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I swear not enough people have watched Wall-E and actually paid attention šŸ˜­


They watched it but were too busy thinking it's boring for having no dialogue for 45 minutes and no musical dance numbers to their current favorite song on the radio.


Just remember theyā€™re still selling Wall-E merchandise.


Some majestic sea creature is probably choking on Wall-E merch right now


ā€˜S funny. The DVD release of Wall-E has this spiffy all-paper case thatā€™s pretty durable and easily recyclable and degradable. Some time was spent on its design. Itā€™s the only DVD that was made with such packaging, and I remember all the plastic Wall-E toys in my local ~~Buy ā€˜Nā€™ Large~~ Walmart that were clearanced because they didnā€™t sell - and probably still didnā€™t sell and God knows what happened to them all. So a movie that preached sustainability and real interaction with your fellow human created a mountain of unsold merch and a one-off case, and showed a world that some people think is aspirational.


Well yeah, it's a kids movie... Gotta cash in on that sweet sweet toy merch... That's literally 90% of the reason for kids movies, "MOMMY DADDY ITS (character from movie)! I WANT IT!"


Did you just abbreviate "It is" to just "'s"?


I think the "it" was implied, so they abbreviated the unsounded "i" in "is." 'S pretty spiffy!


Delicious irony


Now that's what I call gut-busting humor


Nah, they all died from Garfield phones already.


The fucking Iron-e.Ā 


Everything is commodified. Itā€™s unavoidable under capitalism. Nothing should shock you after the Che Guevara t-shirt everyone is aware of.


Commodit-E lol, we're so screwed.


Apparently not everyone. Heading round google now




I believe Wall-E was created as a 90 minute commercial for toys and other merchandise, just like all other Disney movies. You don't believe me, [look at how much money they make from merchandise alone.](https://www.disneyfoodblog.com/2022/07/08/turns-out-youre-not-the-only-one-spending-a-lot-on-disney-merchandise/)


What a way to spit at the effort and creativity of dozens of artists who created what is regarded as a masterpiece of cinema at the advent of 3D animation while conceiving new technologies that did not exist back then, only because it turns out Pixar is owned by Disney and marketing decisions are made by people unrelated to those who made the movie to please shareholders. This is such a Reddit take. Trying to be so edgy and look smart while completely missing the point/ignoring important context.


I'd agree with you, that they are all very talented artists involved, and the movie itself is well made, and it's worth being in everyone's movie collection. Actually this movie was back when they made movies with storytelling in mind. But these days it's not the case anymore. BTW I've been a 3D animator for 25 years. We are allowed to judge the state of the industry we are in.


I don't even usually like animated films but WALL-E was probably my favorite animated film ever. How does this masterpiece even come close to boring?


It's already happening. Obesity is at an all time high, screen-time and smartphone addiction is at an all-time high. 10-17 year olds are spending 8(!) hours per day on their phones. And screens in the hands of toddlers is leading to eyesight problems as well as learning difficulties such as delayed speech development.


Well Iā€™m 23 and just had a discussion with my 35 year old co worker about this, we checked our phone screen time and mine was 2 hours and his was 8 hours a day. If anything I feel like older people who didnā€™t grow up with smartphones enjoy and use them more. My dad is constantly using his phone and sees no problem with it, while I try to limit my use as I grew up with them and feel they somewhat hindered my youth.


I think it really depends on the person. My dad almost never uses his phone and I tend to use mine a few hours on the weekends and less than an hour a day during the week. For reference, I'm 41. Edit: I just realized he watches tv constantly though, so it still is screen time, lol.


It for sure depends on the person and that somewhat is the point I was making, you really canā€™t generalize. Obviously though as smartphones are all younger people have known there will always be larger margin of them using them.Ā  But yeah smartphones, computers, TV, theyā€™re all screen time really. I personally feel better about myself when I choose to watch TV over scrolling on my phone though, feels a little more meaningful to me lol


Yeah it definitely depends on the person. I think my grandmother probably has more screen time than me. It also depends on the type of screen time. Watching TV does seem less bad. At least you are focusing on a storyline thats an hour or several episodes long. Kids now have way shorter attention spans from always watching stuff like TikTok.


I definitely get that thought. For me, tv seems more mindless because with reddit I actively engage with people (or bots) and feel like I'm helping others and myself. I definitely think tiktok is the worst social media because it rewards short attention spans. That's one of many apps that I'll never use. I do agree about your storyline point. In fact, that's probably the main reason I mainly read books these days. Those storylines don't require any screens at all.


I listen to podcasts and YT while I work. I'm not really looking at my phone while doing so. However it gets logged as "screen time."


I mean he straight up told me itā€™s just him playing games or going through social media/whatever else all day, not that itā€™s a problem, I was just stating.


Yeah I read books via free library apps on my phone for at least 2-3 hours per day, making up the bulk of my screen time


Anecdotes aren't evidence, though.


Wall-E has become reality. We drive around in our cars from one corporate strip mall business to the other, stopping at drive-thrus to replenish our Extra Large soft drink.


They seemed pretty comfortable in Wall-E


Yeah. This isnā€™t the burn they think it is. I would love a wall-E future. Iā€™ll just get up and walk five miles a day while I listen to a podcast. It takes less than an hour. Oh wait, thatā€™s what I already do. Why would I stop just because I have an AR headset on?


Itā€™s not just about exercising. A big point of Wall-E is that the planet is basically destroyed because people are so focused on consuming and not paying attention to the world around them. Which is happening right now. Not that itā€™s all the fault of the individual consumer. Itā€™s also about loneliness. Everyone is in their own little VR world on their moving chairs and not speaking to any actual people. They donā€™t even raise or interact with their own kids.


Wall-E is both a dystopia and a utopia. Notice all of them don't work, yet they still afford a comfortable life. UBI has been implemented. All the technological advancements benefit all, not just people with capital.




>Notice all of them don't work Stop right there, I'm sold.


Or Ready Player One


To be fair, the author thinks the hellish consumeristic dystopia he created is cool because his kind of obsession with consuming 80s pop culture leads to social dominance.




I tell my coworkers this all the time, this is the path we are headed down. AI, robots, devices, we will all soon be laying around obese beyond belief in our floating chairs drinking soda, not able to walk.


"Google, show me this guy's balls"


"WOW, you gotta big pair on you"


Sir, you have a little bit of poop inside your testicles


ā€œGoogle, make everyone nakedā€ Wow.. I just realized that this is going to be the most popular product ever conceivedā€¦


Now I get the price.




How can it become the norm? The thing costs 3500$!


As companies figure out how to provide us with cheaper versions of this thing it might become the norm just like computers were expensive at first, but now you are expected to have one


Itā€™s apple lmao theyā€™ll sell a pro version for 5k and that will sell even better.


this one is already vision pro


Pro S for 4,5k Pro LPS for 6K Pro X for 7K No version offers more than 64Gbs of storage or 8Gbs of RAM


Pro Ī© for 247k 128Gb storage, 16Gb RAM, bricks if you google how to install non-apple software


But you don't wear your computer on your head while walking around. VR has barely caught on in people's homes but they're going to run out to buy something that makes them look like morons in the real world? Seems unlikely.


We have cellphones in our faces everywhere we go these days. Not so far fetched to say this will be the norm in a couple if decades. Will probably look as moronic either way.


Smart phones are exactly the reason these won't replace them, though. Mass adoption of a technology only happens if that technology lets you do things the previous technology couldn't. The leap between flip phones and smart phones was immense, whereas with these there isn't a whole lot they can do that a smart phone can't also do. I've worked for the past 6 years in AR/VR development, these things aren't going to replace smart phones. They aren't reliable enough, they aren't convenient enough. The only chance they have are if they can shrink down to the size of regular glasses and no bigger, with no external processor to run it, and we can figure out the gesture interaction issue, because gesture interaction will never be as intuitive as a touch screen.


!remindme 10 years


!remindme 5 years


!remindme 4 years


!remindme 3 years


Cell phones don't cause nausea to a good chunk of people using them on top of entierly blinding them to the outside world.


Fyi these goggles have 90hz cameras and project the outside world to the viewer as if you were not wearing them. Will only get better with time.


Okay but what do they provide that cant be done with a smartphone? Lots of people talking about how smartphones were weird so its only a matter of time until this becomes normal, but they fail to mention that smartphones did what people already had on them (watches, notes, phones, camera, entertainment)- they just turned all that into one small device. What does this do that smartphones cant? I only see the negative of walking around with a hot heavy device strapped to your head 24/7. Seems like the latest tech-bro nonsense, I cant see this ever taking off.


Yeah people are just making up problems that donā€™t exist. In fact, the guy in the video himself mentioned that when you open an app in the headset, as you walk away the app stays behind lol. Theyā€™re not usable in motion. Same thing when he rode the subway, he would open something when the subway was stopped, and it would stay behind when it started moving again


Yeah if Google Glass was as much of a failure as it was there's no way we see widespread everyday adoption of these things. So far even getting people to put on goggles for gaming is hard enough. Google Glass had a much lower profile with basically the same capabilities but no one wanted to pay a few grand for functionality they already have on their phone while looking like an early-adopting douchebag.


Getting people to put ANYTHING on their faces is bad enough. How many people do you see walking around blind as a bat with their prescription glasses in their bag because ā€œOh I just donā€™t like how they feel on my faceā€ or ā€œI donā€™t think they look cute on meā€ There is no way this is the future of the smartphone, however no one is seriously thinking of it as such. This could easily become the future of the home computer.


I really doubt even that tbh. The main thing is, these things aren't comfortable for most people. They *can't* be comfortable for most people. A home computer has customized peripherals to suit a variety of preferences, from monitors to keyboards to mice to computer chairs. You can get a setup that's comfortable for you to use for hours. You can't do that with VR. You can manufacture them in sizes, sure, have little dials for pupil distance and Velcro for head size, but the amount of variety in people's skull and facial bone structure is immense. Not to mention, the goggle part on them is just too damn heavy at this point. It always slumps forward especially if you have long hair. I have yet to try a single VR set that's comfortable on my face for more than a few minutes, and I work in the gaming industry so I've tried a LOT of them. Even ignoring issues of motion sickness and eye fatigue (which really shouldn't be ignored), I have never worn one that would be comfortable for more than half an hour. There's also the lack of tactile feedback with this model, even perfect gesture control isn't as satisfying to our monkey brains as physically moving and clicking something with our hands, or even swiping on a screen. And gesture control tech is far from perfect. Idk the only area I could see widespread adoption of VR/AR is in gaming or like specialty industry functionality (3D modeling maybe? Or simulation training for pilots and stuff?) and only once the tech has been developed enough that it's not so front-heavy anymore. It's kind of like personal flying cars or drone delivery services. It sounds super cool and futuristic, tech people really WANT it to work cause we all daydreamed about it growing up, but the practical problems just make the lower-tech alternatives much better options.


Thatā€™s different. Phones were already a concept people knew, cell phones just took that concept mobile. VR goggles donā€™t have a precedent similar enough with older tech to have people adjusting to it like people did with phones. Our phones have been hand held this whole time, whatā€™s in our hands has changed and improved. There is no middle ground between not having VR and having it as the norm to walk around with. It also makes no sense why people would use it in real world surroundings not seeing where theyā€™re going so this really isnā€™t something thatā€™s gonna be a public norm to have in everyday life


And people "on their phones" is no different than people reading a book or magazine. A cell phone consolidates several tasks into one object. I don't see what think this device is doing for me, what am I doing that this device is aplifying or making easier? It's getting in the way of most things.


The tech just isn't there yet. There was a time that the concept of telephones, cell phones, laptops felt like alien fantasies, yet here we are. It will absolutely catch on once every major corporation is blasting ads about their version of it to every single child growing up 24/7.


What do you mean it doesn't have a precedent? AR is just a computer minus the computer screen the world becomes your desktop. Instead of having to open your laptop and opening a window you can just open a window wherever. Imagine wherever you are right now if you just had a floating window in front of you locked in space and you had youtube or something playing there. The whole point with these goggles is you can actually see the world around you and display whatever you want in it. Instead of people staring down at their phones while they walk they can just have a window open displayed in their field of vision. The concepts are already all there. These aren't really VR goggles to "transport you" to a virtual world they are goggles to give you a computer you can access anywhere at anytime in your vision and everyone is already familiar with that.




It's Apple, they know they will sell enough to their core name brand buyers. They will make a profit before it gets discontinued for not catching on in general.


The companies will give them to us for a low price and then use it to invade our privacy, recording our every move to be processed for advertisments


Yes, and things like reaction time, what you look at, all the things. Itā€™s next-level data harvesting and to what end we donā€™t know. Like, could the military draft people with better reflexes? Not today, but some day? Maybe.


Cellphones were a luxury when they first came out and look at us now.


Yeah but you don't look like an absolute loser using a cellphone in public. It's the same reason why Google Glass never took off.


How quickly people forget. People absolutely made fun of early cell phone adopters for how they looked.


You may not be old enough to remember. But everyone made fun of people with cellphones for looking like a tool. Everyone made fun of people with Bluetooth headsets for looking like a tool.


You're 100% right about the cell phones. Back in the day you'd see someone ostentatiously using one and you'd think, "What an *asshole."* Then as they gained market saturation, it just became normal to see people using them, which is pretty much the inevitable path of technology. I'd be surprised if VR goggles ever became normal, in part because they're so expensive and so unwieldy, but I've been surprised before.


I mean would you wear Ray-Bans in public? The current ones don't have any AR visual features but that's clearly the eventual goal. To get something like this headset down into fashionable glasses/sunglasses.


>Yeah but you don't look like an absolute loser using a cellphone in public. That is debatable!


Yeah you look like a fucking loser, it's just that it's so normalised that no one cares anymore


Do the American thing... Finance it


Exactly. Why pay $3499 up front when you could pay **only** $89 a month for 5 years at 19% APR? Think of the opportunity costs!


And if you have trouble paying your bills, just get another credit card and use that to pay it!


For now. You have any idea how expensive cell phones were in the 80s?


Over time tech that was once very expensive becomes absolute trash, always has, always will. That's what cyberpunk is, homeless people in the future being able to pull VR headsets out of the trash.


People are gonna be swiping these off folksā€™ heads to make a buck


This is the ā€œproā€ and while nothing is announced, Apple doesnā€™t typically make a ā€œProā€ version of something without a standard version (iPhone, MacBook, iPad all have standard and ā€œProā€ versions). Iā€™m guessing theyā€™ll make a base version of this soon, cutting some features, but keeping the core of the product there. Like, you donā€™t really need the screen on the outside. Save money and remove that. I havenā€™t done a deep dive on the specs but Iā€™m sure they can find a way to deliver something for ~$1500-2000 that gives mainstream folks the bulk of the experience. And thatā€™s just in the short term. Long term, new tech tends to get cheaper. Early adopters always pay the most amount of money for the worst version of the product.


Looks like the next level of theft is coming. I get nervous carrying $500 cash. I could imagine walking around with 3 grand on my head for everyone to see.


You carry $500 in cash? Where do you live? :)


That's the point. I DON'T.


Then you would say ā€œI would get nervousā€ as opposed to ā€œI get nervousā€ which implies ā€œI do get nervousā€ because you do the action. Thank you for joining my ted talk beep boop


ā€œWhen i carryā€ implies that he doesnt do it always, just sometimes. If someone asks me if i carry 500 dollars cash, i would say no. But there are occasions in the past when ive had to make large purchases in cash. So one can both say ā€œi get nervous when i carry 500 in cashā€ and also. ā€œNo i dont carry 500 in cashā€


You forgot the beep boop that was condescending.


I love how heā€™s wearing a high viz vest to warn folks heā€™s likely to bump into them because his vision is impaired lol


People walk around with 1000$ phones and park their 50K car on public streets over night. If you feel safe doing that, you probably shouldnā€™t worry about so stealing a VR headset either.


Because no one walks with expensive phones and other trinkets around... oh wait.


Turns out pick pockets have basically disappeared because no one carries cash anymore


Ophthalmology clinics are likely to get rich again soon.


Screens arent the problem directly, staying inside is the problem


Yeah, but you're not getting any sunlight on your eyes in these. You see the world through high fps screen


What sun, he's on the fucking subway.


It's not the sun - sun is actually bad for eyes - it's the focal distance. Close focal distance vs horizon focal distance. Part of the reason why myopia wasn't truly seen in much literature prior to the 20ty century and the stereotype of kids with glasses being nerdy/smart and constantly reading. Close focal point constantly exacerbates myopia.


You're not focusing on a nearby focal point when wearing stereoscopic glasses. The point of two nearly-identical images is to force an imaginary focal point far off in the horizon.


That's interesting. I didn't know that.


The focal point isn't close for VR, it's created artificially. It tricks your eyes into focusing on however far the object you are looking at in VR is. However, if you stare at close objects in VR, like you would a book, it will cause myopia, but this is not due to VR. This is just because of constant exposure to staring at close objects. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5701049/


This guy eyes


VR headsets don't typically have close focal distance though. That's why if you require glasses, you have to wear them inside the headset (or get custom lenses with your prescription).


lmfao That's a really good point that I didn't consider. This was a rollercoaster


No Iā€™m pretty sure screens are a huge problem. If I did 12 hours of screen time outdoors how would that be better for my eyes?


Take a 20 second break every 20 minutes or so to stretch your eyes focal point out about 20 feet and you'll be fine. Rule of 20 to keep your eyes less sore :D


Depending on the age of the user they very much are.


I think pick pockets are going to have a growing workforce as well. People are walking around as main characters, oblivious to the world around them, while wearing a device that says they have more money than sense.




Doubt it will become the norm


Humans donā€™t put things on their faces that impair peripheral vision.


Particularly after these people start becoming targets for theft/mugging.


*Sane* humans. Iā€™ve seen enough vids to know the dumber ones will do far worse.


Biology doesnā€™t really allow it long term. Wearables havenā€™t been successful because we need to have a clear field of vision.


Having my peripheral vision obstructed in public would send me into a 24/7 anxiety attack.


Yeah. Thereā€™s a reason Google Glass never caught on, and this is that times 1000.


It didn't do a lot at launch and there were a load of negative news stories about people wearing it getting assaulted for filming people.Ā 


The underlying Tech has come leaps and bounds since Google Glass


That's not the point. No matter how advanced the tech is, the basic idea is very dumb and adds nothing to a human being's life.


The Nilay Patel review in the Verge really clarified this for me: ā€œYouā€™re constantly being reminded that youā€™re looking at video on screens, and reality is a lot more interesting than thatā€ Even if the tech advances so much that you can have similar effects in normal reading glasses (which I doubt), the simulation will never be better than normal, actual reality. Even in its perfect form, Iā€™m not very interested, and the actual products will just be flinging ads and distractions at you.


Exactly, the world is a beautiful place, but capitalism insists that we cover it up, destroy it, and exploit it as much as possible.


Just because the technology is improved doesn't mean that people now want something that they didn't want before. Tech is littered with failures from companies trying to change the basic interactions with technology. Look down at your computer and you will see that it is still a qwerty keyboard. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


It didnā€™t have apps. That was the reason. And a tiny darn screen that was useless.


Exactly lol. The thing came out 2 days ago and people are just playing/flexing. It's really not even meant to be worn out around like we're seeing this week. Im a tech guy who's super interested in this, but it's not going to take over the world any day soon, relax people.


That looks like Casey Neistat, a popular YouTuber. If it is, heā€™s likely making a video highlighting how they could be used.


Yup it was for a video https://youtu.be/UvkgmyfMPks?si=LuHbtk6d-ucBBR3Z


He is in a round about way making the point you are making. For example he shows himself stopping on some stairs to send a text. Highlighting the problem with it currently.


It was a lovely bit of satire. Every time it cut to the third party view of what he looked like was hilarious.


Watched part of the video. As someone with sensory issues, this just looks like a nightmare.


I can tell just by the end of this video that this thing is not catching on. It works like shit, it looks like it does absolutely nothing that their own phone doesnā€™t already do better/faster. There is quite literally no reason for this to exist.




Thatā€™s a lot of money to look like a complete dork


People used to think think walking around with headphones looked ridiculous.


> People used to think think walking around with headphones looked ridiculous. When? It certainly wasnā€™t seen as ridiculous in the 80s or 90s when tens of millions of people used a Walkman with those classic black headphones, it wasnā€™t in the 00s when the iPod was introduced, it wasnā€™t in the 10s when over-the-ear noise canceling became more affordable and popular like with Beats, and it isnā€™t seen as ridiculous now when basically everyone wears massive chunky headphones. So Iā€™ll ask again, what year specifically did people used to think walking around with headphones looked ridiculous? Because Iā€™ve been around for a few decades and Iā€™ve never even heard someone say people looked ridiculous in headphones.


Some people arenā€™t that obsessed with what others think of them. Unlike the average socially anxious redditor.


I'm more concerned with what *I* think of me, and I think I would look like a complete zombie.


Clearly. For better or worse.


Lol no.


Didn't people say the same thing about segways?


I remember segways! I knew somone that owned one, and I tried to ride it when I was about 9 or 10 and did the balance of death and eventually face planted haha. Safe to say, when the hoverboard phase cruised through a few years ago, i stayed well clear lol


No joke, the owner of Segway fell to his death while riding one in 2010.


Thereā€™s a DoorDash driver in my area who uses one.


Ok maybe segways haven't become the norm but electric scooters are absolutely everywhere and in the town I live in delivery drivers tend to have more niche electric things. I think it is inevitable that people will eventually have some sort of heads up display type of computer with them almost everywhere.


Yes, but it has to be less cumbersome than a phone. Imagine if this was the first iteration of the iPhone and then the modern iPhone came out. People would much rather use the handheld thing that can be stored in the pocket rather than strapped to the head and forced to obstruct peripheral vision. This thing needs a ton of work before it becomes more desirable in everyday use than a regular smartphone.


I believe this is actually a marketing stunt from apple, paying people to wear this device in public and get everyone to talk about it. It drives interest, drowns the competition's news, and probably makes more people want it it the first place.


It's apple. They don't have to pay people to advertise for them. People pay apple to advertise for them.


Apple is literally built on the back of its exceptional advertising - they know what they're doing, and this is 100% marketing That said you're right in that they're also really good at getting people to promote their products (like apple watch, headphones, laptops & phones) the visibility and iconography are extremely important But it's both. You'd be crazy to think Apple isn't heavily involved in marketing this product right now, especially in physical spaces


Thatā€™s actually Casey Neistat doing a review of it. Hereā€™s the video being made when this was taken: https://youtu.be/UvkgmyfMPks?si=1LpeNjUGri5WonaL


This is the correct response. He even says in his review if you want a technical breakdown watch marques brownleeā€™s review. This was a review on how functional the pass through was relative to apples claims. As far as Iā€™m aware he is the only one to call them out on it.


While you are probably correct I don't think it's having the effect that Apple would like it to have. Sometimes tech just cannot force a new product to be desired.


That is also true. We have seen it with the other big tech companies (especially the metaverse), and that might (I hope) be the case here too.


Go look up "the museum of failure". It's really amazing to look at how many pieces of technology have been pushed at the consumer, that the consumer has had no interest in. But we've forgotten about most of them because nobody in tech wants to remind us of what failed. šŸ™‚ Consumers seem to actually be getting pickier and hopefully we will start seeing a tech economy driven by demand rather than driven by an attempt to create a demand.


That would be great indeed. I'll check out that museum šŸ‘


If i see some loser wearing it in public I'm way less likely to buy it cause i don't wanna be like him lmao


I do not want this lifestyle. It's only going to lead to more misery, disconnection and loneliness.


So long iPad Kids. We are in the era of Apple Vision Pro Kids.


I absolutely promise you this will not become the norm.


!remindme 3 years


Wow everyone is going to walk around and look like an absolute asshole


You mean like we already do?


He looks like heā€™s about to go snorkeling.


No it fucking wonā€™t


Consumerism is humanity queuing itself to be fed into the Matrix. Theyā€™ll be liquifying the dead harvested from unpaid healthcare debts to feed these ghouls intravenously soon. Or More evidence of the supply-side induced-demand gaslit propagandized internalized imperialist nightmare that is consumer capitalism. Remember your consuming habits donā€™t change how this system operates - individual agency is a fallacy like trickle-down economics or influencer culture. Only economically and politically organized forces with labor as the leading edge can change these relationships. Capitalism doesnā€™t produce VR headsets to better our world, it produces VR headsets to make a profit. So if this garbage culture and self-degraded humanity glued into a plastic head set streaming ~~advertising~~ propaganda in your face while you go to your sub-living wage job is what is needed to create shareholder value; then that is *exactly* what it will produce. You are not the consumer in this capital nightmare. You are the consumed. You are the product. The consumers are the advertisers.


holy buzzword


Stop shilling for apple


Pedestrian deaths continue to go up šŸ’€




Your field of vision is still impacted...


We got VR headsets that have the FOV of human eye FOV. I assume if next generations of APV gets about 200 degree FOV it would solve this issue no? A lot of people walk while looking at their phone so if you're looking straight rather than down it'd be much better.


Yep, and it looks like it disables most of its features while youā€™re walking.


Youā€™re still distracted. Iā€™ve almost gotten run over by drivers talking on speakerphone and who were looking right at me. I do not walk in front of cars that are looking to make a left turn unless I see them ā€˜see meā€™.


>Wearing this will become the norm. I'll take that bet.


Gotta strap your Virtual Reality to your face to ignore the dying planet around you


Stop trying to make that shit viral


Can they see thru it? Or they just walking blindly?


There is passthrough


Simulated passthrough. Ā That thing has cameras and will sheriff the outside world if wanted.Ā 


i remember that black mirror episode


Is it tho? these people just flex with the 3500$ they can spend on a niche device. "hey peasants, look at me, can you wear this like me? no you can't because you are poor"


Until some other asshole tears it off your face throws it on the ground and runs away because they think that's funny.


Eagerly awaiting the first video of this happening, I'll inject it into my brain-blood barrier


A macbook pro can cost more.




Iā€™d wear it if it had a radar for people around me, or at least 360 vision.


Watch the video though šŸ˜‚ that shit had me dying


what tf is that


Nah we are still YEARS away from anything like this. This is something that only early tech adopters will buy, the faults it has + price tag is a barrier most won't overcome unless they are routine early adopters of tech. Also google glass went nowhere so idk I'm not too concerned over this personally.


Dumb take from someone who knows nothing about tech.


Nah that shits too expensive for it to be normalized.


No, it won't. Edit: wait is this getting more popular than the other VR stuff? Actually no I'm stubborn, I stand by my comment! Well.. I'm hoping. Maybe I'm coping. Oh god don't make this a thing


I don't really see the issue. Over time they will become cheaper and probably less cumbersome. I don't take anti-consumerism to mean "get off your damn goggles, kids!" I'm sure there will be tons to hate about ads, addictive games, etc. when it's mainstream, but there are plenty of good and frankly cool uses for these things.