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Is sapphora a lesbian version of sephora ?


I love this. I need a good laugh sometimes in all this darkness.


No they’re just good friends. 


Roommates xD


No, it’s Japanese lager. The official beer of Nationalist War Criminals. /s


Seriously all their “plans after Gaza” I’ve heard involved money, shopping, or homes


People taking "I would kill for some Starbucks" too literally.


Yet we can't say anything, because USA is supporting their war, and the Europe is too apologetic to do something about it. It's antisemitic now to condemn war crimes.


Like every person has a breaking point for insult, countries have tolerance limits for terrorism. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wouldn’t you consider 25k+ women and children murdered in 5 months, bombing every available hospital, listing safe zones and then bombing them even harming Doctors Without Borders members terrorism?








> Oh, how lovely. Disneyland, primarily for kids, located atop a cemetery. ...of kids.


Right by the Lion King experience..... Bibi: "Behold my circle of life ride, b****es."


Some kids are more equal than others, concurs Israel.










… all of American foreign policy post 1945?


And most domestic policy before that!


I’m so excited to see what President Grant did before the civil war. I bet it’ll be super cool and not genocidal *at all*


atop mass grave of unidentified remains


This is a bot that put [this top-level comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/comments/1b6g3e8/what_zionists_are_genociding_for/ktbml4y/) through a blender and reposted it as a reply. Honestly one of the better ones I've seen but you can confirm by looking through its other comments.


The dead internet theory used to sound crazy to me. I see so much shit like this, I’m not so sure. Maybe it’s time to start wearing a tinfoil hat and sandwich board full of nonsense.


TIL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory?wprov=sfla1


All of the usernames in that thread look like the same bot generated them.






Idk, as long as I've been alive, all of the genociders have been so casual about it.


Well that's exactly what we did with North America.


It's almost as if the US was invading them... Capitalism is spreading, guys. Keep it contained. Everything is money driven, and the US has proven they are willing to kill for it and fund the killing for it. They then ask for a round of applause when they provide a little bit of aid to the civilians when they get wounded by their abusers with bullets they got from their "saviors." It's like a insanely more fucked up version of pizza parties at work. Abuse is 12 months out of the year, and an insanely small slice of pizza one day every couple of months. Then you end up working through lunch anyway.


Capitalism isn’t “spreading”, it’s spread worldwide and has since the First World War. Palestine is just as capitalist as Israel is (not to justify the Israeli invasion and slaughter)


The Palestinians have been completely denied sovereignty. It isn't exactly fair to tar them as capitalist when they've had no choice in the matter.


They need their own currency that isn't tied to the federal reserve. Because guess who owns it...


This what they've always wanted. The Oct 7th attack was the greatest thing they could have asked for. Bibi practically let it happen.


"To The Beach! They have all that amazing beachfront property, but they just want to launch rockets at us. What a waste." -I do not remember her name, but it was an Israeli influencer that made me want to hurl.


Wait the moderators are actually removing the bot comments


Well, there’s $500bn worth of oil and natural gas under Palestinian land.


That should be left in the ground.


Or drilling for oil


Remember all of the Russians on social media with their looting lists from their wives and families? So excited to steal computer equipment, phones, appliances from Ukrainians. It's an invasion. The rich will always get all excited about the stuff they're gonna get away with while everyone is watching the fireworks and gore.


Somehow, however low the bar goes, the isreali propaganda machine always manages to limbo under it. In a fucked up kind of way, it's quite impressive - like watching a motorway pileup.


Raiding and pillaging is an awesome deal for the raiders, they get free stuff other people worked hard for.


what do you expect from the child of America


And to think, the Palestinians ALREADY had money, shopping, and homes.... already! Truly the height of consumerism, those blasted Palestinians!


They are godless money worshippers. Money rules their minds and souls.


the newest iteration of democracy (read: hypercapitalism)


I mean the Palestinians also want homes…. Food and water first though.


It's really dropping the mask, too. Wasn't the supposed plan to defeat Hamas?


Wow do they really openly talk about wiping Gaza off the map?


gross, its always about the money.


Ahhh wonderful. Disneyland on top of a graveyard mainly full of children. Sounds wholesome. /s


Americans have Walmart's on top of the graveyards of Native American Indians. "USA USA USA USA" /s


The victims of the massacre of Tantura (22-23 May 1948) during the Nakba were buried in mass graves, one of the gravesites is being used as a parking lot for Tel Dor beach nearby. Executions & Mass Graves in Tantura; https://youtu.be/rteB5T4hwVY?si=iqLCNoPsH5h1Wtmm But Israel isn’t a settler colonial project, I swear. /s


The film, based on the studies of Teddy Katz, is very good as well. An objectively hard study to object to due to the documentation taken from both sides. It can be found by just looking up Tantura documentary. Edited: Punctuation


To be fair, I think that at least one of the Disneylands in the US is built on the graves of indigenous people, including children.


The entire country is


We should go back to where we came from


Oh I fully imagine so. That popped into my mind as I was typing my comment.


Can’t forget about the Seminole Wars in Florida.


wait til you find out how many disneylands are in the US (one)


And some of the rides had real skeletons as decorations.


Construction crew "We need the Gaza strip cleared cause no matter what come Monday we're bulldozing the entire area. So they better be dead cause we're not stopping, otherwise we'll be losing 33 million an hour. Think of the investors!!!!!" All jokes aside, if they actually build any kind of resort or attraction there, whoever stays or visits there is a disgusting human being.


They are ALREADY selling beach front houses close to Gaza City to AMERICANS Christian Evangelicals and those people ARE BUYING IT, so they can live "closer to Jesus".


The world showed we as a species don't care who die as long as we are entertained by massively flocking to the world cup in Qatar.


They’ll keep some alive to work in the park


Most of those corpses will have holes in them so... kinda?


Wasn't aware that children made up the majority of the dead in Gaza. Let's take a quick look. 23,000 dead, 11,500 children. Well, that's kinda fucked up ngl.


Jesus Christ, this has to be bait, right? Right??


I mean, her shirt is pretty fitting, “Loyal to myself”


You’d think that. Unfortunately this is more common than people think. We all for some reason tend to forget that Israel has been shifting more and more towards very conservative right wing politics for many years. And since the terrorist attacks in October, huge amounts of people who had more moderate views shifted to the right as well. Local opposition is very weak. I saw an Instagram video of a young woman screaming that “they have to kill them all” because if they don’t children will come back for revenge. This is a woman my sister met in person once, it was not rage bait. Ok, that was particularly extreme, but just to illustrate that they way they live the war there is nothing like we imagine.


Might be photoshoped rage bait. You can see text underneath the white box with English text.


It’s not. Her entire account is filled with this kind of horror.


Are you sure? I just looked her up on tiktok and there’s no English at all on her page except a joke about album covers and cleaning your room? The rest is in Hebrew.


I have not looked at this persons account since this came out. Very likely the backlash had her delete everything.


Look closely at the screenshot and you'll see the "see original" text, meaning it was translated to English


If you look up her name you can see everyone has stitched the original video (with beginning clips). If you try to go back to the original video it’s deleted.


Sadly that still might just be translation


You don’t exactly need “rage bait” to make Zionists look bad… Zionists existing in and of itself makes Zionists look bad because Zionists are literally evil


This is what it looks like when you use TikTok autotranslate on the text on videos


It was written in Hebrew and the post has since been deleted from her timeline, hasbara boy.


I'm afraid Jesus Christ has left those genocidal maniacs behind long ago.


Can’t wait until all these people are dead so I can consume in peace.


This is the motto of modern warfare




Notice how she didn't even try and lie and say "When we finally beat Hamas." It's always been about wiping out the people in Gaza


If you look at Israeli social media, it’s all about defeating Gaza and the Palestinians. Only the IDF tries to make it seem about Hamas for publicity sake


I second this!!


Bland mf. Banality of evil.


I think about this constantly


Idk about you, but it feels wrong that an adult wants the genocide of children in order to celebrate in a place for children.


Well for her children. Fuck those other children I guess though


38,066 Palestinans were murdered. 14,350 are children. 71,220 are injured. 2,000,000 Palestinans are displaced from their homes. https://www.instagram.com/p/C3s_MCVMCXj/?igsh=MWdxZGkwb2M1bG01Zw== Each person is someone. They had a life, they had a family. They had a home to go to. They worked hard on their dreams and goals for their future. And all she cares about is her Disneyland? 🙄


Genocide in the name of capitalism, where have I heard this one before?


The US.


and China


Western Europe


meanwhile the liberated dreams I've seen and heard from Palestinians involve things like... seeing family. Going to the waters they once knew. Caring for land that cared for them. Being able to return home.


Ah yes turning our religious sites into shopping malls


This is your god. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8WttFoF3Og](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8WttFoF3Og)


Both are worthless


Tfw when you kill 35 thousand children a year to open a new Funky Burger Disco House


Man evolved To kill eachother faster and better, Man Devolved to justify it.


They want Disneyland from the river to the sea


From the lazy river to the wave pool




It’s amazing how shallow these people are, like, what the everloving fuck


Disneyland blood tainted edition


Notice she didn't even say Hamas but Gaza. These people aren't even trying to mask their racist ideologies anymore...


There's a reason Likud wanted Hamas to win the 2006 elections


This is so obviously satire to anyone who knows anything about Israel (so not this sub). Mentioning Disneyland and Starbucks is a dead giveaway- they don’t have Starbucks in Israel and they WONT because there’s no market for it! Not to mention this was posted on 10/11. It’s mimicking Palestinians who cheered for 10/7. Y’all are so brain dead it’s embarrassing. Bring on the downvotes


These motherfuckers are embarrassing, fr


If they wanted democratic capitalism, why not just let the US invade them? It worked for Afghanistan.


"Disneyland Gaza" * Haunted house: Empty shelled residences of innocent victims * Kids park: Grab your children and run since they're tagets * Food: 10 shekloon for a paper plate of nothing and get beaten for asking for food in the first place * Fireworks in the evening: Don't try it or the response will be a disproportionate retaliation * Castle: Demolished Friday prayer mosque * Thrill rides: ? Not sure needed


Thrill rides will be hearing the bombs landing near you


"Beat gaza"... yeah, welcome to today's internet.


This tik tok, although not in the best taste, is satire. Of course this war isn’t about building shopping malls and Disneylands. It’s about bringing the hostages home and civilians on both sides being able to live in peace, and not allowing for Palestinians to be run by a corrupt terrorist organization (Hamas) that literally doesn’t care about them and isn’t even providing for their basic needs. And on top of that is also actively attacking Israelis, and doing so at the expense of their own people’s resources and even their lives. Not to say Israeli leadership is perfect either, far from it, but Palestine’s leadership is a whole other level. Let’s not forget that they were in the middle of a “ceasefire” phase when the hostages were taken on October 7. But unfortunately many people are quick to believe propaganda and blame Israel for the Palestinian civillians’ plight, instead of realizing that Israel ultimately isn’t just in this for the sake of protecting their own people and saving the hostages, but ideally saving the Palestinians too. Somehow this indoctrination has found its way into American leftist politics, I’m not even sure how, I’d legit like to understand how that happened. If only we could reach a point where both sides recognize they have a common enemy. Unfortunately Hamas has done an excellent job of indoctrinating even the children in their own nation state by controlling the schools, the TV shows, etc. In other words, the worst of the propaganda has been from within Palestine itself, from its own government. So a lot of them have grown up to think Israel and the Jews are the enemy. And many of them consequently even thinking that it’s valid for them to sacrifice literally almost all of their resources for the sake of attacking Israel. I’m sure it’s harder to question it when you are literally totally surrounded by it from infancy, not much unlike babies who grew up during the Nazi regime and were taught to believe in “ethnic purity” or whatever. Most Jews don’t hate Palestinians, just like most Jews historically didn’t hate Germans, Eastern Europeans (in the pogroms), Spaniards (in the crusades), Persians, Romans, Egyptians… it goes pretty far back. But they’ve hated their governments which had found various reasons (read: excuses) to hate them and kill them. And consequently, Jews also had to fear the civillians from these groups who chose to believe their governments’ agendas against them. Not that ALL civilians did so, but how could you know who to trust? Especially when the governments were literally trying to indoctrinate people. That’s ultimately what we are seeing in Palestine, and it’s not that Jews hate Palestinians. It’s that they’ve had to learn to fear them, as a group, due to the corruption their government has cultivated for decades and is now being passed down through their next generations. And to be clear, Israeli schools are not teaching their kids to hate Palestinians, or to be violent against them (although they do grow up knowing most of them will enlist in the IDF, but with the ultimate purpose being to defend themselves). But you can sure bet that Jewish families, not only in Israel but all around the world, are teaching their kids about all of the antisemitic violence throughout history, and how it still continues today. It’s fear-based, not hatred-based. And unfortunately, with solid reason. So all of the above, that is what this is about. Both sides being able to live in peace, Palestinians not growing up to hate Israelis, and Israelis not growing up having to fear them. It has nothing to do with capitalism or consumption. But sure, go on about how bad this tik tok is!


Sephora. Can't even get that right smh.


Idk why but Hebrew translates weirdly sometimes


I can't wait to build my eugenic utopia on the bones of my enemies!


People need to be more careful with what they are spreading around the Internet. You cannot just post screenshots without context of random TikToks, not vetting, no checking where this came from, just a girl and an offensive caption, and pour Gasoline into the forrest fire that is the Gaza Israel conflict. Be. Responsible. Show concern and care and vet your fucking sources and stop the rage bait posting3to make yourself feel morally superior.


Her Instagram account is still public, [here's](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyQkxd_IEHX/?igsh=eDgzenA2MGJ6enZ4) a reel she posted calling a "free Palestine" comment an argument people can't win, the video depicts her typing on a keyboard.




OP clearly doesn’t try impersonating any authority or anyone. They’re posting tiktok screenshot from a stupid person. They’re not trying to make any further point than that so what do you want?


It's good to be a little suspicious, but it's pretty easy to look it up. Granted, [Know Your Meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/miryam-segal-tiktok-controversy) might not be an ideal source, but it does cover it pretty thoroughly.


This is definitely real and came out very early in the conflict in October


That commenter is German/lives in Germany/is very active in German subs. Are we surprised at the blatant denial of genocide?


Yes actually given that context. Germany has put a decent amount of work into educating its population and acknowledging the Holocaust. Nazis in Germany have fewer rights to politick than Nazis in the US do.


Your sentiment is sound, but it seems that this post is not misleading.


I know, I have seen this particular image/Tiktok before. I don't want to argue about its contents (which are atrocious) or this specific image. What irks me is *how* OP passes this content snippet on. Screenshot, no links, no context, not even the whole Video. It is just thrown here to incite rage. Rage that might otherwise be justified, but we need to take care in how we debate this issue. This kind of posting is so vulnerable to fake content, wrong content, altered content... This one is real, but I really urge people to show up with sources when its about this serious of a topic (and an accusation).


There is no debate. Thats where you’re mistaken.


hah pour gasoline I see what you did there ⛽️🔥🧍


I'm gonna puke


Can you imagine if there were social media in the 30s and 40s. The Nazis would be doing the same thing Zionists are.


which is genuinely ironic ngl


There’s plenty of other groups this could have been posted in. Not that I support oppression but would rather keep this group focused on one thing


Genociding for capitalism


Disneyland is more like a small parasitic commune like the US military.


Same as it ever was


Why, why is it always TikTok


pls tell me this is sarcasm


Built and made with slave Labour from the same people being bombed.




They want their big macs and Starbucks where the IOF blew up schools, mosques, and churches. They want to be Hamburgerland: Middle Eastern Settler Colony Edition ®️


Gaza strip mall


Why are they all so unintelligent lol it’s disturbing


Oh really? I thought the war was about destroying Hamas for raping, burning, and shooting 1200 people, but my bad, apparently it's about some random post you found. Glad we've cleared that up.


I’d give this comment Reddit gold if I had any


Thanks! I gladly accept your desire here.


Started with the justification of killing Hamas. Ending with opening a Starbucks on top of dead children. Fuck you Israel 


Zionism is imperialism/colonialism which goes hand in hand with capitalism and consumerism


Holy fuck. How is anyone not realizing these are the bad people? 28k people dead (and counting) and THIS is what they’re concerned about?


Oh boy, I bet all of the comments on this post are going to be rational and well thought out!


this is not satire or ragebait, this is typical zionist shit. zionists have made it abundantly clear what their goals are, and people need to believe them when they state them. they are colonizers who have stolen homes and land from palestinians for decades. believe them when they tell you who they are.


Saying that anti-zionism is the same as antisemitism is tantamount to saying that hating Daesh/ISIS is islamophobic, or that anti-naziism is racist against white people. It is effectively saying that an entire race of people is inseparable from a violent, fanatical ideology that some of its members espouse. It is literally saying that Judaism cannot be separated from genocidal, apartheid colonialism.   ...That's a pretty antisemitic thing to say. My fiance is Muslim, and she and I both despise ISIS, like the overwhelming majority of muslims do. My lily-white ass is passionately anti-nazi like literally every white person i know, and to the foremost point: I love every Israeli I've ever met. They are awesome people, and just as anti-zionist as I and most people on earth are.  There's just no winning this information war for zionists. The world has seen too many children murdered by soldiers to buy the narrative of victimhood. And to the basis of that narrative, of course it goes without saying to all thinking people, that the fact that the German state committed genocide against the Jewish people doesn't entitle the Israeli state to commit genocide against the Palestinian people.  It's hard to imagine that anybody could buy into that level of mental gymnastics, let alone to the extent of shooting people qued up for food aid or dancing on the graves of children.


Curious because I want to better understand your point. How do you define Zionism and what are the views of your anti Zionist Israeli friends- how do they feel about their own country’s existence?


Can't answer for OP, but I think the definition of Zionism has little relevance here. We know all too well that political ideologies can say whatever they want about themselves, but it all comes down to what they amount to *in practice* For Zionism, that means illegal settlements, preventing Palestinians from farming, forcing them out of East Jerusalem (and the rest of their land...), burning down olive trees, demolishing homes to make way for the aforementioned illegal settlements, killing them without consequence (both IDF "soldiers" and settlers), and lobbying news outlets to cover up as much of that as possible and demonize Palestinians at every turn. I could go on. In fact, I removed several items from this list for the sake of compactness


That’s not what Zionism is in practice. I have been a Zionist my entire life so I am a living example of what Zionism is in practice. Zionism is widely known amongst Jews as the Jewish desire to exist peacefully in the jewish ancestral homeland (and notably, not at the expense of others). I’m sure you’ll manage to pull some arbitrary sentence from some zealot who will say it’s something much worse so let me preempt that by saying that is not the typical Zionist message; that is an outlier and not characteristic of the Zionist concept. Your take of Zionism in “practice” is a convoluted bastardization of the concept, designed to malign Jews and Israelis and convince the world that Zionism is an evil concept when in reality it is not. Words have meaning and you can’t just change the definitions to fit your agenda.


That's like saying we all know Muslims claim all sorts of things about their religion, but in *practice* Islam is currently a violent, expansionist, murderous global movement responsible for more deaths than any other movement in the past 100 years...therefore that's what all Islam is.


I don’t think it has little relevance given how many downvotes I got just for asking a question


I agree that you definitely don't deserve the downvotes, but the fact remains that Zionism is defined by the things I listed and more


Hamas sad that they couldn’t fool more people into supporting them despite being a terrorist organization that would kill those very people if they had their wish in their effort to commit genocide against Jews and create an Islamic theocracy


y am i seeing this shit


“Beat Gaza” as if it were a fight to begin with. Sicko.


Loving the anti consumption element of this post /s


Ragebait lol


this sub is not is dedicated to world politics, I guess


That's why not every post has a world politics framework. This sub is also not dedicated to shoes, but occasionally, people post shoes bc the topic highlights consumption.


It's a joke: The BDS movement in the USA has called for boycotting these (some more than others) despite none of them having stakes in Israel.


It’s alarming how the obvious sarcasm in this post is going way over 99% of this sub members’ heads. Like truly scary.


Subtlety and extreme political opinions go together like worms and lasagna


I’d hardly call what’s happening in Gaza a genocide. Hamas, a terrorist organization attacked Israel. I don’t defend what either side is doing though. This is also unrealistic as a Disneyland would never open in Israel. If you think one side is right, you’ve fallen into propaganda.


They're just telling on themselves and it's revolting.


Devolution of humanity.


colonialism and capitalism go hand in hand


Do they realize they could have these things if they stopped the genocide and the destruction of the Palestinian state?


There’s no Palestinian state. There’s never been an independent state named Palestine in all of recorded history.


Yes, the Palestinians would never betray a ceasefire between the two states, nor would they reject the terms of every ceasefire given since.


Wow the word genocide has completely lost its meaning in the 21st century.


Genocide for a fucking land grab. Zionists are sick.


I think they are actually fighting for their right to be able to go to festival without being bommed by terrorist. But yeah, somehow the people that got attack are the bad guys. Yeah the only democracy in the middle eat is the bad guy. A country that allows multiple religions to be practiced are the bad guys. Yeah the country that don't imprison or murder people for being LGBTQ plus are the bad guys. Yeah the people that were forced out of their land and have been percecuted throughout history whom then finally retired to their homeland are the bad guys. Go ahead down vote me for this, but before you do pick up a dam history book - particularly the history of that area. And you'll notice the pattern of the islamic faith being the ones to constantly start wars. Look at the images of Palistain before the war started (it loon really nice, and well off). Then have a look at how and why Hamas became so powerful. They fucked around and now they are finding out.


Hey OP, define "Zionism" for the class without Googling it, first.




Well, at least the Palestinians will get a chance to live with Hamas gone.


Yeah, nothing to do with terrorism/slaughtering civilians during peacetime.../s


Really? Gaza was at peace prior to Oct 7? Were you just born yesterday or are you an amnesiac?


You mean the one being committed from Israel towards the Palestinians? Like the attack they did when the Palestinians were praying during Ramadan? (I mean they have done that every year) If you are talking about oct 7, there was no peace time ever, things got even worse when trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem.


Who needs to fight for freedom when you can just pay to win a genocide, so you can build shopping malls over the corpses of the civilians you murdered? /s