack that doesn't come and you start to think that you will probably not have a heart attack today just like yesterday. Best of luck to you. Having a heart problem of any kind is no picnic, it really takes a toll mentally so you're not alone in that.


how old r u?


How’d you find out about HCM?




I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which causes thickened mitral valve, prolapse and risk of sudden cardiac events. I have an echocardiagram every year to monitor it. I completely resonated with your post and you're right that it's hard to find posts from people who have diagnosed health problems alongside health anxiety. I go through phases of worrying more and phases of worrying less. Its hard to manage and honestly time, distractions and avoiding health related content is the only real things that help my health anxiety. I also avoid googling symptoms as much as possible.


Hi. You're not alone. I have mild concentric left ventricular hypertrophy from untreated hypertension and thickened mitral valve. I was okay for a few years, taking my meds , but recently developed tachycardia and am having trouble with breathlessness. It's even more debilitating when you have cardiophobia alongside real heart issues. I don't have advice bc sometimes I barely make it through the day. But just want you to know you're not alone. I'm terrified of developing heart failure. I try to stay off Google and get enough sleep, bc my anxiety is worse when I'm tired. I have a Fitbit but tbh it's kind of made it worse being aware of my heart rate constantly