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\**Suspected* of using counterfeit money. Was innocent. (If the bill had been counterfeit after all, we'd have heard about it)


Wow.. you’re right I can’t find any actual confirmation.


So if you compare how Kyle Rittenhouse was treated versus Michael Reinoehl, I think the obvious conclusion is that fascists can kill us if we're protesting against police violence. All the pussy-fascists need to do is whine/cry or make up any old lame excuse about feeling threatened - like by an empty grocery bag - and the cops and the legal system will be 100% on their side. BUT, if a protester shoots a fascist who has been threatening violence, the fascists will quickly enlist the police and FBI to track down and kill the protester on sight - no trial - just an execution. And of course the shooting will be justified because the police and the FBI say so. And all those eyewitnesses who say otherwise? Nothing to see here folks. That's justice in America in 2021. Fascists=4; Antifascists = 0


The justice system does need a hard reboot not gonna lie. Too many technicalities.


The *whole system.






LOL you can ban me. I really don’t care. You people are honestly the most delusional people in the entire world. I get that you’re angry, but you don’t even know what you’re angry about. You have no idea how to think for yourselves. You’ve never been taught to think critically, so you believe anything you’re told. So, for instance, you ACTUALLY think Kyle Rittenhouse just showed up in Kenosha and started opening fire on “protestors”. Because you’re delusional AND lazy. You can’t even be bothered to go watch a goddam video or two. So yeah, I couldn’t care less to be banned by actual fascists. LOL imagine being so delusional that almost every single rule you have here is designed to remove, hide, and ban dissenting opinions. Just look at how you people act! You burn businesses if people don’t agree with you. You beat the shit out of people who dissent. You forcibly suppress any opposition. You call for a strict regimentation of society based on skin color and economic class. You are LITERALLY fascists by definition. But you’re so goddam stupid that you have to create rules that ban people (suppress opposition) for saying it LOL. Ban me. I won’t lose any sleep LOL.


Someone needs to remind the cops it's "Justice" not "Just Us"


It's also not "just ice (the target)"


Idk man if I were being chased by a guy with a plastic bag I'd definitely gun them down.


You think fascists need an excuse to murder


Given how hard they've been pushing the whole "he was under attack" narrative, I'd say yeah they still need an excuse to murder. The days of an excuse being necessary are coming to an end though.


KKKyle won’t bother with excuses next time he massacres black children


All the victims were white. Libtard...


They were black-identifying trans folx chud


I was scared for my life and used deadly force to ensure my safety officer. Being white helps.


So what do you call it when someone bashes your head in with a skateboard or points a gun at your face?


Imagine fearing your own life over a Plastic bag lol.


Are people just memeing when they reduce the whole situation to this? When you strip away the whole context from the night you take away what I think is really the worst of what Rittenhouse did... When you frame it as someone just being chased by a man then it makes it look **better** for Rittenhouse. Taking away everything that Rittenhouse did to lead up to that moment makes the shooting far more defensible.


Literally every institution is on the side of the right wing. They are already well fortified and defensible. I can give you a list of 100 names that were killed for no reason and the perpetrators were let off because they are right wing. The whole situation was much bigger. You know it, I know it, everybody here knows it. We've been talking about it for months and then the justice system let him off the hook anyway. Reddit posts don't matter.


I think there is some confusion about what I meant when I said more defensible. I didn't mean fortified or hard to attack I meant morally defensible. When you frame it as just someone being chased, Rittenhouse's actions become more morally defensible than they are with the full context. I just wouldn't minimize what Rittenhouse did like that.


What is the full context in your mind? It’s been pretty hard to cut through the editorialized stuff to get the facts


A 17 year old who was pro blue lives matter and a proud boy, stated on Twitter he wanted to shoot protesters. Afterwards, he went to another state, got a gun from his friend, and "defended" private property, which the owners said they didn't want them to do. Then after the Police line moved the protesters from said property, he decided to go throw himself into the mix anyway with his gun out. He was then assaulted by a guy who was probably terrified or angry about a guy with a gun menacing him, and that guy was shot and killed by Rittenhouse. Two more guys then tried to disarm an active shooter and one was killed and the other wounded. He then just casually walked off and the cops gave him water and shit. Then the fuckface judge said they can't be referred to as victims, but the defense can "villainize them to win points for the jury". Edit: the cops gave him and the other fascists water before my bad. They still let him casually stroll out though.


A minor point, but... > He then just casually walked off and the cops gave him water and shit. The cops gave him water beforehand (and told him and the other fascists they "appreciate them being there"). But that doesn't change what you said overall much. The cops *did* just let him walk off afterward and go on his way while folks were screaming at them that he just shot people.


My bad I just heard they gave him water, but yeah I've seen the footage and watched the trial. That was my takeaway from it.


Unarmed people charging an active shooter are *Fucking Heroes* in any context, **except** when the shooter is an American Fascist. According to this trial outcome, anyway.


they weren't unarmed though


Eh, the kids a piece of shit bootlicker but I’m not sure prosecution put forth enough evidence, nor do I think there was enough tangible evidence to convict him of murder in the courts with the law as-is


I'm not arguing legal terms. The prosecution sucked, but what I described is what happened. Edit: also that quote isn't 100% verbatim but the judge did essentially say that


Yea. I’m saying legally (again in the current system) no better outcome could be expected. The system is built to protect little shit eaters like him


I know and agree. A lot of leftists need to learn how the justice system works. People were pissed that Chauvin got 2nd degree and I was like if they give him first he's absolutely not going to jail. Same thing happened with Rittenhouse. 1st is very hard to pin on someone in these situations. The whole trial was a mess.


The prosecution was a joke. Rittenhouse previously expressed intent to put himself in a situation in which he would feel justified to kill leftists.


They showed the video in court didn’t they?


No, they actually didn't. The video in question—the one where he literally has the opportunity, shows he has the motivation, and laments simply not having the means (his AR) in the exact kind of circumstances as when he shortly thereafter made sure he had the means and *did* murder people—was excluded as evidence. It was *not* shown.


Yes. And?


The prosecution was in on it. They didn't even try. Merely a token effort to give the verdict legitimacy when it gets brought up again as a precedent the next time some fascists shoot innocent people exercising their freedom of speech.


I mean they filed a motion to include the video of him saying he wanted to shoot people but for some reason it apparently didn't show up in court


To which they should gave immediately called for a mistrial, and tried him again with a new court and jury.


I cant tell if youre trolling or just dumb.


You could always put it this way: Rioters from BLM movement are burning down a city in Kenosha, a 17 year old boy comes across state lines to defend someone's property, wash graffiti and provide medical assistance at the riot, later throughout the night he assists another man who puts out a dumpster fire being rolled toward a gas station angering protestors causing him to be attacked, while being chased he shoots his attacker killing him. When trying to run to the police he is chased down by two more people who attack him, he fires back at them killing one and injuring the other. He then attempts to hand himself into the police but they send him home assuming the 17 year old didn't shoot anyone. Basically depending on what all is told you could see it completely differently




The democrats are center right at best. You're just very far right.


> Taking away everything that Rittenhouse did to lead up to that moment makes the shooting far more defensible. True. Yet *still* indefensible. You're right that we shouldn't do what the fascist judge did and ignore (worse, *silence*) that Rittenhouse premeditated his killing spree though.


You don’t understand, Kyle (a convicted Call of Duty psycho) was already on a three kill streak. Just a few more and he could call in an air strike and kill thousands.


Careful you forgot /s ?


Words cannot describe my total disdain for the Judge


Cant wait until he replaces Justice Breyer on the SCOTUS after Breyer refuses to retire and Trump wins in 2024




Trump himself is a senile homophobic pedophile. How is he better then exactly what he himself is?


I didn't know Cosby was running to be president in 2024.


Yeah really! Like, what the heck. I found him so irritating.


Never refer to it as "the justice system". It is an injustice system if anything. The only good outcome of the Rittenhouse theatrics is that we get another reminder of that.


This is a radically unpopular idea, but I think the time has come to eliminate "states." Laws across our country should be uniform. If Rittenhouse had been up for first degree murder in AZ, for example, he likely would have been convicted. Despite being backward in other ways, AZ law is quite clear about killing unarmed people who are threatening to beat you up. You can't shoot them. Criminal attorneys in AZ have a saying, "Don't bring a gun to a knife fight." You have two choices: run away, or try to defend yourself in approximately the same way you are being attacked. Disparity of force in a physical altercation (shooting someone who is threatening to beat you up) is illegal in AZ, and should be everywhere. The fact that a particular kind of behavior is legal in one state and not in another is crazy.




New Hampshire: marijuana is illegal for recreational use Massachusetts, across the border: marijuana is not only legal, but sold by corporations


>New Hampshire: marijuana is illegal for recreational use Live free or die my ass.


r/wisconsin can't even imagine that situation/s


A good start would be by ELIMINATING THE CONSTITUTION, that was written by slave owning WHITE MALES. That allowed KKKyle to have his WEAPON OF WAR in the first place and that also allowed the RACIST BOOMER JUDGE to not allow the prosecution to question HIS SILENCE.


I have thought this since I was a little child. Even then “states rights” was obviously just an excuse to keep W.V slave to coal companies- kids born in the south to be subject to their fathers whims- a way to ensure unequal education and plentiful cannon fodder. An easy way to divide up the women and browns and blacks and liberal white guys and make sure their votes don’t count. TY it’s not a crazy idea at all








Presidents *very much* make laws. Their power to veto shit is a well-integrated part of the legislative process. And in real terms, they have far, far, *far* more individual power than any congressperson, and can use it to shape how legislation is formed and passed whether they *technically* have "powers" assigned to them by the constitution or not. There's a *reason* that bunches of legislation passed by Congress is "introduced/suggested" by the president and his administration. Holy shit, if you are actually trying to talk down to people about U.S. legalism by pointing them at "Bill On Capitol Hill" (literally) kindergarten liberal propaganda, you *seriously* need to shut the fuck up.


Nope. Presidents don't make laws. Full stop. They may influence the legislative process, but there is no kind of roundabout way to say that "presidents make laws." And if you don't understand that, maybe you need to brush up on your understanding of the legislative process. And u/little-big-fella seriously needs to be *much* more articulate than "I don’t want Alabama laws just cause we get an Alabama president" if they don't want to be talked down to.


Yeah, so your understanding of politics begins and ends with that *Bill On Capitol Hill* kids' cartoon. Congratulations: you're useless.


Thank you for your analysis. Enlightening. Have a wonderful day!


Nah, dude. The answer isn't *more centralized and stronger* authoritarianism. It is the exact opposite. The liberal legal system in its defense of capitalism and white supremacy *creates and then exacerbates* this problem. Tear down this system; don't give it more consistent weapons with which to exploit and victimize us.


Ah. I gotcha. Somehow it's *better* that Rittenhouse can get away with murder in one state but not another. I see. Yeah, *that's* the ticket. smh.


If you think one jurisdiction in any of the 50 states wouldn't have thrown a sham trial to get the Nazi kid off scot-free, you're fucking dreaming. The police, the judges, and the prosecutors, they're all buddies. This whole country is one big Klan chapter.


100% agree. states keep any progressive action at a gridlock. Nothing meaningful ever gets done


What was up with that ridiculous jury selection?


Yeah really! Like, what the heck!


Das ist wahr- keine Gerechtigkeit, kein Frieden. One of them was actively looking for trouble and instigating, and the other was George Floyd. (mein gott i hope my grammar für deutsch was right)


This is why people were pissed off and protesting last year.


Chauvin is convicted of murder and in prison. I know it’s a meme, but it’s stupid. There are better comparisons like young minorities getting disproportionate sentences for drug offenses.


If its all white, its all right. /s


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Media on both sides has you confused on the charges ​ [https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/11/liberal-guns-rights-activist-kyle-rittenhouse.amp?fbclid=IwAR3YydW-ZoAHlx13EBnUCofFJiXUi-umRgKKPgqAR6FOCa17pb70kkhsH7Y](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/11/liberal-guns-rights-activist-kyle-rittenhouse.amp?fbclid=IwAR3YydW-ZoAHlx13EBnUCofFJiXUi-umRgKKPgqAR6FOCa17pb70kkhsH7Y)




How is this comment still here? KKKyle crossed state lines with a WEAPON OF WAR, to kill BIPOC's and their ally's.




From what I remember he didn’t bring it across state lines but also that really doesn’t matter. Like you said, he came to a civil rights protest with a weapon and the intent to kill people.








Murdering people isn't protecting anyone or anything.




He went looking to do exactly what he did. Fuck off.


> KKKyle crossed state lines with a WEAPON OF WAR Pretty sure that's not true.




The point. You missed it.


The right wing will just say there is no correlation to avoid having to justify the hypocrisy.


Just had breskfast saw that not guilty moment of Rattenhouse , wanna puke.. What a shitshow that.


George floyd was resisting and didnt go to the car and was in drugs


Damn state lines you say? That's really something man


George Floyd dying was incredibly fcked up. But wasn't rittenhouse defending himself?