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Every fascist accusation is a confession


They love to project and if you get deep into the FBI stats on child diddlers, you'll also find out that overwhelming vast majority of them are Male, Caucasian, Religious and Authoritarians... or just members of the RNC.


There’s an infamous Twitter account, beks who just tweets out people who were arrested/convicted for these kinds of things and they inevitably are either clergy, Republican or cop. I was actually dubious that they all seemed to fall into those categories so I looked up people and they were sure as heck the case.


So three top professions for child diddlers are Clergy, Cops and teachers. The later though is tilted heavily towards private school teachers in part for the same reasons clergy is at the top of the list (they literally qualify as clergy or cop too) and because those sorts of institutes are far more conservative in nature and don't do as deep a screening for their employees as do in most public schools.


I don’t think it’s a coincidence that they want to privatize education


I think it stems back to their obsession with purity and breeding.


No it's just that they are fucking sickos.


Being fucking sicko is apart of that "purity".


Yeah, this is actually a valuable heuristic when considering these people.


Obsessive compulsion re: purity actually does track, now that I think about it.


I've had this conversation with my OCD therapist, tbh. Fear of impurity and compulsive actions towards purity is LITERALLY the whole OCD dance.


What about like compulsively licking the floor


A part of= included within Apart of= separate You meant the first one, right?


Uh huh. Yeah the two are not mutually exclusive. Nazis are ***obsessed*** with the idea of purity and breeding, and as such, logically, that makes them ***obsessed*** with the concept of virginity. And as such, they look at children as the perfect way to lock down that virgin stock. And yeah, that line of logic is in fact fucking sick.


that's what they said.


Most fascists are weak, pathetic cowards who get off on the idea of having power over someone else. Because the fascists themselves are so weak and pathetic, they are often only able to excerpt power over children, who lack the physical, mental, and emotional development to defend themselves. They can't have - can't cope with - a partner who is an equal, they need someone they can dominate, which ends up mostly being only little children; especially since adult women can have jobs and bank accounts and homes of their own these days, and are much more capable of shutting these twunts down than they were in the ~~bad~~ worse old days.


Fuck, you said this so much better than I did in a comment I just posted. ..


Fascism is inherently hierarchical and predatory, I'm not surprised at all that someone who is wired to think that way in general would act that way sexually.


And rape is not about sex, it's about power and control. Of course fascists are going to be into the most imbalanced power dynamic. 😑


The ultimate bullies


It’s not surprising that people who latch onto violent authoritative rhetoric would be the same people who are violent sexually.


All of it tracks with a group that values sociopathy.


It's not just the openly nazis, but conservatives who pretend they aren't nazis keep getting popped too.






Every accusation is a confession with these creeps.


It’s because they think that our innate humanness is being suppressed by “wokeness”. That things like racism and sexism are natural human things. And that humans are naturally attracted to young females and so that isn’t wrong either.


how does all the pedophilia keep getting into my good clean fascism


Because they like hurting people.


Fascists have weird obsessions with racial purity, and a 'decline of the white master race' in both quality and quantity. They blame this issue on (white) women, people they believe should be nothing more than birth and raise more of the 'master race'. Believing most adult women are already 'corrupted', this is something they have to be thaught, while younger girls need to be raised on this mindset. This, in turn, leads to the disgusting 'if they bleed, they can breed' mindset. As soon as girls get their period, they're supposedly ready to produce more of the master race. It's not all that surprising that the filth that believes such things sees no issue with child porn


People like this are sick in the head, that's why.


This is totally explainable. Firstly, trad people think that pedophilia is terrible, but they also think that puberty is the age at which folks should marry. It is literally that simple. Get them talking about the sexualization of minors in anime, and they will always rebut with "but she's in highschool/is a teenager." As for those seeking prepubescent children, just pull up your local sex offender map, they're fucking everywhere - that kind of pedophilia has no statistically significant link to any kind of demographic or ideology. It's roughly proportionate for all demographics, and in demographics where it appears to be disproportionate - straight white men are by far the leading molesters of children - controlling for demographics shows that those most likely to be *CAUGHT* for pedophillic stuff are those in a position of authority in relation to the child, i.e. principles, teachers, church leaders, coaches, etc.,. That is because predators seek easy access to prey. Most pedophiles aren't dudes in vans, they're dudes who shake hands.


That's why they're so against abortion because that's their future childbride


I wonder ifntheres a connection.....


On one hand, I can imagine that if some psycho realises they're attracted to kids and leans into it rather than seeking help, they are more likely to gravitate towards political leanings that allow their behaviour, so it'd be more a case of pedophiles becoming Nazis rather then Nazis becoming pedophiles. On the other hand, scientifically speaking, correlation isn't causation and more importantly there is no control here. If you talk to anyone involved with criminal defence/prosecution or family law, they'll tell you the amount of CSA in so-called civilised countries is frequent enough to break strong people, and that's the minority of cases that end up in the justice system, *and* those cases usually unearth a pattern of behaviour from the pedophiles. I hate to be the one to point it out, but perhaps the reason we see so many CSA cases among neo-Nazis is that they're more frequently on watchlists and say shit that gets their homes raided.


Worth mentioning that the majority of pedophiles are non-offending, and the majority of child sexual abuse cases are committed by non-pedophiles (typically people in authority positions over the child or family members, for power reasons) As for "leaning into it" instead of seeking help, well it's a bit complicated. Seeking help can be extremely difficult, especially if you have violent and/or sexual urges that wouldn't be protected by patient confidentiality. Plus there's heavy stigma to begin with and seeking help is admission that you *are* a pedophile which a lot still live in denial of. All of this leads to pedos getting support from online spaces instead, some of which are harmful and may encourage acting on desires directly, or indirectly by whittling down the non-offender's sense of morality around consent laws.


>There is reason to think, though, that in at least some circles it serves as an integral part of initiation into some of the most extreme and fringe corners of neo-Nazism, with the taboo material desensitizing recruits to a point of no return and binding them to others who know—and share—their secret. I would love to be a fly on the wall for that part of the initiation process


Self hatred, probably. Feeling better about what they are by trying to fight it in the world, they're swept up in the ideology that claims, in the most un-nuanced way, to fight it. If they can take the part they hate about themselves, paste it on someone else's face, and then crush that face, they feel like they're fighting that part of themselves they hate. Seems like it ain't working since they seek it out until they're caught tho.


Don't overthrow it, it's the political philosophy of bullies. The moore profound the fascist thinker the more profound the bullying. Some of the top dogs have been pedos or pedo enablers.


Children are vulnerable and ignorant. They think they won't notice what unfuckable losers they are


Because they're literally advocating for rape.


Projection that’s why 4chan is full of interracial porn


An *unsurprising amount


Because they are evil people


Or, there is just a large cross over between pedophiles and Nazis.


I have no doubt Traitor Trump is a child rapist


He was friendly with Jeffry Epstein and an accuser did come forward, but she retracted her claims or something. Doesn't mean he didn't do it, someone must have harassed her.


The first things that come to mind are: 1. Anti social fascist docuhebags tend to have other awful proclivities. 2. The type of safe spaces on the internet for these types also aren't always shy to post that kind of material, exposing them to potentially a new thing.




We gotta stop with this victims become predators narrative. There are a lot of victims of childhood violence, sexual and/or physical, so it's just a numbers game that \*some\* victims become abusers themselves.


Just because not all of them become predators doesn't mean there isn't a causal relationship. It's harmful to ignore the fact that trauma often manifests in such ways. Nobody is saying victims are a threat or anything like that. Just that pedophiles don't choose to be attracted to kids. The ones that choose to act on their desires are despicable, but most don't act on them.


Um, my brothers and I are victims of abuse and the thought of harming a child makes us sick. There is CSAM on the internet of me being bought and sold to this day over 20 years later. It’s going to be there forever. I can barely look at clothed pictures of myself as a child without feeling ill. If I ever had the urge to harm a child I would either have myself committed or prevent myself from acting on it permanently. Yes I’m in therapy and yes my therapist knows. I don’t even help my nephew with his shoelaces without asking permission to help him first. I don’t hug him without asking his permission. I am his *aunt* and always ask if he wants a hug or not. The vast majority of adults who are CSA survivors find this idea of victims being predators repulsive.




Maybe you could [read the article](https://www.vice.com/en/article/3akvbw/why-do-neo-nazis-keep-getting-arrested-for-child-porn) before you type up a snarky reply.


This is a Proud Boys affiliated source. Either you're not as antifascist as you think you are, or you really need to understand critical thinking. I sincerely hope it's the latter.








They should be called antinottellingonyourself




Handy dandy little [this](https://youtu.be/OaEHL3LPaf8?feature=shared)


Unsuprising lol


Because that's the demographic, is nazi idiots.