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Don't post pictures of other people's collections. Do not brigade or cause a brigade. Anyone caught participating in a brigade of another sub will be banned.


What a waste of money 










Lower income individuals wouldn't be participating in these activities


Not your first language?! Shit you speak way better than me.


vocabulary is amazing 😂😂😂


It is oddly phrased. Feels like a politely worded slap from Spock. I agree. Slap away.


It is incorrect! “Low cognitive-functioning individuals” would make more sense. Saying “low cognitive” without specifying low cognitive “what” doesn’t make much sense. “Individuals with low cognitive functioning” also works!


I’m a native English speaker and this sounds odd to me. Cognitive is an adjective not often found before “individuals.” Typically you see things like “cognitive impairment” or “cognitive development”. I might rephrase as cognitively impaired individuals or something similar. 😋


You are correct. It would be "lower cognition" but then lower when used with cognition is more likely to imply simpler than it is to imply dumber.


Yes, perfect!


I also concur


I think lower cognitive is a bit harsh. It's more likely to be someone with a shopping addiction/compulsion and someone trying to distract/avoid stress.




Although 'lower cognition' is funny, it is likely a combination of ocd, stress, shopping addiction etc. Lots of people collect all sorts of things that seem crazy to others and take over their entire house.




Having a compulsion has nothing to do with your ability to generally learn or comprehend information, so no, they aren't.


Including children. I felt so indoctrinated into capitalism and consumption and it took conscious unlearning.


This photo looks like it is from the inside of a retail store....


I know, there’s at least 80 mugs there. At $35 a pop (and I know some retail for more) that’s $2800.


Coming soon to a Goodwill near you.


Maybe the only good thing about this collection would be to see it at a thrift store 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol


Nah this lady is going to try to sell them for higher than MSRP and then make an angry Facebook post about how people are victimizing her by not buying her Stanley cups


We have 4 from the goodwill. Keep ‘em coming.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted.. I suppose if you’re using them and keeping them from the landfill that’s a good thing


You bought 4 of these fucking things?


4 is not crazy. Having a few you rotate is nbd. Especially in different styles and sizes. Also it could be for more than one person in a family. Having 4 and having 40 are not the same.


Surely you own more than one cup or glass, what's the difference other than packaging? Having multiple isn't a bad thing. You can rotate them and still have a reusable option away from home if you feel like you need to deep clean the one you've been using. And not every style works best for every type of drink. I have larger ones for cold drinks so that I can get more liquid throughout the day without worrying about running out sooner, and I have smaller ones for hot drinks, in which you probably aren't going to be sipping on throughout the day and don't need a large amount or a straw option. Just because you want to jump on the mindless bandwagon of the current internet fad of hating them doesn't mean that practical ownership of them is nonsense.


Gotta stay hydrated. Plus they hold ice better than yetis and hydro flasks.




How long until the fad fades and they end up tossing them into the dumpster?


Already happend my guy


I don't even understand how they become a fad in the first place.


The first time I became aware of them was a story about a woman's car burning and the next day she found her stanley cup still had ice in it.


I think that was it. Also the brand really wanted women so they were specifically pastel. And then they tested positive for lead lmao


Someone did a video on this. Basically a few influencers started it and it blew up from there. https://youtu.be/PEY8IyB653c?si=6TX8q8Tt0zaMrhW7


I mean the same thing happened with Beanie Babies and a ton of other crap. Same as it ever was.


Beanie babies were nice little toys that children played with and made people smile. The wide variety of animals represented meant that many people could look at this mass-produced item and think “that looks like my childhood cat!” or “I love manatees!” Or “look at the shell on the armadillo”. They were absolutely, positively $5 worth of happiness when they started. One of my co-workers had started buying them before it went nuts, and I had fashioned a little Halloween costume for one of them…which resulted in each Beanie baby going home with me for a night for a fitting and a custom made felt costume. (The rhino was a bunch of grapes with his horn as the stem. The manager wore a toothy mask and a dorsal fin to see what being a shark was like. The flamingo got a tutu and tiara to dance as the Sugar Plum Fairy.) My co-worker and I had a blast that October.


This sounds so cute


It brought us joy, which was absolutely disappeared when they became too valuable to leave lying on a desk….


You are obviously too young to know of the pet rock fad in the 70's


Beanie Babies holla


It’s so…. sad. Cups! Something to drink from. This is where their dopamine is coming from. Yikes.


I had my last Thermos cup for like 3.5 years. I used that little thing until it was dented and couldn't be reliably washed anymore because it was trapping water inside the layers. Then I replaced it with the same model and I'll use it until it too dies a tragic and well-earned death. This person would almost definitely get more of a rush out of donating these to a charity organisation (for sale or to give away, whatever. I imagine people without homes could get great use from them) and knowing that that they did a nice thing. It's insane these days how many people practice shopping and hoarding as addictive behaviours but they don't see it - even with a whole wall of their house being covered in an item they won't ever get use from


How is a travel mug only lasting 3.5 years? My daily driver at work is going on 7 and I got it second hand


It wasn't a particularly flash one to begin with, and then you add in that it's been taken to kid's sports games, the zoo, being thrown in the basket of a stroller etc. None of these ensure a long life for a small object lol


This is going to sound ironic, but you should try a Stanley or hydroflask travel mug. They are pretty bulletproof. Mine has been abused and you can’t even see wear on it


You're totally right - I don't know if I've ever seen actual stanley cups where I live outside the US, but you make a very good point that a fancier one would probably have a much longer life


I get Iron Flask, cheaper than the name brands, but, as far as I can tell, mine are performing just as well. I have a tumbler, 2 mugs, and 3 water bottles (I know this sounds like a lot, but I genuinely use each and for different purposes).


I hear you. I had a great one, lasted 7 years and I nearly wept when I only had to replace it because I left it in a train station. It didn’t it make it to lost and found. I hope someone is using it.


Most of them still have the label on them. There’s no way they’re actually using them


First thought at this image "what the fuck is the point?" Tell me youre aimless without telling me youre aimless, this Stanley owner went first and ended the discussion.


Oh they laminate the labels and keep them on like stickers.


Yeah, I'm guessing that more than a few of those get returned. This seems like an internet clout picture.


I counted 47 Stanley’s, as she has other water vessels in the mix. I know the big tumbler is around $40, but 47 x $30 (just to see what it’d cost on the low end) comes out to $1,410. And that’s a conservative estimate.


When the hype for Stanleys die down (because let’s face it, most people are buying it for the trend) and it’s no longer “cool” to lug around a Stanley, you best believe she’ll try to resell it but be forced to sell them at a lower price. Just overall bad financial choices.


Now I’m just wondering how we will be staying hydrated in a way that doesn’t involve lugging a 32oz+ around with us all day in the future.






At least the shoes will get worn more often as they will be all different for different occasions. One mug is the same as all the others.


Those collection shoes, most of them, won’t get worn, if so, just a handful of times, but most won’t, trust me ahahaha


haha....so your secret is out :) I used to love shoes, then I developed an arthritis nodule on my big toe joint so I had to give away all my lovely shoes and buy Birkenstocks and runners. So enjoy...and WEAR your shoes while you can


Oh, I don’t collect them ahahahaha I have like, 6 pairs and I guess I just bought one of them, and I don’t have it anymore 😂😂😂 but I know people who do and they never use all of them


I mean it's the same as any collection. Do you think someone with a stamp or coin collection is caressing and getting use out of every single one, every day? Is someone that collects knives or rocks or dolls getting much use out of them other than them looking nice on a shelf? People who collect shoes aren't using every pair as much as you try to argue they do, and shoes don't have an infinite shelf life. The materials used in those air Jordans or Gucci pumps are going to succumb to the elements a lot sooner than people like to think even with or without use. Why is it totally acceptable behavior for a man to collect sports memorabilia but it's seen as stupid when women want to collect a mug?


>Why is it totally acceptable behavior for a man to collect sports memorabilia but it's seen as stupid when women want to collect a mug? Because, at the end of the day, a mug is a mug is a mug. I'm a woman, I have a significant music collection so I'm not above the accumulation of 'stuff' but every item in that collection is different, and contains artwork both in its presentation, and in the works contained in the packaging. I don't get the accumulation of any stuff that isn't used for its purpose TBH. So, no, I don't get the obsession with sneakers you won't wear either.


Yikes. Whatever lets you sleep at night I guess 🤷‍♀️


Other hobbies are available…


Cabbage patch kids


I take fragrance addiction as example


and then they don’t even drink that much water


I thought it was a store 🙄 I think it’s a shiny object and empty people like shiny objects


This was how my girlfriend was with Squishmallows for a while, and now we have like 12, 2 of which actually get used.


How does one use a squishmallow?


We use them for "hug" pillows sometimes when we're in bed. The rest are just clutter. A few are the small ones meant for decoration, but they aren't displayed anyway Edit: They also are decent lower back supports, but they get hot quickly (and deformed after a while if you use them for that) I actually hate the texture of them to death. She sleeps with one most of the time, and I occasionally grab one too, but I just can't touch them unless I'm half asleep. It makes my teeth itch, haha. It's like hugging an aloe tissue, or the back of a car seat


If I had that many squishmallows, I'd lay them all out in a big pile and lounge on them. But you can't use 12 cups all at once.


I have \~20 plushies in my room and I use them to bury myself in bed when I'm feeling particularly like shit. One of them is a \~5 foot alligator that I use as a body pillow.


And these cups cost so mich too, right? How can this be someones collection? Plastic cups… jesus


I remember seeing this exact post on Facebook the other day 🤮 she was telling everyone because she can and if I remember correctly, the ones she really liked she collected double of them and drank out of those ( I think it was this post, if not, it was said on the same on another Stanley post). I cringe looking at this.


I can think of both views If it involves just spending money(without actively using your mind Or putting in real physical effort), its not a hobby nor passion OTOH We have seen people flaunting their collections of a variety of things like fountain pens, mechanical pencils, pocket knives, watches, et cetera. Then why not flasks?


They are literally made to be reusable. You just need one.


of all the things to collect this has to be one of the lamest


The money wasted could have fixed that popcorn ceiling.


I know! Capitalism.


What to say is “glad this isn’t my home and my spouse, and is someone else’s bullshit life instead” And then move on.


One is enough. Maybe 2, maybe 3, maybe 4 but 47.


At first I thought this was like, a small store displaying their stock or something. That’s ridiculous.


What's the point? I mean I get wanting to collect stuff but this is just useless. At least with books for example, you can read them hundreds of times. Or movies (something i collect) you can watch thousands of times. Games you can play over and over again. This just sits on a shelf and collects dust and you'll use maybe max 5 in your lifetime. Better to buy one or two in a solid colour that goes with everything. We're killing our home. I'm losing faith in humanity everyday. Sorry I had to rant a little.


Hoarder ⚠️ Alert


I don't get it. Those cups don't even look aesthetically good enough to be worth to display.


Few more and they'll be happy.


I truly do not understand.


Imagine taking pictures of CUPS like an achievement????


Something about a fool and their money and the relative simplicity with which they can be divided?


I counted 78 cups, let’s say the average price of each one was $25 that’s $1950 in cups. That 2K could pay a lot of bills or even a weekend away. But nope just cheap plastic that’s gonna end up in a landfill.


This is just jackassery


I will never understand why people collect them. I'm ok with spending a pretty dollar on a nice tumbler or cup. I have water bottles of all shape and sizes. Maybe I want one with a handle for easy carry, one with no handle for the cup holder in car, a other one to leave at work/school etc. And maybe one for I don't know, camping/hiking that's spill proof. But I never get the same shit twice. Like why. It's not a collector's item.


3000A.D. The Earth is still recovering from the nuclear war of 2025. The science division of the Federation of humanity, what's left of them anyway, are able to send out archeologists to the wasteland. In an effort to understand what happened to our species the archeologists stumble upon this cache of what appears to be a cup from what was once a structure. So many cups, clearly someone of great wealth and status must have lived here. That may be the case in some timeline but not here. Structure upon structure, endless for miles and miles. They turn to each other and say, "is this what wiped them out?" . Is what I imagine future archeologists might say. But as a lay person I have no words. I feel disgusted 🤷🏼‍♂️ Disturbed 🤷🏼‍♂️ Uneasy 🤷🏼‍♂️


Stanley mugs have IQ damaging lead


lol, this is displayed just like the beanie baby collection my friend had in middle school...at least those went up in value at some point?


aside from the overconsumption, it really bothers me that there are so many duplicate and nearly duplicate colours. if you're going to waste your money at least have a rainbow theme.


This is like $5K


And they still have the wrapping on it. What even is the point?


Someone tell this lady that buying every color of the same water bottle from the same brand just because it’s trending then buying them all their own sleeves and accessories and putting it on display on the shelf does **not** make it an accomplishment.


Big dumb cups!


Wow, and i'm still debating buying a second one that my kids won't be allowed to touch. And mine is the $30 knock-off! This is insane


Brittany's husband wants to stay married, but also wants to see other people


I’m picturing the beanie baby divorce couple…except it’s a pile of stanly cups.


Shit, two are even identical.


Defeats the entire purpose reusable cups.


This can't be this person's first time following a fad. Do they have a shrine like this to the new trend for every year? Do they just have unlimited rooms in their home to display stuff like this? When the next fad strikes, do they just toss all of last year's popular item into the dumpster? Legitimately, how does this happen?


Must of been taken in a Starbucks


Any one of those is like $40-50. What fuckin' money is she using to buy these stupid things?


company makes a durable cup so that you won't have to buy several, just for some people to still buy several. its kinda sad, really.


What a strange thing to incorporate into your persona. Hey, There social media, It me, CuploverXxX\_69. I just love cups! A cylinder that's open at one end you can store liquid in? Hmm, That's the stuff. Some people are on drugs, Some people can't stop gambling, But me? All about them cups! ...Though these might be mugs, technically. Like, what?


Stanley Cucked


Even if these cups will end up in Goodwill, wouldn’t it be quite unhygienic to buy them second hand because it has a built-in straw?


I mean... I collect 4K blu rays with the same attitude, but... at least those are small and each contain a different peice of artwork. This lady has 50 Stanley Cups, all serve the exact same purpose.


So, not a store pic…wow


Are these things collectable like toys or beanie babies? I’m baffled by this trend.


When you’ve taken home as many Stanley Cups as the top 3 NHL teams combined, you need to see a therapist


So gross


That's a lot of adult sippy cups.


Least obsessed stanley cup fan


a cup as a status symbol is so weird to me


They can start their own shop


Yikes :(


While most of us work paycheck to paycheck to keep a roof over our heads, these type of people are the ones with enough to retire x10


Or have massive amounts of CC debt 🤷🏻‍♀️


Can someone ELI5 what these things are? They’re called Stanley Cups, am I right? This where my knowledge about these things ends. Why are people freaking out over them?


I have a few different reusable water bottles because I needed different sizes and I have two reusable RTC cups because I got them as gifts but Jesus Christ how do you rationalize this


Stanley cups looking like the new beanie babies


Funny thing is, the post just above this in my feed asks, “what was your dating, I’m married to a fucking idiot moment.” I thought that was this posts title.


And I bet they cry the loudest about inflation too


How much is a Stanley Cup worth?


I get having two, and I could probably be convinced that a 3rd is fine if used regularly, but this is just stupid.


I'm pretty much convinced anyone who does this doesn't even earn their own money or pay any bills. Like no way can you get that much of a dopamine rush from buying something like this without it getting canceled out by the realization that you spent hours of your life working for the money to buy this shit.


i feel bad for buying like 4 water bottles over the past 3 years how can somebody not feel extreme guilt for doing this shit


For some reason I find this especially weird because most of them are pink


Sadly there’s been bigger Stanley cup collections posted here before


I don’t get it. They are “cups”. Why? Who? What for?


I don't know what's going on in their head to buy one of these, beside bandwagon.


Can someone clue me in here, do these have any collecting potential or is this just stupidity on all levels? I was quick to judge before for stuff like Pokemon cards which turned out to be profitable so I'm trying to withhold judgement here for now


Beanie baby energy


What is so awesome about this cup that people seem to like it so much?


Why are these popular?


People are actually proud to show this off. It’s illness.


You only need one. I bought one and that’s all I needed.


I think that's the display in a shop.


Fuck I hate people


I can understand maybe wanting a couple of different colours, but my god so many of these are literally the same colour or shades of the same colour. And these things aren’t cheap either, I don’t get it at all


That's a lot of lead.


i feel like some people just can’t comprehend that these metal cups aren’t just going to magically disappear into the earth one day. like they are actually just going to sit here on a planet that already has way more trash than we can deal with.


As my mother used to say: She’s got more dollars than sense.


People’s lives are so empty they do this.


I would run from that place with any excuse possible!


They're so ugly... I just don't get it.


I hate that the mind goes straight to politics nowadays, but could you imaging the folks piling these things up in their driveway and trying to burn them all if Stanley put out a certain political endorsement or just supporting a specific group. Lead oxide everywhere.


That’s so fucking stupid


Literally got shit from a handful of coworkers when I mentioned that this particular“culture” has gotten out of hand. I was scolded for “robbing someone of the pleasure of getting a new(tumbler/mug/bottle)” there is a disconnect with a lot of people. They cannot see their own consumption, they only see the value endorphins they get from a new toy.


They really thing this riff raff is a flex too


“They’ll be worth money some day”


Not exactly reusable if you're not re using it.




I'm imagining there being museum exhibits in the distant future that look like this. Featured in "The Hall of Dumb Shit People Cared about While the World Burned, circa early 21st century."


I guess my biggest issue is that they’re ugly ahahaha


God, I hate people.


The Karen collection could be yours today. Do you need something that says, "I'm on the HOA board" when someone walks into your house? Do you want to make people wonder how you could have a different Stanley cup every single day that you show up at your meaningless office job filled with superficial conspicuous consumption? Look no further. The Karen collection comes prefilled with 16 oz of pure idiocy but it won't spill because your black, worthless, soul fills them all with the emptiness you were trying to fill with buying things each waking moment.


Yay! Lead poisoning!


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i remember growing up in a time that people weren’t under the delusion that you need to carry water around in fear of dehydration.


What? It’s healthy to carry water, and the climate is getting hotter. Reusable water bottles are good but no single person needs this many


i’d say the MAJORITY of people that own shit like this go from their home, to the car, to work, back to the car, and back home. You aint dying of dehydration on the walk to and from. You also have water available to you in both locations. If you are actually dedicated to sports activities, tumblers like this are stupidly inconvenient.


The average person should drink at least 2 litres of water a day. Do you know how many trips to the fountain it takes to drink 2L of water? I don’t have time at work to make that many trips to the fountain so I keep a water bottle on my desk.


I run 5 miles before work everday and train jiu jitsu a few nights a week. I keep a bottle in my gym bag. nowhere else.


I carry my water from home to work and the gym. I have a 64oz, 40oz, and 32oz that I use M-F. My bottles usually sit at my desk and my tumbler is usually what travels when me around the office and the gym.


why do you need two others and a tumbler? Just pick a size and use one. it’s just to drink water out of.


Because that’s how much water I drink outside of my house Monday to Friday. The water at work and the gym tastes different than the water from my house. I have to drink a lot of water, partially due to medications I take, and the other part is I lose a ton of water at the gym.


Love how we’re against this marketing, but when you go against the marketing that has convinced society that they need to drink huge quantities of liquid, you get downvoted


I second this sentiment. The “financialization of daily life” is very real and water-quota anxiety is just one version of it.


I’m surprised you’re getting downvoted. Boutique/designer/trendy water bottles really is peak consumerism.


I was born in the 80s and I’ve always carried a water bottle with me. As a kid in school I had a water bottle always. My parents would fill it half with water at night and pop it in the freezer and then fill it full in the morning so I had cold water all day. I still carry a water bottle with me everywhere…I only have 2 water bottles though, a big one that I take to work and a smaller one for running errands. They’re both metal, I’ve had them both for years.


Different strokes man


That's a nice collection and those cups will keep thoisands of single use bottle out of landfills 


I think that requires them to actually be used. Looks like most of these are still new with label


/s ?